Teachers or Future Teachers



  • JoLeeFA
    JoLeeFA Posts: 211 Member
    Oh yea, forgot to tell you - - - - I went back to my old gym for the first time in over 6 months, met with the owner/trainer/RN - - - She has me set up with a plan.. I go back to gym exercise, esp strength training on MONDAY (after my 8-5 meeting LOL)
  • mlm7126
    mlm7126 Posts: 30 Member
    So glad to see all of the teachers on here!!! I am starting my fifth year as a school librarian...I am at a rural middle school in Western New York. It is really hard to stay on track with healthy choices - lots of faculty room treats and eating on the go. I'm hoping to keep up my summer running schedule into the school year in order to shed some of these pounds. Good luck to all!
  • Just found this post - Hello to all of you HEROS! (I mean teachers!)
    I am fellow educator as well, really scared of the school year starting on Monday!
    Please friend me if you need some school year support like I do! :)
  • I just found this thread. I haven't had time to read it all yet, but wanted to reply before I lost it...

    I teach kids with severe/profound mental disabilities at a center school (only special ed). This will be my 8th year. I have taught everything from elementary to age 22. This year I'll be teaching high school aged students.
  • lcamanda
    lcamanda Posts: 28
    I joined here (myfitnesspal) because I'm (hopefully) a future teacher. Got licensed back in May (6-12 social studies in IL) and the job hunt and lack of any successes has led me to get pretty down and eat everything in sight. The closer to the start of the school year, the worse it has gotten.

    Congrats to all of you who have or who have found jobs this year :)
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    I joined here (myfitnesspal) because I'm (hopefully) a future teacher. Got licensed back in May (6-12 social studies in IL) and the job hunt and lack of any successes has led me to get pretty down and eat everything in sight. The closer to the start of the school year, the worse it has gotten.

    Congrats to all of you who have or who have found jobs this year :)
    I totally understand where you are coming from. I'm in Il as well and teaching is the worst job market. It took me so long to find a job and it's not even in my original field. I spent the summer sending in resumes etc and did not get on bite. It makes me sad. Feel free to add me! We can help each other out.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I am starting my 18th year of teaching math in a suburban middle school. I love it!! I would love to be a part of this group. Please friend me:-)
  • olpbabe
    olpbabe Posts: 89
    Yay teachers! I teach at a great school outside of New Orleans. This is my 8th year. We just started on Thursday with the kids, and I guess I'm not used to standing all day again, because my feet were killing me at the end of Thursday and Friday! I make sure I bring my own lunch and have so far resisted any sweets. I pack my own snacks! I also bought a great 74ish oz water bottle at Whole Foods, and sip that all day long and at lunch. I'm usually almost finished by the time school is over. All that talking makes a girl thirsty! Feel free to add me for a friend!
  • lcamanda
    lcamanda Posts: 28
    I joined here (myfitnesspal) because I'm (hopefully) a future teacher. Got licensed back in May (6-12 social studies in IL) and the job hunt and lack of any successes has led me to get pretty down and eat everything in sight. The closer to the start of the school year, the worse it has gotten.

    Congrats to all of you who have or who have found jobs this year :)
    I totally understand where you are coming from. I'm in Il as well and teaching is the worst job market. It took me so long to find a job and it's not even in my original field. I spent the summer sending in resumes etc and did not get on bite. It makes me sad. Feel free to add me! We can help each other out.

    Are you at least in some teaching or aid position now? Still looking for your ideal? I'm trying to stay positive. Almost have everything set up to sub for 2 districts near me (IL sure has a ton of hoops to jump through even for that!) and at least that will be a foot in the door for sometime in the future :)

    Have added you as a pal as well.
  • ktmccorkell
    ktmccorkell Posts: 79 Member
    I would also like to join this group. I'm not a teacher but I do work in a school as a Special Ed Para. The school year is hard with all the candy and junk that is there! I'm hoping that I will have enough willpower to stay away from it this year!!
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    Way to go, teachers! I say the September goal should be to resist all snacks in the staff room - that's always been my downfall!

