

  • mimi7grands
    Having a nice, relaxing day here. I've been away from the computer for a few days and it feels GOOD! Sitting all day in my job was one of the worst things for me. I don't know how people do it and lose weight. I'm grateful to have the time off now (even though it means not having a lot of money, it's worth it!)

    Mynika, re plantar fasciitis, wear good arch supports and wear them all the time, even when you get out of bed in the morning. That did it for me although it took a few months. I still do better with good arch supports and make sure I have them in the shoes I wear every day. Good luck!

    Off to a good start, eating-wise, this morning...yogurt and a nectarine. Actually, it's not morning but morning got away from me. I went with my daughter to take my two granddaughters to their first day of school. Kate, at 5, started Kindergarten. So shy and so cute. Olivia, 7, settled in right away to 2nd grade. I wish I could keep them this age.

    I hope everyone has smooth sailing today.

    Sissy, I'm thinking about you and hope you got good news.

  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    I have been MIA for most of the month. checking posts but not keeping up. I have gained a little (5 pounds) but I am working on getting that off so I won't adjust my ticker. One victory for me is that I have been able to allow myself to slip and to not let it get out of hand.
    Our "Girls week end" was last week end and it was quite an ego boost. most of the ladies their haven't seen me since last year so it was a shock to them. I packed lots of good snacks and fruit and my dish to pass was a sauted veggie brown rice dish which went over very well. I even managed to get 2 two mile walks in. I even had company when I went. :bigsmile:

    I am behind in eading the posts by 3 days and will go back and catch up but I did notice Jeannie will be in my neck of the woods.
    Please get in touch with me, I would love a chance to meet and put a face with the name. (although your shephard does a fine job representing you)
    Everyone else I am sending a big hug and lots of well wishes to you all

  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I was invited to stop by by one of your members 'auntiebk~Barbara' and I finally found you!

    I've been reading through the NINE pages (WOW!) of posts and what an inspiring and supportive group you all are!

    So, about me~

    I am age 50, married for 26 years in October, no kids except the furry ones in my profile picture and have been on a lifelong journey with weight loss. At the moment I am doing WW Online and logging here too.

    Tomorrow will be my first weigh-in in 3 weeks due to multiple family events, vacations and other diet and exercise interruptions!
    I do not torture myself during these times with getting on the scale the day after a family outing or wedding~ I just don't.

    After all these years of "losing weight" I know what will trigger my "failure mentality" so it's just not worth it to get on the scale out of obligation and risk ruining all my efforts.

    Meanwhile, I am a person living with MS for the past 8 years and do not work. I am doing pretty well and am "high functioning". The heat of the summer is one of my biggest enemies and it's been a doozy here in NJ this summer! I do some volunteering for the National MS Society and the American Cancer Society as well since my career was as a Mammographer for 25 years.
    (now don't pick on me about those Mammograms and YES it has to be that tight!)

    I see some of you mentioning goals and I think I just want to get on and STAY on track~ until the next batch of events comes up!

    I'll look forward to checking in with you girls and getting to know you all. Take care......
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    I do hope you all are well. Soryy I have been out for a few days and there are so many posts. I have read them all and so much has gone on.

    Natalie - Glad you are doing so well:smile:

    Chiclet - You are an amazing woman and an inspiration to many and that is why your boyfriend is there. Your neighbour has issues, that is for sure. You just stay the way you are, you are great:flowerforyou:

    Mimi - Glad you are getting back on track. It is so easy to get side tracked, isn't it:grumble:

    Pam - Congrats on making your goals, that's great. Those are big milestones:laugh:

    Sally - Glad the party went well:wink:

    Rebel - Congrats on the birth of your grandson - big boy!! Glad mom and baby are doing well:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to the newcomers.

    I have my older brother going through some real emotional turmoil right now and I have always been able to draw him out and settle him down at other times in our lives and I am hoping I can do so again. He is in a very dark place right now and not doing well so I am hoping I can get him to get some professional help. We don't live in the same towns but we are going to meet next week and I am going to try and talk him into trying to get some help. He really needs help. Say a prayer for him if you have time, Ladies, I am very worried about him and where he is emotionally and on top of it he is a drinker, not good.

