20lbs in 20 weeks Summer 2018 CHALLENGE!



  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,973 Member
    1/2016 228.3
    11/9/17 196.6
    1/1/2018 191
    GW: 168.5 Normal BMI, 5’9”

    2/9 - 184.4
    2/16 - 183.2
    2/23 - 181.0
    3/5 - 180.8
    3/12 - 179.0
    3/19 - 178.4
    3/26 - 177.4. 50lbs down as of today!!
    4/2 - 176.6
    4/9 - GW: 176.6 Revised GW: 175.5 174.6
    Amazing! This group really helps! Thank you!
    4/16 174.6
    4/23 - GW: 174 173.2
    4/30 - 172.4
    5/7 - GW: 173. 171.2
    5/14 170.0
    5/21- GW: 172 170.0 Delighted! I’m purposely slowing weight loss down; focusing on building muscle/fitness. BMI: 25.1

    5/28 169.8 Thrilled!! Noticeably stronger & trimmer (tape measure) as I step up calories & exercise distance & weights. I was really nervous about slowing my weight loss rate, but it’s definitely working & helping. It feels like slowing a fast moving train- it took some extra effort to pull on the brakes & adjust them just right— now the train is still moving just at half speed & it’s more effortless now. Yay!

    6/4. - GW: 171
    6/18 - GW: 170
    7/2 - GW: 169
    7/9 8 mos. GW: 168.5 BMI=24.9

    I really love your approach. Be aware of the rate of loss so you stay healthy and lose the RIGHT kind of mass, that adipose kind. I've slowed my loss down too, but I've slowed it a little more than I want. Do I care? Well, honestly, yes, but I remind myself that it's still the right direction!
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    I'm in .... I'll track for 20 weeks.
    Challenge Start Weight: 224.0 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 204 lbs * by 13th July x

    Week 0 (23/02): 224.0 lbs
    Week 1 (02/03): 224.0 lbs
    Week 2 (09/03): 221.6 lbs
    Week 3 (15/03): 220.2 lbs
    Week 4 (23/02): 217.6 lbs
    Week 5 (30/03): 215.8 lbs
    Week 6 (20/04): 217.8 lbs
    Week 7 (27/04): 216.8 lbs
    ---- April & May I went off track ---
    Week ? (01/06): 219.0 lbs *trying to re-start in June*
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    @mtaratoot Yes! I keep telling myself: “It’s mot a race!” In fact, plateaus and ups & downs on the scale, I can see now, were really good training for the rest of my life, ie, maintenance!
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,973 Member
    Initial weight start of 2018: 168.2
    Goal Lose about 20 pounds by mid-may -- weigh in a range from 147 - 151
    Challenge Starting Weight: 158.0
    Challenge Goal weight weight range between 145 - 150

    Friday, 9 February: --- 158.0
    Friday, 16 February: --- 159.8
    Friday, 23 February: --- 156.0
    Friday, 2 March: --- 155.2
    Friday, 9 March: --- 156.8
    Friday, 16 March: --- 152.6
    Friday, 23 March: --- 154.2
    Friday, 30 March: --- 154.2
    Friday, 6 April: --- 153.8
    Friday, 13 April: --- 153.4
    Friday, 20 April: --- 152.6
    Friday, 27 April: --- 150.0
    Friday, 4 May: --- 151.2
    Friday, 11 May: --- 151.0
    Friday, 18 May: --- 149.4 *****MET INITIAL GOAL TO REACH a range between 147 - 151 by mid May*****
    Friday, 25 May: --- 154.0
    Friday, 1 June: --- 151.0 (7.0 pounds under challenge start; 3.0 pounds under last weigh-in)

    ***** Three weeks to go, and 1.3 pounds a week is too much to try to lose this close to my goal; I likely will not make my ultimate goal *****

    Friday, 8 June: ---
    Friday, 15 June: ---
    Friday, 22 June (First full day of SUMMER, end of challenge): --- 147
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    20 LBS BY SUMMER 2018

    MFP Start Weight Dec 27, 2015: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .338.8 LBS
    Challenge Start Weight MARCH 31, 2018: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202.2 LBS

    04/07 - 199.6
    04/14 - 199
    04/21 - 200.4
    04/28 - 200.8

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April Loss: . . . . . . - 1.4 LBS

    05/05 - 198.3
    05/12 - 198.2
    05/19 - 195.8
    05/26 - 194.4

    .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .May Loss: . . . . - 6.4 LBS

    06/02 - 193.3
    06/09 -
    06/16 -
    06/23 -
    06/30 -

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .June Loss: . . . . . ??? LBS

    Weight Loss for the Week: . . . . . . . . . . . - 1.1 LBS
    Weight Loss During Challenge:. . . . . . . . - 8.9 LBS

    Weekly Weight Loss Goal: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- 1 LBS
    Challenge Weight Loss Goal: . . . . . . . . . . . . .- 13 LBS
    Challenge Goal Weight: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189.2 LBS
    Ultimate Goal Weight: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 LBS

  • stalyn151
    stalyn151 Posts: 54 Member
    Current stats:
    Female, 31
    5’ 0”

    S.W of THIS challenge 122 lb. *145 originally*
    G.W 110 lb.