    I teach 6th grade ancient history and 1 section of language arts in the Seattle area. I've really been enjoying my summer vacation, how about you? Sadly, it's coming to a close as I'm starting to get things ready in my classroom, updating my web site, and rethinking curriculum. School begins on Aug 31st for us.

    Check back with you later - good luck meeting your goals. This group is a great idea!
  • charelaine
    charelaine Posts: 712 Member
    I would like to join. I am a middle school science teacher. I worked hard this summer to lose the 24 pounds I have lost so far, and I don't want to get off track because of school. We started last week, and I only managed to work out once. Still, the first week is always like that, and I will get back in a routine soon. I am looking for motivation and accountability, possibly school-friendly, crockpot-friendly,or freezer-friendly recipes too.

    Friend me if you like!
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    I have a training next week where they'll be catering breakfast and lunch. I'm considering packing my own, but would that be rude?
  • charelaine
    charelaine Posts: 712 Member
    I have a training next week where they'll be catering breakfast and lunch. I'm considering packing my own, but would that be rude?

    I packed my own when we had in-service week before last. I also refused to go out to eat with the others, and they called me anti-social, but I don't care. I worked to hard to throw it away. And maybe it is rude to offer unhealthy food with no healthy alternative.
  • charelaine
    charelaine Posts: 712 Member
    I joined before I read all the posts. I need to add more about me, I guess. I am also a mother of three, 12, 14, and 16. I am married and I am currently working on my Master's Degree. The stress of everything, not to the mention the total lack of time, is what worries me. My daughter cheers for the high school and my son runs cross country. We try to go to church on Sundays and Wednesdays, and I have grad school work. I have no time to fit anything else in now. And I took the extended contract position to do morning tutoring, too.

    I take my own lunch and pack snacks and water. I like:
    pb and jelly
    laughing cow cheese
    bananas and other fruit
    tomatoes, cucumber, and onion chopped up together
    quaker rice cakes

    Our school likes to feed us unhealthy stuff, so I am avoiding the break rooms this year.

    If we are setting goals for the month, mine will be to exercise at least five days a week, no matter how I have to fit it in. I would also like to focus on drinking more during the day, so I will set a goal of at least 4 bottles of water during the school day.
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    I have a training next week where they'll be catering breakfast and lunch. I'm considering packing my own, but would that be rude?

    I packed my own when we had in-service week before last. I also refused to go out to eat with the others, and they called me anti-social, but I don't care. I worked to hard to throw it away. And maybe it is rude to offer unhealthy food with no healthy alternative.

    This happens here a lot - lunch provided by PTO, inservices, and once a month we do a pot-luck lunch on half-days. There is always always temptation and really nothing I should be eating. But it's always delicious. I have already resolved to pack my own lunches this year on those days. That's my goal. I don't think anyone would think it's rude. That just means more food and desserts for the guys on our staff - they love to eat!!
  • foxsr295
    foxsr295 Posts: 21 Member
    This sounds like the right place for me! This will be my 7th year teaching in a low SES middle school. I teach Tier 1 reading to students who don't read well and don't want to read. They are with me for two periods every day. School starts for teachers Monday with a breakfast for teachers and staff! If they have the traditional breakfast, I will eat the eggs and have some coffee. If they have biscuits and sausages (as they have done before), I will not eat them. They always have some sort of fruit, and in that case I will have a banana. I have been a member of MFP for 60 days and have lost 23 lbs. I also have diabetes and need to watch my carbs. I LOVE CARBS!

    My problem will be lunches. I have been very worried about what I can eat without having my numbers go up. I will probably use lettuce to wrap my protein and veggie for lunch. I can't have yogurt as there are too many carbs. So if you have any suggestions, I would be very willing to listen.

    I think this is a good group! Have a great year!
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    oooh, I need more teacher friends, so please add me. I teach in a very low socio-economic neighborhood. I've taught grades 6-8 for the past 11 years, but will be teaching grade 3 for the first time this year.

