Is walking every day enough?



  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    I totally rate walking as an exercise form. It's cheap and easy to do. Difficult to make much money coaching people to walk, however :) These days people put so much effort into HIIT etc because they get the same energy expenditure in a shorter time, and I get that. But the energy taken to climb a hill is the same whether you walk or run, the difference is the power (energy/second). You need more power to run up the hill, sure, but it's energy that matters. that's why it's calories in, calories out, not watts in, watts out.

    Not quite true, due to mechanical efficiency walking uses about 1/2-2/3 the energy of running.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    Walking is great. It's good cardio exercise and easily accessible. I mostly exercise by walking, often times walking laps inside my air conditioned hours for 30-60 minutes because it's unbearably hot outdoors right now. It is something I can do long term and fit into my regular schedule. So, that means I am more likely to adhere to it long term.

    If you haven't incorporated strength training, you might consider doing so. You can start small with some hand weights. (Or if you don't have hand weights yet, use 2 cans of vegetables or 2 water bottles in lieu of weights at first. Or just do the exercises without weights in your hands). It doesn't have to be an hour long session either. Start with something small and add more exercises into your routine every few days or each week. I personally prefer an exercise ball, some cheap hand weights, and a simple workout DVD that I can work into my regular routine. But you can also google "strength training without a gym" to come up with ideas on what might work for you.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I walk (and practice Pilates) because they make me feel good. So much so that I considered trying running but at 62 my knees are good (knock wood) and I don’t want to risk injury. I’m happy doing what I do and I stick with it.

    running can actually be good for your knees
  • PatriciaJane69
    PatriciaJane69 Posts: 13 Member
    Not sure how you can add friends yet but if anyone wants to add me please feel free, :D