JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • JFT - Wednesday June 27
    2L of Water - :)
    Stay in Green - :)
    Outside 15 Minutes - :/ Probably aout 5 minutes purposely
    Follow up from sales yesterday and maybe go out again - :)
    Write in Journal - :)
    Work on 6 month goal plan - :)
    Exercise tonight - :| Went and cleaned my car tonight after the kids left, took an hour which would have been my exercise time.

    JFT - Thursday June 28
    2L of Water
    Stay in Green
    Outside 15 Minutes
    Write in Journal

    Not eating breakfast today made my day much easier to control the eating. It's weird I didn't feel as hungry as I have been.

    Tomorrow I am going to be on the road all day and don't think I'll have time to check in. I feel like a schoolgirl who is going to miss a day with her friends. I'll be missing you all and thinking of you :)

    Have a great day everyone!

    You may not see this in time, but have a good time on the road! I like you JFT goals a lot!!
  • I want to keep replying to you guys because I read what you write and want to respond with support, but I'm going to bed now. Will reply more later! Here's some JFT goals...
    June 27th JFT
    Stay in the green :)
    Go to dance class :)
    Go for a walk :)
    Write down my 6 month goals :)
    ***My 6 months goals are to (1) lose at least 10 lbs by logging calories to stay in the green and exercise 5 times a week, (2) shave 1 minute off my mile time by practicing my mile run (which is much more a SLOW jog than running), and (3) be able to run 5 miles by building up to it.***
    June 28th JFT
    Stay in the green
    Go to dance class
    Go for a run
    Do my laundry
    Work on my emotional eating
    Do some accounting work for the farm

  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :smiley:
    - Stick to food plan :smile:
    - 3 bottles water :/ Only two. Got to make more effort with this
    - No alcohol :smile: Even though boyfriend tried to persuade me to have some
    - 30+ mins lunch break :smile:
    - French podcast, article, Duolingo, book :neutral: Forgot that was going for lunch with colleague and wouldn't be able to do anything then. So 2/4
    - Stop working at 6pm :smile:

    Today's commitments:

    June 10: "I'm on holiday" = chocolate :s
    June 11: Stress = gin, no food :neutral:
    June 12: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 13: 'celebratory' mood + pub + burger/ ice cream :s
    June 14: No emotional eating :smiley:
    June 15: Greed rather than emotions.. :neutral:
    June 16: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 17: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 18: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 19: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 20: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 21: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 22: Greed rather than emotions... :neutral:
    June 23: "F&ck it mood" - pub food/drink :/
    June 24: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 25: Grumpy, overworked - two gins :/
    June 26: Black mood but reined myself in, had moderate indulgence and then stopped :smile:
    June 27: No emotional eating :smile:

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - 4 bottles water
    - No alcohol

    - 45 mins lunch break
    - French podcast, article, Duolingo, book
    - Stop work at 6pm
    - Focus and be productive (not like yesterday...)

    You do so good at not emotional eating! How do you do it, do you have a tip or advice on how to control emotional eating?

    By the way, good luck on your race with a coworker! It sounds like fun!!

    I read the Beck Diet Solution and it really helped me with this. There are lots of different tips in it but the main ones that have helped are:
    - Planning your eating for the day beforehand and then strictly not deviating it, at all, for any reason. I am able to do this quite a lot of the time, though obviously slip sometimes!
    - There is a chapter in the book about how to overcome emotional eating - I can't remember exactly what it said but I wrote a little card for myself afterwards which has written on it "Eating something tasty might cheer me up temporarily but it won't fix the problem or help me meet my goals. I need to do something else to cheer me up e.g. take a bath, watch Friends". I've read that fairly regularly over the last six months and think it might have actually gone in...? A lot of my stress is work related so I also often tell myself that breaking my diet is letting the b*stards win...
    - Kind of linked to the first one, I basically have a policy now 'I don't snack at work'. It's like a rule. This has worked really well in terms of emotional eating as most of the time my negative moods are linked to work and there are lots of snacks in the office! So if I have a rule that I don't* eat them, that reduces the number of occasions on which I'll emotion eat. It still happens sometimes, I cheat this by deciding to go out for dinner and eating fatty foods :-)

    * Note that I use the word 'don't' not 'can't'. I think 'don't' is more motivational as 'can't' implies that you would if something weren't stopping you, like your diet, whereas 'don't' is just a lifestyle choice. I am not a person that snacks (I am a person that goes to the pub and eats a massive burger, but not a person that snacks...)

