

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    So, my bracelet is off. Up 2 lbs so time to get my act together!
    Had a female in the yard this morning. Least I think it's a female. No horns. She was cute!

    My sister painted this for her daughter. So pretty!

    Well time to organize meals and go shopping!
    Take care everyone.
    Whidbey island

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,793 Member
    evie1958 wrote: »
    Tracey in Edmonton, they sort of have refused to let us have our grandson. I work weekends, so can't get together with them then and of course they both work Mon - Fri. I had asked, when she went back to work, if we could have him one day a week and was told that she didn't want him to miss any parties or fun with his daycare friends. That was quite the slap in the face. So the only time we get to see him is if we invite them over for dinner on a long weekend, when we all have the holiday Monday off. This works out to only a few hours every six weeks or so....
    Kelly and someone else, (sorry!) I'm really hoping they are planning this dinner with reconciliation in mind. I have always been so close to our son, and it really hurts being shut out like this. I do realize he's a married man now and must support his wife (I certainly don't want to get in the middle of any issues they may have), but I'm his mother and grandmother to his child so I think I (and hubby, his father!) also deserve some respect and consideration.
    Lisa, lovely photo of you with Corey and his dad. You all look so happy!!!
    Rita, love the water view!
    Heather, your cruise sounds lovely, they sure are keeping you busy!
    I did swim lessons when I was a kid, never did get the breathing down either. I will go in a pool, but not for swimming, I've done water aerobics (fun!) in the deep end and shallow end, I did use a flotation device around my waist while in the deep end, it wouldn't have saved me from drowning, but just gave a bit of an assist to keep me from sinking. Although, apparently fat floats so I shouldn't have a problem there..... I must admit tho, I don't like being cold and wet, so even if the pool is warmish, when I get out I am wet and do get cold, so I do would rather do "dry" exercise! I did a core strength class yesterday for the first time. Oh My! She worked muscles in places I forgot I had! lol Am feeling it this morning, but it's a good hurt. I will go back for more!
    Guess that's it for me for now. Hope everyone has a great day! Hugs for those who need them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, on cloudy Vancouver Island

    I truly hope that she sees how important it is for children to have Grandparents in their lives. I was very close to my grandparents and tried hard to foster that in my own children. However, when we moved from NB to Alberta it hurt their relationships I believe. It is probably the only regret I have about moving so far away.

    I hope this dinner starts the healing process for your family.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,793 Member
    I'm gonna be one nutty Mimi, and my husband said he wants to be called "Chief". Does Mimi and Chief sound loony or what!

    My granddaughter calls me Mimi, I am Grammie to my Grandson. My husband at one point was Bampie to my Grandson, my Granddaughter is just trying to say Grampie... it's very close to her word for Zombie LOL
    I think Mimi and Chief are awesome names!!!!!
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    Back in Oregon -- got back yesterday afternoon, in time to clean up some of the disaster of my house (three boys home alone) and get to my youngest's final 5th grade orchestra concert. Hubby gets home tonight because his work unit decided to take everyone to Napa Valley for wine tasting and meetings. I'm sure he is hating it -- he was really fussing about having to go. Too bad I couldn't have gone in his place. Lol He is not a drinker.

    My husband may be sent to London in October. Fingers crossed. Although after the state of my home yesterday, I vowed to myself that I am never leaving again!

    Oldest son's job is still going well. He is amazed at what it feels like to have a real job -- with breaks (sorry, Rye) and an hour unpaid for lunch. I am so happy for him, but I am still holding my breath. I want life to work out for him. We all want that for our kids.

    The two younger boys are out of school next week. My oldest son missed his college class this week because of work, but assures me that the prof was okay with it and that he will be able to get away from work for a couple hours to take the final exam next week.

    I gained a couple pounds while in SF, even with all of the walking I did. I think it was the bacon and gluten-free blueberry muffins every morning for breakfast. oops. At the airport yesterday morning, I had a banana and almond butter smoothie that was incredible, and probably about 1000 calories. Oh well. Back to yogurt and americanos for me! Lol

    RE: Home ownership -- I have owned three homes, and have felt ambivalent the first two times -- when we sold those homes, we really just wanted to get out of it without owing money. We actually walked away with some cash from the Kansas sale, which was really nice.

