

  • livinglifeandlovingit
    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like?

    I have been introduced to Jicama. If you have not tried it you should. It is the perfect amount of sweetness when craving something sweet, the right crunchiness also. I also love roma tomatoes. Even when I put salsa on my turkey tacos I add extra roma tomatoes, they are sooooooooo gooood! I never thought that I would eat steel cut oatmeal, but I found that I love them more than regular oats. I love onions now and I used to hate them. Shallots, I find are better than a regular onions, but I love red, yellow and white onions on everything.

    Enough rambling for the day. I'm off to workout:)
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    I was just thinking the same thing with these "CLOSED" groups. i guess they can't give out any more support either to the ones who need it.
    Thanks for starting this one. i have looking for a another group to join.

    NAME: Cathy
    AGE: 52
    HEIGHT: 5'4''
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: i am diabetic so i count carbs and watch calories
    DIET GOALS: to learn to deal with my food addiction.
    EXERCISE GOALS: to exercise every day. and run a 5K. bad knees so don't know it that will happen or not.
    OTHER GOALS: stay off my medications for diabetics and get off some other medications.

    Thanks again. i am on here allot. see you around...
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like?

    I used to HATE chickpeas and as a result wouldn't try hummus. Now I love hummus and like chickpeas. I also didn't like sweet potatoes except with a ton of sugar and butter, but now like them other ways. I have also discovered so many foods on this journey so far. Here are a few I eat now that I never did before:

    * Tofu
    * Tempeh
    * Chickpeas
    * I eat any vegetable except for olives and brussel sprouts now.
    * Whole grain versions to tortillas and grains such as rice and pasta.
    * Sweet potatoes

    There are so many, I cannot remember them all. This journey of getting healthier and losing weight I have been on for a long time has changed my way of eating most of the time.
  • MLStoMLK
    MLStoMLK Posts: 28 Member
    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like?

    It has been purely accidental, not related to the weight loss thing...but we started eating Quinoa around the same time that I started. It's really good and high in protein. I highly recommend it!
  • kierra28
    kierra28 Posts: 68 Member
    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like?

    New food- Kellog's Special k cereals
    Used to hate apples and raw carrots...now love to munch of them!!
    And I can drink milk without sugar...it is not that bad!!!
    I am liking raw foods more now :) I have mostly always had home cooked meals but which comprised mainly of carbs. Now moving away from carbs. The less I have them the less I crave them :)
  • donnamar1
    Just want to say, reading all the posts really get me motivated! Thanks one and all! I need help! Going on vacation next week and need some suggestions to stay focused! I don't want to gain back what I lost ......... Help, please!
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member
    I enjoy challenges but I also find them after they're closed! This is a great idea :)

    NAME: Megan
    AGE: 23
    HEIGHT: 5'6''
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: I try to eat more veggies and fish instead of red meats.
    DIET GOALS: Not eating out all the time (Save $$ and Waist-line!)
    EXERCISE GOALS: To be able to run a mile without stoppin.
    OTHER GOALS: Firm up, I've lost about 25 pounds and feel I look sloppy because I have not been exercising or toning up!
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Just want to say, reading all the posts really get me motivated! Thanks one and all! I need help! Going on vacation next week and need some suggestions to stay focused! I don't want to gain back what I lost ......... Help, please!

    I'm so glad that we have motivated you! :smile:

    Since it's time for another QOTD, I'm going to ask your question as #5. :flowerforyou:

    Here are the first 4, for all who want to get caught up:

    QOTD #1: What is your favorite kind of exercise and why?

    QOTD #2: How did you find MFP, and how do you like it compared to other programs/sites/diets/etc you've tried in the past?

    QOTD #3: What was your "a-ha" moment, meaning was there a specific moment that made you decide that it was time to lose the weight?

    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like?

    QOTD #5: What do you do to keep yourself on track while traveling or on vacation?
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    QOTD #5: What do you do to keep yourself on track while traveling or on vacation?

    Oh gee! Nothing? LOL!! I just try to make the healthiest choices possible and enjoy myself. However, I'm going on a 11 day vacation in two weeks so any tips from everyone else will be greatly appreciated.
  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member
    QOTD #5: What do you do to keep yourself on track while traveling or on vacation?

    I haven't been on vacation yet while on my weight-loss journey. I'll be going at the end of Sept. I plan on packing healthy snacks. I have 2 apps on my phone for workouts. I plan on walking a lot!
  • MGiardini71884
    MGiardini71884 Posts: 47 Member
    QOTD #1: What is your favorite kind of exercise and why? I think it would be running. I used to HATE running but would do it anyways but now I prefer to run over doing anything else. I just turn on my Ipod and I'm good to go =)

    QOTD #2: How did you find MFP, and how do you like it compared to other programs/sites/diets/etc you've tried in the past? I dont remember how I found it lol but I like it a lot better than other sites I've tried. I've tried Sparkpeople.com and it just had way to much going on and was overwhelming. I've tried WW but didnt wanna keep paying the $ for it. Also I didnt have the support/motivation on those sites that I have on MFP

