Pregnancy – August 2011



  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    Is anyone experience any extreme pain in their tail bone? I am and its quite annoying, and at times excruciating

    I've been having bad pain in my low back, right above my tail bone when I get up or lay down. It's not constant, just if I'm switching positions, etc.
    I am and it is VERY painful! By the end of the day it hurts so bad I am in tears. I hope it does start to get better I have three other kids to run after.
  • Ladibug23
    Ladibug23 Posts: 16 Member
    @Mathjulz-Thanks for the advice!! I'll check out the belly dancing on Netflix. And you're saying I shouldn't add in the extra 300 cal until the second trimester? I was under the impression you had to add them right away?? I guess that's why I haven't lost anything.

    I've been drinking water, eating right and still not a budge on the scale! Maybe I'm expecting to much to soon...but just 1 pound would be great this week :)

    We shall see.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Mari - it depends a lot on your body. I'm pretty sure I didn't add any calories in the first tri. For me, a big part of that was that the thought of eating was insupportable. I couldn't really eat much until about 18 weeks. Not pukey, just couldn't eat. Morning sickness usually keeps the weight from coming on in the first couple of months for a lot of women, and babies do fine with that.
    I wouldn't worry about losing any weight right now, just on maintaining. But if your body is screaming for food, don't deny it! Just make sure that it's nutritious food. I was about 20 lbs overweight when I started, and at 19 weeks was at a net gain of 0. The doc was okay with that, and is happy with my so-far gain of 14 lbs (at 33 weeks). But if it ends up being more than the 20 total I was hoping to stay under, I'll be okay with that, too. The big thing for me, I think, is that I'm much more aware of my eating habits and so after baby comes I will not be starting brand new.
    Exercise is fine, as often as you feel up to it. Don't push for new goals, but it's okay to maintain most of what you've been already doing. Pretty soon, you'll want to not be flat on your back, and take it easy on anything that puts pressure on your tummy. Be careful to not overheat or get your heartrate too high. But listening to your body is really the best indicator right now.

    We have been having an exercise challenge here - just to help keep us motivated. I think it is to exercise 30 minutes a day, and we report on mondays what we've done. If you feel like it, jump in :happy:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Melissa (et al) - I haven't had pain much in my tailbone lately, although I remember an ache in it if I sat for too long, a few months ago. I first starting having issues with that after my first was born (wonder if the birth did something to the placement... oh well). Is it mostly when you're sitting or is it just constant all day? I've been dealing with pain in my hip for a while now, and last night it woke me up about every hour. It's also bad when I've been sitting and then I stand up, sometimes enough to make me gasp and stop moving for a minute. The doc says it is common in the 3rd tri, and caused by the relaxing ligaments plus the pressure of baby - especially since my baby is head down and right in the hip area. Tylenol is okay, unless your doc tells you otherwise, but don't use ibuprofin or aspirin without doctor's okay.

    AFM - another non-stress test today. Starting to be very routine. Next week, after the NST, we get another ultrasound. Fundal measurement yesterday was 36 (a bit on the big side) but fluids are high, too, so that's probably the big influence in it. U/S will tell us how baby is growing. At this point (because of +AFP), I'll take a bit big and growing well over small and not growing much :smile:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    @Mathjulz-Thanks for the advice!! I'll check out the belly dancing on Netflix. And you're saying I shouldn't add in the extra 300 cal until the second trimester? I was under the impression you had to add them right away?? I guess that's why I haven't lost anything.

    I've been drinking water, eating right and still not a budge on the scale! Maybe I'm expecting to much to soon...but just 1 pound would be great this week :)

    We shall see.

    My doctor had told me that I didn't need to add the extra 300 until the second trimester. She said you really don't need the extra until then. She did say though that if you are hungry you need to make sure you are eating... listen to your body. :)
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Welcome Mari!!! =) I myself am only 8 weeks along... This group is awesome, and i am sure you will enjoy it too!! =) My MD told me at my initial appt (6.5 weeks) that i should be trying to maintain my weight versus loosing more.. (i was about 20 poiunds overwight still) so i have MFP set to maintain weight and i haven't gained... I need to get back to exercising again (get back in to it even though good ole morning sickness keeps trying to stop me) but even with eating the calories to maintain lately, i havent really been "gaining". I usually eat when my body tells me to and i try to keep it to hea;lthy options... Hope this all helps... =)

    @ lindsey- Awe girl! It sounds like it has been a difficult time for you! =( praying for no more hospital visits until the one you bring a baby home from! =)