    Here, like Kim's purchase in N Calif, owning is a good idea. In the six months we signed for our home and the time it was finished and we closed, it went up $30,000 in value. We pay only $300 more a month in mortgage, interest, insurance, taxes than my friend who is renting a large house pays, and we write off (at least for now) a ridiculous amount of interest. Because it's a new house, we haven't had any repairs to make, yet. But we have put quite a bit into the yard (the greenhouse, for example). Owning is stressful, but I am trying to see it as an investment. And if we didn't own, we'd have to rent and pay nearly the same amount, so that makes it an easy choice. We were fortunate in that we were able to come up with the down payment and qualify for this house while we still owned the house in Kansas. There have been very few times in my life where that would have happened. I'm pretty happy where we are now, but the area is rapidly growing -- just in the two years we've been here, the traffic during my afternoon commute has gotten much worse. My husband was with me one day, and he was shocked. He had heard me complain but hadn't realized how bad it had become. At my exit, we all don't fit in the lanes anymore and have to pile up on the shoulder of the freeway to keep from backing up I-5. That is a little unnerving.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,869 Member
    Hi all: Was going to build a fire in the fire pit to burn some branches we have trimmed but just as I was ready it started raining. Now it has stopped. Want to bet if I go out and try to light the fire it will rain again? Fresh raspberries and cherries at the store this week. Have I said how much I love summertime fruit? I will be so glad when I have finished this antibiotic. I hate the no food or drink with calcium, aluminum, zinc, iron or magnesium in it 2 hours before or 6 hours after taking it. Yuck!

    Okie - We bought our 10 acres three years ago and got a very good deal on it because the previous owner was a hoarder and didn't want people to be able to see onto the property. They let everything go for over 8 years. Our front pasture had chest high weeds and a shelter that was so covered in blackberries it could only be seen from a part of the driveway. When we got it uncovered it was filled with about 2 feet of goat poop with lots of stuff buried in it. Back pasture also full of weeds and junk. Riding arena the same way. Whenever they wanted to get rid of something they just dumped it under the trees. The front part of the property is looking pretty good now but the back is still nothing but brush, can't even get to the pond. This is why I need a brush hog!

    Tracey in Edmonton - Stop trying to take a big breath when you are swimming. This is a natural thing to want to do but you need to take a "bite of air" so that you can exhale it all into the water. If you take too big a breath you cannot blow it all out and then when you try to take another you are not able to get air in. Also try humming when you exhale. If you hum your mouth is closed so no water in the mouth and the air comes out through your nose so no water in the nose. I taught swimming for over 40 years specializing in fearful swimmers. This works. If you decide to go the snorkle route, try an Easy Breather. It is a one-piece mask and snorkle.

    Heather - Sounds like you are having a wonderful time!

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    Oh, Katla -- the Salem water was deemed unsafe again. :disappointed: The schools are spending tens of thousands of dollars a day on bottled water. They will be thankful when school is out next week, I think.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,914 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,793 Member
    skuehn48 wrote: »
    Hi all: Was going to build a fire in the fire pit to burn some branches we have trimmed but just as I was ready it started raining. Now it has stopped. Want to bet if I go out and try to light the fire it will rain again? Fresh raspberries and cherries at the store this week. Have I said how much I love summertime fruit? I will be so glad when I have finished this antibiotic. I hate the no food or drink with calcium, aluminum, zinc, iron or magnesium in it 2 hours before or 6 hours after taking it. Yuck!

    Okie - We bought our 10 acres three years ago and got a very good deal on it because the previous owner was a hoarder and didn't want people to be able to see onto the property. They let everything go for over 8 years. Our front pasture had chest high weeds and a shelter that was so covered in blackberries it could only be seen from a part of the driveway. When we got it uncovered it was filled with about 2 feet of goat poop with lots of stuff buried in it. Back pasture also full of weeds and junk. Riding arena the same way. Whenever they wanted to get rid of something they just dumped it under the trees. The front part of the property is looking pretty good now but the back is still nothing but brush, can't even get to the pond. This is why I need a brush hog!

    Tracey in Edmonton - Stop trying to take a big breath when you are swimming. This is a natural thing to want to do but you need to take a "bite of air" so that you can exhale it all into the water. If you take too big a breath you cannot blow it all out and then when you try to take another you are not able to get air in. Also try humming when you exhale. If you hum your mouth is closed so no water in the mouth and the air comes out through your nose so no water in the nose. I taught swimming for over 40 years specializing in fearful swimmers. This works. If you decide to go the snorkle route, try an Easy Breather. It is a one-piece mask and snorkle.

    Heather - Sounds like you are having a wonderful time!

