
So, I have co-workers and friends who are on this ketogenic diet. Some have had great success losing more than 50 pounds! Is this a good diet? I know you basically have to throw away everything and start fresh but is it worth it? What are the benefits? I’m looking to lose more than 90 pounds! 😊


  • Z_Bunnie88
    Z_Bunnie88 Posts: 9 Member
    So insightful! Thank you everyone!! I think I will look at it more. It definitely sounds like there are some great benefits with Keto and even some awesome benefits with a traditional diet 😊
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    I can’t handle high amount of fats (upset stomach) and I do great with carbs so Keto it’s not good a good diet style...For me ;)
    And I still lost 45+ lbs
  • Z_Bunnie88
    Z_Bunnie88 Posts: 9 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Z_Bunnie88 wrote: »
    So insightful! Thank you everyone!! I think I will look at it more. It definitely sounds like there are some great benefits with Keto and even some awesome benefits with a traditional diet 😊

    For weight loss, there’s no long term advantage to keto over any other diet that creates a calorie deficit - since the mechanism for weight loss always comes down to calories.

    That said, for long term success - building a plan that you find sustainable, satiating and enjoyable is really crucial and that’s what I think some people experience with keto. If you find fat satiating, or find certain carb heavy foods to be difficult to moderate, and you don’t mind cutting down/out foods that are higher in carbs (which includes things like fruits and some veggies, grains, etc) then this may be a plan that will work for you. Do a little more research and try it out if you want but don’t be discouraged if you decide not to stick with it. There are lots of ways to achieve weight loss goals, it’s very individualized and sometimes it takes trial and error to build a plan that works for you.

    Thank you! You are so right. It’s definitely about finding the right plan that’s enjoyable. I’ll definitely do some more research and maybe talk to a nutritionist to find a good fit for me
  • fdhunt1
    fdhunt1 Posts: 222 Member
    There is a Keto Thread and Low Carb thread on this site where you can get some excellent info/guidance. Some very helpful folks on those threads. Check them out - it will help.
  • mattaturtle
    mattaturtle Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I’ve been doing Keto for two months now. Results have been good...35 pounds lost so far. What I like about it is that at no time in the last two months have I been hungry. I count carbs and just keep an eye on calories. It is very restrictive of course but I’m still able to get enough filling food in me to keep the cravings away. Also what I like about it is I’m losing weight without having to work out everyday. I’ve actually only worked out a few time over the course of the last two months. Good luck to you! 😊
  • Erinloveable
    Erinloveable Posts: 46 Member
    I am doing keto but I am wondering if it is worth it. Sure I am less hungry but there is a catch.
    Week 1, lost 6 lb
    Week 2, lost 3 lbs
    Week 3, lost 4 lbs
    Week 4, lost 3 lbs

    Looks good right? 16 lbs in a month. Then I got my hormonal hunger and kept snacking on pickles, pepperonis and cheese strings for a few days. All I knew is my appetite came back and all I could think of was food. I stayed keto though. No weird packaged foods. Just lots of small snacks.

    Week 5, gained 6 lbs :0 Howwww? Mathematically there is no way.

    I buckled right down for week 6. Only 2 meals a day, never exceeding 1200 cals or 15 net carbs.

    Week 6, 0 lost lbs :/.. But how? So I ate much less. Around 800 calories a day.
    Week 7, lost 6 lbs

    I am back to where I was week 4! I don't look any different. My clothes fit the same (204-188, there should be a difference). I feel like I am in one of those movies where my wish got granted but it comes with a bunch of weird consequences. I lost 56 lbs before eating mostly produce, 1200 calories and I NEVER gained in a week and I actually got smaller. I want to go off but I am afraid all 16 lbs is water and I will be devastated. I am terrible at sticking to things that disappoint me. It seems men and women with PCOS have great results whereas lots of women (not all) have a struggle.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    I am doing keto but I am wondering if it is worth it. Sure I am less hungry but there is a catch.
    Week 1, lost 6 lb
    Week 2, lost 3 lbs
    Week 3, lost 4 lbs
    Week 4, lost 3 lbs

    Looks good right? 16 lbs in a month. Then I got my hormonal hunger and kept snacking on pickles, pepperonis and cheese strings for a few days. All I knew is my appetite came back and all I could think of was food. I stayed keto though. No weird packaged foods. Just lots of small snacks.

    Week 5, gained 6 lbs :0 Howwww? Mathematically there is no way.

    I buckled right down for week 6. Only 2 meals a day, never exceeding 1200 cals or 15 net carbs.