    @ elizabeth J- That is (all) great news! Happy to hear that baby GIRL is healthy!! And that weight "gain" is going great too!! =)

    @Mathjulz- Aweome job on the minimal weight gain! Gald everything is looking great so far! =)

    AFM: We are scheduled for another U/S tomorrow (8 weeks) and DH is so very anxious to hear baby's heartbeat! So i plan to post tomorrow with an update on everything! =)
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Better late than never I guess................. :blushing:

    Real Name: Regina

    Age: 27

    Location: Dayton, Ohio

    How far along in pregnancy: 36 weeks 3 days

    # of Children you have: 1 boy age 2

    # of Children you want: not really sure....

    Education (if applicable): just through high school

    Current Occupation: Stay at home mom.

    Dream Occupation: Stay at home mom.

    Marital Status: Married since December 6, 2008

    How you met your baby daddy: We grew up with our familys knowing each other casually. Then his family moved to PA. He moved back when he was 15 to help at my best friend's dad's farm. It took a couple years for us to start dating and the rest is history... :love:

    What brought you to MFP?: I was overweight most of my childhood and lost 75 pounds in '06 and '07 with Weight Watchers. I LOVED being skinny!!! But marriage to a man that can eat absolutely anything and stay at 115# and having a baby took a toll. I gained 60 pounds with DS and another 30 after he was born. I just happened across this site when looking for weight loss tools. I managed to lose 10 pounds before I discovered I was pregnant again. I now have over 100#'s to lose and I'm looking forward to getting started as soon as this baby gets here!!!

    How tall are you?: 5'4"

    What was your highest weight?: My weight right now. Embarrasing at almost 260#'s!!! :sad:

    What was your lowest weight?: 139 (but I couldn't seem to maintain there)

    What is your goal weight?: 145 - 150

    What is your goal size?: 10 to 12

    Anything else you would like to share?: I am hoping to have a home birth, but am currently on blood pressure medicine so I won't know 'till Friday how that is going to affect my plans. I have a big garden and we go to a farmer's market once a week. I also bake stuff to take there. (For those of you that don't know me well, that's why i'm not around much right now... )
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    I had a dream last night that I went into labor. I remember that I was 36 weeks and worried but he ended up playing games (contractions/no contractions etc.) so he ended up coming between 36-37 weeks. Ummm that's like a little over a week away! Here's hoping that was just a dream!

    Major Venting here: We had out second to last childbirth class last night. It was the one where we got to tour the maternity ward. Sometimes they have to put you in a split room after delivery (Recovery room). This would mean you'd have a roommate, which is kinda strange especially after just giving birth but it's such a busy hospital because of their NICU that you don't have a choice. They do their best to make sure you are alone though. So, as if that isn't enough..... if you are in a split room, with a roommate, your husband/spouse/partner has to LEAVE from 10pm-5am ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! How the hell do you think you're going to separate me from my husband and he from his newborn child. I know some people are probably okay with this but, we are not! Had we known this prior to being almost done with my pregnancy, we would have picked a different hospital. It's already enough that we chose this hospital and it's an hour away! All I can say is we better not get a split room
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    The shared room would irk me as well.
    I have no idea how it works here since there are no classes to take or tours to go on. Now I'm wondering! Hmm!!

    When I gave birth to my daughter 5 years ago I was admitted 9 days before being induced and it was a shared room (different hospital) but in all that time there was never anyone in the room with me. Thankfully!


    No news here really. I ran out of blood glucose test strips last week so I haven't been keeping track. Getting some today though since it isn't safe to be taking Insulin without knowing your sugar levels.
    Hubby is working a lot this week and into the weekend, only getting Sunday off but even at that he's on call so we won't be doing much this weekend at all.
    Next weekend is the baby shower and I am excited!! After the baby shower we will know where we stand as far as gear and supplies go and then we can shop for whatever we need (which I hope isn't much).
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    I had a dream last night that I went into labor. I remember that I was 36 weeks and worried but he ended up playing games (contractions/no contractions etc.) so he ended up coming between 36-37 weeks. Ummm that's like a little over a week away! Here's hoping that was just a dream!

