Sixers Spring Clean Challenge--Week 1



  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    PettMyBunny ((((hugs)))) :brokenheart:
  • TudorRose
    TudorRose Posts: 238 Member
    Pettmybunny- I'm so sorry to hear that. Whether you knew or not, it's bound to throw you for a loop. Give yourself time to grieve- you will come through this, I promise. Trust me, blocking these things and pretending it's fine because you didn't know and it wasn't planned is only a recipe for disaster. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are, a miscarriage is still a very harsh blow. So take as much time now to come to terms with it as you need. Don't feel bad about being sad over it. Just try to take care of yourself xx
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Pettmybunny (it's Robin, right?)- I am so sorry to hear about that. You will be in my prayers. I have never had to experience something like this so I won't pretend to understand. But I will say that we are here for you if you need us. Pull yourself out of the funk, I suppose you must, but in caring for yourself, don't forget to give yourself the time to rest, relax, and grieve.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi girls. I have NO time to post right now, but I wanted to say... brought me to tears (although extra emotional these days)...I am SO sorry.:cry::flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I have had a few scares so far through my pregnancy (which is still fairly new) and I can't even imagine what going through a miscarriage feels like. You are in my thoughts and prayers....seriously! Lots of rest and seek the support you need from family members and friends. They will be there for you. And so are all of us...WHATEVER you need. Take care sweetie.:heart::heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I'll be back later.
  • pdxmomof2
    Robin- my :heart: goes out to you right now. I wouldnt even begin to know how you feel or what you are going through! I do know people who have went through it and it seems so difficult because there just seems to be nothing to blame it on. I think that might be the hard part. Take time, take care and come back to us when you are ready!
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

  • Moonlight123
    Moonlight123 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi all!
    Am a little new here but I saw this challenge and I'd like to join. I've added my name to the list.

    SW 210.2 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 210.2 PROGRESS 0
    SW 148.4 LBS/GW 142.0 LBS / CW 148.4 LBS PROGRESS 0.0 LBS
    SW 258 lbs / GW 250 / CW 258 PROGRESS 0.0 lbs.
    SW 153 lbs. / GW 145 lbs / CW 153 lbs. PROGRESS 0.0 lbs.
    SW 204.8 lbs / GW 194 / CW 204.8 lbs. Progress 0.0
    SW 172 lbs/ GW 165 lbs / CW 172 Progress +/- 0 lbs
    SW 159.5 lbs/ GW 163 lbs/ CW 159.5 Progress 0 lbs
    SW177.6lbs / GW 167lbs / CW 177.6lbs Progress 0 lbs
    TudorRose----SW 211 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 211 lbs Progress 0 lbs
    SW 159 lbs/ GW 155 lbs/ CW 159 lbs Progress 0 lbs
    SW 166.8lbs/GW 159.8/ CW 166.8lbs Progress 0lbs
    SW 202 lbs/GW 190/CW 202 lbs Progress 0.0 lbs
    SW 210.5 lbs/GW 199/CW 210.5 lbs Progress 0.0 lbs
    SW 212 lbs/GW 204/CW 212 lbs Progress 0.0 lbs
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi All,

    Everyone seems eager to get in shape for spring. I didn't stick to my meal plan so well yesterday, some left over chocolates started calling me. But today I am back on track and got in a great workout at the community center. I burned 559 calories in one hour. That is very good for me. I have a meal planned for today and will get started on tomorrows since I spend the whole day at school.

    1: coffee & creamer, skim milk, shredded wheat, & blueberries
    2: Orange
    3: Ham & light swiss on rye
    4: popcorn
    5: Chef salad
    6: skim milk & 100 cal snack pack

    Moonlight, Welcome to the Sixers. Tell us a little about yourself.:flowerforyou:
    Cass, Wow!! You came back to us.:heart::heart: :heart:
    Connie, Love that the journaling is helping you. Keep us posted on what helps.:happy:
    Pettmybunny, So sorry to hear about your loss.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Hi to everyone I didn't mention.

    Have a great day:happy:
  • cassangelidy
    Hey Lovely Ladies!!!
    Thanks for all the welcome backs! You guys are sooooo great! :wink:

    So here is the "bad" news..I weighed in this morning at 194.4lbs...EEK!!! The things I was going threw weren't exactly beneficial to my weight loss goals...but I'm back...and I'm ready to log my food and really push it!

    So I'm adjusting my spring goal....

