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Honest opinions on weight loss surgery

Jetrail Posts: 209 Member
Hi , i was looking for some honest opinions on weight loss surgeries such as gastric bypass and sleeves etc. While it's great people are bettering their health do you feel the person who makes hard lifestyle changes and loses the weight on their own works harder ? Is it wrong to feel that way? . I guess to me when you decide to change your lifestyle and really grind for what you want health wise it seems slot harder vs losing weight with surgical help, maybe I'm wrong but I'd like some opinions, like I said it's still grwat when anyone betters their lifestyle


  • Mandylou19912014
    Mandylou19912014 Posts: 208 Member
    I think that if you have the money to get one and feel that you could then maintain afterwards then go for it! Some people choose to exercise and diet over a period of time and some people have surgery. Your end goals are similar so it doesn’t and shouldn’t matter how you reach it
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Not everyone does it because they think It's an easy way out or because they are lazy. It's not an easy way out. They need to still do the work. And in some cases need to live with permanent changes in the way their body works (malnourishment and vitamin and mineral deficiencies are a real possibility). Sometimes depression has made the required effort appear hopeless. You just don't know unless you've been in their shoes.

    I honestly don't understand why anyone would choose to go that route unless they are literally bed-bound from their weight. You still have to diet to make it work and the side effects sound very unpleasant. I kind of think it gets sold as 'the magic bullet solution that really works!' which is obviously not true. But luckily, no one has to ask me what I think to get weight loss surgery so if people want to spend their money and time doing that and it works for them, great.

    I was talking with someone who had the surgery followed by life threatening and permanently damaging complications. She had the surgery following a health scare and was genuinely scared for her life.
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    I'm not opposed to the concept, and I know surgery candidates often have to demonstrate some level of non-surgical weight loss as part of the program.

    That said, I only know two people that have had WLS and both of them re-gained the weight - so, it's not a miracle cure and there still needs to be the same level of discipline to maintain results as those that lose weight without surgery.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,325 Member
    I'm not opposed to the concept, and I know surgery candidates often have to demonstrate some level of non-surgical weight loss as part of the program.

    That said, I only know two people that have had WLS and both of them re-gained the weight - so, it's not a miracle cure and there still needs to be the same level of discipline to maintain results as those that lose weight without surgery.

    I thought I read that less than 5% keep the weight off...seems like a failing procedure to me.