30DS Challenge Starting 8/15/11



  • Jalara, thanks for making a list of everyone! That sure is impressive, YAY for everyone!!!
  • Hey guys!!! I just finished D4, L1. The first 4 days have been brutal but in the most enjoyable way. I would love to join your group. I started a thread a couple of days ago but it didn't blow up like this one! I took measurements, weight and pics before starting, even posted them on my thread. It was embarrassing but I figured if I posted them first I would actually follow through with a workout challenge. I'm also incorporating bootcamp several times a week. Once I finish 30DS I plan on doing Ripped in 30!!!

    I have about 34 lbs to lose... I have always fluctuated in weight but once my current boyfriend and I started dating my weight started going up and up and up. I didn't realize until joining this site how many calories I was consuming in one day... probably about 2 days worth what I am eating now. Not only do I want to lose the weight to fit into a size 4 or 6 but I actually want to be HEALTHY and FIT for the rest of my life... I've gotta start somewhere, so I started it here!!!

    Good luck everyone!!!

    Oh PS... I have a vacation coming up in October... the 24, my boyfriend and I are going on a cruise to celebrate my 31st birthday and also kinda celebrating our one year anniversary which was in July. I really want to be able to walk around in a bikini and feel great about myself!!! Another little thing to motivate me! :)
  • I finished day 1 lastnight and will be doing day 2 tonight. the cardio portion was rough for me! It was a hard workout for sure! My arms are not that sore today like I thought they would be.

    We need a compiled list of everyone in the group; I can't keep up!!

    Agreed!! I had all these great plans and have had to work at work (What is up with that?! They missed the memo that said Jenn is busy trying to get fit! Geez! Men! LOL! I tease!!) and free time has been spent working out... I will try to re-organize my thoughts. I kept getting requests over the weekend so I lost track... More tomorrow!! Promise!!

    I'll be happy to help you! I am a stay at home mom so I have extra time on my hands! Just let me know!
  • Well I finished Day 2! I have to say it was easier for me than day 1! I have a lot of trouble getting all of the jump ropes in...does anyone else find that a bit difficult? The other hard part for me is the side to side squats while doing weights. If I can master those 2 things I will be doing good! I am really impressed with this workout. Thank God it is only 20 minutes!!
  • Hey guys!!! I just finished D4, L1. The first 4 days have been brutal but in the most enjoyable way. I would love to join your group. I started a thread a couple of days ago but it didn't blow up like this one! I took measurements, weight and pics before starting, even posted them on my thread. It was embarrassing but I figured if I posted them first I would actually follow through with a workout challenge. I'm also incorporating bootcamp several times a week. Once I finish 30DS I plan on doing Ripped in 30!!!

    I have about 34 lbs to lose... I have always fluctuated in weight but once my current boyfriend and I started dating my weight started going up and up and up. I didn't realize until joining this site how many calories I was consuming in one day... probably about 2 days worth what I am eating now. Not only do I want to lose the weight to fit into a size 4 or 6 but I actually want to be HEALTHY and FIT for the rest of my life... I've gotta start somewhere, so I started it here!!!

    Good luck everyone!!!

    Oh PS... I have a vacation coming up in October... the 24, my boyfriend and I are going on a cruise to celebrate my 31st birthday and also kinda celebrating our one year anniversary which was in July. I really want to be able to walk around in a bikini and feel great about myself!!! Another little thing to motivate me! :)

    Welcome!! My arms and legs are like jello and I just finished day 2! Congrats on your anniversary!!
  • So do you guys have any suggestions for how this should be organized with check ins and what not?
  • I would LOVE to be a part of this if I can! I just started the shred yesterday! I would love to be doing this workout along with other people! I have about 25 lbs to lose. Good luck everyone!!
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    Hey guys!!! I just finished D4, L1. The first 4 days have been brutal but in the most enjoyable way. I would love to join your group. I started a thread a couple of days ago but it didn't blow up like this one! I took measurements, weight and pics before starting, even posted them on my thread. It was embarrassing but I figured if I posted them first I would actually follow through with a workout challenge. I'm also incorporating bootcamp several times a week. Once I finish 30DS I plan on doing Ripped in 30!!!

