Why do people feel the need to be so RUDE?



  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I would also like to point out that nobody was trolling. People responded to the other thread with the information they had at the time.
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 303 Member
    If this is about the post about not being able to breathe properly I took most of the comments to be many out of concern because breathing is important.... Granted some of them lack tact, but they cared enough to want you to go to the hospital.

    She posted about sleeping too much.

    I know it may be hard to believe, but I think the first few comments were intending to motivate you. They probably felt they were giving you "tough love". Some people need a swift kick, but not everyone. Many times people respond they way that would work for themselves,"If being tough worked for me, I'll be tough on you." Then the post changed because they were in defense mode. Back an animal into a corner and see what happens. People will defend themselves, right or wrong. And of course you had the truly ignorant people who just want to tick people off because they are miserable and want everyone else to be miserable too.

    Here is the good news, a few of the original "offenders" actually apologized. Maybe not in the terms of "I'm sorry" but in their own way. They realized after you clarified your post that you have a serious issue.

    The bad news, some of the ignorant ones followed you here. REPORT them, ignore them, and follow the positive! :flowerforyou:
  • deesjourney2fit
    I've noticed that too and I'm sorry they did that to you.

    You are a wonderful and sweet person. I am honored to have you as my friend on here. Don't let these soap box standers ruin your day. *hugs* People don't seem to realize when they shouldn't just spout out whatever pops into their heads without considering how someone might hear those things.
  • tigersmoondiva
    tigersmoondiva Posts: 93 Member
    Strangely I commented on just this subject a few days ago - when group of people felt it was "OK" to insult people who had spelling issues.

    Smile - and don't worry about what they say. People with self image problems tend to lash out at times.

    I will say I have had the sleep issue for decades - mine is compounded by a bad thyroid. As silly as it sound - I try to make sure I have something to look forward to now. Remember how easy it was to wake up on Christmas morning when you were a little kid?
  • kayler00
    kayler00 Posts: 35 Member
    You're going to get all sorts of different answers from people all over the world when you post a thread. Either take what they as it comes and try to learn from it - or move on. Some people on here will coddle you, and other's will not. I was on your friends list for awhile and have noticed that you post A LOT of threads in the forums, and then complain when someone gives you an answer that you don't like to hear. While I think this place is about motivation and supporting someone, at the same time - you ask for it everytime you post something on here. After multiple people have told you to get off the forums for awhile. I think you post threads to read what you want to hear and when someone is real with you ; you get angry - and that's not good for you at all. Take what people say into consideration and try to change.

    You keep going back - it's like sticking your finger in a electrical socket... For your own sanity take a break from the forums!
  • AliDarling
    AliDarling Posts: 373
    I've run into these people as well. They tell my my eating habits, (i always end up about 3-400 cals short on my cal goal) are bad examples for my daughter. they had no right to bring her into my question. then they said i was a bad parent cause of it. cause of not being hungry. then, just a few days ago, i answered a topic of what we think of fidelity. should man and wife stay till death, or should they be able to have other partners? i answered i married for life. if your not willing to make that commitment, maybe you should stay single. the poster and her friends, one of them posted on page one of this topic, started attacking me, saying i was judgemental, and i have no right to speak in that tone of voice (while others are calling her a cheating douche bag) and she said, poster, that she was having fun rattling my cage, that im an easy target.

    there are sadly trolls on here, but the good people far exceed the bad. for every 20 good, theres usually 1 bad.

    I'm sorry for the rough time you're having. I don't know what it is, so I don't know what to say other than I hope you feel better and I hope that life offers nothing but greatness for you.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I posted this on the other thread, before it got locked...

    Some people have thick skin; some people have thin skin; some people are in-between.
    What sounds rude to one person may sound perfectly reasonable and logical to another.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    People like to use the "Well you gotta have a thick skin" or the "You can't control what people say but only how you react" bull**** as an excuse to be nasty without taking responsibility for what they say, IMO.

    There's being truthful and informative and then there is just being nasty and cruel. There's a big difference.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Please don't let a few jerks ruin the site for you. Most people here really are supportive!
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I found the post you're talking about and stuck up for ya. I don't suffer from depression personally, but my mother does and I know how hard it can be to fall asleep and have the energy to get up every morning. Some people just don't get it.

    I like how you stick up for her by being rude yourself isnt hypocrisy great

    You get what you deserve. I'm sure you'd know that, right?
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    OMG ((HUGS))
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I'm sorry you had people be rude to you. :( I have found that the majority of my support comes from my friend's list on my wall. They are encouraging, funny, lovely people who will give me a kick in the pants if I need it (but never unsolicited or rudely!) and are always there to support me and just listen to me if I need it. The forums are ok but my real support is the friend's list I'm building. I've always added with the thought that if I get someone rude I'll simply delete them but so far I've only gotten fabulous people and haven't deleted anyone. I wish you all the best and try to ignore the rude ones. Sometimes I don't even think they're meaning to be rude, they're just blunt or lack social graces. ;) (Though I don't know the particulars of your post so I'm just saying. ) :)
  • chynafox
    chynafox Posts: 30
    Unfortunately, this site is not totally full of hopeful positive people. I read your thread and was disgusted. It was something akin to telling someone with anorexia to simply "start eating". Some of those people put you down, to make themselves feel better.

    I know it's hard, but you have to learn how to feel some confidence within yourself. Asking for help or asking a question is the absolute right thing to do on this site. You have to make sure that you understand that and don't stop doing that. We were all supposed to join for unity and support. And that the fact that you joined this site, ask questions, and try to be a part of the community SHOWS that you aren't friggin lazy and that you ARE motivated. Sod off to the rest of those people who weren't helping at all.