    I also teach 3rd grade at a Title I (low income) school. I love 3rd graders although they will probably seem like babies after teaching 6-8 grades. They are old enough to tie their shoes and young enough to still give hugs. And they still think the teacher is an expert at everything. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
  • tnh9479
    tnh9479 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi everyone! I am a teacher in Springfield, Illinois. This will be my 10th year of teaching (that seems insane that I have teaching that long). I teach 4th grade math, science, and social studies. When i started teaching, I was about 125 pounds and at the end of last school year, I was 175 pounds. I am also a mother of twin 3 year old boys, Evan and Owen. Reading through everyone's post it seems like we share a lot of the same concerns. I have been doing really good since I joined MFP but am very nervous about going back to school. I have a 45 minute commute, my husband is a football and track coach which means he also works long hours, and I tutor 5th graders Mon-Thur after school. This causes supper to be something I can cook fast and tends to be unhealthy :(

    I have gotten a lot of good fish and chicken recipes from friends and posts on MFP so I am not as worried about dinner. Lunch is my concern. I have been eating the school lunch for the last couple of years because it is supposed to be "healthy" and cheap. I have told my husband several times that lunch is my worry. I won't be eating the school lunch most days because it is a lot of crap to be honest with you. If you have any ideas for lunch that is quick and doesn't require cooking (we do have a fridge and microwave) please pass them on.

    My goal for August/September is to do some kind of physical activity at least 4 days a week (that 4 more days than I did last school year)!!

    Wow! A lot of this could be me!

    I am a physics teacher at an awesome public high school in Florida. This will be my 13th year of teaching. I usually always have another class besides AP and Honors Physics to teach. This year it happens to be Earth/Space science. I actually have my BS in Chemistry and have taught that on and off over the years. I also did two years of teaching 7th grade science (never again). I have 2.5 year old boy/girl twins (Hana and Zak) who want all my time when I get home in the evenings. I am the Union Rep at my school, involved in various committees, and tutor physical science for the science department an afternoon or two during the week. So...life is busy. My husband works a strange shift (12:30-9 pm) so that he can take care of the kids in the morning (and reduce our childcare costs). Needless to say, I am usually tired and have little time to come up with a healthy option for dinner (my main concern). Complicating matters is my daughter's allergies to wheat, squash, and kiwi (and my allergy to soy) and my husband's taste in food (he is from North Africa and would prefer that type of cooking).. So...mealtimes are always fun!

    I never worry about lunch because I refuse to eat what the school makes. There is a lot of hidden soy. What I always do is make extra of the meal we had the previous night and take that for lunch the next day (a lot of our dishes tend to be a protein and vegetables slow cooked together). Occasionally, I will take a frozen meal and a piece of fruit. My real challenge, I believe, is finding the time to exercise. By the time I put my two to bed, it is nearly time for bed for me. I am afraid that exercising at that time of night will screw up my already bad sleep cycles. Exercising in the morning is out as the equipment is in our bedroom and my husband is sleeping. I am trying not to stress. I WILL figure it out.
  • SLHartman
    SLHartman Posts: 142 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm so excited to see a thread with fellow teachers! First, a little about me. :-)

    I'm 27 years old and going to be starting my 6th year of teaching next week. Eeek! I teach band and general music for grades 6-8 as well as assistant band director for our high school band. Outside of fall marching band I'm also co-director of our acting club. Basically what that adds up to is a very busy school year.

    The long and short of my starting MFP was the sad realization that I had been steadily gaining weight over the last 4 years without managing to take it off. More recently is when I started to feel very uncomfortable in my own skin. I want to try and turn this trend around now! I really started tracking calories at the beginning of this summer and I'm a little nervous that this new found determination will fall to the wayside once the craziness of school begins. I look forward to the support we can give each other through another 180 days with our little angels. :-)

    Oh, friend me also if you would like. The more motivation from others, the better! :-)