Ripped in 30 w/ Jillian M. Who's in?!?!



  • bullriderswife08
    bullriderswife08 Posts: 207 Member
    Week 3 day 1 done. Am I the only one who thinks week 2 was harder than week 3? For some reason, I just did not enjoy week 2. It must target my weak zones! I probably should do it more because of that, but I was ready to move on and actually enjoyed week 3! Sick, I know!

    I totally agree!! Week 2 was brutal compared to week 3!! I also enjoy week 3!
  • bullriderswife08
    bullriderswife08 Posts: 207 Member
    W3D2 Finished! Im enjoying week 3. Had a hard time finishing week 2 strong! I just realized this a.m. that I only have 12 left of Ri30!!! Im stoked. I didn't stop nearly as many times today. And I got my little sister to do the 30DS today! She has been putting it off for a long time! I hope I can keep her motivated!
  • OBXoceansoul
    OBXoceansoul Posts: 89 Member
    I know I'm a little behind some of you but I finished week one yesterday and will start week 2 this today. I just felt like pushing myself at the gym one of the days instead of listening to Jillian and a few days I didn't have enough time in between night shifts to fit it in due to trying to sleep and back to school stuff for the kids. I can't wait for level 2 although I am worried because of everyone's posts. Is it really that bad??
  • kel834
    kel834 Posts: 23
    finished w2d3 this morning, leaving for camping today will be gone til back on track then
  • ts014
    ts014 Posts: 34
    totally agree with you Beauty that Jillian seems to race through this level. The other workouts were taking about 35 minutes to complete through and this one is 32 so she did cut out some downtime I guess. W3D2 done today. Ready for a rest tommorow.

    Tess week 2 is hard because you do a lot of moves in the plank position. It just gets really hard on your arms after so many. My wrists were killing me too. good luck!
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so! hahaha! I know its important not to take little rest breaks (the 5 second ones to catch your breath), but I feel like if she gave us that time between the exercises I wouldn't do so much during the reps!

    W3D4 done for me! 3 more days on this level. Gotta power through it! Duck squats are brutal, but I like the pain because it means I'm working that part of my body!

    My legs have slimmed down so much with JM's DVDs, but I really wish my thighs and hips would benefit more from the workouts and lose inches there! I should be in about a size 8, but my hips and thighs are so big that 11s are what I'm comfortable in and I can almost squeeze into 9s!
  • OBXoceansoul
    OBXoceansoul Posts: 89 Member
    Day 1 of week 2 done. I hate the back to back plank moves! She makes me crack up though when she goes overboard with the motivation, growling and pretending to "bite" her assistants:)
  • I bought Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 and tried doing it yesterday and I couldn't even make it through the entire workout. I was so sore today that even walking around hurts. I decided to take today off and try again tomorrow! Glad to see that others are doing this workout! I might just have to check in from time to time. After my attempt at it yesterday, I really wanted to just give it up. I have it in my mind that it is impossible for me. :(
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    Nothings impossible! It just takes time! We don't all start out able to complete the whole DVD. You gotta build up to it! Don't be discouraged just because of one hard day! You also have to work through the pain sometimes because its proving that you're getting stronger! I hope you stick with it and we are all here to keep you motivated! You'll be happy you stayed dedicated if you choose that path!!

    Today I bought a size 6 in jeans and that's down from a 13 at the beginning of the summer. I owe it all to 30DS and RI30!
  • ^^^^
    Nothings impossible! It just takes time! We don't all start out able to complete the whole DVD. You gotta build up to it! Don't be discouraged just because of one hard day! You also have to work through the pain sometimes because its proving that you're getting stronger! I hope you stick with it and we are all here to keep you motivated! You'll be happy you stayed dedicated if you choose that path!!

    Today I bought a size 6 in jeans and that's down from a 13 at the beginning of the summer. I owe it all to 30DS and RI30!

