Can we talk about what are you struggle with the most?



  • Lora2380
    Lora2380 Posts: 195 Member
    I’m totally with you!! Weekend bevies are my nemusis, especially now that it is almost summer and sunshiny weekends are mini holidays! I’m getting close to goal weight so I will eat at deficit during the week and maintenance on weekends. Figure this will be a good way to ease into maintenance thinking and will still keep me accountable on the weekends but without such a battle.
  • BosFitlife
    BosFitlife Posts: 43 Member
    I struggle with eating with in my calories EVERY.DAMN. WEEKEND.

    The alcohol and good food get me EVERY.TIME.

    you can always go with weekly average instead of daily, which you can lower 4-5 days so on weekends you can enjoy more, as long as you are not gaining weight then you should be fine.
  • BosFitlife
    BosFitlife Posts: 43 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    Depression, since I'm limited to naming one thing. Have tried getting medication, but my GP refuses to give me any. I'm sitting on a long-donkey waiting list for therapy that I don't want, but if I refuse it, I get denied all help.

    That's a tough one, hope you get help you need soon, maybe find something that's enjoyable for you to focus on and do more of it? :|
  • BosFitlife
    BosFitlife Posts: 43 Member
    Lora2380 wrote: »
    I’m totally with you!! Weekend bevies are my nemusis, especially now that it is almost summer and sunshiny weekends are mini holidays! I’m getting close to goal weight so I will eat at deficit during the week and maintenance on weekends. Figure this will be a good way to ease into maintenance thinking and will still keep me accountable on the weekends but without such a battle.

    One thing I do to prevent that is I buy a gallon of water jog and I will drink it through the day, and before I go out to eat sometimes which helps to keep me fuller than normal so I don't ended up over eat. haha little trick I use often.
  • Rose18l
    Rose18l Posts: 147 Member
    My moms food, fatty, not that nutricious and way to little protein.
  • BosFitlife
    BosFitlife Posts: 43 Member
    Rose18l wrote: »
    My moms food, fatty, not that nutricious and way to little protein.

    but they're the best foods! Good for the soul!! hahaha as long that's not every single meal you have it'd be fine.
  • Nikki_Lee12
    Nikki_Lee12 Posts: 45 Member
    I do so well during the week as well, workout every day and come in at or under calories, but fall apart on the weekend. Everyone around me always wants to go out to eat and/or drink and its hard to be in that social setting and behave =(
  • AveriaKyle
    AveriaKyle Posts: 20 Member
    edited June 2018
    When i gotta eat out, i get worried about not being able to find food that fits my requirements (40/30/30) @ 2200kcal. AND low in sodium n added sugar as well.
    N if im on holiday, iwont be able to track my intake regularly n this makes me stressed.

    I used to be fat when i was younger.
    I have a huge fear of getting fat again becos i couldnt log my food properly sometimes.
  • BosFitlife
    BosFitlife Posts: 43 Member
    AveriaKyle wrote: »
    When i gotta eat out, i get worried about not being able to find food that fits my requirements (40/30/30) @ 2200kcal.
    N if im on holiday, iwont be able to track my intake regularly n this makes me stressed.

    Normally on holidays I don't track, I don't suggest tracking, however, I do push my meal to one big one with family and friends, so I'd have a very light breakfast and drink plenty of water through the day till dinner time. If i have time I will even go for a workout, just to get body moving since holidays sometime can be a lot of sitting around.
  • BosFitlife
    BosFitlife Posts: 43 Member
    I do so well during the week as well, workout every day and come in at or under calories, but fall apart on the weekend. Everyone around me always wants to go out to eat and/or drink and its hard to be in that social setting and behave =(

    I agree it can be tough sometimes, the 80/20 rule is a good way to look at it, if 80% of your meals are within what you suppose to eat, then that 20% of social eating and fun won't hurt you.
  • New_Heavens_Earth
    New_Heavens_Earth Posts: 610 Member
    Consistency. I know it all comes down to a sustained deficit but I jump from one plan to the next depending on who looks good on FB and IG and what they did, what plan I feel good about this week, what plan I think I can lose fastest on. Meanwhile my goals are going nowhere.
  • BosFitlife
    BosFitlife Posts: 43 Member
    Consistency. I know it all comes down to a sustained deficit but I jump from one plan to the next depending on who looks good on FB and IG and what they did, what plan I feel good about this week, what plan I think I can lose fastest on. Meanwhile my goals are going nowhere.

    IG models are the worst of following on personal image/fitness goals, don't get into the tumbler of programs.
    Find what you enjoy the most of, and stick to it.
    The basics usually the less glorious but works the best, when one IG post says you get best result for workout 5 days ago but in reality you can only do 3, you going to stress yourself out by trying to follow the 5 day plan when 3 days if far more enjoyable for you to stick with.
  • taubrey9175
    taubrey9175 Posts: 4 Member
    I hate cooking, and I haven't eaten well ever. So recently I started making this healthy pad tai dish I found on YouTube. I've been eating 2 helpings a day on top of breakfast for the past 3 weeks, and have been maintaining my 2200 calorie goal. I haven't lost weight yet, but I feel much better overall, even though I'm still at 250lbs.
  • BosFitlife
    BosFitlife Posts: 43 Member
    I hate cooking, and I haven't eaten well ever. So recently I started making this healthy pad tai dish I found on YouTube. I've been eating 2 helpings a day on top of breakfast for the past 3 weeks, and have been maintaining my 2200 calorie goal. I haven't lost weight yet, but I feel much better overall, even though I'm still at 250lbs.

    At 250lbs and 2200 calories/day should put you in a deficit to loss weight, are you working out? also how are you calculate your calories? do you count everything including the oil, seasoning?
  • taubrey9175
    taubrey9175 Posts: 4 Member
    BosFitlife wrote: »
    I hate cooking, and I haven't eaten well ever. So recently I started making this healthy pad tai dish I found on YouTube. I've been eating 2 helpings a day on top of breakfast for the past 3 weeks, and have been maintaining my 2200 calorie goal. I haven't lost weight yet, but I feel much better overall, even though I'm still at 250lbs.

    At 250lbs and 2200 calories/day should put you in a deficit to loss weight, are you working out? also how are you calculate your calories? do you count everything including the oil, seasoning?

    Yea I'm hitting carbs 40%, fat and protean 30 almost on the dot everyday. I have never worked out before three weeks ago, but I've been going to the gym and doing a beginner workout I found online three times a week starting last week, and I've run a mile every morning for the past 6 days, and will continue to do so. I'm pretty sure I'll see some results soon.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    I'm just lazy. I joined the gym on Memorial Day and haven't gone once yet. My only exercise lately is the 15 minute walk in the morning and afternoon from the parking garage to my office and back. I need to step up my game but I just don't feel like it. I know from my own history that I do so much better once I incorporate more exercise, it's just a matter of actually doing it.