A Journey From the Couch



  • C_Stretton
    C_Stretton Posts: 201 Member
    edited August 2018
    Week 2, Day 1: Another cramp on my right side - same spot, and another drippy nose. I also almost choked on snot this time.

    Other notes:
    I started off pretty strong and then fizzled. The good news is that when I thought I just couldn't run anymore my zombie trainer groaned and told me to stop and walk it out, so, good timing on that.

    It's been about 45 minutes since I got back and I feel really freaking good. I never thought I'd say that after running.

    I think that about covers it for today
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,655 Member
    Awesome! You've probably read this a million times already but if you're fizzling then slow down. Really slow. Slower than you think you can walk even. It's all about building up a solid base at the moment and to do that you need to slow right down. Some recommend singing: if you're going to fast to be able to sing, you're going to fast. It sounds weird and you think you'll look like a t1t (which is possible but who cares lol) but it works.
  • C_Stretton
    C_Stretton Posts: 201 Member
    Interesting idea. I tend to sing during the walking stages, but get too focused on not falling during the running. I do have a scar on my shoulder from running as a teen; I tripped over nothing, went feet over head and landed on my shoulder. Of course, the likeliness of this happening again is slim to none, but it still lurks in the back of my mind.
  • C_Stretton
    C_Stretton Posts: 201 Member
    Week 2, Day 2
    I'm crazy sore today. It probably doesn't help that I did weights yesterday for the first time in a couple of weeks. I kept that pretty light, but yeah, my thighs are screaming. I should note that they were fine before my run.

    I thought that I slowed things down today because I fizzled towards the end last time. As it turns out, I went ever so sightly quicker. By that, I mean a 0.02 difference. I didn't fizzle though, so ok.

    I don't know if this is any different or if I just noticed it today, several people on the trail - mostly those on bikes - smiled or nodded at me. I'm used to that on my walk around the pond from the familiar faces, but different route, different people. I'm guessing this means that I'm looking up and around more and hopefully looking less like I'm dying...
  • madwells1
    madwells1 Posts: 510 Member
    C_Stretton wrote: »

    All sidewalks are not created equal. A stubbed toe today could easily be a face plant next time. I need to pay more attention to the surface.

    I laughed out loud at this as I started this program a month ago and was thinking the same thing. Congrats on making it this far!!!
  • vanmep
    vanmep Posts: 406 Member
    Woohoo! Look at you go! I started about the same time as you. Just did week 2 day 2 yesterday. Not sure that I will complete it in 2 weeks as my knee gets irritated if I do all 3 per week. May just do 2 per week for now. I don’t particularly love it during. But at the end I get a rush for sure!
  • C_Stretton
    C_Stretton Posts: 201 Member
    I felt the rush Monday, but not as as much today. I can’t say that I love it yet, but I’m also not hating it, which is how I felt every time before when I decided to run. The slowly leading into running vs going all out approach must be helping with that.

    My ankle is a little tender this afternoon, but I can’t blame that on C25K... no, I found myself dancing around the kitchen while making lunch and tweaked it a bit on one of my stellar moves. Needless to say, I’m certainly not the most graceful person around. Hopefully another couple rounds of ice and tomorrow’s rest day will mend my ankle and my ego and I’ll be back at it Friday
  • C_Stretton
    C_Stretton Posts: 201 Member
    Week 2, Day 3 This was by far my sweatiest and snootiest day so far. I dare say it was a two tissue run, and not because I was crying.

    My ankle felt great last night and this morning so I decided to go for it. And, it went really well until I fell victim to the sidewalk just after the half way mark. It was more than a stubbed toe but less than a face plant. I managed to catch myself before completely falling, but, you guessed it, retweaked my ankle. I made it through the next run but skipped the last. What really kills me about it is that I was doing really well until then, minus the sweat and snot that is. I've got the weekend to rest, except not really because a friend is getting married tomorrow and there will be dancing. Terrible dancing, but dancing nonetheless.

  • C_Stretton
    C_Stretton Posts: 201 Member
    Week 3, Day 1
    I drove to the nearby lake today for my run; it was a nice change of scenery. And, maybe most importantly, there are fewer cracks in the sidewalk - sure, more goose poop, but fewer cracks. The pelicans were out enjoying the cool morning. It still baffles me that there are pelicans in the city. I've somehow gotten used to the seagulls, but the pelicans, nope. They're such majestic birds and seem so out of place here.

    Anyway, about the run. Actually, there's not much say about the run. I got the same cramp in my ribs, tried to remember to breath, it went away. No pain otherwise, which is always good. About half way through, I thought I was doing the wrong day, but it turns out, it was right. It seemed harder, which I suppose is the point of it all. Ease in and build your way up to longer runs. The second three minutes of running felt like a lot, the flip side of that is that both three minutes of walking also felt like a lot.

    Tomorrow is my husband's 45th birthday and we're going big for dinner. We'll see how that affects Wednesday's run.

    It's hard to see them from across the lake, but the pelicans are just to the right of the construction...

  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    When I started running I hated it but I persisted because I knew it was good for me (and I was horribly out of shape).

    After a few months no one was more surprised than me when I started to actually enjoy my morning runs, I was still super slow (10 years later i still am) but felt that I was getting fitter and had found some very scenic routes to run along the Ottawa River on the recreational paths.

