Help! What to eat when at a conference?!



  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    edited June 2018
    I would Google this hotel and find out what groceries stores and restaurants are near it--walking distance before getting there. You could also call the hotel concierge and ask them. This way you are prepared and know what is there before you arrive. As others have said, bring or buy your own food. If you don't have a plan ahead of time you will get there, be hungry and face those scones and probably overindulge. I definitely would bring the oatmeal in my suitcase for breakfast. When I went abroad to Europe last year for 2 weeks, I knew I'd have a kitchen and access to supermarkets, but I brought my mini rice cooker with me in my carry-on, and packed as well the dried oatmeal and enough lara bars for the whole time. I cook my oatmeal in my rice cooker, and also could use it to cook rice! Also call the hotel or check their website and see if there is a microwave and frig. in your room. With the microwave there is a lot you can do--if you get to the supermarket you could buy ready made meals to heat up for lunch/dinner.
  • garystrickland357
    garystrickland357 Posts: 598 Member
    I’m at a conference now. I went ti HEB and bought food to eat in my room.
  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    If you are going somewhere without a grocery store, convenience stores and restaurants, then you are not going to a big city. Also, Uber and Lyft are easy ways to get around in places you aren't familiar with. If you do take a bus to the store, you can take an Uber back so you can get more items if needed.

    Even budget hotels like Holiday Inn and Best Western have food. They may not have a ton of options, but you can always modify. Order a hamburger- toss the bun, skip the cheese, no mayo. Sub fruit for the fries. Then, save the fruit for the morning and eat that with a protein bar.

    There is also always delivery. If it's a big city, there has to be something like GrubHub. Find a restaurant and order a salad or something. If the portion is large, save half for the next day.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    The lack of choices I think made it harder. There may not be many fruit or vegetable options. There are more high fat choices and sometimes not enough protein.

    I’ve tried picking up what I need from a local convenience store, but, often the same problem. Easy protein choices I’ve picked up from a convenience store include beef jerky, Muscle Milk, and cheese. Still short on fresh fruit.
  • jamie62870
    jamie62870 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a meeting planner and Plan conferences for a living. I'm surprised when you register they Didn't ask you on the registration site if you had dietary restrictions.

    Anyway, even though I get to plan them and know what ill be serving, its still conference food..which is never really as healthy as I want,,so I always bring snacks on my others suggested, i try and find out if there are stores locally..I can't imagine there wouldn't be. You can also see if you can request either a small fridge in the room if they don't have in our if they do and it has items in it, that it be emptied ..sometimes they will (Vegas won't)
    Typically conferences will have buffet lunches, so you're bound to have a salad, and protein option. Being its a week long conference, when you go to the reg desk, let them know about your restrictions (don't say It's a diet. if you are trying to do low carb etc, tell them you have a gluten intolerance..its not really a conferences responsibility to cover every attendees "diet", but they can accommodate vegetarian, vegan, celiac halal) they can usually accommodate later in the guarantees are done 2 days in advance on site.
    Breakfast was always the hardest since its always pastries. If they don't have yogurt and whole or sliced fruit, I buy the yogurt at the store and keep it on ice in the ice bucket and refresh the ice day and night. I usually can get away with days of yogurt that way.
    Good luck!

  • cjchelli
    cjchelli Posts: 8 Member
    Also, the foods they put out have 0 nutritional value.

    I see this often. As someone who orders food for meetings/events on occasion, I make a conscious effort to order slightly indulgent treats (if your are going to treat yourself, treat yourself on something delicious) and healthy nutritional items like fruit and veggies. Seems like common sense to me.

  • karahm78
    karahm78 Posts: 505 Member
    Most conferences I go to usually have out yogurts (usually Yoplait which isn't my fave but will do), a fruit/cheese platter, and whole fruits (bananas, etc). How many days is this, maybe check it out the first day and if it is indeed barren take an Uber to Whole Foods and stock up for the rest of the trip?