25 lbs, who is with me?



  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    Back at it. Went for a run last night and incorporating yoga into my routine. Diet wise I am sticking to mostly vegetables before 6pm. And even so, maybe fish for dinner.
  • Iffiormana
    Iffiormana Posts: 244 Member
    Add meeee,I’m in
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    How is everyone? Anyone successful? Been back and forth but cannot seem to shake these pounds off, it’s incredibly discouraging. I may try intermittent fasting and/or upping my fruit and vegetable intake for lunch.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    I wasn't endeavoring to lose 25lbs, probably need to drop a max 8-10lbs to get to a good point to start a slow lean bulk phase. Managed to lose a whopping 0.9 lbs for the month of June by moving average weight.
  • Josh_From_Louisiana
    Josh_From_Louisiana Posts: 42 Member
    I am in! I have 20 to lose and I am down 3.5... Started Sunday...
  • Josh_From_Louisiana
    Josh_From_Louisiana Posts: 42 Member
    Fasting will actually hurt you if you are trying to drop weight. Scale back on your red meats. Increase your chicken and vegetables. Fruit will be good as well. Do not skip breakfast.
  • stephd7873
    stephd7873 Posts: 6 Member
    Finally taking the steps to do this if anyone wants to join me. Current I am at 190lbs and want to be 165lbs.

    I’m about a week in in making changes to what and how I consume food and drink. Cheers
    I am!
  • mz144
    mz144 Posts: 216 Member
    I do a 16:8 fast and I have a continuously steady drop in weight but I also do cardio and body weight strength training. I've noticed fasting has helped me tremendously with my sweet cravings, now they're non existent and I'm able to pass up goodies with ease. I've definitely started making healthier food choices since I started fasting and I've read many things about fasting lately that list all the other benefits it has on your body. I think if you're interested, you should definitely read up on it, I personally love it.
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    Back on track. I am on my fifth day of running in a row, 3 days straight with at least 500 calories burned and adding intensity intervals in my last two runs. Feeing food and sleeping better, eating has been a bit better too and have had bigger net deficits than usual. So I am happy with this new momentum. Hope all is well with everyone!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,163 Member
    okay I'm in. Started in January needing to lose 90 pounds. I have lost 49 pounds so far. I need to lose 41 more. 25 pounds will get me closer than I ever dreamed possible. I'm in!
  • dansengrl1
    dansengrl1 Posts: 8 Member
    This is me too. 5'4" up 25 lbs and hating life!!
    How do I get friends and support from you all? Please help 🙋‍♀️
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    6 days of running in a row, it’s my b’day today so I get the day off to gorge a bit, then first thing tomorrow back on track.
    Cheers all!
  • dme0611
    dme0611 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in! 5'10 currently 183 lbs. Ugh! Aiming for 160-165! Trying to find motivation to start running again, been almost a year.
  • Melemur
    Melemur Posts: 95 Member
    I'm working on losing 20 pounds please add me
  • mz144
    mz144 Posts: 216 Member
    6 days of running in a row, it’s my b’day today so I get the day off to gorge a bit, then first thing tomorrow back on track.
    Cheers all!

    Happy belated birthday!! Hope it was great!
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks a lot! Upped it to one more mile yesterday and hope to get more in today. I have noticed that my stomach symptoms have vanished. Movement is essential!
  • Sandie020
    Sandie020 Posts: 53 Member
    please add me in I have just started calorie counting after doing other things have lost 28lb but have stilll got 23 to go. Have started going up the gym three times a week to maximise my excerise would like to lose the 23lb by the end of the year. Good luck to you getting to your goal
  • RunnerGrl1982
    RunnerGrl1982 Posts: 412 Member
    I'm in! Anyone who wants to be friends, feel free to add me! :)
  • AnitaKundu
    AnitaKundu Posts: 73 Member
    I would like to be a part of this thread. Anyone, please feel free to add me. I have a bit more than 25lb to lose but it's a good start and I like to break it up into smaller segments so it doesn't feel so daunting.
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    Running still at least 500 calories a day. Somehow gaining weight but hopefully that’s muscle. I feel better at least and clothes fit better now, but I feel like I am going in circles.