Thanksgiving Challenge - 08/17-11/23 // (CLOSED GROUP)



  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Wow - if I am at 172 or less at Thanksgiving I will take video of me spanking a frozen turkey :laugh:

    Now you have to make it! This I WANT to see! :bigsmile:
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Name: quietlywinning
    Start Weight: 147
    Goal Weight: 115
    Diet Goals: Increase protein and calcium, meet calorie requirements during the day instead of at 10pm
    Exercise Goals: Increase cardio back to at least 40 minutes a day. Build muscle by weightlifting. Increase flexibility
    Other Goals: Would like to get back down to a size 6.

    Measurements (I'll measure tonight and add mine to the mix later)
    Neck: 11.5
    Chest (men, & women-beneath breasts): 36"
    Bust (women across breasts): 37.5
    Waist: 31
    Hips: 33
    Triceps: 12
    forearms: 9 (2" below the elbow)
    Thighs: 22
    Calves: 13.5
  • sweettoothfairy
    sweettoothfairy Posts: 212 Member
    Here are my measurements as of 18th August 2011.

    Weight : 196 lbs
    Neck: 14
    Chest (men, & women-beneath breasts):39
    Bust (women across breasts):45
    Waist: 38
    Upper arm:15
    Forearm: 10
    Thighs: 25
    Calves: 15
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Morning all....
    I am missing weight & measurements from:
    ceh2468 mabug01 rosey808 sanamouse seagazer sexymcc tambink vdlomas

    I am also missing measurements from:
    gossipgirl11 mdagenb m36an shauna121211
    Although measurements are optional if you choose not to list them.

    For those who have not submitted any information, let me know if you still plan on participating otherwise I'll remove the extra names from the spreadsheets this weekend.
  • vdlomas
    vdlomas Posts: 36
    jrnygirl, I emailed you my info yesterday morning.. should i try again?
  • vdlomas
    vdlomas Posts: 36
    I'm so looking forward to this challenge, this will be my first challenge on MFP.....

    Name: Virginia (vdlomas)
    Start Weight: 215
    Current Weight: 212.2 (08/17/2011)
    Goal Weight: 185
    Diet Goals: to intake alot more water and elimante junk food/try eating healthier
    Exercise Goals: to complete 10 minutes in step-ups/ increase my jogging time
    Other Goals: to fit in a size 10 (i will set another goal once I get to this size)

    Neck: 14
    Chest (men, & women-beneath breasts): 39
    Bust (women across breasts): 41
    Waist: 38
    Hips: 45
    Upper arm:12.5
    Forearm: 11
    Thighs: 29
    Calve: 15
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Thanks! I'll get your info in. I might have missed an email or posting. Been trying to look back at everything and make sure I have everyone. Must have slipped thru.
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Now that we've dusted off our scales and braved the numbers of the measuring tape, let's take a look at some goals....
    It's time to be held accountable for our choices, good or bad.
    Concentrate on a Diet Goal this week. Most responses were drinking more water, eating less junk food, eating more veggies.

    What is your goal for this week?

    My goal is to drink more water per day. I am currently averaging 2-4 glasses of water. My goal for this week is to increase my water intake to at least 5 glasses (40oz) per day. Some may think this is not a lot of water, but for me (a non-water drinker), it is quite a challenge.

    To accomplish this goal, I am starting off my day by filling my pepsi cup full of water and making a conscious effort to drink from it throughout the day.

  • sweettoothfairy
    sweettoothfairy Posts: 212 Member
    My target for this week, is to drink atleast 15-16 glasses of water, take 8 small meals in a day (a meal every 2 hour ) averaging about 1600-1700 calorie and exercise for 6 days with average calorie burn of 400-500 calorie per day. This is my 3rd day and i am doing good so far, 4 more days to go.
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    My target for this week, is to drink atleast 15-16 glasses of water, take 8 small meals in a day (a meal every 2 hour ) averaging about 1600-1700 calorie and exercise for 6 days with average calorie burn of 400-500 calorie per day. This is my 3rd day and i am doing good so far, 4 more days to go.

