Advice For New Runners



  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    5) Breathe. Breathing and posture can really make the difference between an awesome running experience and a horrible one.

    I have a really hard time breathing properlly I really have to concentrate on breathing through my nose and out my mouth. Also I find that I hunch over when I am do you stop this?

    Who told you to breath in through your nose?? That is crazy! Just open your mouth, you need too much air for those tiny nose-holes.

    Actually breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth is best, because then you take longer deeper breathes and not short shallow ones.

    To stop the hunch when I'm tired I THINK about my posture and focus on keeping it correct. I run a mental check list from my head to my feet to decide if I really need to walk or not.
    (and I'm a nursing student)
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    Another thing I've noticed lately is runners whose arms are hanging low and their hands are flopping down. Not only does it look silly, but you don't get as good of a workout as when you keep your arms bent at a 90 degree angle and pumping. Try to pump them straight, not sideways across your chest.

    Also, keep your back pretty straight.
  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    1. Shoes - you need the best pair that you can afford. Dont stinge on these. Get fitted properly by someone who actually runs.
    2. There is no such thing as running too slowly. As long as you are making the jogging movements, your body and brain will think that you are really running and this is what will increase your endurance. It sounds silly, but it really does work. Instead of walking when you need a break just jog as slowly as you can (around your walking pace).
    3. Hydrate
    4. Stretching - dynamic stretching pre run and static stretching post run.
    5. Turn off your brain. Your body was created to run, your brain will try to trick you into walking.

    Enjoy your running, it really is a great thing to be able to do.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    5) Breathe. Breathing and posture can really make the difference between an awesome running experience and a horrible one.

    I have a really hard time breathing properlly I really have to concentrate on breathing through my nose and out my mouth. Also I find that I hunch over when I am do you stop this?

    Who told you to breath in through your nose?? That is crazy! Just open your mouth, you need too much air for those tiny nose-holes.

    Actually breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth is best, because then you take longer deeper breathes and not short shallow ones.

    To stop the hunch when I'm tired I THINK about my posture and focus on keeping it correct. I run a mental check list from my head to my feet to decide if I really need to walk or not.
    (and I'm a nursing student)

    I disagree. It's like sucking through a straw. How can you get a good deep breath fast enough that way? I think timing your breathing to your strides helps much more.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Another thing I've noticed lately is runners whose arms are hanging low and their hands are flopping down. Not only does it look silly, but you don't get as good of a workout as when you keep your arms bent at a 90 degree angle and pumping. Try to pump them straight, not sideways across your chest.

    Also, keep your back pretty straight.

    If you are running very long distances it is important to try and release tension from all areas of your body, this is why it can be good to run with your arms low and relaxed rather than tense and pumping all the time
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    5) Breathe. Breathing and posture can really make the difference between an awesome running experience and a horrible one.

    I have a really hard time breathing properlly I really have to concentrate on breathing through my nose and out my mouth. Also I find that I hunch over when I am do you stop this?

    Who told you to breath in through your nose?? That is crazy! Just open your mouth, you need too much air for those tiny nose-holes.

    Actually breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth is best, because then you take longer deeper breathes and not short shallow ones.

    To stop the hunch when I'm tired I THINK about my posture and focus on keeping it correct. I run a mental check list from my head to my feet to decide if I really need to walk or not.
    (and I'm a nursing student)

    While you're correct in most cases in the medical world as far as breathing, when you're running it is important to breathe through both your nose and your mouth. We often hear that breathing through your nose is a good way to keep your breathing under control. However, using both your mouth and nose allows more air to enter and leave your lungs and will allow you to work out harder without becoming deprived of oxygen and without developing painful side stitches.
  • tikkamasala
    tikkamasala Posts: 36 Member
    1) start slow. you will probably hear this over and over again but, trust me, it is so easy to overdo it and get burnt-out. I think the general recommendation is to increase your time or distance by 10% each week. I would just challenge myself to run for 1-2 more minutes, or one more song, or one more block each week (whatever works best as a reference point for you). I also recommend that you find a plan online (like couch-to-5k, which is great) and stick to it.

    2) buy some good shoes! check your gait-- I overpronate and need shoes with good stability and arch support or else I would get very sore shins and couldn't run nearly as far. A good shoe store will be able to "analyse" your running style and recommend something. (With that being said, you don't have to spend $100's on a good pair-- I love New Balance and usually pay $60-80/pair. also a good idea to try-on and find a pair you like in a store, and then find them online for cheaper!)

    3) warm-up and cool-down. 3-5 minutes of brisk walking for each.

    4) push/challenge yourself but don't get discouraged if you have to slow down sometimes-- walking is still better than nothing at all! And sometimes a 1-2 minute walk in the middle of your run is just enough to catch your breath and summon more energy to start running again.

    5) Signing up for a neighborhood walk/run can be a great, motivating goal. I always focus on my personal goals/improvement, but you could also use it for competition (if that motivates you).

    --Thats all I can think of off the top of my head! I'm not a running expert by any means...just someone who gradually learned to love running. To me, it's a relaxing time to forget about work and other stressors and to focus on myself for awhile. :) Best wishes and good luck to you!! (sorry if I rambled a bit :wink: )
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    Don't worry about stretching, it's not necessary, as more and more research is confirming.

    Can you show me this research? I have never heard this in my life.

    I can't run without stretching, can't think of many of my peers who can either.