    Hope that helps in some way! I would recommend the Beck Diet Solution, it's a really helpful book and has helped me a lot.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Wednesday Recap
    1. Drink 3 waters before noon - start NOW :)
    2. Log all food :)
    3. Meds AM and PM :)
    4. Cook dinner at home :)
    5. Stay in the green :)
    6. Be kind to yourself :)

    I was a nervous wreck when we got home so DH insisted we go out for a nature walk. I had every excuse but we did it and missed the rain! I didnt have my stuffed pepper but did have steak and cheese, I used a low carb wrap and that fit just the same. Then I wanted to stress snack so I stress cleaned instead! @Snowflake1968 - I'm probably more like your oldest daughter - but cleaning is one chore that I CANNOT eat whilst doing so its effective! :D Oh, I did actually have 2 pieces of dark chocolate but it fit with the exercise and tasted SO GOOD. I have to make a stressful phone call to a family member this evening but I'm not going to let that dictate my day. Day of food is mostly planned sans snacks but I have a few options. @toaljasa great insights about pizza! I'm the same way, can't give it up so moderation is key! Anyone with Market Basket grocery stores local (they are pretty regional so not sure anyone is close to one) but they have new organic wood fired frozen pizza Market Basket store brand - the roasted vegetable one is DELICIOUS and only 390 calories for half the pizza! Sodium isn't crazy either at 750mg/half pizza. Busy day today! Have a nice day everyone!

    JFT Thursday
    1. Drink 3 waters before noon - start NOW
    2. Log all food
    3. Meds AM and PM
    4. Cook dinner at home
    5. Stay in the green
    6. Be kind to yourself
    7. Call J
    8. Pack dog bag
    9. Pick up walmart order
    10. Buy some 1L water bottles and freeze them at work for picnic basket
    11. Pack picnic basket with non perishables (napkins, plates, silverware, etc)
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    I was so riled up yesterday I forgot about my goals! But I tidied up the house, stopped eating, and got a little exercise, so thank you all.

    Just For Today Thursday:

    1) I will adhere to the food plan I made yesterday (unless I decide to make lentil soup instead of split pea...I'll allow myself that variation.)
    2) I will do my physical therapy morning and evening.
    3) I will play with my little cat (I can tell she's feeling a bit neglected based on the way she snuggled up for a cuddle this morning.)
    4) I will drink 12 glasses of water (donating blood plus it's 105 outside, so need the extra hydration.)
    5) Kitchen closed and brush teeth by 9 pm.
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    I want to keep replying to you guys because I read what you write and want to respond with support, but I'm going to bed now. Will reply more later! Here's some JFT goals...
    June 27th JFT
    Stay in the green :)
    Go to dance class :)
    Go for a walk :)
    Write down my 6 month goals :)
    ***My 6 months goals are to (1) lose at least 10 lbs by logging calories to stay in the green and exercise 5 times a week, (2) shave 1 minute off my mile time by practicing my mile run (which is much more a SLOW jog than running), and (3) be able to run 5 miles by building up to it.***
    June 28th JFT
    Stay in the green
    Go to dance class
    Go for a run
    Do my laundry
    Work on my emotional eating
    Do some accounting work for the farm

    I think those are fabulous six month goals! I need to grab a pen and start a list of my own.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    I actually had a really really good day today! I was able to keep ahold of the anxiety by taking two sips of water for every sip of coffee. Lol. That way I made sure that I was hydrated enough to actually drink it without paying the price. Work was decent. We did a few monthly audits today. We counted all the money in our vault. It's actually not as daunting as it sounds. We only keep about 73K in it and most of that is large bills. If we dont have any interruptions it usually only takes us about 10 minutes and 6 of that is restrapping/stamping/ initialing everything.