    Week 6, 0 lost lbs :/.. But how? So I ate much less. Around 800 calories a day.
    Week 7, lost 6 lbs

    I am back to where I was week 4! I don't look any different. My clothes fit the same (204-188, there should be a difference). I feel like I am in one of those movies where my wish got granted but it comes with a bunch of weird consequences. I lost 56 lbs before eating mostly produce, 1200 calories and I NEVER gained in a week and I actually got smaller. I want to go off but I am afraid all 16 lbs is water and I will be devastated. I am terrible at sticking to things that disappoint me. It seems men and women with PCOS have great results whereas lots of women (not all) have a struggle.

    You can always introduce carbs back slowly rather than in one hit. Doing this you may find that low carb rather than keto works best for you on top of not having that huge amount of water retention in one hit. There is no point sticking with a diet that you can not stick to just because you fear the initial weight gain. It just delays the inevitable.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    If you were snacking on pickles, pepperonis and cheese strings, that sounds like a ton of sodium in a few days which for many people would be a weight gain, at least water weight. I'm just researching keto but I think sodium would be something to watch out for.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    wahmx3 wrote: »
    If you were snacking on pickles, pepperonis and cheese strings, that sounds like a ton of sodium in a few days which for many people would be a weight gain, at least water weight. I'm just researching keto but I think sodium would be something to watch out for.

    With your current research, you will most likely come across indication of need for increased sodium (generally a need of around 3000-5000 mg/day) and a need to supplement with sodium when eating a ketogenic diet. It comes down to depleted glycogen stores from lack of carbohydrates in the diet. I trialed a ketogenic diet for 52 weeks for reason other than weight management and like others eating ketogenic, had a biological need to increase sodium in order to keep electrolytes balanced. As an older person who was previously on a low sodium diet due to having high blood pressure and being on HBP meds (when overweight), increasing sodium was something I struggled with "wrapping my head around" but it was necessary.

    Sodium is something to "watch out for" on ketogenic diets in regards to "getting enough" or not letting sodium intake get "too low". If the OP is keeping ketogenic, she is correct in eating high sodium pickles, pepperoni and cheese for the low carbohydrate/high sodium long as she does not have medical reason to keep sodium low.
  • mainelylisa
    mainelylisa Posts: 375 Member
    I'm actually on a low-fat, high carb mostly whole plant-based foods. I've seen people have great success with this--but a large part of that is that it naturally constricts calories while you still feel full. Unless you counter balance it with a lot of Rose wine, lol. Time will tell.
  • GrannyGoes4it
    GrannyGoes4it Posts: 59 Member
    Enjoyed reading all the replies, I am pleased with the low carb way of eating so far. Keto is a little to low for me, my range is 20 to 30 and I am falling around 25 most days with calories in the 1400 to 1500 range. Not hungry. Today is going to be my weigh in day and in 6 days I have lost 7.2. I am pleased with that good luck to everyone in whatever plan they choose.
  • panegyrizejesus
    panegyrizejesus Posts: 2 Member
    In my dieting experience, I've noticed that one of my struggles is maintaining a certain calorie intake while also feeling full and satisfied. Monitoring your carb intake is especially beneficial for people like me who may otherwise say, "oh, I can have that piece of cake, it's only 150 calories" when I could have used that 150 calories to eat twice as much food that's twice as filling and been satisfied after my meal.

    Following a Keto diet helps me to easily keep my calorie intake between 1200 and 1500 while also feeling full after each meal. It's caused me to eat healthier, as eating Keto encourages you to stay away from processed foods and eat more sustainable foods such as meats and vegetables.

    Many people make the mistake of not monitoring their calories and eating too many saturated fats, instead of finding those fat sources from natural foods such as vegetables and nuts. You have to watch your calorie intake just like with any diet and you need to eat vegetables to be healthy (not just bacon and cheese). Don't be scared to go a little over your 30 grams of carbs (or however many you allow) if it's for a handful of nuts or brussel sprouts or broccoli. It won't hurt your weight loss and it will help you stay healthy.

    Everybody's different so you have to decide what's best for you. Good luck on your journey!
  • oceangirl99
    oceangirl99 Posts: 161 Member
    There are so many opinions out there! Others see health benefits, but to be honest, I do it simply because I want to lose weight and I don't want to be hungry doing it. I've been on keto since April 30th and I've lost 33 lbs and I have 36 to go. Everybody is right. Calories in just need to be less than calories going out to lose weight. I just eat low carb because I'm simply not hungry when I do it so it is easy for me to be under my calories. I haven't really been counting my calories much (I know, I know) because I just don't feel the urge to eat so much that I go over. I'm not crazy restrictive though and have chips once in a while and last Saturday I actually had a small Dairy Queen Blizzard for my lunch (road trip with the family) but that day I just made sure I counted calories and stayed under. So despite "cheats" I'm still losing at ~2lbs/week. Be warned if you go this route though because the Keto Flu really sucks so read up on it.