Have you tried GLP1 medications and found it didn't work for you? We'd like to hear about your experiences, what you tried, why it didn't work and how you're doing now. Click here to tell us your story

.Thin By Thanksgiving. *closed group*



  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member

    Goal this week:
    Work out even though it finals week. -means 3 days of 45 mins
    20 push ups everyday -need to work on my upper body

    Lose 2 Pounds HOPEFULLY!

    Can't wait to hear how everyone did on their goals!
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    p.s.! A couple of new members, now the group is totally closed!

    Also, I will do my best to refer to everyone by their real names on the forum!
    here are all of the real names!

    bitabee- Elisabeth
    lmark330- Leah
    taliyai- Nataliya
    ZumbaQ- Jeanette
    laparker517- Lauren
    KaeChelle- Karen
    MinaMaharet- Wende
    kdm97- Kim
    april9393- April
    pwdalt- Peggy
    road2peachtree- Sommer
    ericarey85- Erica
    lc522- Lauren
    xxxKayleighxxx- Kayleigh
    Realwomenhavecurves- Crystal
    amhodac- Amanda
    Creiche- Colleen
    Carebear2- Carrie
    mycrazyturtles- Kristi
    cdngrl81- Jennifer
    drcarrier- Dani
    vetsnatural- Yvette
    aablacknell- Aileen
    abg0220- Ashley
    bjclaywell- Bobbi Jo
    3ricaAnn- Erica
    Shamrock40- Bridget
    sklandis77- Sharon
    ErinAlexis84- Erin
    pinknsassyemt- Tamera
    joeymj- Joey
    ehinton316- Ebony
    canidoit11- Chris
    imarunner8908- Mandy

    everyone else, you'll have to let us know your real name whenever ; )

    happy tuesday everyone!

    I made the first list...but not this one? Did I get cut??
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 629 Member
    I decided to make myself a new MAJOR goal. I turn 40 in March & I would like to see the last 30 pounds gone by then. It is very doable(8 months) if I can stay motivated and strict with the diet and exercise. Figured if I told someone besides myself this...I would be more accountable for the outcome.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    I typically do GREAT during the week and horrible on the weekend. I am hoping this challenge helps me figure out how to succeed on the weekends as well. With a Monday morning weigh in, it should help me stay more on track.

    I have the same goal for this! I've already allowed "bad" weekends to throw me off track for previous mini-goals, and I'm determined to find a balance of having fun but not completely destroying all the hard work I do during the week. We can do this!!
  • pinknsassyemt
    pinknsassyemt Posts: 68 Member
    My week Mon-Mon

    1) 4 workouts
    2) drink 64-80 oz of h20
    3) get 80g protein a day
    4) take my multi-vitamin- I know it sounds lame but I ALWAYS forget!
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Gosh, I am loving all this super motivating stuff!!

    Pinknsassyemt- multivitamins aren't lame...super goal!!

    Creiche and Dani, I am the same way about the weekends...I am going to figure it out this challenge!!

    Thamre- awesome MAJOR goal!! I know, when you tell others, they keep you stickin' to it!!

    canidoit11- good luck on your finals!! I love your idea of 20 pushups a day....I'm going to start with that too...love it!

    And everyone please welcome musicgirl88!! A couple of members were added late the other night, so if they're posting on this forum, they're part of our amazing challenge group!!

    carebear2: thanks for asking!! I'm feeling great this week so far....!!

    Keep up the awesome work, ladies!
  • ericarey85
    ericarey85 Posts: 312 Member
    I am doing great so far, since joining the group i have noticed i ammore apt to sticking to my guns.:tongue:

    I even went out and bought a dry erase board to keep up on my fridge for my goals!!! :bigsmile:
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    I am doing great so far, since joining the group i have noticed i ammore apt to sticking to my guns.:tongue:

    I even went out and bought a dry erase board to keep up on my fridge for my goals!!! :bigsmile:

    I love it, Erica! That's so awesome...we are all going to look smokin' hot by Thanksgiving!!

