THE Team - Week 2 - 2/13/09



  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Good morning everyone...

    I have exercised, drank a bottle of water already and have 3 in my lunch bag to take to work. I will get all my water in.. I have logged my breakfast , lunch and snacks. I don't know what we are having for dinner tonight but I will log that when I know..

    I need lunch ideas.. Anyone have any good ones? I usually eat at my desk...

    Have a great day...

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Great job everyone on the logging food, drinking water, and wogging!five.gif

    I need a kick to get me out moving.....I've been really lazy for a few days.

    Have a good afternoon, all.:flowerforyou:
  • chantybear
    Afternoon ladies, and zano:smile: How is everyone today?
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I need lunch ideas.. Anyone have any good ones? I usually eat at my desk...

    One of my fav things to make when Im on the go and dont have access to an oven are wraps. I like to mix it up with different things but its actually pretty easy. My personal fav combo for wraps is this, but you can use whatever regular sandwich toppings you want. Just replace any mayo with some Fat Free cream cheese and add from there.....Yum!

    a 100 cal La Tortilla Factory flavored tortilla like tomato basil.
    2 tbsp Fat free cream cheese
    5-6 slices of carl buddig thin sliced rotissere chicken lunch meat
    Some sprouts or Shredded Lettuce (whatever you prefer) You can also use slices of bell pepper if you like them.
    1 tbsp dried cranberries
    1 tbsp dried walnuts or almonds for crunch (optional)

    roll it all up and enjoy. Its about 300-325 calories and pretty darn filling.

    You can also make Chicken or Tuna salad and use yogurt instead of mayo to make it lighter.

    Also, if you can reheat stuff...make a nice batch of soup or chili at the beginning of the week and eat it for lunch. The more veggies the better! Again, the options are limitless here because there are sooo many different types of soup. Change it up and try new stuff to keep from getting bored with the same ole thing every week.

    Pack yourself some snacks too so you are able to eat those. I know when I was working it was wayyyy too convient to go to the little mini mart and buy stuff that wasnt so great for me. If you bring your snacks from home it way less tempting to hit that vending machine, mini mart or detrimental goodies brought in by others to share.. :noway:
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    I TOTALLY have to plan ahead or I am doomed to whatever baked goods happen to be sitting in the kitchen at work. I usually do soup once a week, a frozen entree once a week, leftovers one day and a sandwich the other, and then the remaining day I get to eat out. I am thinking the wrap sounds like a really yummy lunch, I will have to try that!
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    I have stuff to make the wraps, I was doing them but got a little burnt out.. Today I had a Weight Watchers Tuna Casserole meal. I really want to stay away from those.. But they are so easy..

    I bring my lunch daily along with snacks and water. I would be to tempted to eat out if I didn't. And my husband once told me I am the only one accountable for what I do when no one is around. I am trying so so hard to stick to this..

    I love chicken.. Seriousy that and cottage cheese I can't live without..

    Husband took out hamburger meat for dinner so I have to try and be creative with that.. I have the low carb 80 cal wraps so I just might do tacos.. We shall see..

    I put lemon in my water and I think I have went to the bathroom 15 x's already..

    Thanks for the ideas.. Have a great night..

  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Remaining: 414 calories
    *You've earned 700 extra calories from exercise today

    Ughhhh just ate some leftover chicken tortilla soup for dinner and I dont think I can eat anything else! Ive been really good today with eating but I still have a liter of water to drink to meet my 8 cups for the day... and 2L if I wanna meet the 1/2 my weight challenge.

    :sad: :sad: :sad:
    Someone tell my belly to stop feeling bloaty. Its not showing up on the scale but god, it feels like a water balloon and Ive only drank 1/2 my water today! :frown:

    <--- kicks CM (hey you asked for it!)
  • healthymom2009

    I got 1.5 miles done today in 22:28 during my wogging workout at the gym. My back feels GREAT! I think that yoga yesterday morning worked wonders for me.

    I jogged 1/4 mile twice with about 7 minutes of walking in between. Big improvement over last week! Of course it REALLY helped that adopt4 was there talking my ear off to keep me distracted... :laugh: I wasnt saying much... just nodding and listening, but it helped ALOT and knocked almost 8 minutes off my time! yay!!!!!

    Woggers unite!! :flowerforyou:

    way to go losingit4good! My time for the 1.5 miles is 19 minutes. We will see how that improves over time.

    kelleighanne -great to lose inches. I just started measuring so it will be great to see those numbers go down!

    I did not log food over the weekend (my birthday) but am back on track today - eating healthy and went to the gym! I am trying to drink more water (8) but would need 12 glasses to make the 50% - sorry! there is no way.:cry:

    Have a great week everyone.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member

    I got 1.5 miles done today in 22:28 during my wogging workout at the gym. My back feels GREAT! I think that yoga yesterday morning worked wonders for me.

    I jogged 1/4 mile twice with about 7 minutes of walking in between. Big improvement over last week! Of course it REALLY helped that adopt4 was there talking my ear off to keep me distracted... :laugh: I wasnt saying much... just nodding and listening, but it helped ALOT and knocked almost 8 minutes off my time! yay!!!!!

    Woggers unite!! :flowerforyou:

    way to go losingit4good! My time for the 1.5 miles is 19 minutes. We will see how that improves over time.

