Starting Keto today - looking for new friends

Hello! I’m looking for friends and accountability support. I’m Monica, 45, and I’ve been significantly overweight my entire life. I hate exercise LOL but I do it because I know I have too. I recently had a total hysterectomy (because of several medical reasons I won’t bore you with, unless you’re interested) and I’ve been diagnosed with early liver disease although I don’t drink alcohol (nothing against it I just get hives and heat rashes)

Sugar is my greatest weakness, seriously anything with sugar and I’m on it. After a lot of research I’ve decided to go Keto - it makes the most sense to me - however I’m not getting a lot of support by those around me because they we’ve been raised with the low-fat mantra.

Anyhoo - I obviously ramble a bit but look forward to meeting new friends and supporters and I promise I’ll be just as (if not more) supportive back.


  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I do keto for migraines - it's kind of magical for that, I've been on it just over a year.

    Keto has been used successfully for treating NAFLD and many people experience fewer cravings for sweets while on it - so that sounds like a good fit for your current health.

    My diary is open, you are welcome to friend me, but that is totally at your own risk...I'm not sure what you are looking for in the way of support, but I can almost promise you that I will ignore most automated messages...if you didn't take the time to write it, I'm not going to take the time to read it, I don't consider automated posting any kind of real anything...I do kind of ramble on about nonsense and <gasp> much of it is not fitness, I'm in if you think you can handle it.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    I am not Keto but similar. I'm also rowing the 40s boat with ya!
    Feel free to add me!
  • honneybaby22
    honneybaby22 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey trying to actually do low carb starting soon next Monday be exact
  • mjvan1973
    mjvan1973 Posts: 4 Member
    edited October 2018
    I’m not trying to appear dim - but how the heck do you add friends?
  • rkratt1987
    rkratt1987 Posts: 2 Member
    I started keto 2 weeks ago (for the second or third time) and it is getting easier every day to stay away from sweets. You can add me if you like.
  • Pool_Boy
    Pool_Boy Posts: 405 Member
    You can do this!!! :)
  • odonrom
    odonrom Posts: 3 Member
    Hey- I'm starting Keto as a newbie, I'm a little nervous because feel it goes against everything I've been taught about nutrition... But I've been good at eating and working out for almost 1yr with very little result, so I'm down to mix things up!! Feel free to add me as a friend😊
  • moy333
    moy333 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I have decided to get on the keto diet. I am doing research and speaking to a friend who has created a facebook group for information. If anyone has any links or information to could be helpful and relevant for my journey, please share. Thank you!
  • dcsworkshopnt
    dcsworkshopnt Posts: 1 Member
    hey all i,m on the 50s boat, started 50 days go, rollercoaster ride with the weight, but finally off loaded 3kg, i,m in the tropics and you,d think weight loss was easier, but its much harder and more stressfull for the body, i,m just getting a grip on keto and like wow, i have a buttered coffee in the morning and its ok
  • nanviomfp
    nanviomfp Posts: 4 Member
    I am doing modified Keto with doctor assistance because of some medical issues. I can’t always post every day but on the days I can I will always try. I just rejoined after a long sabbatical and would love a few friends to help with motivation.
  • nanviomfp
    nanviomfp Posts: 4 Member
    mjvan1973 wrote: »
    I’m not trying to appear dim - but how the heck do you add friends?

    @mjvan1973 just click on the picture next to the message and it should pull up an option for you, if I recall correctly.
  • anuramajeed
    anuramajeed Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm new here and lost. Started counting calories 3 weeks ago but not losing much. What is Keto pls?
  • 001Mindset
    001Mindset Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me too - cause I have no idea how to do it. Started lazy Keto yesterday (no weighing of foods, just eating Keto foods only to ease me into it). Just signed up today for MFP so be tracking from tomorrow. This would be like my third attempt which I am determined to make it my new lifestyle. I believe this time will be easier as hubby is joining me this time!! Plus I also have a huge sweet tooth and I now know fat Bombs (sweet) are my trigger for failing the first two attempts.
    And yes I am a rambler too lol.
  • Littlerobystar
    Littlerobystar Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome.. how is it going with KETO?
  • NeeceeMT
    NeeceeMT Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I have lost 30 pounds so far on Keto, and I have lost almost 20 inches. I still have 60 pounds to go, but I am not putting a huge amount of pressure on myself to lose it quickly. The real accomplishments are that I am no longer pre-diabetic/almost diabetic. My A1C dropped drastically and is now in the bottom of the normal range. I very rarely have any food cravings anymore which is a life saver, and I have not binge-eaten in almost a year. I encourage anyone out there doing keto to stick with it. Focus more on how you feel and not so much about losing the weight. I was heading down a very bad path medically and felt really sick for a long time. I did not realize how sick I really was until my symptoms have now subsided. It has given me tools and a chance to fight past wanting to control feelings with food. The weight loss will inevitably slow down, but the other benefits received are well worth the effort. Good luck everyone!
  • I have been off and on keto for a little while, i have trouble staying motivated. I would love to have some encouragement. Feel free to add me.
  • mjvan1973
    mjvan1973 Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome.. how is it going with KETO?

    Day 2 has gone great! Hopefully it continues to be this good although I’ve gone through enough dietary changes in my life that once the ‘new car smell’ wears off that’s when the challenge starts.

    I’m really trying to get past the ‘fat is bad’ mentality while I figure out how to get more fats into my diet. I’ve been searching the net for fat bomb recipes but honestly they don’t sound very appealing
  • TinaMarieB1208
    TinaMarieB1208 Posts: 37 Member
    I am 44.. also starting Keto. After losing 150 lbs... I'm at a stand still. Hoping the Keto diet will get rid of my last 60 lbs. Having some issues getting started and meal prep ideas. And of course ....late night eating still plagues me as well. Please feel free to add me so we can share ideas and motivate each other!
  • suzannept
    suzannept Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2018
    Hi - I'm 57 and my goals are to lose 15 lbs and get out of pre-diabetic range. I started with Valter Longo's "fasting mimicking diet" on 10/2 and then moved to keto. My blood sugar has already stabilized, and weight is starting to drop. Check out the work of Jason Fung, M.D. and! Also, re: fats: