Looking good for the New Year- challenge!



  • Keemeri
    Keemeri Posts: 74
    CW: 160lbs. :-(

    I am posting my weight for the week. I went up to 160?? I don't know if it's from my first week and my body getting adjusted to Turbo Fire or fluid...

    I'm still trucking on...I attempted Turbo Fire 55EZ but got off to a late start last night. I completed 35 min and burned 690 according to my HRM...I love that!

    Today is back to Fire 30 class/10 stretch. Is anyone else doing Turbo Fire?

    Have a great day!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member

    I am posting my weight for the week. I went up to 160?? I don't know if it's from my first week and my body getting adjusted to Turbo Fire or fluid...

    I always gain weight when I start a new exercise and I hate that I gain the weight when I exercise.

    I am getting over a virus and feel much, much better today. I going to start the Jiillian Michaels 30 day slimdown on Monday. I get good fast results from her. I think I will also start the C25K. I would love to be a runner.

    I am leaving for Chicago on Wednesday and will return about 5 lbs heavier on Sunday afternoon. I could weigh in on either day. Just let me know what you would like me to do.
  • ReneeJM
    ReneeJM Posts: 117 Member
    I missed the intro so here goes...

    I am 59 years old and I need to lose around 45 pounds. I have a wonderful husband, 4 children and 7 1/2 grandchildren. I want to be healthy and active for many years to spend time with them!

    I work full time as a district manager in a bank. Sales management is stressful and my job also includes some travel. The exercise is not a problem for me. I joined a gym 5 years ago and my husband and I go 4 - 5 days a week. Obviously my food choices are the problem. My weight has hovered around 200 lbs. for about 10 years.

    I joined MFP two weeks ago because my daughter had some success. She has lost 19 lbs ~ woo hoo! I have always tried low carb plans, so calorie counting is new to me. So far it seems to be easier. We'll see how I feel about that at the end of the year!

    I am excited to begin this journey with you! Let's go!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Sunnimyst
    Sunnimyst Posts: 14 Member
    Hello Dear Cousin, Aubrey. . .I would love to join this challenge.

    SW: 220
    GW: 130

    Think I can do this by Dec 2nd? I'm going to Cali. LoL

    You're in. Aaaand you are looking INCREDIBLE! :)

    Sweet! Thank You!! <3
  • Keemeri
    Keemeri Posts: 74
    Today is Turbo Fire Core 20 Class/Stretch 40 class. Then I begin Week #2 on Monday! I hope to see results by week 3.

    Counting calories has become very easy with my Iphone app. Don't know what I'd do without it.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Keemeri, good luck with week #2...

    I'm going to start the Jillian Michaels 30 day slimdown and do some C25K outside since it's cooling off...I've also been lush-free this weekend because next weekend will be the BOMB!!
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    Morning ladies! Sorry I was pretty MIA the last few days. We went camping, and when we came home last night our router was dead...and since Verizon is striking, it might take a few days before we get a new one. Thank god I can log on at work huh? =P I will post our spreadsheet today as soon as I get a chance to add everyone's SW and goals.

    Evil TOM decided to show up yesterday and as of this morning I'm up 2lbs. ugh. I'm praying it's just water. My old trainer told me TOM could cause up to 10lbs water weight.

    How was everyone's weekend? Did you stay on track? Do we need to kick any butts? =P

    Mine may need to be kicked a little. I may have over indulged in empty beer calories...but I was camping and the fire and, and...Okay, no excuses. LOL I did have fun though! If nothing else, I made sure to get my water for the day in. That's gotta count for something!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member

    Mine may need to be kicked a little. I may have over indulged in empty beer calories...but I was camping and the fire and, and...Okay, no excuses. LOL I did have fun though! If nothing else, I made sure to get my water for the day in. That's gotta count for something!

    It's sad that I know this, but.....

    Beer is the worst to drink, I've switched to low, low calories drinks like vodka, soda water, lime and splash of pom juice. Don't get me wrong I love, love, love Sam Adams. But, my waistline gets so bloated from it.

    The best drinks are rum, whiskey, vodka and gin mixed with low cal mixers: Izzy pomegranite juice is a really nice mixer or sugar free red bull. Thing is, vodka has a tendency to creep up on you :sick:

    Anyway, I had a great weekend and plan to start working out again today.
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member

    Mine may need to be kicked a little. I may have over indulged in empty beer calories...but I was camping and the fire and, and...Okay, no excuses. LOL I did have fun though! If nothing else, I made sure to get my water for the day in. That's gotta count for something!

    It's sad that I know this, but.....

    Beer is the worst to drink, I've switched to low, low calories drinks like vodka, soda water, lime and splash of pom juice. Don't get me wrong I love, love, love Sam Adams. But, my waistline gets so bloated from it.

