Where are the Nerds??



  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    sdanemrtn wrote: »
    Seeing a lot of Star Wars on here, which begs the quedtion: Favorite Star Wars movie, and why?

    Mine is Return of the Jedi, mainly for the space fighting scenes and the fight on Endor. Thought my all time favorite scene is Kenobi and Qui Gon against Maul.

    As a kid I was a huge ROTJ fan, as I got older I could appreciate the character arcs and plot twist in empire more and more. No doubt I'm a bit of a hipster when it comes to Star Wars but the prequels don't get enough credit for reaffirming the franchise's place in mainstream culture and providing the best on-screen lightsaber duels to-date.

    For those who've not seen them, I'm a big fan of what's known as the "Machete" order. It effectively portrays the prequels as a flashback between Empire and Jedi, improving the story-telling. I tacked on the recent four movies in the appropriate order as well but they're not crucial to the complete story told by the first six. Bonus points if you have access to the theatrical cut of the original trilogy, most readily found as a special feature on a certain release of the DVD, unfortunately not part of the BluRay set:

    - Solo (optional)
    - Rogue One (optional)
    - Episode IV
    - Episode V
    - Episode I (quasi-optional)
    - Episode II
    - Episode III
    - Episode VI
    - Episode VII (optional)
    - Episode VIII (optional)
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    Am I still a nerd if I haven't seen one all the way through? :smile:

    Have you seen any of the Harry Potter movies all the way through? If you have, then yes, you are still a nerd.

    Does reading all the books count? I can't remember ever watching the movies. I'm beginning to think I may really be more a geek than a nerd.

    HP Books > HP Movies, without question
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    well...while im not a harry potter fan, I did buy a lot of harry potter stuff from harry potter world cause it was cool. I have a wand and a butter beer cup :D

    and my dog looks like dobbi

    Of course Harry Potter stuff is cool - who wouldn't buy it? Is your dog's name Dobby? If it is that is totally worth bonus nerd points. Tell me about your science fiction knowledge.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    Of course Harry Potter stuff is cool - who wouldn't buy it? Is your dog's name Dobby? If it is that is totally worth bonus nerd points. Tell me about your science fiction knowledge.

    he does respond to dobby, I do it to him all the time lol. but no that's not his name, though its easy to change it :D

    im a casual sci fier- I like lots of movies like pacific rim, Prometheus, transformers, etc etc [/quote]

    Ummm, I would catagorize those at BroScience Fiction movies. Those don't really count. But I'll give you one nerd point for a dog that answers to Dobby and an extra because dogs are awesome.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    loool so what counts?

    "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" counts. "Star Trek" counts. I'd even throw in "Star Gate". Lord of the Rings Trilogy - not science fiction but definitely nerd worthy. There was a time when anything Marvel or DC would count but now they're too mainstream.

    I might give you a few points for Pacific Rim because, well, Charlie Hunnam - not a geek but such a beautiful specimen. In fact, I would give you points for Thor because, well, Hemsworth - how does one family have such amazing genetics? They count because if I met them in real life, I would act like a geek.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    I did like the new star trek movies, if that counts. I never watched the series on tv

    well if thor counts, I do have a thor workout shirt coming ;)

    Welcome to the tribe. (Holding up my fingers in Vulcan greeting)
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    🙋🏼‍♀️ a different kind of nerd then you all but I’m a Scientist by trade and read about 2-3 books a month so I think I qualify right???

    Science nerd alert as well. Spent 11 years in research and now I'm in IT. I read 2-3 books a WEEK. Currently reading Ender's Game. I like Science Fiction, Fantasy, chick-lit, Historical fiction, non-fiction...

    Star Trek, Star Wars fan. I watch documentaries while rowing. My cardio comes in the form of Beat Saber on the VR.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    edited August 2018
    🙋🏼‍♀️ a different kind of nerd then you all but I’m a Scientist by trade and read about 2-3 books a month so I think I qualify right???

    Science nerd alert as well. Spent 11 years in research and now I'm in IT. I read 2-3 books a WEEK. Currently reading Ender's Game. I like Science Fiction, Fantasy, chick-lit, Historical fiction, non-fiction...

    Star Trek, Star Wars fan. I watch documentaries while rowing. My cardio comes in the form of Beat Saber on the VR.

    omg is that the light saber VR game u play? if so I saw it at best buy and I wanted to buy it just because. but im also sure I would destroy my house with that from swinging everywhere

    Yes!!! You don't need much space. Probably 1.5-2 arms length in any direction. It's so much fun and it's done amazing things for my processing speed. I seriously get a really good aerobic workout with it because I use my whole body and a lot of effort. My son takes the lazy way out and just t-rex's it and only uses his wrists. The official game only comes with a handful of songs, but you can download tons of community made songs through a site called Beat Saver. Someone did the Star Wars Cantina Song and Bad Lip Reading's Seagulls song - two of my favorites.

    Edit - I actually started a thread about it, but no nerds heeded my call.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I bore this badge with pride back in the 80s. Stranger Things? Yeah that's essentially my childhood.

    Love but not limited to: Star Wars, Star Trek,Marvel, DC, Indys, WoW, console gaming (XBox Ambassador), GI Joe, PC gamer. Professional microbiologist and currently building my 1st stormtrooper armor set and applying to the 501st.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    edited August 2018
    Well I love Harry Potter and excel but I think that's about the extent of my nerdiness. I really don't like most marvel movies, and I HATE Star Wars. Annnndd I'm leaving this thread now.
  • quoteloveunquote
    quoteloveunquote Posts: 16 Member
    edited August 2018
    🙋🏼‍♀️ a different kind of nerd then you all but I’m a Scientist by trade and read about 2-3 books a month so I think I qualify right???

