Any other 5'4" ladies out there?



  • giaciccone
    giaciccone Posts: 257
    Judging by most of you and your goals, I'm guessing 150-155 isn't a good weight for my goal. Should I honestly be at 130?
    Well this is discouraging. :/
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    Judging by most of you and your goals, I'm guessing 150-155 isn't a good weight for my goal. Should I honestly be at 130?
    Well this is discouraging. :/

    It really depends on your body type.. I have a medium frame and carry absolutely no weight on my chest :-( ... But 150-155 for someone 5'4" does seem a little high.. I'd say go for the 140's and then see how you feel when you get there. Only you can know what the right weight is for your body!
  • jnwl905
    jnwl905 Posts: 14
    Yep. 5'4" weighing in at 197 lbs my goal weight is 157. I have being down an hour of Zumba for the past 2 months. Also, I just started doing Turbo Kick and lifting weights 3 days a week. One of the two ladies who is my exercise buddies challenge me to increase my workout and to give it 3 months to see a difference. I cannot wait until Halloween comes so I can see my progress.
  • jnwl905
    jnwl905 Posts: 14
    I weigh 197 and my goal weight is also 157 which for me would be perfect. If 157 or 158 is where you feel comfortable then I say stick with your original goals. You can always lose more later if you want.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I'm 5'4" and currently weigh 181.8 (highest was 220 two years ago). My goal (as of right now) is to get to 140. I know that's on the high end...but I will reevaluate as I get there to determine the next goal (as much as I'd LOVE to be 125-130, I'm just not sure how it will happen). Twelve years ago I worked with a trainer 3x a week, ate very strict, did cardio on the "off-training" days, and went from 180 lbs to 137 lbs over the course of eight or so months. I also went from 33% bodyfat to 21% and while my abs weren't rock solid, I was happy with how I looked. I was a size 8, almost a size 6.

    Everyone's body is so different. 130 sounds like a great weight for this height...but for me, I wonder if it is manageable (and sometimes I wonder if even attainable anymore, LOL). I'm more interested in having lean and ripped looking arms and legs and fitting into smaller clothes than I am in the overall weight number. :o)
  • I am 5'4"! I am currently 157, but I would like to get down to 135-140. That seems to be an ideal wt. for me. Good luck. I know I need it. I am at my heaviest right now other then being pregnant. I am determined to change!
  • giaciccone
    giaciccone Posts: 257
    Judging by most of you and your goals, I'm guessing 150-155 isn't a good weight for my goal. Should I honestly be at 130?
    Well this is discouraging. :/

    It really depends on your body type.. I have a medium frame and carry absolutely no weight on my chest :-( ... But 150-155 for someone 5'4" does seem a little high.. I'd say go for the 140's and then see how you feel when you get there. Only you can know what the right weight is for your body!
    I mean, I think even at my fittest (late high school) I was 150ish. I can push for 140, but I don't know if my body will let me get there. I'm a pretty curvy body type -even when I was thinner I was still curved - & I have a 36D chest, so I have A LOT going on up there, haha.I don't know what my body wants yet, I guess.
  • I'm 5'4". My heaviest weight was this past April. I weighted in at 326. About 5 years ago, I was down to 235 (the lowest in my adult life). I met my husband and slowly gained every bit back and more. When I got pregnant in 2009, I weighed 297. I went up to 318 during my pregnancy and only lost 6 pounds afterwards (312 in 6/10). I started looking into the LapBand and was told I would have to get down to 292 to be eligible for surgery. I got discouraged and gave up. In April, I looked back into it and I weighed in at 326!! I was so upset. I decided to lose weight at ANY cost. I'm currently at 302 and am hoping to get down to 292 so I can have the surgery. My body clings to the fat like a life line!! It is soooo hard for me to lose weight.
  • lpitcock
    lpitcock Posts: 20 Member
    I am 5'4" and I currently weigh 165. I started on MFP at 198, which was the highest I ever was and I have always told myself that I would never reach 200. Well, I was well on my way. I needed and change and MFP was it. My goal is to hit 130. I wish you the best. It is possible. Work hard!
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Judging by most of you and your goals, I'm guessing 150-155 isn't a good weight for my goal. Should I honestly be at 130?
    Well this is discouraging. :/

    It really depends on your body type.. I have a medium frame and carry absolutely no weight on my chest :-( ... But 150-155 for someone 5'4" does seem a little high.. I'd say go for the 140's and then see how you feel when you get there. Only you can know what the right weight is for your body!

