Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30



  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    Oh lord, I'm just starting week 2 tonight and getting scared! lol. Question....does anyone think that 5lb weights will be too heavy moving forward with the next couple of weeks (I haven't taken a look at the workouts for weeks 2-4 yet. The lowest I have are 5lbs but I can pick up some 3lb weights today. I was able to manage on week 1 with 5lbs with everything except for the side lunge things (I kept losing my balance so I dropped one weight and just used one for that workout).

    What do you think? I don't know what to expect!
    I guess it depends on what you can handle but I honestly had to work my way up to 5 lb weights. I needed the 3 lb ones until the last day of week 3. It depends on the exercise for me for week 4. The first strength circuit I can do 5 but the other 2, I need the 3. I would have both nearby and if you feel like something is too easy with the 3, use the 5. Good luck!
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    Oh lord, I'm just starting week 2 tonight and getting scared! lol. Question....does anyone think that 5lb weights will be too heavy moving forward with the next couple of weeks (I haven't taken a look at the workouts for weeks 2-4 yet. The lowest I have are 5lbs but I can pick up some 3lb weights today. I was able to manage on week 1 with 5lbs with everything except for the side lunge things (I kept losing my balance so I dropped one weight and just used one for that workout).

    What do you think? I don't know what to expect!

    I use both 5 lb and 3 lb. I use 5 lb for most of it but I use the 3 lb ones on the moves that are too tough. I find if I try to use the 5 lb for the more difficult moves I'll lose my good form and strain myself.
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    I made it through Level two last night without stopping. And I really rocked out those high knees. I thought I was going to die but I did it and I was so proud! I made it through the first cardio segment without getting out of plank position. Sometimes I had to do the modified version but I still did it without stopping!
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Woohoo good for you! I'll be sure to check in tonight and let you know how it goes!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    wow! well done ladies! level 3 sounds like a killer and i would also probably cry! i do love her tough no nonsense routines! they are fab!

    as for weights, i use 5lbs. did struggle a bit in the first week but now im ok with them. dont get DOMS anymore!

    rest day today (technically) as im off to zumba!

    keep ripping ladies!
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    So slightly off topic, but am I the only one gets BEYOND bored at work and can't help checking this website like...every 5 minutes lol. I think it's beginning to be an addiction!
  • christyckr
    christyckr Posts: 13 Member
    Starting Tonight Can't Wait :smile:

  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Starting Tonight Can't Wait :smile:


    Good luck!!!
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Oh my lord, Week 2...Jillian just got a whole hell of a lot meaner!!! That workout had me dripping in sweat twice as much as week 1....and all I kept thinking was...I have to go to Aeroboxing after this....and he's going to kick my *kitten* too...I'm gonna die!!!

    But...I survived...barely. That was the longest 2 workouts I've ever done (or it felt like it). I don't even remember what they are called but I despised those push ups where you had to bring your leg up to the side at the same time as going down....I just don't have the upper body strength to hold myself and do that...but...that's a goal I'm working towards. Everything else I managed...just about!

    Eeek....another 5 days of this, I have a feeling I'm gonna be HURTING tomorrow! Getting up at 6 to do my workout because I have a date tomorrow night :blushing: NERVOUS!!!! Hope it goes well!!
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    I start week three today! Super excited since I hate week two lol. I didn't think it was ever going to end. I'm going to cut all sugar out of my diet except for natural sugars and my coffee creamer in the morning lol and I might even switch to green tea for some mornings. I know I consume way too much sugar and I know it's keeping me back. My weakness is ice cream and sugary cereals. My SO also likes to bring home big bags of candy knowing I have no will power.

    Good luck on your date juliane! Hope it goes well!
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Thank you!!! Me too!!

    I'm not much of a coffee drinker but I am addicted to my english breafast tea with a little non fat milk. I have at least 2 cups a day...it's a comfort thing more than anything for me. Reminds me of home (Ireland). My weakness is definitely carbs but I think I've been doing pretty well one that considering. I'm generally below my numbers on here and I think I set myself at 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fat.