    Thank you so much for your encouragement! I'm so hard on myself and maybe too hard. I have actually lost over 30 already before starting myfitnesspal. Was in a junior size 13 jean..I am now down 2 sizes! I would LOVE to go buy a size 6 like you did! That inspired me girl!! Tomorrow is definitely a new day. I will be trying the Ripped in 30 again tomorrow. I have to prove to myself that I can do it :) I WILL WORK THROUGH THE PAIN! NO PAIN NO GAIN!!
  • SDV219
    SDV219 Posts: 106
    My wrists were killing me too. good luck!

    I'm so glad that someone else feels the same way!! There's times where I have to stop, just to give my wrists a break!!
    Sorry to intrude, I"m doing Ri30 too, and saw this post!
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    Thank you so much for your encouragement! I'm so hard on myself and maybe too hard. I have actually lost over 30 already before starting myfitnesspal. Was in a junior size 13 jean..I am now down 2 sizes! I would LOVE to go buy a size 6 like you did! That inspired me girl!! Tomorrow is definitely a new day. I will be trying the Ripped in 30 again tomorrow. I have to prove to myself that I can do it :) I WILL WORK THROUGH THE PAIN! NO PAIN NO GAIN!!

    Congrats on your loss so far! Thats fantastic! I've worn juniors size 13 for so long! I'm all over the board in sizes now - shopping at stores like Kohl's 11's still fit me comfortably, but I can squeeze into 9s. As for other stores, 8s and now I guess even 6s fit me! I'm glad I could inspire you! We are all here to keep you motivated and help you through your struggles! You are too hard on yourself because you can do it and you just have to first train your mind to think and go about the workout in a positive manner and your body will follow! I've battled with negativity during my workouts and it makes them that much harder to complete! You're so true about the no pain no gain part! Good luck!

    As for the wrist deal mentioned above..the bones in my wrist like click on some of the exercises. That's definitely not a goood thing I don't think haha. They are so skinny though compared to the rest of my body.. It's like how can they hold the weight of my entire upper body for some exercises! haha.
  • W1D2 = Success!! I made it through it after highly doubting myself!! ;-)
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    Way to go Tiffany! So proud of you! You're going to feel it today and tomorrow, so consider taking some advil for the pain, but don't give up!!!

    As for me, W3D5 is complete! That means 2 more days of week 3 for me and it's on to week 4! So exciting! My workout was great today and really helped raise my mood! So thankful for that! I'm getting better at everything too and even used my handweights for a few of the reps of that ab one when you're supposed to raise your dumbbell to the opposite food and back down!
  • Negativity is out the window! I'm learning that my workouts aren't about perfection, but about the effort!!!
  • daad13
    daad13 Posts: 68
    Week 2 is officially done! THANK GOD :D I was so discouraged at first but by the 3rd day, my moves were all improving so don't give up guys! Taking a break tomorrow and going to the beach, then I shall be back on the 3rd Week by Monday.
    I can't believe I'm half way done! I'm so excited to reach Week 4 by the beginning of September because that's when school starts and I want to be ripped by then *fingers crossed*

    Keep it up ladies! You're all doing fantastic
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    ^^ Congrats! I know what you mean I went through that same discouragement in week 3, but I am getting so much stronger, so its exciting! I have 5 days until I move back to school so I will only get half way through week 4... Such a bummer! But I will bring the DVD and handweights there in case I want to start the dvd again after I get settled in!

    W3D6 done for me! One more day and then its on to week 4. Part of me feels like skipping the last day and moving on right away so I have longer with that last level. What are your thoughts?
  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    I started week 4 today! It was rough but I still think week 3 is worse. I did have to switch back to 3lb weights and follow the modified moves for part of it but I'm looking forward to mastering this one!
  • bullriderswife08
    bullriderswife08 Posts: 207 Member
    Wow!!! You are all so amazing! My life has been super crazy lately so I really don't have a whole lot of free time. I just wanted to stop in and let everyone know that I haven't forgotten about you! I too am still working out and finished w3D5 today!!! Only 2 more days and then Im on to the home stretch!! Hopefully tonight I can have some down time to get back in here and chat with all of you!!!
  • OBXoceansoul
    OBXoceansoul Posts: 89 Member
    W 2 day 2 done. My knees and wrists are screaming but I got a good workout;)