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA

    Thank you! I appreciate that. I think that may be what I am doing is not exhaling enough and trying to take too much in at once. I have my 7th lesson in the morning I will pay attention to that.
  • lilnoramitchellandre
    lilnoramitchellandre Posts: 144 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,313 Member
    So many people say they get out of breath when swimming. It's because they don't breathe out enough. Real bubbles. You can't breathe in if you haven't expelled the air.
    I did some of my swimming today at the bottom of the pool. It's such a tiny pool it's the best way to get enough exercise.
    We've asked the butler to bring our tea at 6.45 am tomorrow because the trip starts early. Every evening he brings canapés at 5.30.
    I dragged DH on the dance floor tonight to do the waltz. He really tried. :o<3
    One of the gentlemen partners took me on the floor for the rumba. Never done it before, but I managed. If they lead well it makes it much easier.
    Time for bed. Love you x Heather
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,648 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.23min, 129mhr, 12.9amph. 1.5mi= 68c
    apple watch- 58c
    TREADMILL jog- 29.12min, 9.21min mi, 6.0-7.0sp, 134ahr, 148mhr, 3.12mi= 300c
    apple watch- 349c
    bike ride gym 2 sumn sta- 49.43min, 134ahr, 153mhr, 14.4amph, 11.9mi= 502c
    apple watch- 474c
    jog sta 2 wk- 4.34min, 151mhr, 141ahr, 8.57min mi, .5mi= 61c
    apple watch- 52c
    jog wk 2 sumn sta- sprinkles, 4.03min, 115ahr, 155mhr, 8.52min mi, .4mi= 70c
    apple watch- 64c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- serious rain!!! 16.34min, 127ahr, 149mhr, 2.5mi=198c
    apple watch- 148c

    total cal 1199
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,373 Member
    Did a Women’s Health Perfect Body Workout DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Gilad’s Sandy Beach DVD.

    Rebecca – I love your Mr. Bright Eyes. What a talented sister you have there

    KJ – love the pics of the boys. That one boy on the right, does he have a sunburn only on certain spots on his face? I love him sticking his tongue out, tho. Or maybe he painted it? I know you’ll do something fun with Joaquin. They’ll be wishing he could be in your care all the time.

    I need to run to WalMart. Vince needs milk and I need a few other things. Then probably work out by the pool. Vince had this lighting and I’ll take down the holder he had for it.

    Heather – do you have a restriction on how much garbage you can put out? I know my girlfriend in Switzerland can only put out one can/week and trash compactors are illegal. She has to use certain bags that she needs to purchase. Is it this way by you?

    Took holders for the rope lights that Vince had outside down. That was SOME work. I had to use a chisel, hammer it, then many times it would break it was so brittle. But I got it done. While I was doing it, a wasp touched me. At least that's what I think it did. But boy did it sting! I used some of this wasp and hornet killer we have and didn't have any other problems. Not sure what Vince is going to do about the lighting. Then really cleaned 6 windows, we have something down under them so the red clay from rain won’t get back on them. Then cleaned the window inside and the blinds in the bathroom. Tonight planning to go to Lowe’s hardware to get some things Vince needs for grouting these tiles for the cabinet outside where he has a receiver (he likes his music). I went in the pool. While we’re at Lowe’s we’re also going to get a few of these other pavers because the grass isn’t growing next to the pavers we have. Probably because that’s a spot where many times we clean out the filters for the pool. Then I want to stop at ACMoore to get a picture frame for Jess’ Christmas present

    Denise just called. She was talking about Vince and Pete unloading, Vince mentioned that I could go with him and help unload. He didn’t mention about his back, but I really really wish Denise would just give up cleaning the apartment and help unload. I know Vince too well and I’m afraid he’ll try to do too much and reinjure his back. I personally think we should just help with moving and that’s IT. I think Vince has ideas of us helping to clean. I honestly don’t feel that we are obligated to do it.

    Denise mentioned that when Maria’s (Pete’s mother who they’re going to be living with) brought over her dog, many times her dog and Denise’s cat didn’t get along so Denise asked if they don’t get along, could we take it “until they get a place”. Vince thinks it’ll be a long time, but I suspect that his mother is going to get fed up with them living there that she’ll buy them a house. This should be interesting….her dog, their dog, and the cat. I’m sure their home isn’t real big, I remember Denise telling me that they bought that house because they were downsizing. Vince asked if Dave (Pete’s step-father) will be there to help unload and Denise said that she didn’t know.

    So, when Colby moves out of that apartment, we get Jess’ cat. Now we might be getting Denise’s cat. Thank goodness we have a big house!

    Made a lemon cake and keylime cake to take to Steve since we’ll be staying there. I’m thinking that I’ll make one of those checkerboard cakes. The remaining batter I made into a cake that I’ll take to Pete.

    Rye - awwww

    Snowflake – when I was little I was in the ocean, playing. I remember a wave came in and pulled me out. I got disoriented and ever since then I’ve had this anxiety about not being able to touch the bottom of the pool. Now if I have some sort of floatation I don’t have a problem

    Michele in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,766 Member
    Well went over to the movie,it was Glass Castle very interesting movie
    June is here and it's muggy ,and I'm trying to be cheap and just run a window fan...here is hoping I can sleep.work tomorrow and then up to dad's house to help...
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :)Keri, you have come to the right place for support and encouragement. Come back to this thread regularly and join in the conversations that sound interesting to you. Tell us about yourself and ask any questions you want. I found this thread a few years ago and have been coming back every since. I lost the weight I wanted to lose by logging food and exercise and finding ways to eat that gave me maximum nutrition for minimum calories. I also sought every opportunity to be active.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful rainy NW Washington