Runners Forum



  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member

    1.What motivates you to run?

    I stopped being able to run for a long time after knee injuries. The extra weight I was carrying didn’t help either. For me, being able to run again really makes me feel like I’m me again after everything. Track was the only sport I did when I was younger and I used to love running. It’s taken a few years of forcing myself to get back out there but I love it again now.

    2. How often do you run and how far?

    I run 2 days a week, sometimes three. I do 3-4 miles and most events I do are all 5k. My knees still bother me and swell if I try to go much further than that.

    3.Do you also incorporate strength training? If so, how often?

    I weight lift twice a week and have a Jazzercize class I go to once a week that has a small weights segment towards the end.

    4. Do you attribute your weight loss or maintenance success to running?

    Yes and no. I attribute my current weight to an active lifestyle and running is one part of that.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Hi! I wanted to create a space for runners to add each other and discuss. Here are some questions to think about :)

    1.What motivates you to run?
    2. How often do you run and how far?
    3.Do you also incorporate strength training? If so, how often?
    4. Do you attribute your weight loss or maintenance success to running?

    I’ll begin!

    1. A. Getting faster. I want to see how fast I can get.
    B. Friends. Running with friends is a great way to start the day. It also helps on my long runs to have someone to encourage and push me.

    2. 5-6 days per week. I am ramping up for a marathon so my current mileage is 35+ per week. In the off season I average 20-25.

    3. I always plan to lift. Sometimes I even go to the gym. :D I cross train on my bike and sometimes yoga. I really need to get back to the gym....

    4. I contribute some my success at running to weighing less. I was never too far overweight but 50 lbs is a HUGE difference when you're running.
  • mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsa12
    mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsa12 Posts: 204 Member
    1. I started running because I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn’t a hopeless waste of space and I could achieve something. Running a 5k was something I felt I could achieve with nothing but determination, I didn’t care if I came last I just needed to finish. I did finish. I didn’t come last. I reminded myself I was capable and in the process I realized I loved the conquer the world feeling that running gives you.

    2. I try to run 3 days a week, I’m trying to build up to s 10K but just doing about 5 most runs.

    3. I never do strength training

    4. I don’t find running helps me lose weight at all!
  • amsuraj
    amsuraj Posts: 43 Member
    1.What motivates you to run? like the energy after.
    2. How often do you run and how far? 2-3 times a week, 3-6 miles.
    3.Do you also incorporate strength training? If so, how often? I don’t, but I should.
    4. Do you attribute your weight loss or maintenance success to running? Weight loss, some, I think it’s mostly what you put in your mouth. Maintenance, definitely.
  • Vladimirnapkin
    Vladimirnapkin Posts: 299 Member
    @dewd2 5 pounds is a lot when you are running!
  • CatherineLaurel
    CatherineLaurel Posts: 197 Member
    1. I started running because I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn’t a hopeless waste of space and I could achieve something. Running a 5k was something I felt I could achieve with nothing but determination, I didn’t care if I came last I just needed to finish. I did finish. I didn’t come last. I reminded myself I was capable and in the process I realized I loved the conquer the world feeling that running gives you.

    I love this! How inspirational! It does make me feel a sense of accomplishment. I need to remember this in days when I can’t even run like tonight (I was to fill, haha) but I still managed to walk my 3 miles and that counts for something! I did what I set out to do in one way or another! It helps us stay accountable to numero uno, ourselves!

  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    1. What motivates you to run?
    The fact it's a quick and easy way to burn a lot of calories and feel like I'm really working and I can exercise outside in the beautiful weather. Unfortunately I don't really enjoy running but it's such an efficient burn I do it anyway

    2. How often do you run and how far?
    I try to go two or three times a week when the weather is nice

    3. Do you also incorporate strength training? If so, how often?
    I have light weights I'll do the other days. I have a shoulder injury right now so it's limiting what I can do

    4. Do you attribute your weight loss or maintenance success to running?
    no loss but maybe maintaining. I feel like the fat just melts away when I'm running consistently.
  • CatherineLaurel
    CatherineLaurel Posts: 197 Member
    AliNouveau wrote: »
    I feel like the fat just melts away when I'm running consistently.