    Science nerd alert as well. Spent 11 years in research and now I'm in IT. I read 2-3 books a WEEK. Currently reading Ender's Game. I like Science Fiction, Fantasy, chick-lit, Historical fiction, non-fiction...

    Star Trek, Star Wars fan. I watch documentaries while rowing. My cardio comes in the form of Beat Saber on the VR.

    I LOVE Ender's Game. I think Ender's Shadow (same time frame, Bean's perspective) was even better.

    Have you read the Gentlemen *kitten* series? I think that has been my latest great reread. Fantasy, just plain good writing. Have you read anything lately you'd recommend?
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    🙋🏼‍♀️ a different kind of nerd then you all but I’m a Scientist by trade and read about 2-3 books a month so I think I qualify right???

    Science nerd alert as well. Spent 11 years in research and now I'm in IT. I read 2-3 books a WEEK. Currently reading Ender's Game. I like Science Fiction, Fantasy, chick-lit, Historical fiction, non-fiction...

    Star Trek, Star Wars fan. I watch documentaries while rowing. My cardio comes in the form of Beat Saber on the VR.

    I LOVE Ender's Game. I think Ender's Shadow (same time frame, Bean's perspective) was even better.

    Have you read the Gentlemen *kitten* series? I think that has been my latest great reread. Fantasy, just plain good writing. Have you read anything lately you'd recommend?

    Best series I've read in a while was the Rebel of the Sands series if you like YA Fantasy. I just finished a funny one called Sacrificial Lamb Cake. To get redemption, Judas pitches marketing a "Second Coming of the Christ" to Trinity Corp and G chooses an atheist lesbian.
  • quoteloveunquote
    quoteloveunquote Posts: 16 Member
    🙋🏼‍♀️ a different kind of nerd then you all but I’m a Scientist by trade and read about 2-3 books a month so I think I qualify right???

    Science nerd alert as well. Spent 11 years in research and now I'm in IT. I read 2-3 books a WEEK. Currently reading Ender's Game. I like Science Fiction, Fantasy, chick-lit, Historical fiction, non-fiction...

    Star Trek, Star Wars fan. I watch documentaries while rowing. My cardio comes in the form of Beat Saber on the VR.

    I LOVE Ender's Game. I think Ender's Shadow (same time frame, Bean's perspective) was even better.

    Have you read the Gentlemen *kitten* series? I think that has been my latest great reread. Fantasy, just plain good writing. Have you read anything lately you'd recommend?

    Best series I've read in a while was the Rebel of the Sands series if you like YA Fantasy. I just finished a funny one called Sacrificial Lamb Cake. To get redemption, Judas pitches marketing a "Second Coming of the Christ" to Trinity Corp and G chooses an atheist lesbian.

    Tomorrow is library day so I will check them out and put them in my pile! Thanks!
  • gotime326
    gotime326 Posts: 49 Member
    🙋🏼‍♀️ a different kind of nerd then you all but I’m a Scientist by trade and read about 2-3 books a month so I think I qualify right???

    Depends, what KIND of books lol, any Lord of the rings, ect?
  • gotime326
    gotime326 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi 👋 qsxyazxdhn06.jpeg
    High School Math Teacher. I love Star Wars, and sci-fi, and astronomy. I’ve even been know to read for pleasure 🤓

    and you are flippin adorable! Love the shoes!!!!
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,113 Member
    edited August 2018
    Nerd(ish) Brit over here, love Doctor Who (I had a Who themed wedding, complete with a dancing Dalek) and Torchwood, lost my way a bit with Supenatural around S8 but keep thinking of getting back into it. Also love Marvel films, Transformers, Town Called Eureka and Warehouse 13.
  • auzziecawth
    auzziecawth Posts: 244 Member
    sdanemrtn wrote: »
    I would probably consider myself a mini-nerd lol. I’ve got some definite nerd going on 😁

    What gets the nerd going for you?

    I’m mostly a game nerd, havent done any cosplay nerding lol, and some tv and movie nerding

    well, don't hold back the deets ;) what games do u play?
    Skyrim, ghost recon, Assassins origins (that game is insane huge for content and I’ve been playing for months and not even close to being done lol), borderlands, gears of war, these are just some of my favourites, I’ve played A LOT more (probably 90% of the big releases for ps lol), a mix of console and computer, not so much Xbox anymore.

  • auzziecawth
    auzziecawth Posts: 244 Member
    i have not seen any star wars OR harry potter movies..

    don't kick me out plz

    What can you give us that proves your nerd worthiness?

    well...while im not a harry potter fan, I did buy a lot of harry potter stuff from harry potter world cause it was cool. I have a wand and a butter beer cup :D

    and my dog looks like dobbi

    Excellent lol 👍😂 Dobby is the best

  • SirScottimus
    SirScottimus Posts: 88 Member
    Total nerd here. Star Wars, trek, d&d, Pokémon, DC, Marvel, Dr Who and more
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    I'm not a gamer nerd or cosplay nerd. In fact, I'm not sure I fit into any Official Nerd (TM) categories, but I love fantasy and sci-fi novels, history, culture, archaeology, board games, and show tunes.