so heartbreaking and discouraging :(:(



  • chrissypops
    chrissypops Posts: 112 Member
    just out of curosity... did u have to pay for the water? or was it free? i take it you had to pay for the pop x

    I would of ***** slapped her there and then for being so rude!!

    Dont be discouraged... sounds like she was just trying to get a raise out of u... chin up, head held high and just dont go back to that stall/shop!! their loss!

  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Uh yea that's way inapprpriate.

    Just keep trucking along- it doesn't matter what she says or what she thinks. YOU lost 27lbs. YOU are nearly in the 100's. YOU are going to achieve your goals inspite of naysayers and insenative people and inspite of whether people 'notice' or not.

    You got this. Don't dwell on people who aren't worth your time.
  • jdoggie
    jdoggie Posts: 42
    there is people like that all over, and the only thing I can say is she is unhappy with her life and wants to spread it around, you are wonderful inside and out, and clearly she is not. so don't let her rent space in that beautiful head of yours she is sooooo not worth it, let me rent space.... U r wonderful and beautiful and you are on the hardest journey of your life and you are kickin it ... BOOYA!!!!! you are AWSOME... and basically screw her.. and you can tell her I said that:) keep smiling...
  • jdoggie
    jdoggie Posts: 42
    there is people like that all over, and the only thing I can say is she is unhappy with her life and wants to spread it around, you are wonderful inside and out, and clearly she is not. so don't let her rent space in that beautiful head of yours she is sooooo not worth it, let me rent space.... U r wonderful and beautiful and you are on the hardest journey of your life and you are kickin it ... BOOYA!!!!! you are AWSOME... and basically screw her.. and you can tell her I said that:) keep smiling...
  • hardatwork45
    hardatwork45 Posts: 80 Member
    what a *****...there are some things you just don't say to people. She is a parent so she should know it best to say nothing if you can't say something nice. She's just unhappy and spews that crap on other people. Please don't let her discourage you, keep up the good work and the next time she see you she will be able to tell you are loosing weight, let her be your motivation. Good luck
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    She works at the food court.

    Probably is afraid you are taking away her job of OVERFEEDING PEOPLE! LOL!!! Don't let it get to you. ;-) Way to go on the weight loss!!!!! I get the same thing on my end so don't feel bad.
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    On second thought.. You know what I would do? I would wait till everyone has responded with how RUDE and *****Y she is and then print it out and go hand it to her. When you hand it to her tell her that some people need a reality check and change they way they are, tell her you hope this helps! It's unbelievable how some people just don't use their brain before they speak!
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    She works at the food court.

    Exactly what I was thinking. Don't get your feelings over someone that works at a food court. I mean, really. Also tell her she's a rude *****. :)
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    She works at the food court.

    People that are unhappy and jealous in their lives like to take their misery out on others. Case in Point. Keep up the great work.
  • jodiweedin
    odds are she DID notice and was just jealous. The worst trait in a Woman.
    If people like this are getting all riled up your doing something right!!!!
    Keep it UP!
  • amberlineilene
    I had someone tell me that they ''wouldn't take me for someone who's trying to lose weight''. That was 40lbs ago, they can suck it.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    That was so heartbreaking to hear :( It felt so discouraging and it also seemed like the rudest thing to say! :'(

    People are totally clueless. Seriously, you are doing this for you, and no one else! 27 lbs is a huge accomplishment, and be proud of that and what you can do.
  • SarahFrankel
    SarahFrankel Posts: 42 Member
    Horrible, horrible, horrible! I have experienced this in the past and then on the flip side when you do lose weight you have those people that tell you to stop because you have lost too much. Just learn to tune people's rude comments out, smile at yourself and realize what a sad person they must be. Hold that head up!
  • Sagelit
    Sagelit Posts: 78
    She works at the food court.

    Good point.
  • sldavis73
    Honey 27lbs is a lot of weight to loose and something to be very proud of... she sounds like a real idiot. People just open there mouth and let garbage come rolling out!! I have had people devistate me about my weight with there stupid comments.. I am so sorry, I can totaly feel your pain... BUT you are on the right track and you have to try and put her ignorance behind you and keep on going!

  • LoseItJourney
    LoseItJourney Posts: 122 Member
    Don't let it get you down.

    Go to the grocery store, and find a 20 pound bag of potatos or something, and a 10 pound bag.
    Carry both bags for one lap around the store.

    they get heavy after a while !
    Remember thats all the weight you WERE carrying on YOUR body.
    It feels so nice to know that you lost that much off your body, and gives you total motivation for more !

    Chin up, don't let it get you down.
  • Tivo8MyNeighbors
    Tivo8MyNeighbors Posts: 151 Member
    What a complete b***h! How dare she? That sort of discourtesy will cost her a job one day. At any rate, don't get discouraged just because she was raised by wolves. You've accomplished a significant weight loss, and whether her clueless butt realizes it or not, that's nothing to sniff at! Whenever someone says something like this to me, I just smile at them and say, "I'll take that under advisement," which is corporatespeak for, "Excuse me, are you still talking?"

    Screw her. I'm proud of you :) And you're a better woman than I am, because she'd have been wearing my lunch.
  • BlutAura
    BlutAura Posts: 97
    Put in an official complaint! If someone said something like that in the UK they wouldn't have a job past lunch time!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Goodness, people can be so insensitive!

    What's important is that you do care now, and that you're doing something about it. Stick with it and let her live in her misery.
  • ornumc
    ornumc Posts: 23
    sometimes, only two words come to mind: one begins with an f and the other with a u. what an insensitive, mean-spirited thing to say.