JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS ~ Round 45



  • DebCountsAll
    DebCountsAll Posts: 471 Member
    Just did a internet search on my current scale and read the reviews and I am now tossing it in the trash! So many review on how it defaults back to old weights instead of registering new ones. Heading out to get a new scale today, found one with a lot of 5 star reviews.

    I've heard this with a lot of scales. I counteract that by stepping on it at night after dinner. That's usually a much heavier weight. Someone from this thread several rounds back mentioned this issue.
  • DebCountsAll
    DebCountsAll Posts: 471 Member
    eminater wrote: »

    30/06: 211.8 lbs :lol: ... Just saw that 211 for the very first time and was literally laughing and then realised I might actually be leaving this decade soon ... felt a big whoosh alright, a big whoosh of motivation, headed down for a 1 hour swim! So want to keep this 211.x for tomorrow !!!

    YAY! This is why I mostly love the everyday accountability. It makes us focus on the small wins in a big way and adds to motivation to keep going :smiley:
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    @cjsacto, I like peanut butter, Lol. Well, nuts in general. I've been eating it lately just to top off some fat and protein calories to meet my macros. BUT there are times when I actually crave it and I know its because I need to take my B vitamins. I know I'm deficient. I've been taking B complex and B12 since I was 21 years old.

    @tiabirdie56 Interesting, I've never noticed a correlation. I haven't purchased or eaten peanut butter in about a year, til this week, because it's just so tempting for snacks. I got the unsweetened kind but it was still too tasty. I do eat nuts pretty often. I recently started taking liquid B12 on top of multivitamin that has B.