    To the OP, check out my blog if you want. :)

    Yep. Coming up. (I guess you weren't around for the huge stretching arguement I started last week. Let's not turn this into that again. Search "goodbye stretching" if you want to read the pages of differing opinions. There is some good information.)
  • Baroness
    Baroness Posts: 35 Member
    Loving all the advice
    Just bumping for me to read later:)
  • zannelamb
    zannelamb Posts: 1 Member
    1. Build mileage and speed SLOWLY
    2. Drink water (it's over 100 here, so this is a biggie)
    3. Get fitted for the right SHOES, and replace them every 6 months (or less if you're putting in ton of miles)!!! This is sooo important.
    4. Set a small goal first and build up. I started off with 5K's and then built my way up to half marathons. Even if you're not competing to win, each race is an accomplishment that gives you the strength to keep training. There are tons of social runs that are scheduled each month. Just check your local running shop (probably where you get your shoes), or look online.

    I hope this helps. Enjoy the road
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    To avoid cramps, count your breaths (e.g., breath in 2 or 3 or 4 steps and breath out the same number of steps). The key to avoiding cramps is to completely expel your breath when you exhale. I give a little extra push at the end of my exhale.

    When I get tired, a couple of things work for me. 1) I concentrate on just putting one foot in front of the other and 2) (I know this sounds strange) I stare at an inanimate object straight ahead and imagine it pulling me forward, something like a suction on my chest. When I reach object or a turn, I pick a new target. Sounds silly, helps to have a good imagination, but it works for me. That technique worked for speed-walking, too.
  • ebert5150
    ebert5150 Posts: 135 Member
    Don't worry about stretching, it's not necessary, as more and more research is confirming.

    Can you show me this research? I have never heard this in my life.

    I can't run without stretching, can't think of many of my peers who can either.

    To the OP, check out my blog if you want. :)

    Here's some research even though I wasn't the one that posted the stretching can also see this info in Jeff Galloway's books.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Another thing I've noticed lately is runners whose arms are hanging low and their hands are flopping down. Not only does it look silly, but you don't get as good of a workout as when you keep your arms bent at a 90 degree angle and pumping. Try to pump them straight, not sideways across your chest.

    Also, keep your back pretty straight.

    Again, I don't know what is wrong with that or where you get that information. I've been runner for years and have talked to countless professionals. Just about any long distant runner can tell you that keeping up that form does nothing but expend energy.
  • ebert5150
    ebert5150 Posts: 135 Member
    You'll get conflicting opinions about stretching, shoes etc. Watch your pace...if you feel like your huffing and puffing you're running too fast. Don't be afraid to incorporate walk breaks. Keep it up...running is hard when you first start but find a good routine you can live with and stick to it.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member

    There is lots more if you google it. I always believed it was good for you, as we are all told from a very young age, but it turns out stretching is kind of pointless. It does not prevent injuries and actually makes runners slower. The muscle acts as a rubber band, and when you stretch it out it loses significant power.

    As one of the articles above states, if you are a regular stretcher and suddenly stop stretching, you are more likely to be injured, but the stretching itself does not prevent injuries in runners.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Thought of one more thing. My ex told me to run with my toes straight ahead. I read recently that it's less damaging to your knees if your toes are turned out a little. Must be true--after years of running, the ex's knees are in bad shape.
  • lmaharj
    lmaharj Posts: 82 Member
    There is more than 5 I'd suggest. For example: Talk to your doctor about any concerns you might have, get a good pair of shoes, and warm up/cool down. Those are kind of a given.

    1) Hydration is key! If you're just starting, water will be your best friend. If you're a hardcore athlete and started taking on running, you can go for the Gatorade. The only reason why I'd tell someone to not drink Gatorade is because it has lots of sugar that you might not work off if you won't work out on a regular basis (I mean 2 hours at the gym, play a vigorous sport and/or do aerobics 5 days a week).
    2) Start gentle and build up slowly.. It's okay to walk 3 minutes and run 30 seconds for a total of 30-60 minutes.. I'd suggest it. I started that way and now I can run half marathons (within a month's time) 5 days a week. There's nothing wrong with it.
    3) Strength train. The one thing running can do is present aches in places you don't normally work out. Strengthen every muscle you can so you can run without getting muscle aches.
    4) Inhale deep through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Nothing says "Great Run" like blood circulation.
    5) Keeping a steady pace means to conserve energy. You don't want to give it your all right off the bat. You won't progress if you do. At first I kept a steady 11 mile an hour pace until I could run 10 miles non-stop, then started building speed while trying to hit that 10 miles..

    I also like to track my progress and I suggest others to as well. It's more encouraging and keeps you motivated if you do. If you don't have an HRM, there are great sites you can go to (like to track how far you've gone. I'd also suggest getting a good playlist: is a great way to figure out what songs to listen to based on your pace or average heart rate during your jog. It also helps to run with a buddy :P
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Don't worry about stretching, it's not necessary, as more and more research is confirming.

    Can you show me this research? I have never heard this in my life.

    I can't run without stretching, can't think of many of my peers who can either.

    To the OP, check out my blog if you want. :)

    Here's some research even though I wasn't the one that posted the stretching can also see this info in Jeff Galloway's books.

    Well even he still says you should stretch but dynamic stretches. I can agree with this though.

    No stretching just sounds like a bad idea.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    Another thing I've noticed lately is runners whose arms are hanging low and their hands are flopping down. Not only does it look silly, but you don't get as good of a workout as when you keep your arms bent at a 90 degree angle and pumping. Try to pump them straight, not sideways across your chest.

    Also, keep your back pretty straight.

    Again, I don't know what is wrong with that or where you get that information. I've been runner for years and have talked to countless professionals. Just about any long distant runner can tell you that keeping up that form does nothing but expend energy.

    Well, that's why I run, although admittedly I'm not a long-distance runner and don't care to be. 30-60 minutes several times a week is all I do. But I do want to expend the most energy I possibly can, and using your arms in workouts burns more calories. I was researching running a couple weeks ago and the arms going from side to side supposedly increases curvature which isn't good. But I don't remember where I read that and I am not attached to the notion.