What was your “reason” for gaining the weight?

I believe everyone has a reason as to why the weight eventually gets packed on whether it be from difficult childhoods, stress, trauma, loneliness etc. What’s your reason? Please don’t be afraid to be vulnerable!

Here’s mine:

I’m almost 25 years old and I’ve always been heavy around 180lbs at 5’1”. I’ve always been a ball of anxiety and self pity/depression. When I was 21 years old my now husband and I found out we were pregnant, we were so excited. Throughout that pregnancy I had gained 35 pounds (215) My son was born full term but was so incredibly sick and had passed at 10 days old. I still blame myself even though we still don’t have answers as to what happened. I gained another 20-25 pounds over the next year or so. Fast forward to when I was 23 and found out we were pregnant again, this pregnancy I didn’t gain a pound and I hovered around 235-240 and thankfully right after I turned 24 my son was born healthy and is now a thriving almost 10 month old. As of today I weigh 230 pounds and have a goal to be 115 pounds or with whatever feels good, I’m just beginning literally this past week and I can already tell this time will be different, I need to be healthy for my baby boy!


  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    3 kids.
    Nursing makes my hunger cues unreal.
    But I'm done with nursing forever so now I have no excuse.