Vegan vs Keto

Both of these diets have become really popular lately and I have done research into both. They both say totally opposite things to the point if negating the healthiness of the other. So I guess I just want to see if anyone has had experience with both. Or if anyone has a better grasp on nutrition and can weigh in on which is better.


  • Kaelyn90
    Kaelyn90 Posts: 9 Member
    Better for overall, long term health. Weight loss and control and disease prevention.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    OP, you can eat a healthy vegan diet, and you can eat an unhealthy vegan diet.
    You can eat a healthy keto diet, and you can eat an unhealthy keto diet.
    You can also eat a very healthy diet that is neither vegan or keto.

    To lose weight you need a calorie deficit, regardless of what foods you eat. Different people will find different eating styles make sticking to their calorie goal easier.

    Picking a diet you enjoy, you can eat in a balanced and varied fashion, is practical, and keeps you at the right calorie level is the key.


    The variation within either approach in terms of healthy diets is greater than the variation between the average diets under the two approaches.
  • jheye
    jheye Posts: 36 Member
    If meat grosses you out, then keto is probably not the best option for you. It is possible to do a vegetarian keto diet, but it would be challenging. I like keto precisely because I don't consider any meal complete unless it includes meat, fish or poultry! I enjoy lots of good veggies too, but I would always feel deprived if I tried a vegan diet. Sounds like you would be much happier with a vegan diet. Whatever approach you take, you need to learn to prepare meals you really enjoy so that you can maintain good eating habits.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    OK, first of all, VEGANISM is not necessarily healthy. You can eat a veggie burger from McDonald's with fries and a coke and wash it down with Oreos and be vegan. If you're looking to prevent disease, read "The China Study," and watch "Forks over Knives." Any dietician worth their salt will tell you that Keto is a short-term solution and prolonged usage can cause organ damage. So says the NEJM, anyway. A whole foods, plant-based diet is what you want for disease prevention. IM me if you want more info.

    Any noteworthy evidence to support that claim?

  • Kaelyn90
    Kaelyn90 Posts: 9 Member
    I think the bolded part is your problem. If you're just after validaton of your view, you'll not get very far. We are all guilty of this (google "confirmation bias"), so don't feel too bad about it, but you could look into the replies that challenge the ideas you want to hang on to. "Woo" means "bro-science" or "bad science", btw, in case you're curious.

    Oh, and btw again, if you want to lose weight, you have to eat less. You can eat less of anything. You can also eat too much of anything.

    I absolutely appreciate your input, especially the “woo” thing. Didn’t know what that meant. But I’m not looking to just validate my view. I like the information he gave because it has more of what I’m looking for long term and sustainability wise. I am aware that creating a caloric deficit is what brings about weight loss. But if keto or vegan create nutrient deficits that harm my body in the long term, what’s the point? After I got that bit of info from him, I took it to Google and tried to find articles or research on that and honestly I could not.

    I’m simply after some starting points for research here. I understand you can’t take all you read on the internet and preach it as gospel.
  • Kaelyn90
    Kaelyn90 Posts: 9 Member
    OK, first of all, VEGANISM is not necessarily healthy. You can eat a veggie burger from McDonald's with fries and a coke and wash it down with Oreos and be vegan. If you're looking to prevent disease, read "The China Study," and watch "Forks over Knives." Any dietician worth their salt will tell you that Keto is a short-term solution and prolonged usage can cause organ damage. So says the NEJM, anyway. A whole foods, plant-based diet is what you want for disease prevention. IM me if you want more info.

    Any noteworthy evidence to support that claim?

    Honestly, I’ve tried to find some and have yet to. Most research says that keto diet hasn’t been studied long enough to show any long term effects.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Kaelyn90 wrote: »
    OK, first of all, VEGANISM is not necessarily healthy. You can eat a veggie burger from McDonald's with fries and a coke and wash it down with Oreos and be vegan. If you're looking to prevent disease, read "The China Study," and watch "Forks over Knives." Any dietician worth their salt will tell you that Keto is a short-term solution and prolonged usage can cause organ damage. So says the NEJM, anyway. A whole foods, plant-based diet is what you want for disease prevention. IM me if you want more info.