    Major Venting here: We had out second to last childbirth class last night. It was the one where we got to tour the maternity ward. Sometimes they have to put you in a split room after delivery (Recovery room). This would mean you'd have a roommate, which is kinda strange especially after just giving birth but it's such a busy hospital because of their NICU that you don't have a choice. They do their best to make sure you are alone though. So, as if that isn't enough..... if you are in a split room, with a roommate, your husband/spouse/partner has to LEAVE from 10pm-5am ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! How the hell do you think you're going to separate me from my husband and he from his newborn child. I know some people are probably okay with this but, we are not! Had we known this prior to being almost done with my pregnancy, we would have picked a different hospital. It's already enough that we chose this hospital and it's an hour away! All I can say is we better not get a split room
    Oh no! I would not be happy! I can't imagine sharing a room and then on top of that not having DH with me! We are going to a brand new hopstial with a NICU and we have a suite. There is a room attached called the family room with a full size bed for DH and our DS! I was so excited about that. I felt so bad when I had DS because my Dh had to sleep on this chair and he looked so uncomfortable. I hope it all works out for you!
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    The shared room would irk me as well.
    I have no idea how it works here since there are no classes to take or tours to go on. Now I'm wondering! Hmm!!

    When I gave birth to my daughter 5 years ago I was admitted 9 days before being induced and it was a shared room (different hospital) but in all that time there was never anyone in the room with me. Thankfully!


    No news here really. I ran out of blood glucose test strips last week so I haven't been keeping track. Getting some today though since it isn't safe to be taking Insulin without knowing your sugar levels.
    Hubby is working a lot this week and into the weekend, only getting Sunday off but even at that he's on call so we won't be doing much this weekend at all.
    Next weekend is the baby shower and I am excited!! After the baby shower we will know where we stand as far as gear and supplies go and then we can shop for whatever we need (which I hope isn't much).

    How is everything going with your GD? Did you have it with your DD? I didn't have it with DS but do have it now. I don't have to take insulin though. Why are they making you take it if you don't mind me asking? I have seen some have to and some don't so I was just wondering. Glad to hear everything else is good!.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Danlelle - That would really bug me, too! Although I expect hubby to go home for at least a bit at nights (so he can sleep and be with the other kids), it would make me angry that he would be made to leave because of the clock. Crossing fingers that you can get your own room.

    Haven't seen Ronya since monday. Hope everything is okay! And no Rachel for a couple of days either. Hopefully you've got a beautiful little baby with you.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I would be so upset if I had to have a split room and make hubby leave. The split room wouldn't bug me so much but making your baby's DAD LEAVE? Hell to the NO! The hospital where I'm at isn't like that, but not being able to move through contractions because of all the stuff they'd have me hooked up to is what made me decide to stay home this go 'round.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Danielle- Oh my goodness!!!! That sucks about the split room. Can you change hospitals???

    Regina- Better late than never is right! Have not seen you around much, hope all is well :-)

    AFM: I am super sorry everyone I have not been around this board much. Still no baby 6 days overdue today. Physically I feel really well. I had a drs appt yesterday and she did not do an internal since I had one last week (she does not like to do them 2 weeks in a row, something about risking infection). The baby however is locked and loaded in my pelvis and has dropped significantly since last week.

    Induction will be scheduled for next Friday (42 weeks) if I don't go before then. Here is hoping I will!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Hey ladies, sorry I’ve been slacking lately. I’m reading all your posts I’ve just been lazy responding. Let’s see if I can remember it all.

    Jalyner – baby dust to you!!! I hope this is your month!

    Jen – 23 pounds in 31 weeks is awesome, you’re doing a great job!

    Melissa – yea for a negative GD test!! I haven’t had any pain in my tailbone yet, I hope it stops for you soon.

    Julz – please send some of your nesting my way. I keep waiting for it to kick in for me, but it’s not happening. 14 pounds is fantastic!!! I’m already over 35 :embarassed:

    Kaymd – sorry about your back problems and your hubby being gone.

    Carrieann – welcome!

    Scorpio – love your new pic, you look great!

    Lindsey – that’s so scary, I hope everything is ok and you don’t have preeclampsia. Feel better!

    ElizabethJ – so glad baby is healthy!!! yea for a little girl!

    Mari – welcome and congratulations! I didn’t stared adding an extra 300 until the second trimester.

    ElizabethRN – hope you have a good appointment, hearing the heartbeat is my favorite part!!

    Danielle – I would NOT be ok with sharing a room and having hubby get kicked out! Hopefully you don’t get stuck in a room like that.

    Caperfae – yea for baby shower, hope you get everything you need!!!

    Rachel – fingers crossed baby comes soon for you!!