    YAY!! Another wogger among us!! 19 minutes is a great time!! I didnt wog today cuz my low back was saying not too. I slept wrong last night and I think between that and working my legs and all that wogging yesterday....It just needed a day off from the jogging part. I did work up to a 3.8 pace walking on the treadmill today tho. I just kept pushing it up until I felt like my legs wouldnt move any faster.. :laugh:

    Thanks for cheering for me, much appreciated :flowerforyou:
  • Kelleighanne
    healthymom, when was your birthday this weeken? Mine was Sunday. Today, my aide at school brought me a cake she made me LOL. It was good. Yes I ate 2 pieces (one for supper and the other for lunch). I'm within my calorie limit so that's good.

    Day 1 with no fries has gone well LOL. I made chicken fajitas for supper. This time I put Rotel in with my peppers and the onions... they were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo good!

    My lunch of choice has become Special K LOL. It's easy, good for you, and low fat. It usally fills me up too. :)

    Gotta go do house work (ug!)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    You know. Water is THAT important that I would recommend you find a way. I drink a minimum of 80 oz daily right now.

    There really is no room for any other liquids, although you can count herbal tea as water. (I don't....)

    Thing is - I am never hungry. I have healthy skin and hair, my skin is elastic and I feel so good when I do it. I used to drink a lot of caffeinated drinks. All they do is mke you old before your time.

    Only downside is bathrooms. But I know where every bathroom is within 25 miles :laugh:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    You know. Water is THAT important that I would recommend you find a way. I drink a minimum of 80 oz daily right now.

    There really is no room for any other liquids, although you can count herbal tea as water. (I don't....)

    Thing is - I am never hungry. I have healthy skin and hair, my skin is elastic and I feel so good when I do it. I used to drink a lot of caffeinated drinks. All they do is mke you old before your time.

    Only downside is bathrooms. But I know where every bathroom is within 25 miles :laugh:

    1.5 liters in, 1.5 liters to go.. LOL

    glug glug glug..."burp" ahhhhhhhhhhhhh much better
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    You know. Water is THAT important that I would recommend you find a way. I drink a minimum of 80 oz daily right now.

    There really is no room for any other liquids, although you can count herbal tea as water. (I don't....)

    Thing is - I am never hungry. I have healthy skin and hair, my skin is elastic and I feel so good when I do it. I used to drink a lot of caffeinated drinks. All they do is mke you old before your time.

    Only downside is bathrooms. But I know where every bathroom is within 25 miles :laugh:

    1.5 liters in, 1.5 liters to go.. LOL

    glug glug glug..."burp" ahhhhhhhhhhhhh much better

    Hey! You are the "believer" already! Good job!

    Tamtastic (who lost 135 lbs) says she drinks 24 oz first thing in the morning. I do that too, before anything else.
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Ok, waaay off the topic of food. I am the most conservative, boring person you've ever met. I decided since I am going for a new look, what the heck? I went and pierced the cartilage in my ear. It didn't hurt much and it looks really pretty!

    And, noticing the water comments - I drank so much water today, God knows how I'll sleep through the night!

    Y'all have a good night!
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Ok, waaay off the topic of food. I am the most conservative, boring person you've ever met. I decided since I am going for a new look, what the heck? I went and pierced the cartilage in my ear. It didn't hurt much and it looks really pretty!

    And, noticing the water comments - I drank so much water today, God knows how I'll sleep through the night!

    Y'all have a good night!

    Top cartridge, lower outside or the inside cartridge? I did it 27 years ago when I was in college - before everyone used the piercing guns -- HURT like HE#@:sad: and it never would heal properly so I finally had to take it out:ohwell: Did you have fun with your son this weekend?

    kicks cm - hey, get moving girlie!! No more lazies for you. If I'm gonna spend all day drinking gallons of water, sloshin' around on the treadmill, then by golly I do NOT want to suffer alone. Hup to woman!!!:happy:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    No kidding.. ya'll are gonna be so proud of me. In the past 4 hours Ive drank 2 more liters and have now reached my goal for the day of half my weight in ounces!! Im a big believer in drinking it throughout the day but for some reason today was just not one of those days.

    At 7:30 I had a photography club meeting and sat there crossin my legs during the slideshow presentation. I had to go BAD! but didnt wanna miss any of the slideshow. I couldnt wait anymore.. If I had waited till it was over my bladder woulda burst and there woulda been a mess to clean up. Ha!
    ... waters in and now its on its way out... :laugh: :laugh:
  • adamk0324
    i love water and i never really have but now i drink it as many times as i breath these days. lol ok not really that much but it feel like that i always wake u and take 20 oz with mu vitamins in the morning it seems to help my meds go down better. so i made some bufflo meat loaf it had 98% leaner ground chicken it was so good and i even got it out of the biggest loser cookbook. gosh they are such an inspiration exsecialy the green and brown team wow i never could of ran that hill so many times. well talk to u all soon.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    PS. I also forgot to mention that I was very greatful for having those extra calories to burn since there were homemade chocolate chip cookies at photo club tonight... HAHAHAHA!!! I was a good girl, I only ate 2 and they were little... :tongue: I coulda ate that entire platter!!!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Hey, Li4g -

    I wanted to ask you - how do you time your intervals?? You said you walk 3 min then run 1 min ( or whatever your times were)......but how do you know how long you run? Are you guesstimating? Or does my HRM have that function and I haven't found it yet?I know there is a"timer/stopwatch," but don't know how to make it signal me. I would need an audible signal that I had reached a time limit, though. Not going to stare at the watch.:noway:
    (I can't find the instructions...guess I could go to the Polar website.)

    oops, edit...NICE JOB on the H2O!!!!!:drinker: