Less Alcohol - September 2018 - One Day at a Time



  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,567 Member
    Nice to see people are still making comments and reading our posts from as far back as the threads from "Less Alcohol" in January and March.
    Positive impact, support and reassurance.
    If it changes one life for the better. That is a gift in itself.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,567 Member
    Applause applause to you @WinoGelato. Well said. 👏

    KKHKISHZKH Posts: 187 Member
    edited September 2018
    Day 25 completely alcohol free! It's a good friend's 50th birthday this Saturday and we've been invited to a pub "booze-up". I'm not sure yet if I'll be partaking, but if I do it'll probably just be one glass of wine which I'll savour. I actually intend on carrying on this pattern next month too. :) The only problem I'm finding is that I'm used to eating very little on fridays and saturdays to make room for alcohol calories and I'm starting to fill that space with extra food now, so if I go back to drinking alcohol I'm worried I'll be regularly going over my calorie goals!
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,524 Member
    So I took a seriously wrong turn this weekend, being overly ambitious by deciding to do intermittent fasting at the same time as cut out alcohol and go on 2+ hr long runs and hikes. Haha and I am a female in my 50s so my body likes to remind me of this. Went great for 3 days- felt amazing - no hunger pangs, feeling light and happy- then wow did my brain take notice and decided it was time to overeat and overdrink to make up for lost days! So I'm back in the game, realize I need to change something up. Tonight I limited myself to 2.5 4oz servings wine (2017 yellow tail sauvignon blanc 11.5%, super-chilled, light frozen dinner, green salad, and 4 egg whites scrambled with some salsa for added protein to help me feel full and keep my blood sugar level. Feeling totally satisfied, no craving for anything. Let's see if this works!!!!
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,567 Member
    edited September 2018
    Good morning. I would like to welcome our new comers to the thread. It is never to late to jump in. So many of these stories of struggle I can relate to. At some point in my life over the decades I tried different means of cutting back. I admire those who just one day wake up and say "Enough is enough I'm done with this habit".
    The one ah ha moment I had was 20 minutes ago. "Omg...this is already my 7th day w/o an alcoholic beverage. Gee that went fast".
    I told a friend yesterday I had few planned drink days coming up in October. Once again I get that deer in the head light look. She asked, what do you mean planned? And I explained I enjoy social events and people and there are just times that I have decided I CAN drink responsible within my given limit. It is my drinking limit, kind of of like a speed limit. Then we both laughed uncontrollably. It was pretty funny.
    So yes Oct will not be as dry as this month has been. But hey, cider season, corn mazes and all those Fall sensations only come but once a year. I will still enjoy them with some alcohol but I will enjoy them without getting out of my set goals.
    Have a great day-
  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    Day off, pub lunch and no booze. Go me!!

    @Stephaniev51697 Considering your day I think you did very well. As you've pointed out you had 2-3 glasses less than you would normally, didn't need to bother your son and even managed to turn down a glass in front of you - that's some strong willpower and multiple wins. Well done!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    dkabambe wrote: »
    @FeelinFooFoo Well done chucking in the e-cig too. Like you the two are linked for me so it's not too difficult for me to not smoke when not drinking. I've decided to go cold turkey rather than via a vape as can imagine I'll be on that for years if I do - the real test will be the nights I do have a drink!
    I'm now on Day 6 without booze, (and Day 7 without cigarettes), and so far so good.

    Hello, old friend, this is so great to hear!!!

    You are doing so well and it makes me happy. I remember you have good determination.

    I quit cigarettes cold turkey in 2014. Like you I just wanted it to be over and done with.

    I quit at the end of a work week. I'd geared up for a really crappy weekend, but only the first day was awful, made bearable by sleeping tablets to sleep at night.

    Instead of getting up every half hour for a cigarette I'd get up and do household chores.

    It was very productive!! 😀
  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    Hi @Orphia - inspiring how you've kept going so strong, and will really help me as I get back on it properly once again.

    I may have gone a bit overboard this week by also cutting out caffeine (only intended to reduce but have only had one cup of coffee in a week) and severely upping my running (only because my bike broke), but will try to chill out a bit over the weekend so as not to burn out too early! Must admit on my run home from work today was severely tempting to stop at the pub - I didn't and ran straight past. I also turned down glass of prosecco with dinner so chuffed with myself so far. Be interesting to see how the weekend goes though - I've turned down what should be a fun night out on Saturday as think that would be too much temptation too soon, but there's plenty of other shoulder devil opportunities sadly.
  • Stephaniev51697
    Stephaniev51697 Posts: 163 Member
    @dkabambe Thank you!!! :)
  • Stephaniev51697
    Stephaniev51697 Posts: 163 Member
    @claireybell66 I'm new too! Stoptober, love that!!
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,567 Member
    WELCOME to the new posters. Recognition is a powerful start on the right foot no matter how far you wish to cut back on your own level.
    We will be heading over to an October thread after Orphia creates it for us. So please don't forget to post there come Oct 1.