    Way To Go!!! Sounds like you have quite a few goals going on this week!
    I'm taking baby steps at this point. Trying to increase water intake and keep below my daily allotted calories (which means staying away from junk food).
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    My goal for the week is to do some form of cardio at least twice for 15 min each. I was doing this and hurt my foot and now that it's better I haven't started back again. Also, to continue with the water and make sure to get at least 150oz. I was getting 160 oz a day but the past 10 days or so I have been struggling to get to even 140 oz.
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    My goal for the week is to do some form of cardio at least twice for 15 min each. I was doing this and hurt my foot and now that it's better I haven't started back again. Also, to continue with the water and make sure to get at least 150oz. I was getting 160 oz a day but the past 10 days or so I have been struggling to get to even 140 oz.

    Sounds like some great goals for the week. I'm not fitting in cardio this week. My ankle is still bothering me. I may need to get it checked, so I've not made time to try walking or anything yet. This week I'm going to concentrate on keeping my calories down and increasing water. Once I make it thru that accomplishment, then I can move onto the working out next week.
  • My goals for the week are to up my exercise amount a bit. I have been trying to fit in about 30 mins. a few times a week but I know I am entirely capable of doing a minimum of 30 mins. almost every day. I need to break out my exercise DVD's that I have had so much success with in the past and USE THEM! Just need some more motivation to get going because I actually do enjoy exercise, it's just making it a priority that I struggle with. Also, today I only ate half of my sandwich at lunch and saved myself almost 200 cals. I was satisfied and not full. It is my goal to do that more often- actually think about what I'm eating and know when I am satisfied instead of assuming I should eat it all just because it's in front of me.
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    My goals for the week are to up my exercise amount a bit. I have been trying to fit in about 30 mins. a few times a week but I know I am entirely capable of doing a minimum of 30 mins. almost every day. I need to break out my exercise DVD's that I have had so much success with in the past and USE THEM! Just need some more motivation to get going because I actually do enjoy exercise, it's just making it a priority that I struggle with. Also, today I only ate half of my sandwich at lunch and saved myself almost 200 cals. I was satisfied and not full. It is my goal to do that more often- actually think about what I'm eating and know when I am satisfied instead of assuming I should eat it all just because it's in front of me.

    Good job on the sandwich! I will try to cut off excess bread from a sandwich or if i'm eating out, I won't order the fries or other side orders with the meal and i find that I'm still satisfied without consuming more.
    Are there times during the day that are better than others for you to do your exercise DVD's? Perhaps blocking off time to exercise will help give it more priority?
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    My goal sounds really simple but there is actually complex reasoning behind it. The goal? Eat one fresh produce item a day.

    1. it gives good nutrition
    2. it should be taking the place of something processed which typically means I have saved calories
    3. personally if I make the effort for one item I am more likely to move on to 2 or 3 fresh items
    4. I think there is a secret advantage to eat fresh calories over processed - in my head it deals with the natural fibers and requiring your body to work a little harder for what it absorbs.

    Today I had an apple. Yesterday was a sweet potato and peaches.
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    My goal sounds really simple but there is actually complex reasoning behind it. The goal? Eat one fresh produce item a day.

    1. it gives good nutrition
    2. it should be taking the place of something processed which typically means I have saved calories
    3. personally if I make the effort for one item I am more likely to move on to 2 or 3 fresh items
    4. I think there is a secret advantage to eat fresh calories over processed - in my head it deals with the natural fibers and requiring your body to work a little harder for what it absorbs.

    Today I had an apple. Yesterday was a sweet potato and peaches.

    Way to go on the freshness approach! I am definitely lacking when it comes to natural foods. That's definitely a great goal to start with. :)
  • vdlomas
    vdlomas Posts: 36
    My goal this week is to increase my workout activities to 60 minutes and intake more water.
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    My goal this week is to increase my workout activities to 60 minutes and intake more water.

    Great!! How often do you work out per week? Are you looking to reach a certain amount of ounces to drink?
  • vdlomas
    vdlomas Posts: 36
    I work out 6 x a week leaving Sat. as a rest day but still monitor my calorie intake. I would like to intake atleast 96 oz per day (intaking 64-72 0z per day now)
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    I work out 6 x a week leaving Sat. as a rest day but still monitor my calorie intake. I would like to intake atleast 96 oz per day (intaking 64-72 0z per day now)

    Wow!! That is great! That's a goal that I need to work up to achieving!