    "...they shall walk and not faint." < so beautiful, so true! Thank you, Jesus!
  • Fantastic work so far ladies!

    Brilliant group Elisabeth!!!! :bigsmile:

    My aims for this week are to lose 2lb...i might be reaching because i've got some contraceptive issues at the moment, but i'm going for it anyway.

    To drink 2 litres of water per day - so far so good, except i forgot to add my water to my diary lol

    To eat fruit every day - again, good.

    This week's challenge is awesome. I'm not great at jumping jacks because i have big boobs and a tummy so it can feel a bit uncomfortable, but i was doing a gym class today, which included them and it felt pretty good.
    Looking forward to the challenge. I'm going to do mine on Saturday so i'll post my results then.
    Good luck everybody!
  • Dyna18
    Dyna18 Posts: 17
    Hey All !!

    Here are my stats:

    Name: Sue
    Age: 42
    Live: Ontario Canada
    Height: 5' 6
    Start Weight: 208
    Goal Weight for Challenge: 175
    Start Pant size: 18
    Goal Pant size: well ultimatly a size 4
    Special Diet: only to manage and not over indulge, or emotional eat, to be able to eat whatever i wish in a balanced and healthy manner.
    Excerise Goals: to consistently work out 5 days a week
    Other Goals: to log and record everyday and stay within my calorie allocation
    Other Intrests: motorcycles ... home decor.. entertaining .. organize and manage a chariety in my daughter's memory
    Occupation: Manager of Fast Food Restraunt

    Bust 44½
    Waist 41½
    Hips 47
    calves 18
    thighs 25
    neck 14½

    My goals this week .. to consistently work out every day for at least 30 minutes ... drink my water ..
  • amhodac
    amhodac Posts: 9
    My goals for this week are
    Tto be under 160 when i weigh in on Monday.
    Completing couch 25k week 3, and increase my distance each day.
    Prepare each meal for my family and not eat out
  • MinaMaharet
    MinaMaharet Posts: 13 Member
    I was the bad kid today!! It was my first day back to work after a 4 day holiday. The whole holiday I was on target with eating well and working out... and then first day back, I'm over calories and no working out. *sigh*

    I won't be able to make my first goal due to changed work schedule. Don't they know I need to work out?!? Silly Job.

    I know every now and then I need a break, I just hope I can pick it up tomorrow. I have 2 crazy long shifts tomorrow and Friday, so I just have to quit whining & get my butt to Zumba class!! :-D

    I'm so proud of everyone kicking some major bum!!! Someone had to be the group slacker, I will officially wear the crown today... but not for the rest of the week!!

    Make It Work, Ladies!! <3
  • terriesin
    terriesin Posts: 5 Member
    I know iMonday is weigh in but its been a while......& I needed a boost! (lost 2lb since last weigh in)

    I ate really good today because I knew my dinner was 500 calories ( burtonii's shrimp & lobster raviollis )
    I didn't go over my calories. But is that was too many calories at night & not enough during the day?
    If it helps I ate at 6:30. Not really late. But I'm not doing a lot of activity in the evening. Reading,computer,tv,& phone.

    Thanks in advance. You ladies are great!
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    Deff need to remember to measure tommorow! But as for my goals I have drank at least 8 cups of water everyday since Monday and have done at least 60 mins of Zumba and jogging(combined) since Monday!! I am so proud of myself! Hopefully I'll see the result I want on the scale Monday!
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    Well I'm way behind...sorry about that ladies!

    My goals for this week are to work out a minimum of 5 days. I started strength training this week, so my goal is to do all the exercises my personal trainer asked me to, and not whine too much about it. :)

    I need to drink more water. 8 glasses is NOT enough for me.

    In addition, I'm working on adding more protein into my diet this week - I'm not really great about eating meat or many other proteins, so I"m drinking protein shakes now. Found a brand I like, and am adding frozen fruits to make awesome smoothies.