    Well, I better go. Hope you are well. Take care of yourselves.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    A great big worry is gone, my followup mammogram and ultrasound showed that what they saw are cysts. So relieved and now I can get serious about getting ready for our cruise. I was so worried that they would find something and it would interfere with this long planned trip.

    Chiclet, I was a little confused about who was saying the unkind remarks to you and was really happy to know that it was not your special fellow...But it really doesn't matter who it is that makes those kinds of remarks, they still hurt and are still inapropriate...I hope you muster the courage to tell him exactly how you feel and to ask him not to make remarks that are hurtful

    I have been aggressively adding to the weight on the weight resistance machines and mamma mia am I sore...woweee...my back and sides are really feeling it...no gym for a few days so hope that I am raring to go again on Friday or Saturday.

    I really need to try to clean the house up tomorrow...with going to the gym 3 times a week it is really shortening the time at home. I keep the laundry all done because I hate dirty clothes to be in the hamper but need to do a full housekeeping soon.
    Last fall my husband helped me and we cleaned out every closet, drawer, nook and cranny in our house...I even took all my crystal out of the curio cabinet and washed it polished it and cleaned the curio cabinet...the whole house needs to be done again but I know this won't happen until after the first of the year.

    Exermom, Michelle, I will be thinking of you tomorrow as you have your mammogram. I will be waiting to hear from you...please, please have good news.
    Have to watch Big Brother, it drives me nuts but I love to hate it....xo Sissy
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    mimi - I agree with you, I need to get back to having more and more veggies. You said it, it's so hard to get back and so easy to fall into having the dessert-y type things. For a while there I didn't care to have desserty things, I was craving veges and I felt so so much better. But I've fallen, now I have to get myself up.

    Went and got some tomatoes for our salad for dinner. The man kept apologizing that they weren't real big. Hey, my stomach doesn't care how large the tomato is! My salad tonight consists of green pepper (that I want to use up), okra, lettuce, and tomato. Last night when we got back from Washington, I made some hot dogs for Vince but I had a big salad of lettuce, tuna, carrots (things that I really wanted to use up). Got some figs today, but to me they aren't real sweet so I'm going to look for a recipe for muffins or something that uses figs and give the muffins to that man. I'm really not crazy about the figs, to me they aren't sweet enough. Update: made a fig bread, but it wasn't good, I'm not even going to give it to him.

    Did an hour of yoga today and then an hour of deep water aerobics. Tomorrow I'll do a DVD called LaloFit (which is weights) because I need to go for the add'l views and possible ultrasound of my breast tomorrow. You know, logically I keep telling myself "they only want them because you're lumpy, it'll be nothing, you've gone thru this before", but there's still that 1% that thinks "what if this time it's different". Then I go for the first session of the freezing of my plantar wart

    I know that Vince wants to see Cowboys and Aliens, gotta see when we can go at the reduced price and then try to get it into the schedule.

    Bowled our last league games today. I literally stunk for the first 2 games -- 74 and 70. How pathetic is that? But the last game was a 133. Someone suggested (and I do agree, I've been thinking this) that I should get one of those wrist bands so that I don't break my wrist as much. I do think I'm going to look into that.

    The pool where I go for the water aerobics will be closed for maintenance for the next two weeks. Boo Boo Boo. I'm thinking that I will only go to this yoga class once/month because she really does the same thing, each and every time. And you know me, I have to have change. I've only gone to her class three times, and I'm already bored. So I may go only once/month. I really should get more yoga in, but I don't know quite yet how I can do that.

    Rosie - so glad you found us! What part of NJ are you in?

    Cathy - so sorry to hear about your brother

    Well, Denise called. And I'm stress eating. How I wish she'd leave SFB and his whole family and concentrate on herself for once!

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I am home....YEAH!!!!!!

    I start outpatient rehab tomorrow,. I took the day off from exercising the knee as I was on my feet alot and don't want to push it. I am icing it now before I go to bed.

    I will weigh myself tomorrow , I am sure I lost more in the @ weeks that I have been thru this surgery (total knee replacement) but we shall see. Not going to worry about it, need to get this knee strong again.

  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    Nathalie Very happy to see you are home now! The pain seem decreasing also.

