Sisterhood HCP Week 5



  • iwant2stayhealthy
    Walking at least 5 times a week and doing weight training every day for at least 1/2 an hour..and trying to eat all my DD and I are struggling to chow down..all the calories...I used to skip meals so I am proud of myself that I am eating my 3 squares...I didn't have a great week..lost .5 lbs..but my pants are looser on me...and my butt and abs are tighter so I am happy that I didn't gain..and I am gonna keep on trucking...and supported pepamint because I am so proud of her..and BTW..she'll tell you that I lift calanetics..aeronics..walk really fast and uphill too....step training and still struggle to lose long as I remember it's been like this..but I love this place..yes I do..
  • hopetobeinshape
    COngrats all to your hard work last wk :flowerforyou:

    I however did not do as well, the beginning of the wk did me in for sure :grumble:

    I maintained :sad:

    tonight and the rest of the week I promise to myself I am going to be really strict!

    Hey Resa I am doing p90x too, plyo killed me on sat :blushing:
  • tidwelljw
    I am definitely going to be X'n it up. My issue was that when I took that week off I have had a hard time getting back into the 6 days a week like the programs says. I have gotten 3 days a week but I just can't seem to get any more than that. I am starting my second week of the second phase today and I am going to MAKE myself do the full program. I know I'm still doing ok on the food side of it...but for some reason I just feel sluggish in the workout area, on the days when I workout I feel fine. I just can't seem to get my fire back. I'm going to buy a new set of dumbbells today and I am hoping that will help get back in swing of things.

    I got another question for all you bright Ladies out there. Do any of you gals constantly go over on any area of the food. I'll give you an example. I stay well within my calories( sometime even too few), my protein is always over but that is on purpose because of the strength training I do, Carbs are fine, the thing I have a problem with is my Sugar. I haven't really paid much attention to it in the past couple weeks. But as I have been really watching it I have gone over at least 2 or 3 grams every day. It's just frustrating because this is the first time I have actually been keeping up with my food closely and I am still not able to keep every aspect under control.
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Good morning all!:happy:

    Tid -- umm going over on sugar? guess I haven't paid that much attention. Usually I'm over in protein as well for whatever reason. I think it's cuz we eat alot of wild game, which is good -- low in fat, but you don't have to eat very much due to the high protein. So I guess I said all that to say, I guess I have no good advice for you. Sorry. BTW your new pic is super cute, now we have a lovely face to put with the prego belly:wink:

    hopetobeinshape -- a maintain is 100% better than a gain!!!

    Pepamint -- I feel you on the "not hungry so why eat" thing. But like I said a while ago, I upped my cals a little and it's helping. I just had to switch my food around a little. Instead of grabing a handful of carrots, grab a yogurt. I know too often we get into this "diet" mode and completely change our outlook till all we see is calories. I know with me I tend to "save" mine till dinner (even with eating breakfast and lunch, I'm just afraid I'll be hungry and have nothing left to eat), well then I have a crap load of cals and not enough time or stomach. You talked about having an apple with some peanut butter. Well, eat the apple and put the peanut butter on some whole wheat toast. So you have a few more cals without a bunch more to eat. I get into this will-power mode (the one that makes me think that if I start eating something I won't be able to stop and I'll end up right where I started) where I won't budge on anything, and have learned to chill and stop thinking of depriving myself and think about feeding myself. I have to ask myself, "how can I feed my body so I can get housework done, chase my very mobile munchkin, get my exercise in, take care of hubby (who let's face it, is sometimes worse than a toddler), and look after animals?!" Everybody has their own "things" to deal with, but the reality is that if you don't fuel your body, it will quit you. Here we're just learning to fuel differently, and more important, properly. Eating isn't the root of our problems, eating the wrong things and the wrong amounts is the root of our problems. Hang in there, and remember to eat.:wink:
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    So what are everyone's goals for the week as far as workouts and times per week working out?
    Well, as soon as my 30 day shred gets here :grumble: :grumble: I'll tell you. Until then, I'd like to do an hour (usually I only get 30-45 min. till I get interupted by something or someone:grumble: ) at least 5 times this week. I did DVR a new workout off TV that looks kinda brutal:laugh: , so I'd like to get through it this week too. I think I'm going to keep him on mute though, his voice is freakin annoying:angry: . I would ask what your goals are, but you'd probably give me some P90X lingo that would confuse me:laugh: . Kinda like trying to talk to me about fixing a car, or changing the oil, or a valve flare filter nutbolt roter thing. :laugh: :laugh:
  • 4EverFit
    Slow and steady wins the race. I'm down a pound! Haha, it may have something to do with cutting back on chocolate--I found out I am allergic the day before Valentine's Day! A blessing in disguise I guess....