    QOTD #3: What was your "a-ha" moment, meaning was there a specific moment that made you decide that it was time to lose the weight? I dont think I really had an "a-ha" moment per say. I turned 27 on July 18th and about a week before that I was like ya know what, I'm gonna do this! I'm for real this time!! And I have been since and it feels great and its not like a drag to have to keep watching everything, I actually feel good about it. I was one of those people who always said "Ok I'll start Monday" and I did that for probably almost a year! So its like I woke up one day and was like I'm doin this and here I am =)

    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like? I havent really discovered any new foods yet but thats one of my goals

    QOTD #5: What do you do to keep yourself on track while traveling or on vacation? I havent been on vacation since I started this but I'm going on one next month and I'm hoping to have a hotel with a gym in it and we'll be around family so it will be tough but I'm just going to try my best to eat as good as possible and not drink a whole lot! My brother in law is taking us to Atlantic City so we'll see lol
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    QOTD #5: What do you do to keep yourself on track while traveling or on vacation?

    Definately bring workout clothes along, that way at least one excuse is gone! Also, bring some healthy snacks if possible. Have a great time, but watch the alcohol intake and focus more on the experiences and the company than the food. Usually when I go on vacation, I aim to maintain my weight, not lose while on vacation because that's just not realistic for me!
  • skhughey
    skhughey Posts: 5 Member
    NAME: Sarah
    AGE: 29
    HEIGHT: 5'8''
    START PANTS SIZE: 12/14/16 (US) (depends on brand and color)
    GOAL PANTS SIZE: 10/12 (US)
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: healthy diet, lower calories, different foods
    DIET GOALS: more whole foods, fruits and veggies, less desire for junk foods
    EXERCISE GOALS: stick to my goals that I make for me: 2 mile walk in the morning, Turbo Jam in the afternoons
    OTHER GOALS: get rid of this awful stomach I have; thinner and toned over all
    FUN FACT: I play the flute.
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    QOTD #5: I try and go for a run at least once or twice. It is really cool to run in new places. I also split all my meals with someone to keep the calories lower.
  • thistlexox
    I guess it's time for me to catch up!

    QOTD #1: What is your favorite kind of exercise and why?
    I love all types of exercise.. anything that works the leg muscles are probably my favourite. I also love bench press and sport-specific exercises, especially those related to soccer or rugby!

    QOTD #2: How did you find MFP, and how do you like it compared to other programs/sites/diets/etc you've tried in the past?
    I honestly don't remember how I found MFP.. I think my mom may have left it open one day on the computer and I loved what I saw!

    QOTD #3: What was your "a-ha" moment, meaning was there a specific moment that made you decide that it was time to lose the weight?
    My "a-ha" moment was probably the realization that I was eating fast food more than I was eating home-cooked meals. Gross!

    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like?
    I used to swear off all veggies, but since I started eating healthier I love bell peppers, broccoli, carrots and peas. I also LOVE quinoa!

    QOTD #5: What do you do to keep yourself on track while traveling or on vacation?
    I haven't been on vacation since I've started, but I'm going soon so I'll see how that pans out!
  • fitnowandforever
    fitnowandforever Posts: 128 Member
    Yay! A group that isn't closed! :)

    NAME: Tira
    AGE: 20
    HEIGHT: 5'4''
    DIET GOALS: Eat clean, drink plenty of water, eat less carbs and more protein
    EXERCISE GOALS: To run a 5K in under 30 minutes
    OTHER GOALS: To be able to do a push-up. I've NEVER done a push-up in my life!
    FUN FACT: I love music, and I teach kids piano :tongue:
  • chelsiburnett
    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like?
    I haven't really discovered any new foods, but I have found alot of healthier ways to cook the foods that I do eat!

    QOTD #5: What do you do to keep yourself on track while traveling or on vacation?
    I like site seeing anyways when I am on vacation, so I think I walk quite a bit more than normal and that helps! Plus I usually only eat 2 meals cause I sleep in and eat more of a brunch then I eat an early dinner.

    Pushups here we come!! My goal is to do 25 regular pushups at one time this evening!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    pack coolers, and buy prepackages foods.
  • mandimendenhall
    I'm in!

    NAME: Mandi
    AGE: 25
    HEIGHT: 5'6''
    GOAL PANTS SIZE: Comfortable/loose 6 (US)
    DIET GOALS: Eat at least 4 servings of fruits/veggies, 5 days per week
    EXERCISE GOALS: finish C25K
    OTHER GOALS: Strength train 2-3x per week
    FUN FACT: This is my first post!
  • keta127
    keta127 Posts: 7
    QOTD #3: What was your "a-ha" moment, meaning was there a specific moment that made you decide that it was time to lose the weight?

    When I went to the doctor and she told me I was borderline diabetic I knew it was time to step away from the food because I didn't want to take medicine or shots.

    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like?

    I am learning to like vegetables alot more now before I never ate them.

    QOTD #5: What do you do to keep yourself on track while traveling or on vacation?

    I still eat healthy but I aso treat myself if it is something different that I have never had before.

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