JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS - Round 44



  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    R38 SW 212.6 GW 210 EW 207.4 (-5.2)
    R39 SW 207.4 GW 206 EW 206.2 (-1.2)
    R40 SW 206.2 GW 204.6 EW 203.0 (-3.2)
    R41 SW 203.0 GW 202.5 EW 200.4 (-2.6)
    R42 SW 200.4 GW 199.9 EW 199.0 (-1.4)
    R43 SW 199.0 GW 199.0 EW 197.6 (-1.4)
    R44 SW 197.6 GW 196.5
    Daily Goals: Smarter choices, that I still enjoy
    Long Term Goals: A healthy lifestyle I can maintain
    Short Term GW: 199.9 by 6/2
    Short term GW2: 182.6 by 11/1
    UGW: 155ish - by April 2019

    6/17 - Sunday - 197.6 - worked hard yesterday to find a happy medium between what I wanted and what I had calories for. Another day of being mindful while still enjoying life. I expect my usual Monday gain before any more losses. Really had to think about goals last night. I'm so happy with my progress so far. I decided to plan for 1lb/week over the next 15 weeks giving me til around November 1st. I updated my goal in Libra and it put my trend goal date around mid September at my current rate. So, I have room for life to happen within my goal timeframe. Feels really empowering to be planning for the next 4 months after a successful 2 months. I am committed to my health!!!
    6/18 - Monday - 199.8 - Whoa what a gain! It's a just a hair over my trend line on the upside but this is about progress, not perfection. Not sweating it. I logged everything. But more importantly I ENJOYED everything. Sometimes lately I've been feeling bad about eating certain things - not physically - but guilty - which takes the joy out of food and other moments. So yesterday I had a plan to stay within calories, but we happened upon some BEAUTIFUL broccoli rabe and DH had to make pork and rabe sandwhiches - they were otherworldly. Also picked up some fragrant fresh picked strawberries - was going to have a just a handful - but MIL brought over freshly baked shortbread and I had coolwhip - so after a long day we enjoyed strawberry shortcakes. For me, food really is to be enjoyed - fresh, homemade, healthy food in moderation. And heck, even moderation in moderation! So yesterday was a win for me! Been doing well taking my supplements too! Back to work for another successful week! Forgot my blender bottle at work over the weekend so just a hard boiled egg and a nectarine for breakfast today. Leftover quinoa bowl for lunch with added black bean burger. Plans to order out to avoid record breaking heat tonight and alleviate stress after a super late night at the laundromat last night - going to prelog now so I know what will work best!
    6/19 - Tuesday - 198.6 - I'm figuring this out! Chinese food take out last night - but made good choices; half a spicy salmon roll, order or pork steam buns and half order wonton in spicy chili oil. I was able to make those smart decisions because right before I left work, even though at the moment I wasnt hungry, I had a quick protein shake to hold me over. Good thing, I would have been ravenous come dinner time and ordered a ridiculous amount of food and binged. I noticed that my new fish oil supplement is actually putting me over my calorie goal. I got the liquid version for better % and absorption, but its 40 cals/serving twice a day - so that will take some adjusting to - eating almost 100 cals less a day to fit that in - but I'm not forcing it right now. I'm happy that I'm creating a new habit and hopefully improving my numbers, the food will adjust as I figure out how to not be hungry on 100 cals less.
    6/20 - Wednesday - 199.0 - Still on target for downward trend - thank goodness for Libra (weight trend tracking app), it keeps me focused on the bigger picture. Went for a walk last night, cleaned the kitchen, did a grocery store trip to get necessities to continue on the right path. Had taco bell cantina bowl for lunch yesterday because not much in the house, it fit in the calories for the day and 200mg over sodium - this is actually a decent fast food option at 500 cals. Buger and salad for dinner. Today I have my smoothie, packed a delicious homemade chefs salad, and working on my water early! Forgot my fish oil this morning, but remembered to take b-complex to work to add to morning routine - it's a process but I feel the routine becoming habit! Prelogged breakfast and lunch. No plan for dinner yet, but I took out a chicken breast and we have tons of veggies to grill or saute so no excuses, cooking dinner at home tonight!
    6/21 - Thrusday - 197.6 - There it is again! Woohoo! Tried a new recipe for chicken cordon bleu casserole last night, delicious w/a side of zuchini. I had to eat slowly and mindfully because it was a rich recipe with a smaller volume per serving. I was full by the end of dinner. I have the leftovers + rice for lunch. Plan to have half breakfast shake in AM and half for snack after lunch (I never finish it in the morning so trying something new). Usually dinner is my high calorie meal but lunch is this today, so planning on grilled chicken and salad for dinner. We have some gardening chores to do tonight as well so some fresh air and physical activity will be great! Happy Summer!
    6/22 - Friday - 196.8 - A new number! A little less than 3 months into this journey and the biggest change - I AM HAPPY. It's not the weight loss, it's the way I'm fueling my body that seems to be improving my overall mood. Less mood swings, PMS is manageable not scary, I don't feel deprived of anything, I'm not guilting myself about the things I eat, I'm communicating better. Basically, I've improved a LOT of habits, not just my eating and that is SO satisfying to me. Plans to go out to lunch today, checked out the menu and will probably have either salmon ceasar salad or fish tacos (baked with coleslaw side). I'm going to try to order more fish when we go out because we don't cook it enough at home. Lunch was a last minute plan and we usually order out on Friday night at home, so I don'y have anything out for dinner. But I'm getting better at winging it and making it work - so I won't stress! Happy Friday!
    6/23 - Saturday - 194.8 - later than usual weigh in. Don't expect that number to stick arond but cool to see it. Was worried yesterday would be a bust but had homemade dinner at MIL and ice cream at home and stayed within calories. Have a party today so taking today as my 20 to enjoy, since I can't plan for what will be there I will just enjoy the day! More leg cramps waking me up grrr...
    6/24 Sunday - 196.8 - made reasonable choices at the party. Surprise anniversary dinner a late night good truck we love so yesterday was one to be enjoyed - I tracked it anyway and it's the first time I have been over maintenance calories so cest la vie! A weird eating day today too but closer to deficit than maintenance. I wanted to order fettucini Alfredo out but I made it homemade to save some cals but needed up eating a bunch of biscuits as well so no savings there! Did get out and walk today!
  • DebCountsAll
    DebCountsAll Posts: 471 Member
    L2HS wrote: »
    L2HS wrote: »
    6/23- 237.0 Had a mental health day yesterday. Shopping, hair cut, lunch out with friends, and mani/pedi with complimentary mimosa. Not a great food choice day but just what I needed to recharge. No Regerts.

    Okay now. I must know, where the heck do you get a mani/pedi with a mimosa?? That's worth travel distance :wink:

    There are not many things Texans do that doesn’t involve alcohol. 8) I’m seeing it more and more in nicer nail salons in bigger cities.

    Thanks for the tip. My lifelong BF lives in the DFW area. We will look into this!