    SW 210.2 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 210.2 PROGRESS 0
    SW 148.4 LBS/GW 142.0 LBS / CW 148.4 LBS PROGRESS 0.0 LBS
    SW 258 lbs / GW 250 / CW 258 PROGRESS 0.0 lbs.
    SW 153 lbs. / GW 145 lbs / CW 153 lbs. PROGRESS 0.0 lbs.
    SW 204.8 lbs / GW 194 / CW 204.8 lbs. Progress 0.0
    SW 172 lbs/ GW 165 lbs / CW 172 Progress +/- 0 lbs
    SW 159.5 lbs/ GW 163 lbs/ CW 159.5 Progress 0 lbs
    SW177.6lbs / GW 167lbs / CW 177.6lbs Progress 0 lbs
    TudorRose----SW 211 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 211 lbs Progress 0 lbs
    SW 159 lbs/ GW 155 lbs/ CW 159 lbs Progress 0 lbs
    SW 166.8lbs/GW 159.8/ CW 166.8lbs Progress 0lbs
    SW 202 lbs/GW 190/CW 202 lbs Progress 0.0 lbs
    SW 210.5 lbs/GW 199/CW 210.5 lbs Progress 0.0 lbs
    SW 212 lbs/GW 204/CW 212 lbs Progress 0.0 lbs
    SW 194.4 lbs/GW 177/CW 194.4 lbs Progress 0.0 lbs

    Food for today...
    Coffee, low sugar oatmeal and protein shake
    yogart and FF cottage cheese
    Small salad with 1 whole egg and 2 eggwhites, lite caesar dressing
    apple and protein shake
    Dinner is going to be up in the air because I have to finish moving all my stuff out of my apartment tonight...probably something on the road....maybe a Fresco chicken buritto from Taco Bell! YUM
    Snack...Fiber One granola bar.

    I burned 489 calories at the gym this morning. and I already have 48 oz of H2O down.
    Have a wonderful day ladies, I'll be back on later!! :drinker: Drink your water!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    hi Cass!!! WELCOME BACK!!! :flowerforyou: I was wondering if you'd met the blonde hair goal yet. :wink: Glad you are back with us.

    Moonlight, Hi!! Tell us about yourself. :flowerforyou:

    Deb, 600 cals in an hour. Holy cow, you were MOVING it. Awesome!
  • Moonlight123
    Moonlight123 Posts: 13 Member

    Moonlight, Welcome to the Sixers. Tell us a little about yourself.:flowerforyou:

    Thanks! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    My name is Chandni - which is an Indian (Hindi) name - in english it means moonlight. I am 27 years old - happily married, working full-time.
    I have always been the plump kid, overweight teen and am now an obese adult. I want to finally change - be healthier and happier.
    I love the support and attitude at MFP and i'm sure it'll keep me going. :drinker: :drinker:
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Good Afternoon all,
    My workouts have not been that great this week. I am hoping to restart next week though. My daughter got the flu last week so I have not been able to go to the gym. She is feeling better now but still coughing and the yucky green runny nose. So I have been trying to keep her home as much as possible. Tomorrow they are calling for a little bit of snow so I will probably be home. Friday she has a drs appt and then I have to go to Asheville so I will be busy that day.
    Saturday is our annual cub scout banquet so I am planning that as my cheat day. It is a potluck and I will have no idea how much calories I am eating plus I ordered a huge cake with whipped cream frosting which is my favorite. So I will try to just have a small piece of that.
    I am hoping ot get back on track with my exercise next week. The past month has been so hard on exercising with everything that has gone on lately..

    Robin I really do feel for you and you will be in my prayers.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Here's the list. Somehow Tiff was I put her back in under Katy.

    SW 210.2 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 210.2 PROGRESS 0
    SW 148.4 LBS/GW 142.0 LBS / CW 148.4 LBS PROGRESS 0.0 LBS
    SW 258 lbs / GW 250 / CW 258 PROGRESS 0.0 lbs.
    SW 153 lbs. / GW 145 lbs / CW 153 lbs. PROGRESS 0.0 lbs.
    SW 204.8 lbs / GW 194 / CW 204.8 lbs. Progress 0.0
    SW 172 lbs/ GW 165 lbs / CW 172 Progress +/- 0 lbs
    SW 159.5 lbs/ GW 163 lbs/ CW 159.5 Progress 0 lbs
    SW177.6lbs / GW 167lbs / CW 177.6lbs Progress 0 lbs
    TudorRose----SW 211 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 211 lbs Progress 0 lbs
    SW 159 lbs/ GW 155 lbs/ CW 159 lbs Progress 0 lbs
    SW 166.8lbs/GW 159.8/ CW 166.8lbs Progress 0lbs
    SW 153.4 lb/ GW 143.0/ CW153.4 Progress 0.0 lbs
    SW 202 lbs/GW 190/CW 202 lbs Progress 0.0 lbs
    SW 210.5 lbs/GW 199/CW 210.5 lbs Progress 0.0 lbs
    SW 212 lbs/GW 204/CW 212 lbs Progress 0.0 lbs
    SW 194.4 lbs/GW 177/CW 194.4 lbs Progress 0.0 lbs

    CASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MISSED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY YOU ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Well...let's see. Today I woke up feeling SO crappy and sick! :sick: Blah! So...I didn't thaw anything for dinner and I didn't even bring my gym probably won't make it to the gym yet again. But...I decided that I will make a tuna casserole for dinner not stressing about that anymore. But...still not feeling 100%. I guess baby is a little sick today. Oh well. I've been SO busy with work today that I haven't even compiled my food for the day. But here's what I'm having (I probably won't put all the calories here...if you want to know you can ask me).

