I Have Noticed Many People Returning, Having Regained Their Weight ...



  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I was average weight. got bad mental health, went on medicine that causes extreme hunger and weight gain. Was on a high dose two months. Now finally dose is down so I can lose again (but I have to eat strictly 1200 calories and low gi with this medicine to lose anything as I'm still feeling hungry).
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I was average weight. got bad mental health, went on medicine that causes extreme hunger and weight gain. Was on a high dose two months. Now finally dose is down so I can lose again (but I have to eat strictly 1200 calories and low gi with this medicine to lose anything as I'm still feeling hungry).

    Let me guess. Mirtazipine?
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    I guess everyone is different. I lost about 18kg in 2014 and kept it off until last year. When my mom died of cancer quite cruelly and my husband decided to leave me, me not finding work and being stuck in a position I did't want to be in. As there was no counselling available on the NHS (I wasn't suicidal enough) and I didn't have the money to go private I found help in crisps. The 7 or so kg I'd put back on are almost gone again now and I feel better.

    I’m really happy you’re in a better place now. :heart:
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,099 Member
    Psychgrrl wrote: »
    Thank you all for sharing your stories. I'm approaching maintenance soon, and this is really helpful perspective and insight.

    I am a lifer. Been maintaining my loss within 5 lbs for about 4-5 years. But only because I don’t let up. I weigh my food and have a food scale at work. I can’t, I know Eye-balling portions won’t work for me. I don’t care what people think or say at this point (I get it all: I have an eating disorder, I’m unhealthy, I can splurge, etc.)

    One of my NSV was my annual trip to visit my obese sister. The year before she asked me how I lost the weight (over 100 pounds) and I told her about the food scale. She said she didn’t have time for that. This year I watched her pull out a food scale and weigh her food. She’s still overweight, but doing great! I said nothing, but inside I was doing handstands. :smiley:

    ETA: I’m also a daily weighed and I use a weight-trending app.

    That's awesome! I love the name btw.
  • emjohnson03
    emjohnson03 Posts: 8 Member
    This thread is wonderful!

    I was super fit 4 years ago. I had just got out of a relationship and basically crashed myself into it and I really crushed it. I won a fitness challenge at work and I was down to 19% body fat.

    But of course by fall of that year, the weight came back and I was back the weight I have been for most of my adult life (130-135) on a 5'5 frame.

    And then somehow this past year, the weight crept up and kept going. I had never been in that space before. I was drinking wine every night and eating bad stuff for lunch and dinner. And always fruit juice and soda. I had my trainer get me on the scale and I wondered how I got there. And then I realized it was because for the first time in my life, I was using food to medicate my sadness, mostly over a poor year end work review and not able to find someone yet to spend my life with. It really hit me that I was sad and food was the go to.

    The number spurned me to action, and in some weird way, I'm grateful for the experience. For the first time the sadness and disappointment became physical and it reminded me that it's more ok to feel that way and I understood what so many people go through.

    I had never had to think about my weight and suddenly there it was. All 30+ pounds to lose.

    I think that we all have our challenges and I'm so in awe of everyone who has overcome such obstacles to start again.

    I was so scared to leave my romantic relationship because I didn't want to "start over". And now that I have been on a weight loss journey for the first time, "stating over" isn't a bad thing. It's part of your life story.

  • I have been unhappy with my weight since about the age of 14, and initially started MFP when I was 16, without much success (mainly through inaccurate logging). I managed to lose about 23lb of my 40lb goal before moving overseas in September last year. This meant no gym, no living with anyone else, and a whole lot of yummy food at my disposal! I ignored it until about December last year when I purchased a scale and realised I was essentially back where I started. Since returning in January, I have been going to the gym more or less consistently but have also been bingeing and significantly overeating to the point where there hasn't been any effect on my weight. I'm trying to get back into logging my foods, which I found was the most helpful thing I did to lose weight.

    I'm also trying to focus on body composition and gaining strength; when I look back at pictures I took when I was at my lightest weight, there is no muscle definition - just a smaller version of what I once was! By starting strength training, I'm hoping that I can reduce my obsession with numbers and focus more on how I look and feel.
  • bigfatguy13088
    bigfatguy13088 Posts: 21 Member
    I’ve returned after leaving for a bit. Gained about 10 pounds after a job change and moving into my new house.
    Lots of stress and life in general gets in the way.
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    I am also one of those who lost weight and now I'm back. I lost almost 30 pounds at a steady pace, and believe that logging and having a great support system through MFP friends helped with my success. I then got pregnant, and tried to stay on the wagon but ended up eating off plan, but also stopped pretty much all workouts, at the end of my pregnancy due to some pelvis issues could hardly even walk to my car after work, ended up in a state of emotional eating gone crazy, gaining much more than I should have.