    As for my workouts, I hit the gym during lunch for an hour 3 days a week, I work out with my trainer for 50 minutes twice a week, and I do 20 minutes on the stair stepper at least 5 days a week. I also walk or ride my bike to work every day. I LOVE to work out, but my downfall is that I love food just as much!

    Congrats to everyone in their weight loss efforts--it sure ain't easy!!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    No change for me, but over V-day and company from out of town, the scale fluctuated up by 2 lbs, and then back down today for a "maintain". so I am holding steady at 21!!!!! lbs lost. My mom was here and commented that my face seems slimmer, so that felt good.

    Hey Pep- don't be discouraged, after your cycle ends you will see the drop in weight. we do retain water during it, and it is because all of the extra muscles involved in the process, and the hormone shifts that trigger the beginning.

    Hope everybody is having a good day- where's our Mister?
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Hope everybody is having a good day- where's our Mister?
    He's still here, he just changed his pic. Now we can see the lovely Mrs. Mister Sister.:laugh:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    What are we going to be calling the little one? Do we have to wait until we know what they're having, or are we creative enough to name now?:happy:
  • tidwelljw
    Oh yea I'm still gals aren't getting rid of me that easy! as far as a name goes we don't really have one picked out yet. We find out in April if we are having a boy or girl. Everyone says we shouldn't find out, but there is NO WAY I could do that! Like every other guy I'm hoping for a boy and my wife is hoping for a girl. I will be happy either way as long as the baby looks like my wife!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    Pepamint -- I feel you on the "not hungry so why eat" thing. But like I said a while ago, I upped my cals a little and it's helping. I just had to switch my food around a little. Instead of grabing a handful of carrots, grab a yogurt. I know too often we get into this "diet" mode and completely change our outlook till all we see is calories. I know with me I tend to "save" mine till dinner (even with eating breakfast and lunch, I'm just afraid I'll be hungry and have nothing left to eat), well then I have a crap load of cals and not enough time or stomach. You talked about having an apple with some peanut butter. Well, eat the apple and put the peanut butter on some whole wheat toast. So you have a few more cals without a bunch more to eat. I get into this will-power mode (the one that makes me think that if I start eating something I won't be able to stop and I'll end up right where I started) where I won't budge on anything, and have learned to chill and stop thinking of depriving myself and think about feeding myself. I have to ask myself, "how can I feed my body so I can get housework done, chase my very mobile munchkin, get my exercise in, take care of hubby (who let's face it, is sometimes worse than a toddler), and look after animals?!" Everybody has their own "things" to deal with, but the reality is that if you don't fuel your body, it will quit you. Here we're just learning to fuel differently, and more important, properly. Eating isn't the root of our problems, eating the wrong things and the wrong amounts is the root of our problems. Hang in there, and remember to eat.:wink:

    im trying i m trying my mother and i like she said seem to have this problem plus your right my mind goes into if im not hugry why eat mode. and i am dieting even if its healthy do i really need it. who knew this is where my mind would go. my mother and i are keeping each other in check shes eating three meals and im eating breakdast (thank god for the banana nut cheerioes anyone try it yet? :love: so yummy and 100 calories) iwanttobehealthy is my dm and we are just trucking along slow and steadily hopefully the hard work will eventually show but i know this is the healthiest thing i can ever do and i also know that no matter what i am determined to keep going and not stop commitment something i never thought i would do :bigsmile: but i am commited even if this takes a long time and then i will be doing this for the rest of my life. i will try to eat more snacks maybe i have to eat more frequently like a snack between breakfast and lunch and another between lunch and dinner and possibly after dinner ok im gonna try that tom and if it doesnt make me sick then we shall see its going to be hard but i dont know what else to try. ok wish me luck cause i dont think my stomache can take it.

    tid wat a great picture love it. you two are so cute together.

    lucky thank you and pumkin i hope it is af and when the dreaded aunt is gone i shall see if it makes any difference (fingers crossed but i am waiting until tues weigh in)

    iwanttobehealthy my loving mother welcome back to the boards so proud of your new attitude (and how small your getting :smooched:)

    everyone say a warm welcome to our new members and our returned members :drinker:

    we can do it be the tortoise cause slow and steady we will win this race

  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Oh yea I'm still gals aren't getting rid of me that easy! as far as a name goes we don't really have one picked out yet. We find out in April if we are having a boy or girl. Everyone says we shouldn't find out, but there is NO WAY I could do that! Like every other guy I'm hoping for a boy and my wife is hoping for a girl. I will be happy either way as long as the baby looks like my wife!