    Just a few word to say that maybe don't expect too much of a weight loss tomorrow morning. Being a former family doctor I can tell you that a protheses is heavier than a natural knee and just the swelling around can give you an extra 5 pounds easily.

    Anyway, good luck. Enjoy your new knee! Get strong and fit!

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,510 Member
    You found us RosieD, well done! This is the greatest group of gals...

    Sorry my lovelies, have been MIA, no time to read or post, barely able to log ;{

    The wonderful news is. . . had a great checkup, BP down to 80/50 (from 130 something over something bad) and cholesterol below 200 for the first time in 15 years!

    Thanks to you all (especially BarbieCat) for the encouragement to keep movin', and to SMVQ for the roasted veggies.

    I'll be back to the posts soon, I promise!

  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    Cathy, so sorry to hear your brother is having a difficult time. Depression is horrible and it is so hard to get them to seek the help they need. It doesn't help that he is a drinker either. Twice as hard for you. I have you both in my prayers.

    Michelle, good luck with your ultrasound. I'm sure you'll be just fine though. Thinking of you.

    I go in for a pap test tomorrow. (Always fun :grumble: ) They use the pedo spreaders on me because it hurts me so badly. But you gotta do it. I just had my mammogram. Thankfully it was fine.

    My son came over today and put together my little Bistro set and electric BBQ. My little patio is beginning to look nice. I need to find a couple of plants that do well in the shade though. I have such rotten luck with them because I always pick those that need the sun. I think I will go to a nursery and ask for their advice. Oh and I hung two windchimes, one in my favorite color, green and the other, what I like to collect, frogs. He's a beauty too! It is a jeweled glass frog and he sparkles when the light hits him. Very cool indeed!:bigsmile:

    Oh and Mimi, I honestly don't know why I attract the strange and peculiar problems. I must be a magnet for them. Never a dull moment with me....unfortunately.:ohwell:

    Well I am off to bed. I have to leave early tomorrow for the doctor.

  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    I weighed-in after a 3 week hiatus and was relieved to see that I stayed the same! WHEW!! I am more than satisfied with that!

    Barbara~ thanks for recruiting me and I am in Southern NJ.:wink:

    Cathy~ Unfortunately I am familiar with what you're going through and I am so sorry that this is happening to you. Our nephew, age 25, is trying to rehablitate after an addiction to precription drugs. Depression was a BIG component of the addiction and he is in treatment for it right now as well as the drugs. Try to be patient but KNOW YOUR BOUNDARIES~ an addict is a very efficient manipulator~ something we learned in the knick of time with our nephew. I hope you have a good support network in place.:flowerforyou:

    Today I have an appointment with my Neurologist for an MS checkup~ that shouid go well.

    To all of the Mammogram Ladies: Try not to get too upset over "add. views" or ultrasounds. As a former Mammographer of 25 years, I can tell you that the equipment is so good that it picks up every little thing (which is why you're told no deodarent or powder). And because the doctors want to be certain that something is nothing or SOMEthing, additional views and sometimes an ultrasound is needed. The majority of the time, what they see turns out to be nothing.:heart:

    Now I'm not saying that I wouldn't be alarmed if I got "the call" to return for more views~ I would probably go in there repeating my own words in my head "It's probably nothing, it's probably nothing"! Then I would binge on carbs when it turned out OK!!:laugh:

    Hope everyone has a great day:smile:
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Hey Michelle~ I'm a Yogi too and have a WONDERFUL Teacher!! I've been doing Yoga for 8 years since I was diagnosed with MS and in my opinion, Yoga has been what's keeping me up and walking!

    My class is once a week and even if I went every day, the class would be different!

    Namaste, my friend!:heart:
  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    Morning Ladies...

    Sissygok, congratulations on your results, hope everything continues to work good for you and enjoy your cruise.

