Just need someone to hold me accountable!!!!!

Shortfg Posts: 1 Member
Mother of two grown boys. I was laid off and had to take a job I hated and had to stay there till I found the job I have now 7 months. ( no excuse) I stress eat and I put on 30 lbs on top of the weight i already needed to lose. I just need some one to hold me accountable so I dont slide back. Day 5 without Pepsi.. ...uggghhh!


  • hpurtee1hp
    hpurtee1hp Posts: 42 Member
    I feel ya!!. It's very necessary for me to have someone in my corner to help support me and help keep me on track when I start to slip. Unfortunately my husband isn't always the most supportive because he's never known what it is like to struggle with food and weight. Like you, I'm hoping to find some support in this community.
  • 11Templars
    11Templars Posts: 444 Member
    You've got this sister! You're already winning the game by posting here. If you weren't serious, you wouldn't be here.

    I'm just on my way to the gym, but I'll get back to you later tonight, and help in anyway that I can..
  • stainbackzoo
    stainbackzoo Posts: 81 Member
    the more the merrier! we can all cheer on each other!!! or give a kick in the pants ;)
  • sbshoe90
    sbshoe90 Posts: 17 Member
    Ir may not be for everyone, but having friends on MFP-even though they are perfect strangers in real life-is helping me at this point in my weight loss journey. Different things work for different people, and it helps to know there are other people going through what I am. I've had some recent weight gain from stress eating as well. I will add you!!
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member
    sbshoe90 wrote: »
    Ir may not be for everyone, but having friends on MFP-even though they are perfect strangers in real life-is helping me at this point in my weight loss journey. Different things work for different people, and it helps to know there are other people going through what I am. I've had some recent weight gain from stress eating as well. I will add you!!

    Yes I totally agree, sometimes this is exactly what we need a total stranger who knows the struggle even though it might not be the same our end goal is always to be healthier. I too need a kick in the bootie! Feel free to add me :)
  • staceyh19701
    staceyh19701 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there! Newbie here as well and the struggle is real :smile: I use the word accountability all the time and no, I don’t expect anyone, at the end of the day, to have the responsibility of keeping me on track. When I say accountability it’s multifaceted. It’s someone who is on or has been on this ride. Someone who understands what it’s like to want Pepsi ( coke for me , same but different) more than just about anything. Someone who gets what’s it’s like to go slightly over your calorie goal and be totally bummed out. Someone to cheer with, commiserate with, and just generally be supportive. So in my totally second grade way, let’s be friends....
  • LivingMyBestLife49
    LivingMyBestLife49 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi all, Looking for new Mfp friends as well to help support, encourage and motivate one another... mine is sweet tea that I crave lol. Feel free to add me ~Sherry
  • milliedroz
    milliedroz Posts: 6 Member
    Hi All! I am also looking for encouragement and support. I had thyroid cancer and since I had my thyroid removed I've put on weight and have become depressed. I saw my endocrinologist today and she told me that I am pre diabetic...so I need to lose weight. My husband doesn't understand cause he has never be over weight. Feel free to add me and lets encourage and support each other.
  • Nudgey02
    Nudgey02 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi all, I've been doing this for a while and can offer support if needed as well as needing support myself! Feel free to add me :)
  • cmdavis1025
    cmdavis1025 Posts: 4 Member
    Shortfg, I hear ya. I am a stay at home mom and fulltime student. I decided to start working on me this year and I am looking for support and friendship through this journey. Add me as a friend and let's do this!

  • 11Templars
    11Templars Posts: 444 Member
    OK kids, what's everyone got for their Friday workout? Today is Back / Triceps and cardio for me.. Plus the usual fight the erge to stuff my face with yummy cookies.. Hardest part is always the kitchen for me... :-)
  • FickleFruitBat
    FickleFruitBat Posts: 40 Member
    OK kids, what's everyone got for their Friday workout? Today is Back / Triceps and cardio for me.. Plus the usual fight the erge to stuff my face with yummy cookies.. Hardest part is always the kitchen for me... :-)

    Sounds like a good workout! I want cookies too, but will settle for a sugar free watermelon slushie. Stay strong! :~)

    I'm planning on a 1-2 hour, 3.0 - 3.5 mph hike. Might try to jog a bit if it feels alright; I'm recovering from an ankle injury. A good stretch of course. If I still have energy, food prep and cleaning with the intention of keeping my heart rate up. Dance breaks help.
  • BraddahAloha
    BraddahAloha Posts: 16 Member
    Please feel free to add me! I would love to help keep each other motivated and inspired throughout this fitness journey!
  • 11Templars
    11Templars Posts: 444 Member
    OK kids, what's everyone got for their Friday workout? Today is Back / Triceps and cardio for me.. Plus the usual fight the erge to stuff my face with yummy cookies.. Hardest part is always the kitchen for me... :-)

    Sounds like a good workout! I want cookies too, but will settle for a sugar free watermelon slushie. Stay strong! :~)

    I'm planning on a 1-2 hour, 3.0 - 3.5 mph hike. Might try to jog a bit if it feels alright; I'm recovering from an ankle injury. A good stretch of course. If I still have energy, food prep and cleaning with the intention of keeping my heart rate up. Dance breaks help.

    Good on ya.. that sounds like a good one..

    Slow and steady wins the race..

  • 11Templars
    11Templars Posts: 444 Member
    OK kids, what's everyone got lined up for today? Today is a non-gym day for me, so after doing a few projects for me wife, I'm to hike to the "flag pole" here where we live. Weekends are always my hardest time in regards to food. Out of my routine etc. But one day at a time right!

    Have a great Saturday everyone!


  • 11Templars
    11Templars Posts: 444 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone.. So ya, weekend was a write off for the diet. ha.... As soon as I catch that horse, I'm getting back on..

    One day at a time...
  • 11Templars
    11Templars Posts: 444 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. Today is a weight day for me (Chest and Biceps) + Cardio.

    Let here what you all have planned for the day..

    Struggles? Praise Reports?
  • ChelleTrell
    ChelleTrell Posts: 49 Member
    I think internet accountability can be really motivating for a lot of people, myself included. I enjoy commenting on other people’s posts and celebrating their success. I’m also the type of person where if I post “I’m going to work out today” then I WILL work out that day even if I don’t want to because I already told everyone I was going to.

    Today I incorporated a 10 minute standing ab workout video from Fitness Blender into my cardio workout. It was my first time watching any of their videos and I really enjoyed it.
  • mylasttimetodiet
    mylasttimetodiet Posts: 9 Member
    I need to surround myself with people having struggles and successes and accountability. We are all in this together.