    1 c. Oh's cereal with 1 c. skim milk, 8 oz. OJ.

    AM Snack-
    Chewy Smores granola bar, Rice Crispy Treat

    Stouffers Cheesy Potatos (frozen meal), 10 baby carrots, 1 c. sliced strawberries, AE YoLite Yogurt.

    Afternoon Snack-
    1 med. apple, 100 cal. pack almonds, chewy granola bar.

    Homemade Tuna Casserole, salad with romaine lettuce, tomato, cucumber, croutons, cheese crumbles, and ranch dressing.

    PM Snack-
    Depends on how I feel.

    SO...that's the plan. I'll check back later. Oh! And HELLO to everyone!!! And welcome to the newbies!!!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Thanks for all the hugs, love, and prayers you guys. I appreciate it!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Robin, I've been there and all I can do is send you a huge hug :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Welcome newbies!!!

    Robin - Hugs sweetheart, hang in there and we are always here if you need us!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Ladies, I am so lost. Yesterday and today (so far) haven't been quite as bad as the last few weeks but I still can't seem to haul myself right back up on the horse like I know I HAVE TO. With our impending bankruptcy, Leith's big dental appointment next week, some issues with a friend of mine and discussions about a possible opportunity to move to Australia for a while, my history of using food to dull my overwhelmed emotions just feels too strong for me. My little ones are sick right now (and I'm hoping for so many reasons that they don't have what I had!) so I still have not managed to get to the gym or really work out in any relevant way for WEEKS. They are needing me all the time and it's not always stuff I can hand off to their Dad (like breastfeeding). They're also both really Mum-ish when they don't feel well. I am terrified of getting fat again but I just can't seem to stop this cycle right now because I'm feeling so overwhelmed. I used to love feeling like a motivator around here and I'm drudging the bottom of the barrel. I don't want to bring anyone else down with me but I really needed to vent / fess up / make contact.
    bunny. hugs :heart: i can't say i know how you feel, and i can't imagine it, but you will get through this, and you certainly have a great support group in all of these girls. so more hugs :heart: :flowerforyou: and lots of well wishes.

    newbies. welcome!

    ladies... so sorry i have been MIA but this week is just getting more and more crazy... I have to draft a letter to Obama for my boss, and we have a meeting in washington soon, midterms, the puppy, my thesis, and a publication... yikes. so needless to say I will not be around as much as i would like but hopefully i will find time here and there to post. say hello. and check in. have a great day ladies!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • TudorRose
    TudorRose Posts: 238 Member
    PedalHound: we all need support in this. Don't worry about "bringing us down"- it's not like that. Feel free to rant and rave all you like.
  • TudorRose
    TudorRose Posts: 238 Member
    Hmm, today:
    -A slice of wholegrain bread, with light Flora.
    -I then attempted to eat some malteasers, due to the significant lack of healthy food at my uni, but ate one and found it too sickly sweet- my tastebuds are changing it seems.
    -A small bowl of Cheerios, with semi-skimmed milk.
    -A bag of salted popcorn. (Roll on Friday and payday- I'm seriously running out of any semblance of normal food)
    -A chicken breast, done in the Ramoska (sort of grilled, sort of baked). (My mother, thank god, has normal food and I'm now at her house.)
    -A small baked potato, with extra light Flora.
    -Only one Diet Coke, and lots of water.

    Total: 1110.

    I may yet have a fruit salad, as I seem to be lacking the the fruit-veg stuff :grumble:

    I made the fatal error of trying to discuss my worries about finding a job for after uni (I'm free as of June- eek!) with my mum and stepdad. They're now arguing about how to choose a new employee (both have managerial roles). I'm getting a headache and even more worried about careers!

    Weighing in tomorrow. Eep!

    All the best everyone xx
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Rhiannon...YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! It's just another one of those obstacles that we are face at some point. And you KNOW you can get through it. You have a wonderful, loving family and a great support group right here...and we will help you!!! Don't fret too day at a time..that is the key! You WILL be okay!:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Sorry I don't have time for more. I'm not feeling so great and gonna head home. Have a great evening my girls and I'll be back tomorrow!