    I love logging into MFP everymorning. Everyday is a new day and we will make it together
    Have a nice day everyone!
  • rozie229
    rozie229 Posts: 12 Member
    I am just so frustrated.......I truly work out like 5 days a week. 45 or more of cardio and some strength training, counting calories on the site and i seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem in limbo. The weight just wont move!!!! I didnt exercise yesterday, ate in range and scale was up 1.5 today!!!!! I want to scream. I am off to the gym again but my heart is broken!!!!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Well, ladies, just got back from the extra pics of my mammo. I have to go back Tues for an ultrasound-guided biopsy. Then I went to have that plantar wart frozen off. Well, it wasn't frozen off. What he did was cut the skin and then put liquid nitrogen on the wart which will cause inflammation and the body will attack that area. As long as it heals and look normal and I don't feel anything, I don't have to go back. Sometimes it feels like I get a shooting pain in my foot, but I'm sure that'll go away

    After those extra pics from the mammo, I needed even more, and then I needed an ultrasound, first by the technician then by the radiologist, then they had to call my MD and set up the appt for the biopsy. By the time I left there I was about to stop at Panera Bread for something to eat but a friend called me and by the time we hung up I just went straight to the MD for the plantar wart. When I left there I went a bit of food shopping since I was near the one store. I was so hungry, I ate breakfast at around 8 and here it was almost 2:30. All the sandwiches they had were so large! I succumbed to having an Odwalla bar.

    Did an hour of the Lalofit DVD today. Tomorrow I'll do the Starmaster and then since I'm at that branch of the Y I'll take the taichi class. If I find that walking on the ball of my foot is just too much, trying to think of another exercise that I can do that doesn't involve pressure on the foot. I'm not too keen on water aerobics only because water can harbor bacteria. Even tho the MD said that I don't have an open wound in my foot, there's a part of me that's still worrying.

    rosie - I am an avid exerciser, log my food religiously. Yet I find FOR ME that if I don't have anything to eat after, say, 8p.m. I lose. If I have something to eat at 9, regardless of how low my calories were up until that point, no matter what, the next day I will show a gain. I know how frustrating it can be when you're doing well on the calories and exercising, yet not losing. Sometimes we just have to find what works for our bodies. For me, not eating after around 9 works. Not that it's easy to do, mind you. Maybe that's why it works for me, who knows?

    mimi - I'm feeling more and more like I'm craving veges. Just gotta keep some within easy reach so that I will snack on those (and keep the refined carbs out of site). Having those tomatoes on the counter seemed to help.

    Hope everyone has a great evening. Off to take a shower.

  • abertawe2
    Hi All, I've just found your posts! and would love to join you all. I've just turned 53 but feel like I am 20 yrs old (sometimes my hubby says I am like a 6yr old but I won't go into that lol) I have been very pleased with my weight loss since joining mfp (I joined weightwatchers first and was so disappointed in the system they now have - it was only by joining mfp that I I have lost most of my weight so far ......... so wtg mfp :happy: ) I have some back issues which means I can't do all the all the exercises that are out there but I do exercise slowly and carefully using at the moment wii fit plus. The good thing is that for a girl who could not walk for 20 mins without struggling with cramps and back pain I can now jog for 20 mins in one go, can do yoga and muscle exercises for at least 40 mins at a time but the most important thing is I am happy with how I have changed my eating and exercising habits :happy: No more chocolate (my biggest downfall) no more eating on the hoof (hmmmm maybe this was my biggest downfall) and eating good choices each day
    Rhian aka Abertawe
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Michelle,:flowerforyou: today must have been stressful for you. I will be hoping and praying for good news after your biopsy. I had to have one done a few years ago and I had very negative thoughts before I went in, luckily it was all good, but I think about the damage the stress and negativity did to me, please try to continue your everyday routine, eat well, keep exercising and keep busy, the time will go by quicker for you and you will feel much better while waiting.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: we are back on line tonight after having no internet or TV in our new house for almost a week. We had great plans to make everything get connected immediately and then the satellite TV man told us that the beautiful tall trees that are around our house made it impossible to get a HD TV signal so we had to switch to cable......the cable company offered us a plan for TV, internet and phone that was a lot less expensive than what we had before, but we had to wait almost a week for the installation:cry::cry: :cry: :cry:

    we picked up the pets yesterday morning after boarding them for five days. They love their new house and now I'm back ot walking with frisky poodles in the morning.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: I am so glad to be back among you again. I have missed you :heart: :heart:
  • ritamerlot
    ritamerlot Posts: 44 Member

    hoping all goes well with your biopsy.

    having had good and bad biopsies, i understand any nervousness you may be feeling about it.