    The best drinks are rum, whiskey, vodka and gin mixed with low cal mixers: Izzy pomegranite juice is a really nice mixer or sugar free red bull. Thing is, vodka has a tendency to creep up on you :sick:

    Anyway, I had a great weekend and plan to start working out again today.

    Thank god I love me some whiskey, huh? lol! I actually don't drink much. But we were team drunk in the woods this weekend. I couldn't let the team down. HAHA!
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,978 Member
    My butt needs to be kicked. In related news - can I change my starting weight to 194, as that's what it's at this morning. I was terrible this weekend. At first I said it was out of my control, as we were at a friends house out of town, and I didn't have control over the food, but after putting my food into mfp, I realized I could have make much better choices. I used it as an excuse to eat poorly, but now I know that. NO MORE EXCUSES.
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    My butt needs to be kicked. In related news - can I change my starting weight to 194, as that's what it's at this morning. I was terrible this weekend. At first I said it was out of my control, as we were at a friends house out of town, and I didn't have control over the food, but after putting my food into mfp, I realized I could have make much better choices. I used it as an excuse to eat poorly, but now I know that. NO MORE EXCUSES.

    Mine was up this morning too...Could be water weight!! I did the exact same thing, went camping and used it as a crutch. I'm camping, how can I pass up that smore or beer? No more excuses!
  • Maghenta
    Maghenta Posts: 100
    I jst need to hurry up and get organized for once, so I can start with my morning exercise rutine.....
  • Im in.

    SW 190
    GW 150

    At work and cant take my measurements
  • How come weekends always seem like a good time to "cheat" ugh! I gotta stop lol :) Oh well, another Monday is here and I'm back on the "wagon"! I need help getting all my water in though, any suggestions?
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    How come weekends always seem like a good time to "cheat" ugh! I gotta stop lol :) Oh well, another Monday is here and I'm back on the "wagon"! I need help getting all my water in though, any suggestions?

    I just always make sure it's available right next to me. At work, I put two bottles in the fridge when I start my day, while I'm still drinking my coffee. As soon as my coffee is gone, I grab a water for my desk. When that bottle is gone, I fill it up and stick it in the fridge, and grab the second bottle. When it's sitting right there, it's what I drink. If I go looking for something to drink, I usually don't make great decisions. lol
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Hmmmm, off to a good start. Here's some yummy ideas if anyone is interested!!

    Smoothie for breakfast:
    1/2 Chobani black cherry, cup of frozen berries, 3/4 c. skim milk, vanilla and 2 Tbs. of ground flax seed

    Lunch: 2 slice of medium pizza with pepperoni and veggies and a spinach salad:
    spinach, strawberries, sliced almonds, goat cheese with a little Marie's poppy seed

    Dinner: Bulgogli wraps
    Spicy pork, rice wrapped in lettuce

    I am hoping to hit the 160 by mid-Sept...today was 173.8...I CAN do this!!!
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 290 Member
    i had a great weekend! i did indulge in a few treats, but made sure to watch everything else, get my water and excercise! i was down this morning and looking forward to a great week and a weigh in on friday:)

    are we doing measurements too? i just did mine and i do LOTS! so if we are what are we tracking on here and do you need them for the spread sheet?

    Have a great day everyone!!!!!
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    i had a great weekend! i did indulge in a few treats, but made sure to watch everything else, get my water and excercise! i was down this morning and looking forward to a great week and a weigh in on friday:)

    are we doing measurements too? i just did mine and i do LOTS! so if we are what are we tracking on here and do you need them for the spread sheet?

    Have a great day everyone!!!!!

    We are doing measurements...I added bust, hips, waist and thigh to the spreadsheet, but if someone gave me an extra measurement, I added it in for them. So give me whatever you want!
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    Hmmmm, off to a good start. Here's some yummy ideas if anyone is interested!!

    Smoothie for breakfast:
    1/2 Chobani black cherry, cup of frozen berries, 3/4 c. skim milk, vanilla and 2 Tbs. of ground flax seed

    Lunch: 2 slice of medium pizza with pepperoni and veggies and a spinach salad:
    spinach, strawberries, sliced almonds, goat cheese with a little Marie's poppy seed

    Dinner: Bulgogli wraps
    Spicy pork, rice wrapped in lettuce

    I am hoping to hit the 160 by mid-Sept...today was 173.8...I CAN do this!!!

    That spinach salad sounds delicious!

    What is everyone's daily calorie goal?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I read in a self magazine that if you want to lose weight you should be at 1600 so that you get all your nutrients, 2000 to maintain. So, I do agree with the 1600 and have lost weight when I set it there before.

    Other ways I sneak in water are: lemon water, hot lemon water (natural diuretic), iced tea, soda water with lime and a splash of pom - or - cranberry (add vodka when necessary) & iced green tea. I try to stay away from artificial sweeteners; but, a lot of people do the crystal light.