Doritos, You Know You Love Them



  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I used to love cool ranch doritos. now that they have changed the flavor I cant stand them. there are NO dorito flavors that I like and Ive tried almost all of them on the market
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member

    Has anyone tried this???

    I have. not bad Im not a fan of doritos though so
  • Bellavita31
    Bellavita31 Posts: 1,556 Member
    No Shame in my Doritos game, I eat them like I am at home no matter where I am!

    My hands dont even touch the chips. I just hold the bowl and pour it in my mouth

  • Just_Mel_
    Just_Mel_ Posts: 3,992 Member

    Does anyone remember these??? Early 90s I think. They were my absolute fave as a kid. Wish they would bring them back!
  • hud54014
    hud54014 Posts: 3,777 Member

    You can get Happytos in Indonesia
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Late edit (because “Mr. Vanilla Commenter” hates me):
    I <3 the Nacho Cheese ones and like Cool Ranch too (not love, just like/will eat them). My favorite “recipe” (you’ll see the irony shortly) with the cheese ones, believe it or not, is “Easy Nachos,” a dead-easy (hence the name-Get it? It’s almost not even worthy of the “recipe” moniker!) recipe from Mom’s college life that she’s shared with me.

    Prep time: Worst-case scenario, 5 minutes.
    Cooking time: until everything melts, maaayybe up to 2 minutes-ish?
    Total time: Might not quite be 7 minutes, but definitely lightning-fast in any case!
    Servings: that depends on how much of each ingredient you use, which in turn will depend on personal tastes/dietary or cultural needs-you can use sparingly or omit any topping that you or your crowd don’t like or that is for any reason not good for you or them (no avocado products for avocado allergy, for instance)-and how hungry you are or how many people are coming (and how starving they are) to watch the game with you (or play games or watch TV/movies-the sky’s the limit, but you probably want to choose a theme/activity that doesn’t depend on clean hands, as card or board/moving pieces games do!-Gotta love those cheesy fingerprints, not!-I know, mostly Cheetos do that, but Doritos will too)
    Macros: bad enough that you definitely don’t wanna make these until your doctor approves you to eat! (well, to eat this extravagantly, anyway. I hope they at least approve of you drinking some water/eating a carrot during your weight management journey, otherwise you can probably at least get their office shut down while they enter potential jail time and ED therapy!)
    -As many according-to-label servings of chips as you have people to feed, plus maybe a few more chips to replace broken ones (hey, it happens!)
    -As much shredded sharp cheddar (the more recently and coarsely shredded, the better!) as your heart wants (but not enough to where some won’t melt evenly-although my family has done that and it’s still divine due to temperature layers!-or it melts all over your microwave!)
    -1 garden-ripe tomato, chopped (can adjust up for more people or down slightly if you’re the kind of alien who doesn’t appreciate the glorious tomato)
    -Whatever other toppings/seasonings come to mind when you think about nachos (optional)
    -Beverages, for serving (based on what I’ve read thus far in this thread, I would apparently be amiss not to recommend beer or red wine for those who can “enjoy responsibly” and root beer or rich grape juice (like Welch’s) for non-imbibers
    -Aiming exclusively for whole/huge chips as much as possible (so be super-careful bringing them home from the store!), select the desired number (thereabouts) of chips and plop (gently!) them on a microwave-okay plate (or an oven-okay dish if feeding the entire world!). (Make-ahead tip: you can pause here for a few hours, but, for the love of your mental health, keep that plate/dish in a dry place that’s WAY out of reach/sight of hungry family!-do not use the fridge-it’s much too wet in there for anything crunchy)
    -Cover that mountain-o-yum with cheese and nuke until the cheese relaxes into a giant glob of paradise
    -Allow to cool thoroughly (again, out of other people’s reach!-you can stop here for make-ahead peace too) while you plan the rest of that party you’re gonna share these throwing-stars of deliciousness with (riiiiight!?).
    -Meanwhile, prep whatever craziness people might want on their treats (options I’ve seen include hot sauce, chopped (maybe salted-and-limed*) avocado, more (cold) cheese (again, the temperature layering is shockingly yummy) and sour cream or even guac*-you probably don’t wanna prep the tomato ahead of time lest it soften to flavorless mush, but everything else should be fine (if you *add enough acid for color-not flavor, unless you wouldn’t mind the zing-or a tight layer of plastic wrap, if using guac) to do so.
    -Top portions to order immediately before serving or leave pretty condiment dishes and serving-ware for guests to go nuts with creativity
    -Turn on whatever you’ve agreed to watch or prepare the game setup and enjoy!
    -Feel free to weep while you discard/dump something poisonous over the leftovers, because, again, the chips won’t get along with the fridge (unless you have one of those newfangled “as seen on teevee” Reheating Grill dumafachees, in which case, no tears necessary!) I emphasize covering them in something poisonous if you must discard them because that should eliminate the temptation to eat them cold, much less attempt reheating. If you would dumpster-dive for them anyway, know how to reach Poison Control and expect a stomach-pumping!
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    Shh. I am keeping these hidden in my garage because I know if my boys sniff them out, the bag will be gone in five minutes.

  • ChaelAZ
    ChaelAZ Posts: 2,240 Member
    Doritos and Fritos with sour cream were life at some point.
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    Caporegiem wrote: »
    Yes all of them. Yum yum, and add a bottle of wine or 3.

    I've heard of pairing cheese and wine, but nacho cheese Doritos and wine seems like a bit of a stretch.

    For Spicy Doritos and wine I'd go with sweet wines. People are afraid to like sweet wines, or they think that they are déclassé. I say you have to have sweet to beat the heat. That's a rule of thumb in all wine pairing from spicy Doritos straight through to spicy curries, spicy Sichuan, you name it.

    I'd go red because we're talking about "cheese" with the Doritos. I would pair it with maybe a nice Lambrusco or even a Brachetto d'Acqui from Piemonte.

    The Salsa Verde Doritos and a Garnacha pair very well together.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    I'm just going to leave this here:

  • WendyJoy76
    WendyJoy76 Posts: 948 Member
    For the love of Cool Ranch <3
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member