Thought on diet sodas



  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    VUA21 wrote: »
    The worst thing about diet soda is thier acidity level. They can be very bad on teeth. Zero calorie drinks do not hinder weight loss (other than they may lead to water retention, but that's water, not fat)

    How would they lead to water retention? Hope the answer isn't sodium because the sodium concentration in sodas is significantly lower than the homeostatically regulated sodium concentration in our cells and blood. If you choose to drink a soda instead of drinking nothing the net effect over time would be your sodium levels would go down not up.

    Sheer volume still in the digestive tract.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    anndreeea wrote: »
    The aspartame in diet sodas causes devastating effects to the gut microbiome, which in turn leads to weight gain. I’ve researched this thoroughly and there are many scientific studies to back it up; do the research. This is not a simple correlation issue. Many factors go into weight gain/loss...and diet soda plays into them. As a Nutritionist and Personal Trainer, I will not work with clients who will not surrender their soda, as it is #1 offender in my book for health and weight issues. Spend the 5 min online, at the science, to look for oneself before echoing bogus, deflective rhetoric. And, just to add to the conversation, Diet Soda May be zero calorie, but it is disease inducing and destructive to health. I would never drink it, ever, if one can resist. Again, not here to argue, please just do the simple research and decide for yourself if a moments taste is worth your wellbeing :) This goes beyond weight.

    ...... what if she's right?


    * ducks & covers!

  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    VUA21 wrote: »
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    VUA21 wrote: »
    The worst thing about diet soda is thier acidity level. They can be very bad on teeth. Zero calorie drinks do not hinder weight loss (other than they may lead to water retention, but that's water, not fat)

    How would they lead to water retention? Hope the answer isn't sodium because the sodium concentration in sodas is significantly lower than the homeostatically regulated sodium concentration in our cells and blood. If you choose to drink a soda instead of drinking nothing the net effect over time would be your sodium levels would go down not up.

    Sheer volume still in the digestive tract.

    How would that be any different than water or any other liquid?
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    anndreeea wrote: »
    The aspartame in diet sodas causes devastating effects to the gut microbiome, which in turn leads to weight gain. I’ve researched this thoroughly and there are many scientific studies to back it up; do the research. This is not a simple correlation issue. Many factors go into weight gain/loss...and diet soda plays into them. As a Nutritionist and Personal Trainer, I will not work with clients who will not surrender their soda, as it is #1 offender in my book for health and weight issues. Spend the 5 min online, at the science, to look for oneself before echoing bogus, deflective rhetoric. And, just to add to the conversation, Diet Soda May be zero calorie, but it is disease inducing and destructive to health. I would never drink it, ever, if one can resist. Again, not here to argue, please just do the simple research and decide for yourself if a moments taste is worth your wellbeing :) This goes beyond weight.

    ...... what if she's right?


    * ducks & covers!


    Yeah.... My 'Woo Count' is a bit low.

    I thought maybe I'd poke a bear with a sharp stick.

    ..... and steal his Diet Coke.
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    VUA21 wrote: »
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    VUA21 wrote: »
    The worst thing about diet soda is thier acidity level. They can be very bad on teeth. Zero calorie drinks do not hinder weight loss (other than they may lead to water retention, but that's water, not fat)

    How would they lead to water retention? Hope the answer isn't sodium because the sodium concentration in sodas is significantly lower than the homeostatically regulated sodium concentration in our cells and blood. If you choose to drink a soda instead of drinking nothing the net effect over time would be your sodium levels would go down not up.

    Sheer volume still in the digestive tract.

    How would that be any different than water or any other liquid?

    Never said it was.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    VUA21 wrote: »
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    VUA21 wrote: »
    The worst thing about diet soda is thier acidity level. They can be very bad on teeth. Zero calorie drinks do not hinder weight loss (other than they may lead to water retention, but that's water, not fat)

    How would they lead to water retention? Hope the answer isn't sodium because the sodium concentration in sodas is significantly lower than the homeostatically regulated sodium concentration in our cells and blood. If you choose to drink a soda instead of drinking nothing the net effect over time would be your sodium levels would go down not up.

    Sheer volume still in the digestive tract.

    How would that be any different than water or any other liquid?

    They taste better, so I drink more! ;D
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    edited June 2018
    I think they taste great with certain foods like homemade pizza, tacos, or pasta with red sauce...totally hit the spot, especially Diet Pepsi or Pibb Zero. Me and my husband buy a 12 pack about once a month, and drink a couple of cans each week. That's exactly the right amount for me, I think. I used to drink zero water and 1 diet soda with both lunch and dinner every day. I feel a lot better drinking tons of water and just having the occasional diet soda.

    I don't think it's somehow evil or causes severe problems in the average adult - but like anything else, excessive consumption is probably not a great idea.

    I also really like flavored Perrier or LaCroix and plain San Pellegrino, but I don't feel like those are remotely similar to diet soda aside from the fact they're both carbonated. If I'm craving a Diet Pepsi, Perrier isn't going to touch that craving...same with the reverse. Just not the same (for me).
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    I like the new variety of Coke Zero drinks. I don't personally use them much, but I am willing to buy them for my family. They are willing to consume them.
  • budonyan
    budonyan Posts: 38 Member
    This thread made me feel better about drinking about... two cans? Sometimes one, sometimes three cans of diet soda. Coke zero in any flavor is my greatest weakness.
  • budonyan
    budonyan Posts: 38 Member
    how the hades do you gain weight from what is virtually nothing though. that doesn't make sense