    I got a break again today! We're actually going to get them for the rest of the week! It's been like 3 weeks since that happened. I went for a walk during mine today. I play a couple of games that involved walking so I got to do that while walking around downtown. The weather was awesome too. We have a storm system coming in( @Snowflake1968 I think it was your system) and the sky definitely looked like. It was also kind of cool and breezy. I think that that is my favorite kind of weather. I know that a lot of people are in pain during that time(which sucks) but I dont have any long-standing issues like so I can fully enjoy it. Lol

    I, also, just realized that I updated my goals from yesterday, last night but never made any for today! LOL!

    I didnt get much accomplished today anyway. I spent some time with my DH walking up and down my driveway(1/4 mile dirt road). We were just hanging out, laughing and talking. It was nice. Especially since the DH had a rough day at work and it's pretty late. We had fun though. I ended up watching a movie with our HG(house guests) while waiting for him to get home. D and I got into a very loud, good-natured shouting match. Lol. It's so good to have him back in our lives. He's the only one I can do that with and I think it's mainly because of all of our history. Lol. It was fun though.

    With the exception of the 2 pieces of pizza at 11 pm, it was a great day! I'm definitely not going to let those two pieces ruin my awesome day. I am going to go to bed a winner because I blew past my step goal. Lol. !2K of 10K. That, and all the fun and good times, make this day a win in my book!

    JFT, 6/28/18

    1. Pack lunch!
    2. Meal plan/make shopping list
    3. Brainstorm 6-month goals
    4. Audit drawer 402/find out about other audits needed
    5. Find out about K's house/leave early
    6. Spend time with DH
    7. DISHES!!!!
    8. Shower/Teeth/Face

    I bet you that has had a lot to do with your anxiety levels too. I believe it's been proven that people need breaks from work to regroup and focus, and that it makes them more productive overall.
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »

    It sounds to me like you've done all you can. So now it's out of your hands. Just as a reminder (I know you know this) worrying, fretting, fearfulness will not change whether you get the job or not. Nor will it bring you joy (I've never heard someone say, "Worrying brings me such happiness, lol) So, do some things around the house (windex windows, light fixtures, dust the baseboards, clean out underneath the sinks...) to get you distracted, to do something purposeful, and to get you tired out by bed time! You can do this!

    Stress, anger, looking for peace and tranquility- clean! That’s my motto, it always makes me feel better. I have to tell this little story, my youngest daughter is just like me cleaning is calming for her. My oldest the Mother of my grands is just the opposite. She feels she’ll “never live up to my standards” (her words not mine) and it causes her great anxiety. When Michaela my granddaughter was just learning to walk she was told no one day. She immediately started rearranging furniture and putting dishes in her little cupboard set. I think she’ll find cleaning very relaxing.

    This actually helped me a great deal. I am not a naturally clean person, so I carefully schedule myself to take care of the house so it doesn't fall to pieces around me without me noticing. ;) But yesterday I had all this nervous energy so I organized and straightened all the little things that had fallen out of place since Sunday and went through my mail and updated my filing system and scrubbed the sink and now the place sparkles and I feel like I have so much CONTROL. It's really nice!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @Bex953172 I'm glad that everything worked out. Aren't (good) Dad's wonderful? I'm sorry that you want to cry! Is it relief tears? I've had that happen. Take a whooooole bunch of deep breathes. Maybe take a hot bath and go to bed early? Lol.

    Not relief tears lol! Wish they were, you know when things just get so stressful that even when they’re sorted out you’ve not let out the emotion from before? It was more like that, still felt sad even though I got it sorted.