    Nothing much new here, like I said I’ve just been lazy responding to everyone. Hubby and my brother picked up the dresser last night so I can start to get her clothes washed and put away. I’m only going to wash up to 3 month clothing, the rest is going to be labeled in storage containers and I’ll just rotate out the sizes as she gets bigger. She has so many clothes I don’t know where to start! Every time my aunt and uncle come from NY they bring a huge bag of clothes that their daughter (4 months old) has grown out of. Half the stuff still has the tags on it.

    Our childbirth class is tomorrow, it’s all day 9-5. I’m hoping that I’ll feel a little less nervous about labor and delivery after the class.
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    Real Name: melissa

    Age: 27

    Location: brookline, boston

    How far along in pregnancy: 29 weeks, 5 days

    # of Children you have: 0

    # of Children you want: 3

    Education (if applicable): highschool, 2 years of college (going back to finish last year next year)

    Current Occupation: software tester

    Dream Occupation: Stay at home mom.

    Marital Status: engaged

    How you met your baby daddy: online through Eharmony believe it or not! id never used online dating before. at the time he lived in florida and I lived in boston. we talked via phone and skype for a few weeks, soon after he flew to boston to meet me and then we flew back and forth for a month or so before he moved to live with me in boston :) soon after we moved in together I fell pregnant, a couple of months after that we got engaged. its been somewhat of a whirlwind of a romance haha but I love it!

    What brought you to MFP?:A friend originally inviting me to join it with her to help her loose her baby weight. It's main purpose at first for me was to maintain my weight gain throughout the pregnancy and log my exercise, however ive found the forum the most rewarding part

    How tall are you?: about 5'10 i think

    What was your highest weight?: Im still not used to the kg/lb conversion but id say 65 kgs, or 143 pounds post-baby, but my highest is ATM at 152lbs

    What was your lowest weight?: something like 125lbs when i was exercising too much, eating too little throughout a period during my highschool years

    What is your goal weight?: post-baby it would be 132lb

    What is your goal size?: 8 in top, 9 in bottom

    Anything else you would like to share?: I have an identical twin sister who still lives in NZ currently and an older brother living in london. I plan on having my sister on skype throughout the majority of the labour for moral support and so she can feel a part of it. my fiance' has been a pillar of strength throughout this pregnancy and I truly love him for that. I am a somewhat young mom-to-be at 22 years old but I believe I have what it takes to be a good mom :)
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Our hospital is over an hour away, one way so driving back and forth isn't an option. Not to mention he refuses to not be at the hospital and I want him there at all times too. If we happen to get a split room and I don't kill someone over it, he'll have to get a hotel room for the night. I don't think we'll get to that point because I will be causing a HUGE stink if it does. I don't feel comfortable switching doctors/hospitals at this point in my pregnancy so I guess we'll just pray that it all works out :smile:
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Danielle - I hope the room thing works out.

    I understand the distance factor. The hospital I delivered my daughter at was 2-hours away from home and DH worked so he didn't even think about sleeping the night. She was in the NICU and flown to a children's hospital just hours after being born anyway. Then we had a 5-hour DRIVE to get there ourselves. Not fun right after delivering to say the least. Hoping for a better outcome this time around *fingers crossed*
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Danielle, if you end up with a split room, maybe you could then proceed to tell them that you'll be leaving after you show you're stable enough to do so. I don't think they'll enjoy losing the couple thousand dollars for the day or so that you would have been there.
  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    VeronicaanddMatt0605 Posts: 122 Member
    Danielle- that really stinks about possibly having to share a room and dh not being able to spend the night at my hospital the insurance pays for a double room which sometimes has another person in it and also means that dh cannot spend the night at the hospital but we have the option of paying extra and getting a private room so maybe your hospital offers something like that

    Caper- hope that you're able to get your testing strips and make sure that your sugars are good such a pain isn't it

    Jennifer- I think that some have to take insulin because even with proper diet their blood sugars are still too high and there are some women who are able to keep their blood sugars low with just following the carb controlled diet I have GD too but do not need insulin because my sugars stay good as long as I'm careful with my carb intake

    Rachel- hope that your little one come before next friday that is so nice that your doctor is letting you go 2weeks past due date

    afm- my cold has cleared up but I keep getting pains in my tummy and lower back I don't think that I'm drinking enough water also have a massive headache but hopefully a little water and sleep and all will be well also just looked into cloth diapers today I think I'm going to go with them for my 3yo dd that is still not potty trained and also for the new baby