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We're not responsible for being obese?



  • tbright1965
    tbright1965 Posts: 852 Member
    Why does it matter who other people blame for their troubles? People who are ready to take responsibility will.

    Because when people blame others, they usually want others to pay. I really don't want to pay for the bad choices of others. Just as I don't expect others to pay for my bad choices.

    Sadly, there are many who make their living by getting others to pick up the tab.

  • tlpina82
    tlpina82 Posts: 229 Member
    wmd1979 wrote: »
    The article is right and wrong. We are responsible for our weight and what we eat. However, many corporations put sugar into everything they make, even if they claim its sugar free because it’s addicting. They aren’t always required to tell you that by the FDA, either. They even do it to oils like Olive oil. Most of the time, olive oil isn’t the only ingredient in ‘olive oil’ but it won’t tell you what else is in there, either. So it’s hard for a lot of people to figure out what they can and cannot eat when corporations are not honest about what’s really in the food.

    But we all know that baked chicken breast with herb vegetables is better than a cheeseburger and large fry at McDonald’s, so at the end of the day, we are responsible for doing our research and controlling what we put in our bodies. Corporations just make it harder but they haven’t made it impossible.

    What specific foods have been found to have added sugar that isn't on the ingredients list?

    Good luck getting an answer. I just love when people make these wild claims with absolutely no evidence to back it up. It's good to know that food manufacturers are sneaking sugar into my olive oil so I can quit adding it myself.

    So the real problem here is misunderstanding.

    "Journalists" don't understand simple math, which makes their reporting a mix bag of crap with incorrect information.

    Take milk for example:
    Typical composition of Whole, unpasteurized milk is:
    Water 87.3%
    Milk Fats 3.9%
    Non-fat Solids (Protein, Milk Sugar, Immune Factors, etc.) 8.8%

    Now. If they were to remove the fat and replace the content with water, you would simple have watered down milk. (Which fat-free milk already tastes like)
    Instead, most commercial grade cheeses use that fat and some casein for cheeses, cream cheese, butter etc.

    Since the Non-fat Solids are the parts that don't evaporate and sugar is the only part that doesn't degrade with heat, cooling and it is also the only non- perishable, it is perfectly natural that the process of removing the fat would increase the sugar content in fat free milk.

    Now, this is where we get to the gray area.

    The industry did not say that Fat-free milk was not fattening or even healthier for that matter.
    They imply that via industry funded research and they let the morons in the media, especially now in the "new media", make incorrect assumptions about the products.

    The main problem is that we don't have real life education.
    We're taught how to add and subtract, but not how to think freely and apply those small bits into our daily lives.
    Most people never think to connect these simple dots.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    yup blame the corporation they personally fed me all the crap I liked to eat back then. it's there fault I got type 2 diabetes too. i'm sick of hearing people put the blame on others when it's are own fault. I own up to it. I ate like a pig back then. now not so much.

  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    fake story
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I am going to compare this in a way to the whole smoking cigarettes issue. For literally decades it has been known that smoking cigarettes is not healthy and bad for people. Yet look at the lawsuits, look how much money people have won in lawsuits. Now I can kind of see this from some of the very early lawsuits when big tobacco truly did hide lots of the facts. But for the last 25 years or more it has been out in the open. Yet people whined and got lawyers and class action suits they led me astray I did not think I would get cancer and die a horrible protracted death.
    In some ways this whole thing about the sugar being in many foods, the fats in so many foods hiding waiting to get people falls in that type of category. Easier to point fingers and say it was someone elses fault. Than admit it was their own fault for shoveling in all that food, snacks, big sized meals from all the fast food places. While at the same time being less active.
    I am obese because I ate too much food, too often of the wrong types. I just need to look in the mirror to see who to blame. And it was not some big evil corporation. They made it easier, but I did it.

    And the nice thing about admitting that is the next step, which is that you can also be the one to change it.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I got bored of reading the article 3/4 of the way. However i believe that most everything is your own fault if you don't take control, if you yeild, or just plain give up on yourself. If thing turn out the way you don't like because of those types of factors it is indeed YOUR FAULT. Never give up folks!

    Just my opinion.

    I personally don't believe in "fault" when it comes to dieting (or drugs for that matter). Priorities vary, level of knowledge varies, expectations vary, people are under a lot of pressure biologically, socially, environmentally, financially...etc. One thing leads to another. Fault is a useless concept in this context because guilt and shame are useless emotions for this kind of endeavour.

    Not believing in fault doesn't mean in any way that I don't believe in ability and possibility. Recognizing these factors and understanding them empowers the ability to form strategies based on knowledge and information that aren't as fickle as emotions and motivation.

    It's not your fault you got fat, but you have the ability to stop being fat or not get fat in the first place.
  • ktekc
    ktekc Posts: 879 Member
    I get tension headaches, luckily haven't had one for a few years since i lost some weight. (no idea if related but BP went down a lot too) The last time i had a bad one after 2 days i coudn't take it anymore and went to the ER. They gave me a shot of demerol which helped immensely and was fine but they also sent me home with 4 vicodin and a prescription for 18 more. I think i took one of the vicodin the next day when the shot wore off and that was it. never filled the script. I have no idea why they would give me that many pills. I had been once before a few years prior for the same thing and got some iv fluids and the demerol and i was good.
  • Machafin
    Machafin Posts: 2,988 Member
    You control your own body. It is not helpful to always blame others for your problems.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    Yup... I am absolutely responsible for becoming obese as I did. I binge ate. Did not exercise
    .. blah blah blah.... corps are out to make money. I do not blame them for making what sells.