    Financial stress is awful. I understand exactly how you feel :)
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @Bex953172 I'm glad that everything worked out. Aren't (good) Dad's wonderful? I'm sorry that you want to cry! Is it relief tears? I've had that happen. Take a whooooole bunch of deep breathes. Maybe take a hot bath and go to bed early? Lol.

    Not relief tears lol! Wish they were, you know when things just get so stressful that even when they’re sorted out you’ve not let out the emotion from before? It was more like that, still felt sad even though I got it sorted.

    <3 I have been there. You are holding together amazingly.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Bex953172 I completely understand that. I get left over emotions too. You have a new little one so the hormonal and stressful times definitely make sense. Do some self love things today!

    @nickssweetheart I generally try to do my deep cleaning on the weekends and a general tidying in the evenings during the week. But I know that I definitely feel much better when I see that I don't have any dishes in the sink or that the table is cleared off. I hope that you have a nice relaxing day!

    @Snowflake1968 That makes a lot of sense. My whole work situation is crazy. We are severely short staffed. We work 9 hours a day, sometimes with a break, but most of the time not. And we can't leave the bank because there has to be two of us at all times.

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Well I just had seven munchkins before I could stop myself. But they have all been logged and I think with some exercise I should be okay. Lol. I'm also going to get the left over Pizza it is my house tonight
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    edited June 2018

    I read the Beck Diet Solution and it really helped me with this. There are lots of different tips in it but the main ones that have helped are:
    - Planning your eating for the day beforehand and then strictly not deviating it, at all, for any reason. I am able to do this quite a lot of the time, though obviously slip sometimes!
    - There is a chapter in the book about how to overcome emotional eating - I can't remember exactly what it said but I wrote a little card for myself afterwards which has written on it "Eating something tasty might cheer me up temporarily but it won't fix the problem or help me meet my goals. I need to do something else to cheer me up e.g. take a bath, watch Friends". I've read that fairly regularly over the last six months and think it might have actually gone in...? A lot of my stress is work related so I also often tell myself that breaking my diet is letting the b*stards win...
    - Kind of linked to the first one, I basically have a policy now 'I don't snack at work'. It's like a rule. This has worked really well in terms of emotional eating as most of the time my negative moods are linked to work and there are lots of snacks in the office! So if I have a rule that I don't* eat them, that reduces the number of occasions on which I'll emotion eat. It still happens sometimes, I cheat this by deciding to go out for dinner and eating fatty foods :-)

    * Note that I use the word 'don't' not 'can't'. I think 'don't' is more motivational as 'can't' implies that you would if something weren't stopping you, like your diet, whereas 'don't' is just a lifestyle choice. I am not a person that snacks (I am a person that goes to the pub and eats a massive burger, but not a person that snacks...)

    Hope that helps in some way! I would recommend the Beck Diet Solution, it's a really helpful book and has helped me a lot.

    Thank you very much for taking time to write out your strategy. I absolutely agree, emotional eating does not fix the problem as to why you are emotional and it even adds more problems. I really like the make-it-a-rule concept. It's firm, set, is a definite boundary. It helps with the mindset. If it's a rule, there's no room for debate, eliminates the need to have to talk myself into following a "policy" (such as my no eating after 830pm unless it's a meal) It's a rule. Done. Very freeing idea. (as most boundaries are)

    Thanks again.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    I want to keep replying to you guys because I read what you write and want to respond with support, but I'm going to bed now. Will reply more later! Here's some JFT goals...
    June 27th JFT
    Stay in the green :)
    Go to dance class :)
    Go for a walk :)
    Write down my 6 month goals :)
    ***My 6 months goals are to (1) lose at least 10 lbs by logging calories to stay in the green and exercise 5 times a week, (2) shave 1 minute off my mile time by practicing my mile run (which is much more a SLOW jog than running), and (3) be able to run 5 miles by building up to it.***
    June 28th JFT
    Stay in the green
    Go to dance class
    Go for a run
    Do my laundry
    Work on my emotional eating
    Do some accounting work for the farm

