JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Goals for Thursday Recap!

    - Nursery wall x2 ✅
    - 8+ glasses of water✅
    - Be in the green✅
    - Limit biscuits and treats to balance out yesterday✅
    - Get the washing away❌ seriously why is this so hard, it’s been in piles around the house for a week!!!
    - pick up medication from pharmacy✅

    Overall good day!
    Pretty tired now so glad I didn’t put exercise on my goals lol! Did enough walking I reckon!

    Night everyone! Postinggoals in the morning as usual!

    Dig in and get the dad gum laundry finished! I'm tired of seeing it on your JFT :smiley: and no doubt you are tired of seeing it, too! Get it done so it won't stare at you over the weekend.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    EccoNC wrote: »
    I may as well try it out.
    Just for today,
    No fast food
    Log my food
    Try to drink more water

    No fast food is a great goal, I should steal that. :)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Here in the US we are preparing to celebrate the Fourth of July. I want to encourage all of us to start planning now. If you are cooking part or all of it, plan a menu that will help you be a success and not sabotage your journey. Fresh fruit, pasta salads without mayo, grilled chicken, La Croix instead of pop, lighter calorie alcoholic drinks, etc.

    My goal is moderation instead of saying no no no, and then cave and eat the whole bag of cookies.

    Some of you may remember an article from a young friend of mine who is pregnant? Anyway, here is another one that she and her husband posted on their FB. If you want to follow them (they'd be thrilled) it's called GEM training. There's never any pressure to join their online personal training. Hunter and Tatum are their names.

    Not all concepts work for all people, but I do like what they have to say about "cheat days"

    We see cheat meals glorified all over social media, but do they ACTUALLY make sense? Is it REALLY healthy? 🤔

    Our perspective? No, they’re not . And there’s many reasons why. But let us begin in saying that a HEALTHY relationship with food is one you never want to cheat on. In an ideal world, we should eat mostly nutritious, wholesome foods, exercise portion control, and enjoy fun foods in moderation. However- most people don’t know how to achieve that 😢

    The answer does NOT lie in a cheat meal. Why? Well- the name alone tells you that you “cheated”...which usually leads to feelings of guilt. Folks, you should NEVER feel guilty about food- period

    Also, cheat meals do nothing to teach the skills of moderation. Instead, it teaches you to binge and try to make it look sexy by justifying it as your “cheat”.

    Not only that, but most cheat meals oftentimes turn into cheat WEEKENDS! And yes folks, you can undo all your fat loss efforts throughout the week by large episodes of overindulgence on the weekends 😬

    Ditch the cheat meal mentality! And the thought that “bad” foods make you “bad” for eating them. Don’t give food that kind of power over your mind. Incorporate your favorite foods in moderate amounts throughout the week. You may slip up and have a few too many cookies along the way- but moderation is a skill that takes time to develop. Stick with it, and eventually you’ll be satisfied with just one cookie instead of the whole batch

    Create a relationship with food you never have to cheat on 🤗

    I love that, I adopted that mentality a long time ago. I truly believe you shouldn’t call foods bad either.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    So great to see each other's talents or attributes. We will do this again over the next few Wednesdays. In the meantime, consider how our world is impacted by little ol us!!
    (and if someone missed this yesterday feel free to add one attribute or one talent you have.)

    Peace and joy good people.
    The JFT Lovely List
    Toaljasa: I am good at teaching.
    Bex953172: I am good at making people laugh :)
    AJB 1014: I am good at listening
    Snowflake68: I am incredibly patient with others.
    Faebert: I am good at making cakes 🍰
    HGSmith0920: I am a great lover of people
    nickssweetheart: I am a very good writer.
    monstersweetsbyallison: I can be a full time stay at home mom and help my husband run our farms at the same time.
    jeschepp: I am good at seeing the potential in others, including myself
    Mepeiffer: I am a great friend.

