JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @toaljasa I love those quotes. I have a really hard time getting myself to not say "I can't..." I guess because I've said it and heard it my whole 28 years on this planet. I really want to get over that though. I need to get out of my head!

    Well, good news! Not only did I go to the gym and work up an amazing sweat, but I also stopped by the bank and picked up a whole bunch of coin wrappers. I almost didnt. I so did not want to go even though it was on my way to the gym. I did it anyway! So now I can cross another thing off my list today! Lol. This just feels like a big win for me. I got myself off the couch, out of my head and did two things I didnt want to but were definitely rewarding. I haven't done that in a really long time. So BIG WIN for me!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    @toaljasa I love those quotes. I have a really hard time getting myself to not say "I can't..." I guess because I've said it and heard it my whole 28 years on this planet. I really want to get over that though. I need to get out of my head!

    Well, good news! Not only did I go to the gym and work up an amazing sweat, but I also stopped by the bank and picked up a whole bunch of coin wrappers. I almost didnt. I so did not want to go even though it was on my way to the gym. I did it anyway! So now I can cross another thing off my list today! Lol. This just feels like a big win for me. I got myself off the couch, out of my head and did two things I didnt want to but were definitely rewarding. I haven't done that in a really long time. So BIG WIN for me!

    Well, I never put a quote up that doesn't have my name in big ol letters written across it! I have to remember to say "I am losing thirty pounds" instead of "I'm going to lose thirty pounds" Words matter :)

    Yea that you not only realized you need to get up and move for your mental well-being today but that you DID!!!! YEA for YOU!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    @snowflake1968 I PM'd you about the Faith in Action study.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member

    Goals for today: (It's another work day, so my goals will be pretty much the same. Keep in mind I work from 7 pm to 7 am. So, I'm at work all night and sleep all day.)
    Drink two 24 oz bottles of water at work
    No extra snacks from work
    Make dinner for me and my husband

    Keep on keeping on!!

    You work the same hours as my dil who is an ER nurse. I don't know how y'all do it! Do you keep to the same schedule even on your days off? She pretty much does or else she is wonky all week.

    Great job on your goals--- you might try setting your bottle in a colorful koozie so it gets your attention? We try all kinds of tricks to get our water amounts in, lol!

    Peace and joy.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    @snowflake1968 - beautiful!
    @AJB1014 - congrats! Exciting times ahead

    Hugs @HGSmith0920 - well done for pulling yourself up and hitting some goals.

    @mytime6630 - as ever I am in awe of how you handle your daughter’s challenges with strength and grace. Keep your head up.

    I’ll pop back on here later with my update but couldn’t just read and run! X
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    From my friends at GEM Training:
    “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” -Unknown

    That's a Henry Ford quote.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    JFT 7/10
    I did a fabulous job yesterday if I do say so!!! Drank the water, prelogged the food and made modifications before I ate, exercised, strength trained, all of it! Yea!

    So today I'm doing the same:
    Exercise (done done it!)
    Water (I'm up to 6 cups, oh yeah, baby!)
    Strength training...I've moved up to 8 and 10lb weights without it bothering my back ;)
    Faith in Action study
    Mindful eating---take every bite captive and enjoy it!
    Laundry---hanging outside and will get it in a bit

    Y'all have a great day. Let's be kind to ourselves, speaking with words of encouragement that will boost us up and not tear down!

    Peace and joy

  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    From my friends at GEM Training:
    “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” -Unknown

    That's a Henry Ford quote.

    thank you kindly! I will let them know.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Trucking on over here. Keeping things checked off and eyes firmly on end of term/summer holiday prize!!

    Goals for Tuesday
    - morning workout if not too tired - maybe rest day time! ✅
    - April challenge ✅
    - May challenge ✅
    - June challenge ✅ stared very hard at a pot of Nutella and then some cookies, but decided hunger was not the problem, so neither of those was the solution!
    - July challenge ✅
    - get to work extra early for display stuff ✅
    - Check laptop situation ✅
    - Online grocery shop ✅
    - Early night ✅

    Goals for Wednesday
    - morning workout
    - Extra early to work for event
    - April challenge
    - May challenge
    - June challenge
    - July challenge
    - leave at a sensible hour
    - Rest!

    Hope you’re al having a good start to the week. Cheers and hugs sent out as required - special mention to @toaljasa for superb cheerleading and motivational quote mining! ;)

    Night all x
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    @mytime6630 I can't even imagine your life. I see someone wearing many hats and while you certainly grow weary, and you may stumble, you do not fall so far that you don't get back up. No matter your situation we always see you stand back up and move forward. It may take awhile to catch your breath but you are not defeated. Stay strong. Thank you for sharing the burden you are carrying with this group. Hopefully our small efforts in positive words, prayers, and just being here will help you to carry on.
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,089 Member

    What I'm dealing with at the moment. Lol.

    So it is incredibly hard to type but I dont have the heart to move him. Lol

    Love!!! 💞🐱💞
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @Snowflake1968 Your daughter is so pretty and those pictures are great! They look so happy! love, love, love!

    @mytime6630 You and your family are in my prayers, and I'm sending you hugs. I agree with @toaljasa ... everything she said. xoxo

    @HGSmith0920 I'm so proud of you! I was thinking of what I was going to say because I could tell you were so "down" and then the next post I can tell you powered through. You go, girl! xoxo

    @Saragirl2 Did you actually join the Half Size Me program? Or do you just listen to the podcasts? Just curious. I'm still trying to find the episode that you mentioned a while back where they were talking about menopause!