    After being previously extremely consistent, after this baby I've been back to MFP time after time again. I believe you can't make excuses if you really want to get to your goal weight, but I'm into the single mom - tired, busy, no time, no money excuses again, and it seems much harder this time around to mentally commit to it, but I will get there!

    I love reading everyone's reasons here, we are all human and have ups and downs, and reminds me why I just love the MFP community.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    For me, I got pregnant again and used it as an excuse to eat ALL the foods. I gained about 65 lbs. It was ridiculous.
  • haviegirl
    haviegirl Posts: 230 Member
    I lost 35 pounds in 2016 by weighing and logging my food carefully, and walking about 10,000 steps daily. I did not start drifting up until late 2017--my birthday is in December, so I took that month "off" meaning I ate whatever I wanted. And I love Christmas cookies and candy. And we went out to eat a LOT. It's hard to get back into the swing of disciplined eating! I have slowly regained 17 pounds total, so it could be worse...but it needs to get better. I have set a mini-goal for this month, which is a 7 pound loss. It happens one day at a time, one meal at a time. I can do it.
  • JohnnytotheB
    JohnnytotheB Posts: 361 Member
    I got lazy (stopped walking, working out), went back to old habits (eating and otherwise), stopped logging food to name the top few.
  • UltraVegAthlete
    UltraVegAthlete Posts: 667 Member
    Started MFP a couple years ago to lose weight, ended up losing too much and became underweight. I was obsessed with exercising and counting calories. I went off to college and measured most of what I ate. I was told some horrifying news about my heart that was caused by overexercising and my extreme diet, which scared me into binge eating. I would buy a jar of tahini or almond butter and wake up in the night hungry and eat the whole jar. I transferred to a college near my home, continued to eat a jar of peanut butter a day, and finally peaked past my ideal recovery weight. I still have an ED mindset, but my goal now is to stop binge eating and lose weight in a healthy way. “Healthy”. Because I’m doing fruitarian right now... hence the “”.
    So, that’s why I gained weight.
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 859 Member
    I went on a cruise a year ago. I had lost 30 pounds prior to it so I ate and drank without hesitation. When I got home I kept doing that for 12 months. I just fell so hard off the wagon and couldn’t get myself back into the good habits that I know work for me. I gained nearly 40 pounds in 2018. I never left mfp but I stopped tracking calories and it was a disaster.

    I’m ready to stay on track this time. And o have to recognize that it’s going to be a lifelong thing.

    Good luck to everyone who is climbing back on and to those of you here for the first time. We can do it!
  • JaxxieKat
    JaxxieKat Posts: 427 Member
    I tried too many different "diets" that promised I didn't need to track calories. They weren't sustainable and I fell off the wagon. A cheat day turned into a cheat weekend, then after a cheat week I was like eff it. I'm back on track now.
  • MemFox
    MemFox Posts: 35 Member
    For me recently I quit my job in October. I dropped from a super active full time job (almost 20k steps at work everyday) , I never had to worry about what I ate cause I burnt so much off.
    I also work on our farm after hours to just being at home. Summer hit with a vengeance so I’m not outside as much, I’m eating normal meals (too busy to eat much and never snacked when I worked)
    I’m going to gym 1-3 times a week and now back to mfp to lose the 6 kgs I gained over the last 3 months.
    Other times I’ve re gained weight has been after having my two kids, or again when I’ve had a change of job.
    My weight fluctuates with these changes up to and around the 5/6kg mark. It’s at this point my clothes are tight and I’m feeling yuk in my skin. I’m only 5’3 so smal amounts of weight impactvke fast!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,871 Member
    Depression, being bored and moving internationally are my problems. I'm only talking about 3-5kg or so, mind. Finding something that is fun to do when you're depressed isn't really easy, right? And if you move your whole life is turned upside down and you lose your routine: waiting for the furniture to arrive, turning the flat into something half livable without stuff standing about everywhere, new job with new working hours, new food to get used to and cook with, new snacks or snacks you've not had in years!
  • ep30241
    ep30241 Posts: 9 Member
    What has kept me from success: the fact that I've been "thin" before (in college, at 5'5" and 110lb) and I was still invisible.

    This time, I'm doing it not because I think it will change my life but to prove to myself that I have the strength to achieve my goals.