    Your wife is absoluuuuuuutely beautiful, :flowerforyou: but if your kid looks like you, they won't be hurtin' for dates later, either!!! We're thinking about stopping at the two girls we have, but my hubby admits to wanting a little boy-the only problem is that he would want to name the poor kid after his favorite quarterback... I don't really know how to feel about that...:grumble:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    whats the quaterbacks name?
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Donovan McNabb... He even knows the guy's middle name, and would like that, too. If it was someone who did something spectacular, like a medal of honor recipient, or something like that, I wouldn't mind, but not a quarterback for his favorite football team...:sad:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Hi eveyone time sure if flying! I have been crusing the Success board and love looking at the before and after pics! I could sit and look all day, it is so motivating! Anyway my day is almost over. Have to take my daughter to dance and figure out what is for dinner. I am getting tired of eating healthy. I just love food to much and I really love all the unhealthy food.
    MissResa- Me and my Hubby are the oposite. I want a boy so badly! I am not sure if we are stopping with two girls or if we will try for one more. Not to sound selfish but I almost don't want to get prego again and lose my body after working so hard to get it back. That is what happened last time he came home. I had lost 60lbs and was around 190. I was so excited and boom I was prego and gained all of it back. I also am really thinking about a boob job and tummy tuck. I have seen a couple people on the Success board that have had them done once they lose all the weight or when they are close and they look amazing! I guess it will all depend on what my stomach looks like when I am all done. I think for sure a boob job though.
  • tidwelljw
    If I have a boy I want to name it Chuck he will be tough!
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    thompsons -- I know what you mean about getting prego again and worried about the weight. Hubby and I for sure want more kids, so it's something I've thought about a bunch. I'm of a mind-set that if I lose a bunch of the weight, then I can have a healthier pregnancy. One that I can continue to exercise through since my body will be conditioned to it already. So then I won't (knock on some wood here, cuz I had some wicked cravings) gain as much as I did with the first one. Once it's done, then I know I did it once, I can lose it again, and perhaps I'll be better equiped the second (third, fourth,??) time around.:happy: That's just my thought process, and if you ask any of my family, my thinking has been my own for a long time now. So take it with a grain of salt.:laugh: :laugh:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    thompsons -- I know what you mean about getting prego again and worried about the weight. Hubby and I for sure want more kids, so it's something I've thought about a bunch. I'm of a mind-set that if I lose a bunch of the weight, then I can have a healthier pregnancy. One that I can continue to exercise through since my body will be conditioned to it already. So then I won't (knock on some wood here, cuz I had some wicked cravings) gain as much as I did with the first one. Once it's done, then I know I did it once, I can lose it again, and perhaps I'll be better equiped the second (third, fourth,??) time around.:happy: That's just my thought process, and if you ask any of my family, my thinking has been my own for a long time now. So take it with a grain of salt.:laugh: :laugh:
    Yeah it is a crazy thing! We first of all have no idea what we want at this point. I know I want a boy. If I could magically do something to make sure it was a boy I would do it the day he comes home. I however am happy with the two I have. The military makes life a struggle as it is so I don't know if adding a third child is best. That is my own struggle. My goal was to workout and stay healthy with this last pregnancy. I had lost 60lbs prior. I was working out everyday and when I was 6 weeks, I has bleeding. I was put on bedrest until I was 25 weeks. Well at that point I had gained so much weight and not gone in such a long time I had no motivation to start then. I do think many women have a healthy pregnancy and watch calorie intake and excerise. Have you read about tamtastic on this board? She lost 135 lbs. She is now like 11 weeks pregnant or something. I think that is amazing! So for now I am playing it by ear and enjoying my time with my lo. She is growing up so fast. I can't even try for at least 8 more months since he is still gone.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Thompsons... I was in the best shape of my life after my hubby left for deployment... Maybe it was the stress, but I was also working out all the time, and I lost around 90 lbs after having my first daughter... I bought all new clothes, because none of mine fit any more... I was in better shape than when I was an extremely active teenager.

    ONE MONTH after my husband came home, I got pregnant... The doctors put me on restricted duties because my 1st pregnancy was difficult, and my second was, too. I almost went into premature labor at 31/2 months. I had to stop exercising. And I gained ALL the weight back. I lost about 46 lbs in Hawaii. It's been coming back on in the last few years of moving in Alaska-it is just so darn hard to stay active in the long winter months, and also because I'm doing in-home care of my grandfather... I have so little time...

    But I have to get healthy again... And maybe we will end up having another kid, but I want to be healthy from the start, that way the baby will be healthier, and it will be easier to get back into shape again after having the baby... Just not for at least 3 more years!!!!
  • tidwelljw
    Well I had my " Last Chance Workout" tonight. and good thing it was plyometrics tonight. I have my second weigh in for work tomorrow. I am already bumming about it though because I know I am not going to be down near as much as I was last week. Oh well! I hope everyone else has a good day tomorrow!