    It sounds like you're giving it an honest try which is the important thing.
  • vanmep
    vanmep Posts: 406 Member
    edited August 2018

    Just finished Week 2 Day 3! Here’s a pic of my running view. No pelicans around here, but lots of Canada Geese. Last spring there were lots of loons passing through as they migrated north.
  • C_Stretton
    C_Stretton Posts: 201 Member
    vanmep - That's lovely. We've also got lots of Canada Geese here. I haven't seen loons passing through though. I wouldn't say that I'm an avid bird watcher, but I am fascinated by them.
    BrianSharpe - Thanks! I'm making a go of it. I'm not quite to the enjoyment phase yet, but I think I'm passed the hate it phase.

    In other running news, I'm scheduled for Week 3 Day 2 today, but I'm going to skip it. All the wild fires in the area have my lungs feeling tights. I had to dig out my inhaler for the first time in a very long time yesterday after my walk. I'm going to give it day and see how tomorrow goes. Worse case, I'll pop in at the rec center and use a treadmill. That's not the ideal situation for me though.
  • C_Stretton
    C_Stretton Posts: 201 Member
    Week 3, Day 2
    I got myself outside this morning; it may not have been the best idea though. Smoke is still a huge problem here, so much so that I live about 2 miles from downtown and can barely see the outlines of buildings through it all. But, I did a puff from my inhaler and went for it. I did make it all the way to the last run. Abut half way through though, I started wheezing and had to stop for another puff. Once I could breath again, I finished off the three minutes, so I think it counts, but it was painful. The running itself was fine, my lungs, not so much.

    It actually reminded me of a 10 years ago when I subbed in at my husband's soccer game. They were short women, and I was there. I was the only person on the pitch with a tissue in one hand and an inhaler in the other. Needless to say, they never asked me to sub in again. The joys of having allergies and allergy-induced asthma. :/

    I check the smoke level Saturday before heading out; my worse case rec center idea may become best case scenario for me for a while. It's not the same as running outside, but it may just have to do.
  • vanmep
    vanmep Posts: 406 Member
    That sounds painful! 😖 I did week 3 day 1 in spite of the rain - well it was just spitting really.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    Yeah I vote for checking the air quality index before you leave and planning accordingly. I was lucky on Tuesday during my two and a half mile run. The AQI in the morning when I ran was not super great but mangable enough (I also do not have breathing issues). It continued to climb throughout the day and was spectacularly bad on Wednesday. Thankfully I wasn't planning on running, but my rowing class got canceled. This morning things were better and apparently there's a weather system that's supposed to be clearing out a bunch of the smoke that is accumulating in the valley.

    Thankfully the air quality has been better early in the morning in general and I try to get out and run before 8am regardless of whether or not my state and the surrounding states/BC are on fire.
  • C_Stretton
    C_Stretton Posts: 201 Member
    Week 3, Day 3
    Air quality was much better today so I headed outside. It went fairly well. I think, though, that I’ll repeat this one at least once if by twice. Days 1 and 2 were a struggle.
  • C_Stretton
    C_Stretton Posts: 201 Member
    Week 3, Day 3 repeated
    I missed the small window when it wasn’t raining here today, so I opted to run on the treadmill. I have to say that this seemed so much easier than outdoors. No allergents or poor air quality definitely helped my lungs. And now that I’ve been running outside, my stamina seems increased inside. I know people say that running on a treadmill is easier than outdoor runs, and now I fully believe it!
    This should be the end of our rain so I’ll be back outside next time. I know that tomorrow is supposed to be a break day, but I’m tempted to head out for week 3, day 3 repeated again.
  • C_Stretton
    C_Stretton Posts: 201 Member
    Week 3, Day 3 repeated for the last time
    I woke up this morning with the intention to move on to Week 4, Day ; then my psychosis kicked in and I convinced myself that I can't start a new week on a Thursday. Plus I looked at what week 4 entailed and I was undeniably intimidated. Both led me to repeat the last run outside.

    About half way through today's run, I discovered that someone modified my playlist when Walk like an Egyptian popped on. I'm not going to lie, once I finished laughing, I did break out into song while I ran. Did I feel like a boob? Yes. Did some guy laugh at me? Yes. Did I care? No. While I tempted to incorporate some dance moved into my run, I was afraid that I would trip myself and wasn't quite willing to pick myself up off the sidewalk. I also broke into Almost Paradise during the five minute cool down. It was quite dramatic - at least in my mind it was.

    I will say that while 80s music is a lot of fun, it's not quite as motivating as my normal playlist. That led to slower times with more laughing and singing. Oh, and less wheezing, but I think that has to do more with our air quality being upgraded to moderate. That's the best it's been in a couple of weeks.
  • IvyReisner
    IvyReisner Posts: 6 Member
    C_Stretton wrote: »
    I looked at what week 4 entailed and I was undeniably intimidated.

    Nothing to be intimidated about. You've done all the work thus far to lay all the groundwork you need for taking it to the next level. That means you can do it. You only have to prove to yourself you can do it. You've got this.
  • C_Stretton
    C_Stretton Posts: 201 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement; I know that I shouldn't be intimated by the next level. I am trying to be honest with myself about all this, and, in turn, be honest in my recounting of my runs each time. And, the truth is that I looked at the schedule and wasn't sure that I could handle it today. I also told myself that this is my last repeat day, so Sunday it's on to week 4, and I'm sure that it'll be fine.