    I'm doing weigh-ins on Fridays.

    2/23: 121.6
    3/2: 121.2
    3/9: 122.0
    3/16: 120.8
    3/23: 119.4
    3/30: 119.4
    4/2: 119.4
    4/6: 120.2
    4/13: 119.0
    4/25: 118.8
    5/4: 118.6
    5/11: 118.2
    5/12: 117.2
    5/18: 116.0
    5/25: 116.0
    6/1: 117.2
    6/22: (first full day of SUMMER, end of challenge)-:

    Note: Adjusted my G.W. from a target of 115lbs to 110lbs, since I feel that's more appropriate being close to th 115 range, I'd like to lose some more!
  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    Current stats:
    Female, 32
    5’ 2”

    S.W of THIS challenge 207 lb. *260 originally*
    G.W 187 lb.

    I'm doing weigh-ins on Fridays.

    Week 1: February 16th: 206
    Week 2-23rd: 203
    Week 3-March 2nd: 201
    Week 4-9th: 198
    Week 5-16th: 197
    Week 6-23rd:196
    Week 7-30th:193
    Week 8-April 6th:192
    Week9-April 13th:189
    Week 10-April 20th: 187- GOAL for summer!!!
    Week 11-April 27th: 185
    Week 12-May 4th: 186
    Week 13-May 12th: 184
    Week 14-May 18th: 182
    Week 15-May 25th: 181
    Week 16- June 9th: 183 * My mom died and it derailed me.

    Friday, 22 June (First full day of SUMMER, end of challenge)-
    ♥«´`23 lbs gone!´`»♥

    My mom died on Monday, and I am struggling right now. I won't lie. I don't want to do this right now...
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    I am so sorry for your loss & am sending healing thoughts to you.

    Please learn from my mistake: I retreated into food and complete sedentary lifestyle after a tragedy struck our family. It really negatively effected my longterm health.

    What I wish I had been told:
    Grieving is both emotional AND physical. You will need more calories - eat at maintenance level until things rebalance.

    Strolls in the neighborhood or at work 1-3 times a day will actually make you feel better & release endorphins to help lift your spirits.

    Finally, the BEST advice I got was to talk to them out loud when the grief surged. I thought it was a ridiculous idea until I tried it one day on my commute. I learned that talking for less than a minute— usually mostly “I love you & I’ve always loved you & I will always love you” would clear my tears & I’d be moving forward again.

    I will be thinking of you.
  • hallobailey
    hallobailey Posts: 8 Member
    I've hit a wall as far as motivation so this challenge sounds like a good way to stay accountable! My goal weight is anywhere in the 120s. I lost 25 pounds in about 4 months but then the weight loss just stopped. That made me loose my motivation as well. I find myself overeating a lot but don't have issues when it comes to exercise. Wish I could switch back on the drive I had a few months ago! Right now I'm stuck at 143.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    1/2016 228.3
    11/9/17 196.6
    1/1/2018 191
    GW: 168.5 Normal BMI, 5’9”

    2/9 - 184.4
    2/16 - 183.2
    2/23 - 181.0
    3/5 - 180.8
    3/12 - 179.0
    3/19 - 178.4
    3/26 - 177.4. 50lbs down as of today!!
    4/2 - 176.6
    4/9 - GW: 176.6 Revised GW: 175.5 174.6
    Amazing! This group really helps! Thank you!
    4/16 174.6
    4/23 - GW: 174 173.2
    4/30 - 172.4
    5/7 - GW: 173. 171.2
    5/14 170.0
    5/21- GW: 172 170.0 Delighted! I’m purposely slowing weight loss down; focusing on building muscle/fitness. BMI: 25.1

    5/28 169.8 Thrilled!! Noticeably stronger & trimmer (tape measure) as I step up calories & exercise distance & weights. I was really nervous about slowing my weight loss rate, but it’s definitely working & helping. It feels like slowing a fast moving train- it took some extra effort to pull on the brakes & adjust them just right— now the train is still moving just at half speed & it’s more effortless now. Yay!

    6/4. - 168.8. GW: 171
    My scale cooperated at the last moment. Silly scale.