    I have about 34 lbs to lose... I have always fluctuated in weight but once my current boyfriend and I started dating my weight started going up and up and up. I didn't realize until joining this site how many calories I was consuming in one day... probably about 2 days worth what I am eating now. Not only do I want to lose the weight to fit into a size 4 or 6 but I actually want to be HEALTHY and FIT for the rest of my life... I've gotta start somewhere, so I started it here!!!

    Good luck everyone!!!

    Oh PS... I have a vacation coming up in October... the 24, my boyfriend and I are going on a cruise to celebrate my 31st birthday and also kinda celebrating our one year anniversary which was in July. I really want to be able to walk around in a bikini and feel great about myself!!! Another little thing to motivate me! :)

    You have similar goals as me! (the ones in your signature). I plan to let JM whip my backside into shape and thank her as she does it!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    So do you guys have any suggestions for how this should be organized with check ins and what not?

    We had planned earlier on that we would just stick to this thread (since it lasts normally about a month or 500 posts before it auto-rolls to a new one) and everyone would check in when they can. I posted a list of all participants earlier tonight. What else would we do?
  • I would love to join, but I don't have the money for this dvd right now. What is it exactly?
  • I would love to join, I need to buy the dvd first, but I will get it tomorrow
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    I would love to join, but I don't have the money for this dvd right now. What is it exactly?

    30 Day Shred is a workout DVD by Jillian Michaels (trainer from the Biggest Loser). It's a 30 day system that changes every 10 days. It's brutal - and high intensity, but it's short (20-25ish minutes). All you need is some light handweights and the DVD (sells for
    I'm really hoping to be able to stick with it for the 30 days.
  • I saw it listed on the Target website for $9. I will get it tomorrow, but I will be behind everyone :)
  • So do you guys have any suggestions for how this should be organized with check ins and what not?

    We had planned earlier on that we would just stick to this thread (since it lasts normally about a month or 500 posts before it auto-rolls to a new one) and everyone would check in when they can. I posted a list of all participants earlier tonight. What else would we do?

    Oh ok, I guess I missed that!! I am posting daily for my own accountability! I didn't know if we would do weigh ins, etc?

    Anyways, I will be filling you guys in with all of my info daily!! Jillian kicked my butt today! Please feel free to add me as a friend. I am still new to this site,so I am getting used to how things work!
  • I saw it listed on the Target website for $9. I will get it tomorrow, but I will be behind everyone :)

    Don't worry, girl!!! There are several people that are doing it at their own pace and taking days off so you will be right on track!
  • I would love to join, but I don't have the money for this dvd right now. What is it exactly?

    30 Day Shred is a workout DVD by Jillian Michaels (trainer from the Biggest Loser). It's a 30 day system that changes every 10 days. It's brutal - and high intensity, but it's short (20-25ish minutes). All you need is some light handweights and the DVD (sells for
    I'm really hoping to be able to stick with it for the 30 days.

    You CAN do it!!! I am gonna be hating it, but I just have to think of that end result. As annoying as Jillians voice is, she is right when she's talking about how we have to work hard if we want results!
  • I would LOVE to be a part of this if I can! I just started the shred yesterday! I would love to be doing this workout along with other people! I have about 25 lbs to lose. Good luck everyone!!
    Welcome!! You are right on time! Most of us started day 1 on Monday so you are right there with us! There are a few people that started early, as well as a few that are starting late! No matter what day we are on we will all need motivation for the next day! Good luck!!!
  • HavenIryxia
    HavenIryxia Posts: 116 Member
    I saw it listed on the Target website for $9. I will get it tomorrow, but I will be behind everyone :)

    Don't worry about being behind... I am still waiting for my DVD to arrive in the mail... still waiting. But I am gonna jump on the bandwagon as soon as it gets here :D
  • I would LOVE to be a part of this if I can! I just started the shred yesterday! I would love to be doing this workout along with other people! I have about 25 lbs to lose. Good luck everyone!!
    Welcome!! You are right on time! Most of us started day 1 on Monday so you are right there with us! There are a few people that started early, as well as a few that are starting late! No matter what day we are on we will all need motivation for the next day! Good luck!!!

    I definitely can use the motivation. This is awesome that so many are joining! This workout has been somewhat hard for me and at times I almost want to give up. But knowing there are so many others doing this workout really helps motivate me!!
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    Day 4 down. Whoohooo!