    And my stupid goal for the week is to actually take my measurements. I never have, and I need to get around to it. I'm just too lazy...
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I know iMonday is weigh in but its been a while......& I needed a boost! (lost 2lb since last weigh in)

    I ate really good today because I knew my dinner was 500 calories ( burtonii's shrimp & lobster raviollis )
    I didn't go over my calories. But is that was too many calories at night & not enough during the day?
    If it helps I ate at 6:30. Not really late. But I'm not doing a lot of activity in the evening. Reading,computer,tv,& phone.

    Thanks in advance. You ladies are great!

    I eat 400-600 cals for dinner and it has never been a problem with me. I typically eat dinner ~530 and then I have a 100-200 cal snack ~730 and then I go to bed at 10/1030. I think as long as you aren't going to bed at 7 and are staying at or under your total allowed calories it doesn't really matter. If you were to eat 800-1000 cals for dinner it would be a different story.
  • Hello Ladies... so I finally got a chance to take my measurements since I didnt have a measuring tape on Monday... here they go:

    NAME: Crystal
    AGE: 25
    LIVE: Bronx, NY
    HEIGHT: 5'4''
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: Nope! Just try to eat healthier and not skip any meals
    DIET GOALS: Eating in moderation.. laying off the sweets
    EXERCISE GOALS: Regain the tone that Ive lost since I stopped going to the gym
    OTHER GOALS: Fit into a specific dress that Im in love with.
    OTHER INTERESTS: cooking, baking, dancing, shopping, traveling, and hanging out with my boyfriend and our family!
    OCCUPATION: Corporate Banking

    Bust: (right across nipples) : 40in.
    Waist: 33in.
    Navel-line: 38in.
    Hips (widest part!): 42in.
    Calves: R- 15.5in L- 15.5in.
    Arms: (where they jiggle!) R- 14in. L- 14in.
    Thighs: (widest part!) R-24in. L- 24in.
    Neck: 13.5in.

    I see that alot of u have set weekly goals and seem to be doing a good job of trying to reach those goals (yayyy... LoL) I guess I should set a few myself.

    1. Work out at least 4x this week
    2. Burn at least 2,000 cal in total at the gym
    3. Lose 1.5lbs
    4. Buy some new multivitamins!!! (ive gotta do this one asap cuz Im all out)
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    OK girls, I jumped on the scale and was thrilled to see that I am down 4lbs. I know it's probally water weight but still a loss is a loss! :) Still eating well and walking on the treadmill. Thought I'd get a Zumba class in but this week is way too hectic for me. Have a great day! :)
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    Hi everyone!

    I still need to get my measurements, but hope to do that this weekend. My real workout goals probably won't start until next week, as the kids don't start school until Monday, and I still have a few more things to do to get them ready.

    My general exercise goal(s) for this entire challenge will be to change up my exercise routine. We have an elliptical, and I can easily do a kick-butt workout for an hour, but I want to expand my horizons. I have an awesome EA Sports Active system, but I stopped using it in January because of pain in my foot. I still have the pain, but it's not as bad. I want to get back to using that because it has a huge variety of exercises. I'd also like to try some exercise videos on Netflix, so any recommendations would be great.

    One small goal I have is to be back to my lowest weight since starting MFP, which is 212. I put 10 lbs on this summer because I took a break. I am happy to say I've already lost 7.5 lbs of that since 8/1, but I'd like to be done with the last 2.5 lbs by Monday, which will be 3 weeks. Woohoo! I can do it!!

    I look forward to getting to know all you ladies as we go forward.

    Go get it, girls!!

  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    Hello ladies!

    My goals this week is simply to really watch what I eat, and hope and pray the scale goes down even just a half pound! I have my doctor's appointment Friday (tomorrow!) So hopefully he'll tell me I can star to workout and do C25K again!!! It sounds like everyone has some awesome goals!