    6/18 - GW: 170
    7/2 - GW: 169
    7/9 8 mos. GW: 168.5 BMI=24.9 @ 5’9”
    UGW: 165.8 @ 5’8.5”
  • wannabesmaller2017
    wannabesmaller2017 Posts: 433 Member
    I'd love to join!
    Female 43 5'2.5"
    SW: 186.0
    CW: 184.0
    20 weeks until our July vacation. I'd love to weigh 159.0 by then. That's 1.25lbs per week. I guess I'll weigh in on Sundays here.

    3/04 184.0
    3/11 183.0
    3/18 183.5 (on vacation)
    3/25 182.0
    4/01 ---
    4/08 ---
    4/15 ---
    4/22 179.7
    6/03 181.5 (I suck at losing weight)
  • SammyKlingler
    SammyKlingler Posts: 51 Member
    SW: 341.1
    GW: 195
    Challenge goal: 290
    New Challenge goal: 275 (by my birthday June 22)
    Updated birthday goal: 260

    March23: 310.0
    March26: 308.4
    March28: 306.6
    April3: 302.6
    April6: 300.2
    April13: 296.2
    April26: 288.2
    May2: 284.6
    May10: 282.8
    May12: 277.8
    May19: 275.2
    May28: 273.2
    June6: 266.6

    Challenge Loss: 43.4

    Everyone continue your awesome work! Y’all are beautiful and strong people!
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    'm in .... I'll track for 20 weeks.
    Challenge Start Weight: 224.0 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 204 lbs * by 13th July x

    Week 0 (23/02): 224.0 lbs
    Week 1 (02/03): 224.0 lbs
    Week 2 (09/03): 221.6 lbs
    Week 3 (15/03): 220.2 lbs
    Week 4 (23/02): 217.6 lbs
    Week 5 (30/03): 215.8 lbs
    Week 6 (20/04): 217.8 lbs
    Week 7 (27/04): 216.8 lbs
    ---- April & May I went off track ---
    Week ? (01/06): 219.0 lbs *trying to re-start in June*
    Week 9 (08/06): 218.2 lbs --> happy to see a loss :smile:
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,867 Member

    Feb 19-153.2
    Feb 26-152.4
    Mar 5-152.6
    Mar 12-151.8
    Mar 19-151.2
    Mar 29-150.4
    Apr 2-151.6
    Apr 11-150.6
    Apr 18-148.6
    Apr 25-149.6
    May 2-149
    May 18-149.8
    June 6-150.8

    Starting weight-153.2
    Goal weight-135
  • stalyn151
    stalyn151 Posts: 54 Member
    Current stats:
    Female, 31
    5’ 0”

    S.W of THIS challenge 122 lb. *145 originally*
    G.W 110 lb.

    I'm doing weigh-ins on Fridays.

    2/23: 121.6
    3/2: 121.2
    3/9: 122.0
    3/16: 120.8
    3/23: 119.4
    3/30: 119.4
    4/2: 119.4
    4/6: 120.2
    4/13: 119.0
    4/25: 118.8
    5/4: 118.6
    5/11: 118.2
    5/12: 117.2
    5/18: 116.0
    5/25: 116.0
    6/1: 117.2
    6/8: 115.8
    6/22: (first full day of SUMMER, end of challenge)-:

    Of note - officially reached by 30.0 lb weight loss since beginning (May 2016). Took two years and went pretty slowly, but it's finally here!!!
  • Lora2380
    Lora2380 Posts: 195 Member
    edited June 2018
    Age 37 height 5’5”
    Feb 3/18 starting MFP weight - 168lbs
    End of June goal - 135
    Ultimate goal- 128

    Feb 3 - 168
    Feb 11- 163.8
    Feb 17- 158
    Feb 24- 156
    Mar 3-156
    Mar 10-153
    Mar 18- 154.6
    Mar 24-149.6
    Mar 31-152
    April 7- 148.6. ***20lbs****
    April 14- 147
    April 20- 145.6
    April 27- 144.2
    May 4- 144.8
    May 11-143.8
    May 18-140.6
    May 25-138.2
    June 1-136.2
    June 8-137.4

    Well this is 19 weeks for me and I’ve lost 30lbs! Still have 9lbs to go for ultimate goal and a little less than 2lbs for my June goal but feeling pretty accomplished about how far I’ve come. Love this challenge and the true weigh ins that made me feel better about my own ups and downs and kept me going. Thanks everyone and good luck on your journeys!
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,973 Member
    Male early 50s -- 5'7"
    Initial weight start of 2018: 168.2
    Goal Lose about 20 pounds by mid-may -- weigh in a range from 147 - 151
    Challenge Starting Weight: 158.0
    Challenge Goal weight weight range between 145 - 150