    woo! Those are some great goals and I like the plan to get to them. The logging has helped me a lot---especially when I pre-log. I may have to modify it during the day but it gives me a good guideline and it keeps me mindful.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,147 Member
    My god it’s so hot today, my poor 2 year old has just had to walk 90 minutes in 29C heat to collect the eldest from nursery because I think her dads phone has ran out of battery, didn’t know if he could collect her so I went but by quarter past 3 he hadn’t got there so it was a good thing I did leave when I did!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,596 Member
    edited June 2018
    Next week's work deadline & short work week (Independence Day from you Brits :wink: ) has me pushing at work, plus still have email backlog from vacation last week. Not to mention all the to-do stuff at home! Such a busy summer so far. :D Eventually I'll catch up with JFT, but for now...

    Recap W 6/27
    1) Walked dog before work / 3.53 mi 1:00:30 / stretched after = happy dog B) & happy me B)
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 15,355 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 42 floors :smiley:
    3) Know meals & snacks today / prelog as much as possible / net calories green / monitor usual = Net calories -299 hahaha, sodium red >1,000 oops, sugar -29 (fruit, veggies & yogurt), fiber & protein excellent & 12c water. :p Daily w-i Th is good though!
    4) Workday: keep focused on current project :smiley: good progress then end of day figured out only had odd number pages in one key report provided in pdf format ~ argh! :# / keep emails current :smiley: / post-seminar EMT tasks :smiley:
    5) Evening: concert at city park :smile: so tired almost dozed off in my chair! / brew tea :smiley: another big container of iced tea unsweet ready / prep kohrabi for snacks :smile: Th only prepped / maybe time to wash dishes? :smiley: all but some baking dishes & storage containers before concert!
    6) UNPLUG 9:00 :neutral: 9:15 emails for F w/ BFF and complete MFP diary / FLOSS :D yay! / retainers :smiley: / bed & TV off 10:15 :/ maybe 10:30? watched High Society ~ love that movie

    JFT R 6/28 ~ Rest day & alarm 6:30 vs. 5:30
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    2) Meals & snacks prelogged for day / stick w/ plan / net calories w/i 100 green
    3) Complete progressive logs testing + more? Keep current w/ work emails ~ don't let backlog get bigger
    4) Evening: make turkey ole / laundry / at least 2-3 to-do's
    5) UNPLUG 9:00 / FLOSS / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 (walk dog before work F)

    Totally by fluke, came across an article on the effects of lack of sleep on the body... one of the effects is a craving for junk food! Aha moment! In my case, sugar too. Good to know.
  • EccoNC
    EccoNC Posts: 3 Member
    I may as well try it out.
    Just for today,
    No fast food
    Log my food
    Try to drink more water
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Here in the US we are preparing to celebrate the Fourth of July. I want to encourage all of us to start planning now. If you are cooking part or all of it, plan a menu that will help you be a success and not sabotage your journey. Fresh fruit, pasta salads without mayo, grilled chicken, La Croix instead of pop, lighter calorie alcoholic drinks, etc.

    My goal is moderation instead of saying no no no, and then cave and eat the whole bag of cookies.

    Some of you may remember an article from a young friend of mine who is pregnant? Anyway, here is another one that she and her husband posted on their FB. If you want to follow them (they'd be thrilled) it's called GEM training. There's never any pressure to join their online personal training. Hunter and Tatum are their names.

    Not all concepts work for all people, but I do like what they have to say about "cheat days"

    We see cheat meals glorified all over social media, but do they ACTUALLY make sense? Is it REALLY healthy? 🤔

    Our perspective? No, they’re not . And there’s many reasons why. But let us begin in saying that a HEALTHY relationship with food is one you never want to cheat on. In an ideal world, we should eat mostly nutritious, wholesome foods, exercise portion control, and enjoy fun foods in moderation. However- most people don’t know how to achieve that 😢

    The answer does NOT lie in a cheat meal. Why? Well- the name alone tells you that you “cheated”...which usually leads to feelings of guilt. Folks, you should NEVER feel guilty about food- period

    Also, cheat meals do nothing to teach the skills of moderation. Instead, it teaches you to binge and try to make it look sexy by justifying it as your “cheat”.