    I woke up this morning at 6am to do my day 2 of week 2 of Jillian Michaels and I think my body literally laughed at me...I couldn't have moved if I wanted to! I'm going to take that as a sign that after yesterdays gruelling hour and a half workout it needed some more rest. So...today's my rest day! Back to the grind tomorrow :-)
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Hows everyone doing??? Keep us posted! Are you seeing results? Is anyone willing to post before and after pics or results when they are done?
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    My eating is all screwed up, and I'm still breastfeeding so some days I feel like I'm never full and if I don't eat a lot I can't move cause I have no energy.

    I still haven't done my workout yet. I tried waking up at 6 to do it, but I'm just not a morning person. And these kids seriously keep me on my toes. 4 kids under the age of 4. I don't understand why people keep having babies lol.

    And I'll be brave and post my before and after pics.
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Hahaha! Do you have 4 kids under the age of 4? If so how do you find the energy to work out at all!!! You have my sincere respect!!!

    Keep up the good work though! We can do this!
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    O no! I have two kids, a 23 month old and 7 1/2 month old. I just started babysitting for my friend. She has a four yr old and 14 month old. It's a lot of work but I'm actually enjoying myself and I hate kids. Lol it keeps me more active during the day so that's a good thing!
  • mheightchew
    Ok, day 5 of week 3 and I am at least not contemplating suicide or throwing myself down the stairs to get out of it :)
    I can't wait to start week 4. Even if it's harder as long as it doesn't have squat jacks and duck walks, I'm game!

    I agree, I love Jillian's Kick butt attitude. It keeps me going a lot better than some perky chick saying "You can do it!!" a million times.

    Now that I have gotten used to the 5:30 am workout I am loving it. More energy during the day and I am starting the day off in the right frame of mind. Plus, I can get in my cardio at night at still see the family

    Hope everyone is doing great!!
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    Did w3d1 today. Omg what a killer! But I made it! I burned 380 cal and I seriously wanted to throw up at the end. A lot of jumping. I feel so good right now tho it's incredible. I can't wait to do it again tomorrow. I'm really pushing myself hard bc I plan on getting insanity when I feel ready lol. I'm going to weigh in tomorrow. I hope it budges! I've been stuck forever.

    And I agree with the kick butt attitude. I can't stand perky chicks. It irritates the **** out of me. And when they say stuff like "just do what you can" " take it at your own speed" i usually end up giving up... NO! Push me! Tell me I won't die if I do this cause it sure feels like it! I love love love Jillian even tho some of the things she does annoys me. Like I bought her yoga meltdown kit which was a yoga block and a mat. Mainly bc I needed a mat so I thought I would get hers, and well the mat freaking sucks *kitten*. It's thin and doesn't offer much cushion. I might as well keep doing it on my hardwood floor. So now I need to buy a new one! I expect better quality from her
  • misscollegiate
    Well tomorrow I start Week 3...I'm kind of excited from hearing you all pushing thru it. For the past days I've been a lil sluggish since "Aunt Flo" came, I hardly had any energy or motivation. But I am pushing myself cuz I know I have to in order to get results, I can't beat around the bush and exercise 30 mins and expect to lose weight. I am back on track now and still doing my stomach exercises & the treadmill with doing Ripped in 30. I am trying to make sure I eat enough throughout the day. School starts next week for me so that's only gonna push me more bc walking around campus is like a marathon at times.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Slept in yesterday and today..sigh...so i am behind on week 3. i will catch up one 2nite..yesterdays, i dont know, lol! day 2 of week 3 2nite, i will let u know how it goes!
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Week 2 Day 2 completed! I hate hate hate the cardio in the second round I think it is....those plank things followed by mountain climbers....uhhhh....I have to take breaks. Maybe by the end of the week I'll be able to push through.

    The way I feel about it if you slip of the bandwagon for a day or two, it's not that big of a deal if you get right back on it! Keep up the good work ladies! Lets get ripped!