    @mepeiffer I added the first one to the list. You can add the second one another Wednesday :)

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Argh terrible day today! Tiredness finally caught up with me and I tried to smother it with sugar (never works!). Haven’t finished my day yet as have to clear the kitchen post cake decorating and then go and sort my bedroom as will have three 9 year olds having their sleepover in there tomorrow night while I crash on the sofa. Bit cross with myself but as we keep saying - one blip is nothing in the big scheme of things.

    Thursday goals
    - start cake ✅
    - Morning workout while cake bakes ✅
    - April challenge ✅
    - May challenge ✅
    - June challenge
    - Email J, F’s Mum, speak to P Re Year 6 lunch, reply to J’s mum ✅
    - b parents after school ✅
    - Leave work on time ✅
    - Finish cake ✅
    - Get rooms ready for daughter’s sleepover Friday night
    - Sleep at some point...

    Cake looks ok though...will post tomorrow’s goals later x


    What a pretty cake! So elegant looking.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member

    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Goals for Thursday Recap!

    - Nursery wall x2 ✅
    - 8+ glasses of water✅
    - Be in the green✅
    - Limit biscuits and treats to balance out yesterday✅
    - Get the washing away❌ seriously why is this so hard, it’s been in piles around the house for a week!!!
    - pick up medication from pharmacy✅

    Overall good day!
    Pretty tired now so glad I didn’t put exercise on my goals lol! Did enough walking I reckon!

    Night everyone! Postinggoals in the morning as usual!

    My daughter had trouble with getting laundry away too. What about just having one basket per person that can be put in their room. At least it’s all together and not all over?
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    I missed everyone today! I’ll catch up again later,
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    @Faebert that cake looks spectacular! I agree with @Bex953172-no punching this one! Tomorrow is a new day, be kind to yourself.
    @toaljasa Thank you for the quote and the kind words! I want to figure out a way to track my sloth-running progress, but I like the idea of posting on here as well.
    @Bex953172 Your dad is my inspiration! Thank you for that wonderful story!

    Well I survived the work dinner! I planned ahead and ordered pretty healthy. I got a few comments-I find it interesting that eating healthy while eating out is somehow taboo, but I answered them without being super awkward. The lesson I learned to day is that I need to adjust my meal plan better when eating out. I planned well, but forgot I've been adding 1-200 calories to make up for my daily walk, and that my walk would be short today. So I went a bit over, but not too bad.

    Here's my check in:
    House chores-nope, out with work people too late
    Finish report at work-nope, full day!
    Find something moderately healthy to eat at work dinner (eating out at a restaurant) ✅
    30 minutes exercise ✅
    Meet 1200 net calories, counting exercise ✅-went a bit over, but this goal is more about not being at 1000 net calories and thus crashing at the end of the day
    Track food and exercise ✅
    Water challenge-80 oz. ✅
    Post here for accountability ✅

    For tomorrow:
    House chores
    Finish report at work
    Decide on week 2 reward (this one will be food :))
    30 minutes exercise
    Meet 1200 net calories, counting exercise
    Track food and exercise
    Water challenge-80 oz.
    Post here for accountability
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Thanks all - was boiling hot yesterday so decorating the cake without anything melting was tricky- hope it lasts ok and that my friend is happy.

    After a not-so-great emotional eating episode yesterday I am caught up with jobs so I am up early and ready to focus on goals for today and into the weekend.

    Friday goals
    - morning workout
    - Emails on arrival to school
    - April challenge - flush out yesterday’s damage!
    - May challenge
    - June challenge - remember that I am v tired, take conscious decisions to fuel myself properly and regularly to avoid hunger and know the difference between hunger and tiredness or emotions!
    - Buy pancake ingredients for kids’ breakfast tomorrow
    - Leave work on time to deliver cake
    - Quick run to health food shop before sleepover
    - Try and sleep if the munchkins let me!
    - Make food plan for weekend

    Happy Friday everyone! X
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Oh @bcTRAI - just hugs to you! Things sound tough. If you’re missing being on here, just jump back on. Doesn’t matter if your daily goal is just to take five minutes to yourself and come on here and say hi. Whatever will help you at the moment is the right goal for you x
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    My apologies for my absence. I've been away from here for quite a bit going through some depression. Missing being here though. I just didn't know what to say to anyone in their posts.

    So the gist of this is one of my daughters is pregnant with her 3rd (this time unplanned), the other daughter has been trying to get pregnant without success, then did but had a miscarriage. Work is not pleasant, I have a friend whose husband is really terminally unwell, my brother is getting closer to the end, my own body is not cooperating, and so it goes.

    Here's hoping I can start getting back online more.
    Hugs to all of you.

    I am so very sorry you are going through so much. Right now, the important thing is to just take as good of care of yourself as you can.... nothing else matters. You have so much to deal with ... be kind to yourself. I do agree though ... there are so many posts, it is hard to respond and keep up with everyone. But this is a great group, and our goals are all different, and we are like family here.

    Sometimes the only goal we can have is to make it through another day. Hugs to you dear friend - we missed you, and are so happy to see you back. <3
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    I don't think I can find my posts from last nite -- there are so many posts! In just one day almost 7 pages again!! Wow ... this thread has become so active. But I love it, and so proud of all of you. We all have our own struggles and challenges ... but yet... we are not giving up. And I love how we have almost become family ... and are here for each other. What an amazing group of online friends!

    I have been eating terribly these past few days ... stress eating. Just a lot going on in my life right now, and those old comfortable ways of dealing with things shows itself.

    But, I did make it to the gym this morning, so at least I did one good thing today. And I have to look at the positives. Even though this year so far my weight has remained the same ... I did not gain back the 24 lbs I lost last year. I have been maintaining that weight. And I feel strong.

    I remember reading that we should try and look at the positives, and this is what I am trying to do. Things could be worse ... I could be back up to where I was last January. So being successful is not just the numbers on the scale.

    So goals tomorrow are very simple again

    1. log food
    2. april challenge - concentrate on water
    3. may challenge - go to the gym, and try and get out for a short walk in the evening
    4. be mindful of what I eat

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Faebert wrote: »

    Cake looks ok though...will post tomorrow’s goals later x


    OMG --- this is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!! My mother used to decorate cakes like this! What a talent!! Do you sell your cakes! I know how hard it must be to make something so beautiful - too pretty to eat! Thank you for sharing the picture - it is beautiful!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    jeschepp wrote: »
    @Faebert that cake looks spectacular! I agree with @Bex953172-no punching this one! Tomorrow is a new day, be kind to yourself.
    @toaljasa Thank you for the quote and the kind words! I want to figure out a way to track my sloth-running progress, but I like the idea of posting on here as well.
    @Bex953172 Your dad is my inspiration! Thank you for that wonderful story!

    Well I survived the work dinner! I planned ahead and ordered pretty healthy. I got a few comments-I find it interesting that eating healthy while eating out is somehow taboo, but I answered them without being super awkward. The lesson I learned to day is that I need to adjust my meal plan better when eating out. I planned well, but forgot I've been adding 1-200 calories to make up for my daily walk, and that my walk would be short today. So I went a bit over, but not too bad.

    Here's my check in:
    House chores-nope, out with work people too late
    Finish report at work-nope, full day!
    Find something moderately healthy to eat at work dinner (eating out at a restaurant) ✅
    30 minutes exercise ✅
    Meet 1200 net calories, counting exercise ✅-went a bit over, but this goal is more about not being at 1000 net calories and thus crashing at the end of the day
    Track food and exercise ✅
    Water challenge-80 oz. ✅
    Post here for accountability ✅

    For tomorrow:
    House chores
    Finish report at work
    Decide on week 2 reward (this one will be food :))
    30 minutes exercise
    Meet 1200 net calories, counting exercise
    Track food and exercise
    Water challenge-80 oz.
    Post here for accountability

    I think the big win here is that you were mindful of what you ate and how much. You may not have taken into consideration amount of exercise...but it's a process. And the more we do something the more proficient we become. Yea for you :)
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    My apologies for my absence. I've been away from here for quite a bit going through some depression. Missing being here though. I just didn't know what to say to anyone in their posts.

