The middle agers group. (Upper 30s,40s & 50ish folks)



  • Anna022119
    Anna022119 Posts: 547 Member
    dkjk1105 wrote: »
    Trying to wake up and psych myself up for a leg day (coffee's helping). Weekend's here so enjoy it but don't cheat your workouts.

    Leg days are boring but needed. Grab that coffee and go! 😂
    Have a good one.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Frazdogg wrote: »
    Happy Straturday. This is the day I gain 5 lbs and work all week to lose it only to gain it back next Saturday. Lol.

    Opposite for me. I often eat less on Saturdays and physically work more in doing yard work, gardening, mowing lawn, or sometimes swimming and walking on the beach.

    Breakfast just finished. Going to grab the lawn mower now.
  • armaline
    armaline Posts: 3 Member
    Hi folks!
    Wonderful age of 45 here - trying to get fit for the first time in my life, have always been little bit overweight, you know with my belly in the way :) Feel free to add me, would love support and motivation :) Have a wonderful day!
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    I started the day with a fun ride this morning. I got to show a new member of our tri club a few bike routes in the NW Connecticut hills. The ride was followed by breakfast at an outdoor café. Now that the fun is over, its time to start working on some of the many home projects that I've put off all summer. :)

    Make it a great day!
  • H2OisGood
    H2OisGood Posts: 12 Member
    Happy Great Saturday to All :)
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Good morning 🙂 enjoying a beautiful Sunday morning here.. hope you all are having a great weekend
  • Anna022119
    Anna022119 Posts: 547 Member
    Good morning 🙂 enjoying a beautiful Sunday morning here.. hope you all are having a great weekend

    Doing exactly that! Good morning all. 🌞
  • strivingtobeme
    strivingtobeme Posts: 10 Member
    edited September 2018
    hi all, back on here to get my backside back in the game. always happy to support, i log daily and happy to encourage anyone who wants it :)
  • dmmihelcic
    dmmihelcic Posts: 161 Member
    After a year and a half of a new job where I eat more and exercise less, and after coming off a bout of Lyme disease, ready to get back to work. 11lbs down since I started a month ago (only 3 or so to go). Will try and log daily and check in with this group. Cheers! Dave
  • dmmihelcic
    dmmihelcic Posts: 161 Member
    ..and just completed a 4 mile run in the rain. Now its time to make the green smoothie. It tasted better than it looks, really...
  • dmmihelcic
    dmmihelcic Posts: 161 Member
    edited September 2018
    ...or not.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,721 Member
    JenRlcks wrote: »
    48 but feel 21!
    That’s what matters right..,

    So true. I like MFP for all the inspiration from people who act and feel younger than their age.

  • Anna022119
    Anna022119 Posts: 547 Member
    Have a good week peeps! 🌞
  • jhaddon7143
    jhaddon7143 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi all. John from utah. Looking for friends
  • uaceylan
    uaceylan Posts: 4 Member
    38. Feel free to add me. Looking to loose 50 kilos.
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    Good morning all you M ages. I hope you all had a good weekend and have a good Monday. Feeling like fall here in the Notheast. Going to work on over all food intake today. Good luck all.
  • Cardioguy81
    Cardioguy81 Posts: 196 Member
    Worked Saturday and Sunday, rained all weekend, rain this morning, Florence is coming....ugh not looking good for running outdoors
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Happy new week!
    I really need to get my butt in gear. My brother visited this weekend so too much food and drink. Time to buckle down.
    In other news I was jut dreaming I was at a blood donor clinic and inquiring about donating but I have a little issue with needles and the fact blood would be pumped out if me and now I can't go back to sleep. Silly phobias