    Any noteworthy evidence to support that claim?

    Honestly, I’ve tried to find some and have yet to. Most research says that keto diet hasn’t been studied long enough to show any long term effects.

    The diets been around since the 1920’s you would have thought someone would have taken a look at it!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited June 2018
    Kaelyn90 wrote: »
    I think the bolded part is your problem. If you're just after validaton of your view, you'll not get very far. We are all guilty of this (google "confirmation bias"), so don't feel too bad about it, but you could look into the replies that challenge the ideas you want to hang on to. "Woo" means "bro-science" or "bad science", btw, in case you're curious.

    Oh, and btw again, if you want to lose weight, you have to eat less. You can eat less of anything. You can also eat too much of anything.

    I absolutely appreciate your input, especially the “woo” thing. Didn’t know what that meant. But I’m not looking to just validate my view. I like the information he gave because it has more of what I’m looking for long term and sustainability wise. I am aware that creating a caloric deficit is what brings about weight loss. But if keto or vegan create nutrient deficits that harm my body in the long term, what’s the point? After I got that bit of info from him, I took it to Google and tried to find articles or research on that and honestly I could not.

    I’m simply after some starting points for research here. I understand you can’t take all you read on the internet and preach it as gospel.

    Both can create deficiencies if you're not careful. Any diet that restricts types of foods does that if you don't put effort into nutrition. This is a little bit easier with a varied diet that doesn't restrict anything (simply by the sheer variety), but it doesn't mean you can't achieve good nutrition with either:

    - On a vegan diet, you would have to supplement B12, omega-3, and possibly iron and calcium if you don't process plant iron and calcium well. You would also need to take care to get enough protein.
    - On a keto diet, eating plenty of organ meats would be the easiest way to achieve good nutrition. If you don't like them, you would need to take care to include lots and lots of leafy greens, and eat sardines for calcium. You also need to make sure you eat lots of salt because you can be prone to electrolyte imbalance on this diet, and potassium can be a little bit harder to get since you can't eat potatoes, bananas, and legumes. There are keto friendly sources as far as I recall. In general, going the higher carb limit of keto in order to be able to include more vegetables would be a safer bet.

    Now for sustainability: sustainability is the ability to happily adhere to the diet and enjoy the food. That's why you can't generalize this one. Some people are happiest eating keto, others are happiest eating vegan. Of course there are many who are happy to just eat a varied diet with no food type restrictions, but you've asked for a comparison. What types of food do you like? What types of food keep you full? What types of food make dieting easier for you? By answering these questions you will know what diet is sustainable for you.
  • h1udd
    h1udd Posts: 623 Member
    as with most things .. people seen to take a binary approach .. whats better cadio or weights, seriously, do BOTH .. should I reduce weight from my bike, or lose wight from my body, again DO BOTH !

    now its pretty much accepted that the best thing for your body is a varied diet ... so in answer to the question of shall I do a keto or vegan diet, the best option is DO BOTH !!!! .... just make sure you keep your calories in a deficit and you will lose weight whilst benefiting from healthy nutritious meat protein, good fats and lots of vegetables and legumes.
  • Kaelyn90
    Kaelyn90 Posts: 9 Member
    h1udd wrote: »
    as with most things .. people seen to take a binary approach .. whats better cadio or weights, seriously, do BOTH .. should I reduce weight from my bike, or lose wight from my body, again DO BOTH !

    now its pretty much accepted that the best thing for your body is a varied diet ... so in answer to the question of shall I do a keto or vegan diet, the best option is DO BOTH !!!! .... just make sure you keep your calories in a deficit and you will lose weight whilst benefiting from healthy nutritious meat protein, good fats and lots of vegetables and legumes.

    I appreciate your enthusiasm here and I agree most things aren’t binary. Weight lifting and cardio are both absolutely beneficial to an exercise plan.
    But in the sense of doing both vegan and keto, it’d be super difficult and a diet I know I could not sustain long term. And because I’m looking to become healthier by losing weight and keeping it off, it’s important to me that I can foresee myself eating a certain way for life not just a few months. Also it’d be quite impossible the way you’ve broken it down. On a vegan diet, meat could not be included. And I believe keto kinda sways away from legumes.