    So the gist of this is one of my daughters is pregnant with her 3rd (this time unplanned), the other daughter has been trying to get pregnant without success, then did but had a miscarriage. Work is not pleasant, I have a friend whose husband is really terminally unwell, my brother is getting closer to the end, my own body is not cooperating, and so it goes.

    Here's hoping I can start getting back online more.
    Hugs to all of you.

    My heart aches for you. You are wearing a different hat for each person. And being stretched thin. You know, you don't have to respond to folks on here. Just c'mon here and write down your thoughts, vent, or just sit and soak a spell, whatever. This is much more than a weight loss thread...it's all encompassing. As Joan said, be kind to yourself. It's not about losing weight...but I want to encourage you to avoid foods you know will make you feel more tired, emotional, etc. (some people don't do well with too much sugar, others, too much grease, etc.)

    Thank you for sharing what you are carrying. Know we are praying for and thinking of you and your family.
  • June 28th JFT
    Stay in the green☺
    Go to dance class☺
    Go for a run☺
    Do my laundry☺
    Work on my emotional eating☺
    Do some accounting work for the farm☺

    June 29th JFT
    Stay in the green
    Go to dance class
    Go for a run
    Work on my emotional eating
    Finish up some paperwork!!!

    *I'm reading everyone's posts, my heart goes out to you and I appreciate everyone one here*
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    My apologies for my absence. I've been away from here for quite a bit going through some depression. Missing being here though. I just didn't know what to say to anyone in their posts.

    So the gist of this is one of my daughters is pregnant with her 3rd (this time unplanned), the other daughter has been trying to get pregnant without success, then did but had a miscarriage. Work is not pleasant, I have a friend whose husband is really terminally unwell, my brother is getting closer to the end, my own body is not cooperating, and so it goes.

    Here's hoping I can start getting back online more.
    Hugs to all of you.

    I’m so sorry things aren’t going well for you, I just want to give you a big hug! Having it all happen at once is just plain awful, you’re trying to support everyone but it’s just too much! And that’s not your fault! There’s no time for your feelings!
    I totally get the not wanting to post, sometimes I just lurked and read but like you just didn’t know what to say, just felt defeated! But it didn’t help shutting myself off, do come back and vent, I know were only people on the internet but we are also your friends! And the thought that you’ve been struggling alone saddens me!
    We may not be able to fix what’s going on but we can try support you in any way and make sure your feelings are heard!

    This will pass. It won’t be easy but it will eventually!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Goals for Thursday Recap!

    - Nursery wall x2 ✅
    - 8+ glasses of water✅
    - Be in the green✅
    - Limit biscuits and treats to balance out yesterday✅
    - Get the washing away❌ seriously why is this so hard, it’s been in piles around the house for a week!!!
    - pick up medication from pharmacy✅

    Overall good day!
    Pretty tired now so glad I didn’t put exercise on my goals lol! Did enough walking I reckon!

    Night everyone! Postinggoals in the morning as usual!

    Dig in and get the dad gum laundry finished! I'm tired of seeing it on your JFT :smiley: and no doubt you are tired of seeing it, too! Get it done so it won't stare at you over the weekend.

    😂😂😂😂 I read this at 2am and nearly burst out laughing! I wonder how many of you just want to come do it so it’s just not on my JFT anymore lol
    Today is the day.

    There’s just so much!!
    I’ve split it anyway, into mine and my partners and all the girls.