    Friday, 9 February: --- 158.0
    Friday, 16 February: --- 159.8
    Friday, 23 February: --- 156.0
    Friday, 2 March: --- 155.2
    Friday, 9 March: --- 156.8
    Friday, 16 March: --- 152.6
    Friday, 23 March: --- 154.2
    Friday, 30 March: --- 154.2
    Friday, 6 April: --- 153.8
    Friday, 13 April: --- 153.4
    Friday, 20 April: --- 152.6
    Friday, 27 April: --- 150.0
    Friday, 4 May: --- 151.2
    Friday, 11 May: --- 151.0
    Friday, 18 May: --- 149.4 *****MET INITIAL GOAL TO REACH a range between 147 - 151 by mid May*****
    Friday, 25 May: --- 154.0
    Friday, 1 June: --- 151.0
    Friday, 8 June: --- 148.2 (9.8 pounds under challenge start; 2.8 pounds under last weigh-in)
    ***** I think this is the first time in my adult life I've been below 149 *****
    ***** Two weeks to go, and if today's weight isn't a fluke, there's a chance I will make my goal if I can maintain 0.6 pounds per week the next two weeks *****
    Friday, 15 June: ---
    Friday, 22 June (First full day of SUMMER, end of challenge): --- 147
  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    Current stats:
    Female, 32
    5’ 2”

    S.W of THIS challenge 207 lb. *260 originally*
    G.W 187 lb.

    I'm doing weigh-ins on Fridays.

    Week 1: February 16th: 206
    Week 2-23rd: 203
    Week 3-March 2nd: 201
    Week 4-9th: 198
    Week 5-16th: 197
    Week 6-23rd:196
    Week 7-30th:193
    Week 8-April 6th:192
    Week9-April 13th:189
    Week 10-April 20th: 187- GOAL for summer!!!
    Week 11-April 27th: 185
    Week 12-May 4th: 186
    Week 13-May 12th: 184
    Week 14-May 18th: 182
    Week 15-May 25th: 181
    Week 16- June 1st: 183 * My mom died and it derailed me.
    Week 17- June 8th: 183 * Still struggling with losing my mom.

    Friday, 22 June (First full day of SUMMER, end of challenge)-
    ♥«´`23 lbs gone!´`»♥
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    20 LBS BY SUMMER 2018

    MFP Start Weight Dec 27, 2015: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .338.8 LBS
    Challenge Start Weight MARCH 31, 2018: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202.2 LBS

    04/07 - 199.6
    04/14 - 199
    04/21 - 200.4
    04/28 - 200.8

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April Loss: . . . . . . - 1.4 LBS

    05/05 - 198.3
    05/12 - 198.2
    05/19 - 195.8
    05/26 - 194.4

    .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .May Loss: . . . . - 6.4 LBS

    06/02 - 193.3
    06/09 - 194.4
    06/16 -
    06/23 -
    06/30 -

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .June Loss: . . . . . ??? LBS

    Weight Loss for the Week: . . . . . . . . . . . + 1.1 LBS
    Weight Loss During Challenge:. . . . . . . . - 7.8 LBS

    Weekly Weight Loss Goal: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- 1 LBS
    Challenge Weight Loss Goal: . . . . . . . . . . . . .- 13 LBS
    Challenge Goal Weight: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189.2 LBS
    Ultimate Goal Weight: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 LBS

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    1/2016 228.3
    11/9/17 196.6
    1/1/2018 191
    GW: 168.5 Normal BMI, 5’9”

    2/9 - 184.4
    2/16 - 183.2
    2/23 - 181.0
    3/5 - 180.8
    3/12 - 179.0
    3/19 - 178.4
    3/26 - 177.4. 50lbs down as of today!!
    4/2 - 176.6
    4/9 - GW: 176.6 Revised GW: 175.5 174.6
    Amazing! This group really helps! Thank you!
    4/16 174.6
    4/23 - GW: 174 173.2
    4/30 - 172.4
    5/7 - GW: 173. 171.2
    5/14 170.0
    5/21- GW: 172 170.0 Delighted! I’m purposely slowing weight loss down; focusing on building muscle/fitness. BMI: 25.1
    5/28 169.8 Thrilled!! Noticeably stronger & trimmer (tape measure) as I step up calories & exercise distance & weights. I was really nervous about slowing my weight loss rate, but it’s definitely working & helping. It feels like slowing a fast moving train- it took some extra effort to pull on the brakes & adjust them just right— now the train is still moving just at half speed & it’s more effortless now. Yay!
    6/4. - 168.8. GW: 171
    My scale cooperated at the last moment. Silly scale.

    6/11 168.8 Was lower, but a few days of no to low fiber diet (and more sodium) to prepare for a medical test has bumped me up temporarily. Water retention. I miss my high fiber veggies, whole grain bread, & nuts!! Back to normal Tues afternoon.

    6/18 - GW: 170
    7/2 - GW: 169
    7/9 8 mos. GW: 168.5 BMI=24.9 @ 5’9”
    UGW: 165.8 @ 5’8.5”