    I agree, it depends on the individual body type. I'm 5'4" and around 121 lbs. Yet I see pics of others on here who are 5'4" and weigh more than me, yet look smaller than me. Maybe because they're more toned or just carry their weight differently. Most of mine is in my gut, darnit. So I look really frumpy when I'm over 130. :(

    Anyway, don't be discouraged. Everybody carries their weight differently, and what looks good on one person might not look good on another.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I'm 5'4" and I currently weigh 143-145lbs (today I was 144.5.. lol).

    I'm at 150lbs in my profile pic (yellow shirt), so slightly heavier than I am now. I've been lazy and haven't taken any new pics recently.

    For me, I'm comfortable in the low to mid 140's. I was very thin in high school and I know getting down too low will make me look unhealthy and gaunt. I decided this is a place where I am comfortable. I don't really want to lose anymore weight - but I am working on getting rid of my love handles (grrr) - so I've concluded that I MAY lose a little more, but really? 143-145 is perfect for me.

    Do what feels best for YOU. Each of us have our own ideal weight for our body. We are all built a little differently, carry our weight a little differently, etc. Do what feels best for YOU.
  • tlinds
    tlinds Posts: 2
    Current weight: 140
    Goal Weight: 120
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Judging by most of you and your goals, I'm guessing 150-155 isn't a good weight for my goal. Should I honestly be at 130?
    Well this is discouraging. :/

    Do what feels best for YOU.

    I can honestly say that I would NOT be happy with my body at 120lbs (plus, I know my body would fight me on getting that low). I don't want to be gaunt and I know dropping another 20-25lbs would make me look sickly. For me and my frame, this is a good goal weight.

    Wait til you get to your original goal and go from there. My original goal was 150lbs and I just wasn't happy there - dropped another 5-7lbs and now? Happy, content and comfortable. :)
  • jesstika
    jesstika Posts: 12
    I'm also 5'4 and my starting weight was 180.5, I'm aiming for 120 - 125lbs as a goal.Just started a weightloss challenge with some friends so am hoping that will be good motivation to stick with my plan!
  • bubblybabeuk
    bubblybabeuk Posts: 216 Member

    I am 5'4" currently at 128lbs with a goal of 119lbs. Giving it one final push to get there, have been around the 130lbs mark give or take a couple of pounds for the last three years. Fast approaching that big 50 and need to whip my body completely into shape before then!

    Mandy x
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    **Stands up and waves**

    Weight stats are in sig... except maybe current - which is 249. Bleh.

    BUT - 21 pounds less than when I started MFP!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • ShannGall
    ShannGall Posts: 69 Member
    Hey There! I'm 5'4 and weigh 134.... My goal is to be 130 or 128... I'm a small frame and the last three weeks I have gone up and gone down. However, I have lost a ton of inches as putting on jeans, shorts, etc... are BIG!! I'm trying not to focus on the weight and more on inches and toning.... What is your calorie intake? I've been struggling with that, as I only allow 1200 then any excercise puts me under by 300 or more calories... I'm a little worried I'm not eating enough.... Oh the joys of wanting that perfect imagine of ourselves!
  • i'm 5*3 started at 173.3 now at 165 cant get off that number i need help to get a jump start someone please tell me what to do!
  • I am 5'4" and 157 and my GW is 125 but I cannot remember ever being that number I was probably in sixth grade then. I am looking to lose the last of this weight a healthy way by eating good clean foods and moving more. Best of luck!!!
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    Im 5'4"... :) Goal weight is 145.