    Not only that, but most cheat meals oftentimes turn into cheat WEEKENDS! And yes folks, you can undo all your fat loss efforts throughout the week by large episodes of overindulgence on the weekends 😬

    Ditch the cheat meal mentality! And the thought that “bad” foods make you “bad” for eating them. Don’t give food that kind of power over your mind. Incorporate your favorite foods in moderate amounts throughout the week. You may slip up and have a few too many cookies along the way- but moderation is a skill that takes time to develop. Stick with it, and eventually you’ll be satisfied with just one cookie instead of the whole batch

    Create a relationship with food you never have to cheat on 🤗
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    JFT: 6/28 (Yesterday's accomplishments in parantheses)
    April challenge: drink 6-8 cups of water (got my 8 in, yea!)
    May challenge: outside for 15 minutes (got my 3.7 mile walk in, yea!)
    June challenge: mindful eating and cut off rule of 8:30 (Yes. I again set my alarm for 8:15 to make sure I was finished eating a snack by 830)
    Boundaries (yes, did two yesterday)
    Household jobs (yes, vacuumed---I have already completed today's: washed back windows and did the laundry)
    Pre-log and log food (yes)
    Begin reading NLD book (no. I bought it but did not read it)

    Peace and joy, good people!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Here in the US we are preparing to celebrate the Fourth of July. I want to encourage all of us to start planning now. If you are cooking part or all of it, plan a menu that will help you be a success and not sabotage your journey. Fresh fruit, pasta salads without mayo, grilled chicken, La Croix instead of pop, lighter calorie alcoholic drinks, etc.

    My goal is moderation instead of saying no no no, and then cave and eat the whole bag of cookies.

    Some of you may remember an article from a young friend of mine who is pregnant? Anyway, here is another one that she and her husband posted on their FB. If you want to follow them (they'd be thrilled) it's called GEM training. There's never any pressure to join their online personal training. Hunter and Tatum are their names.

    Not all concepts work for all people, but I do like what they have to say about "cheat days"

    We see cheat meals glorified all over social media, but do they ACTUALLY make sense? Is it REALLY healthy? 🤔

    Our perspective? No, they’re not . And there’s many reasons why. But let us begin in saying that a HEALTHY relationship with food is one you never want to cheat on. In an ideal world, we should eat mostly nutritious, wholesome foods, exercise portion control, and enjoy fun foods in moderation. However- most people don’t know how to achieve that 😢

    The answer does NOT lie in a cheat meal. Why? Well- the name alone tells you that you “cheated”...which usually leads to feelings of guilt. Folks, you should NEVER feel guilty about food- period

    Also, cheat meals do nothing to teach the skills of moderation. Instead, it teaches you to binge and try to make it look sexy by justifying it as your “cheat”.

    Not only that, but most cheat meals oftentimes turn into cheat WEEKENDS! And yes folks, you can undo all your fat loss efforts throughout the week by large episodes of overindulgence on the weekends 😬

    Ditch the cheat meal mentality! And the thought that “bad” foods make you “bad” for eating them. Don’t give food that kind of power over your mind. Incorporate your favorite foods in moderate amounts throughout the week. You may slip up and have a few too many cookies along the way- but moderation is a skill that takes time to develop. Stick with it, and eventually you’ll be satisfied with just one cookie instead of the whole batch

    Create a relationship with food you never have to cheat on 🤗

    I LOVE this article! Food is not bad. Food is food. And I love the encouragement they gave about moderation. That's something that I need to stick to. Not to say no, but to either say not right now ( @toaljasa 😁) or to eat it in moderation. I am going to start trying this.