    As someone who has just begun to run consistently (about a 5k most days) and log food, this is what I like to hear!!!!
  • CatherineLaurel
    CatherineLaurel Posts: 197 Member
    I'm 50 years old ran my first 10k in just over 60 minutes, I run every day and want to run a half marathon next year 😁😁
    That is AWESOME! I’ve run one 10k so far and it ain’t easy!!

  • CatherineLaurel
    CatherineLaurel Posts: 197 Member
    edited August 2018
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    edited August 2018
    hi, I'm trying to get into running. I was up to running for like 16 minutes straight but I've had a terrible month with being sick twice and haven't gone out to run much. I went out last Thursday and the run was a lot harder than it was before with all of my time off resting. I've been avoiding the interval training programs but I think I may just suck it up and do the C25K, but start at week 4 or so.

    1.What motivates you to run? Me time, burns calories, heart health. When I work up to longer distances I'm excited to just explore more. I just think it's fun. I feel like since I have an able body, I should be using it.
    2. How often do you run and how far? My goal is to run 2-3x a week. I don't want to do much more than that because...
    3.Do you also incorporate strength training? If so, how often? I strength train 3x a week which is a priority for me right now because I'm on a "program" lol.
    4. Do you attribute your weight loss or maintenance success to running? YES. Not just running but being active in general. It helps a lot. Otherwise it would be hard to eat the appropriate amount of calories.

  • DeshotelK
    DeshotelK Posts: 183 Member
    I like this. I guess I may fit into the category of "runner".

    1.What motivates you to run? Started off with having dreams of being able to run (literally dreams of running without being chased) and thought "why not?" Then I noticed how much better I felt mentally.
    2. How often do you run and how far? 3-4x/wk. Not a long distance runner. Usually around 3 miles.
    3.Do you also incorporate strength training? If so, how often? Fairly recently, around 3 weeks ago, started alternating days of yoga and I love the combination of the two.
    5. Do you attribute your weight loss or maintenance success to running? Not especially. My problem has never been exercise, but always food. I'm still learning how to balance the two. The scale is slowly trending downward though.

  • MsArriabella
    MsArriabella Posts: 469 Member
    edited August 2018
    FL_Hiker wrote: »

    I'm a little scared what will happen after my marathon is over. Whats a good goal after that...?


    Train for another one? ;)
  • bossymom15
    bossymom15 Posts: 130 Member
    1.What motivates you to run?
    I put a 5K on my bucket list before I turned 50. Low and behold somewhere during training I decided I actually sometimes, especially afterwards, enjoy it. I can breathe so much better the rest of the day. It is great for my anxiety! So 5 years later I'm still running.
    2. How often do you run and how far?
    I try for 3 days a week. short runs during the week, about 2.5 miles and longer on Saturday. Working up to my second 10K.
    3.Do you also incorporate strength training? If so, how often?
    Yes, a couple of times a week. I do this during my lunch hr. 2 times a week.
    4. Do you attribute your weight loss or maintenance success to running?
    Somewhat, it gives me more calories to burn. I'm purposeful about running before I know I'm going to an event where I will want to eat or drink more. But for me, it doesn't replace watching what I eat.
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    1. I run because I enjoy it, it gives me mental space. I also like how many calories I can burn but that is very much secondary. I enjoy challenging myself to run further, run faster, do races.
    2. Minimum would be about 20miles per week if I was running 3 times but very much varies and can be up to about 35. I do one long run (10-14miles) a 10k, a speed 5k and then maybe another 4 miler. I never run on the treadmill, my favourite is trail running although I also do road running as well.
    3. Strength I do a home dvd a couple of times a week, I'm trying to get better at strength training as I do neglect it
    4. In some ways yes but it's still essential to track calories. When I was marathon training I stopped logging as I thought I could eat anything due to the amount I was running but I gained half a stone. Running gives me loads more calories to play with so I find it much easier to stick to my calorie goal.
  • Josh_From_Louisiana
    Josh_From_Louisiana Posts: 42 Member
    I am new to running. I am not a runner and I have never been one. I downloaded an App called C25k. It is a great program to get you out there and start running. I do strenght training three days a week and run those three days as well. Any advise for a newbie would be great! Thanks guys.