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    I haven't posted goals since Sunday it appears! I have to start doing it the evening before. I get busy at work and just never find time to get on here! Best intentions in the world to do it, but just don't have time.

    Today was a hectic day and I fell off the wagon. I did good all day but just in the last few hours I managed to dig into the mixed nuts. I can almost feel my fingers swelling from the salt. UGH.

    So much I'd love to say to everyone, but just know how much I care about and value each and every single one of you! This group keeps me going...and I am on the sidelines rooting you all on every day!

    Just for Wednesday: (7/11):
    Log every bite
    Stay in the green
    July budget & bills Part 2
    Spend at least one hour studying for exams
    Finish top of quilt and pin it
    1 lb veggies and 2 svgs fruit
    Dust off Beck's Diet Solution and get through Day1
    Uplug at 9:00 and read. Lights out at 10:00.

    July 1: Water :star: / Walk/Move :star: / Mindful Eating :star: / Planning :star:
    July 2: Water :star: / Walk :star: / Mindful Eating :star: / Planning :( [/quote]
    July 3: Water :( / Walk :star: / Mindful Eating :star: / Planning :( [/quote]
    July 4: Water :naughty: / Walk :naughty: / Mindful Eating :star: / Planning :star: [/quote]
    July 5: Water :star: / Walk :naughty: / Mindful Eating :star: / Planning :naughty:
    July 6: Water :neutral: Not as much as I wanted but not bad / Walk :naughty: but to be fair, I had PT and was pretty sore / Mindful Eating :star: / Planning :star:
    July 7: Water :star: / Walk :star: / Mindful Eating: :star: / Planning :star:
    July 8: Water :star: / Walk :naughty: / Mindful Eating :star: / Planning :star:
    July 9: Missed logging
    July 10: Water :star: / Walk :naughty: / mindful eating / :neutral: / Planning :star:
    July 11: Water / Walk / Mindful eating / Planning
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    Apparently my lake weekend wore me OUT! Yesterday after my late night at work I got home, did my workout, ate dinner, and pretty much collapsed for 9 hours. The good news is that I am back in action today and feeling myself again. I guess grandma wore me out haha! Also my LOTR fitness tank top (week 2 reward) finally came in the mail and I am so excited! I've been eyeing it for months but never felt fit enough to deserve it. Obsessed: nj6b77cfa6pk.png

    @cschmitz110515 I just want to say you are such an inspiration. Thanks for posting your weight loss journey. You are exactly who I want to be. Someone who, despite life's ups and downs, slowly but surely loses the weight. Way to be such a great role model!
    @AJB1014 Congrats on the house woohoo!

    Checkin' in:
    House chores-nope, late day
    30 minutes exercise ✅
    Meet 1200 net calories, counting exercise ✅
    Track food and exercise ✅
    Water challenge-80 oz. ✅
    Post here for accountability-eep. Not so much yesterday...

    For tomorrow:
    House chores
    30 minutes exercise-try out my new tank!
    Meet 1200 net calories, counting exercise
    Track food and exercise
    Water challenge-80 oz.
    Add one page to bullet journal
    Post here for accountability
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Tuesday 7/10/18)
    1) Log all my food :)
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calories :)
    3) Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake :/ (Almost though!)
    4) Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke :)
    5) Complete Day 5 in my new Beck Diet Solutions :)
    6) Go to the gym :)
    7) Complete 3 orders from my shop :)

    JFT (Wednesday 7/11/18)
    1) Log all my food
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calories
    3) Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake
    4) Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke
    5) Complete Day 6 in my new Beck Diet Solutions
    6) Go to the gym
    7) Complete 5 orders from my shop
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    JFT Tuesday
    :star: Stick to the planned foods - July challenge
    :star: Cleanout guest bath cabinets
    :star: Vacuum downstairs
    :star: Two books in the donate box.
    :| Work - write up procedure for processing deceased team member payments

    JFT Wednesday
    Stick to the planned foods - July challenge
    Work - write up procedure for processing deceased team member payments
    Plan Thursday & Friday food
    Call Mom
    Watch next Sopranos episode
    Two more clothing items to donate
    Put away the clean laundry

    Came home and our son was a house guest again last night. Dinner was burgers so I set him and his daddy to cooking. That was a nice break for me. They grilled the burgers, heated the beans, cut the 'maters, and cooked the fries. I had time to do two loads of laundry last night, all of which is either folded or hanging to dry , addition to the at home JFT items.

    We are new to the world of streaming TV. We've had Amazon Prime for over a year but just really started using the Video part. Then my daughter signed us into her Netflix account. We watch a few movies, but have just started watching series. We are not big binge TV watchers unless the weather is absolute crap; if we watch three episodes in a row that is a binge. We finished Rome (which really made me want to watch the "I, Claudius' series. Anyone ever see that back in the 70's?) and now we have started The Sopranos. I am not into the whole mafia glorification thing, but this is some good writing and storytelling.

    I love to hear what others think is good to watch. Some things I have enjoyed in the world of commercial TV: Boston Legal; The West Wing; Law and Order; Star Trek; Family Guy; South Park; Big Bang Theory- especially the first couple of years when they were more geeky; NCIS; ER; Crossing Jordan; In Living Color; SCTV. My reality fixes have been the Amazing Race, Survivor and Hell's Kitchen.

    So what should I put on my future list - and why?