What is your "Petty" Reason to Lose Weight?



    HDBKLM Posts: 466 Member
  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    I went on a trip with my husband a year and a half ago with my husband and felt great about my weight loss. I didn’t feel selfconsious about it at all. I’m going in 3 months and hope to lose 10-15 lbs before that so I am at the same or 5# lower.

    Obviously I have many other reasons to feel fit and energy etc but this one motivates me to kick it into gear.
  • thegreatcoyote
    thegreatcoyote Posts: 75 Member
    Haha I want some "petty" friends. Getting lean for health has never been motivational to me. I want to look good and literally be just a bit stronger and healthier than the average person. I suspect finding a way to be just above average than the masses in many areas of your life is a trick to head in the right direction with your choices and helps avoid common pitfalls ie health diseases and debt. If this resonates with any of you feel free to friend me and we can be petty together.
  • celona316
    celona316 Posts: 10 Member
    Pure vanity