Losing 20 in your 20's! (CLOSED)

Hey Everyone!

Glad you found us again!
Here is the link to the spreadsheet: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ao1jHduSa-wkdEpoLXQ5WENIWjdaRkVwMTVTamNJQVE&hl=en_US
There you will find your teams as well as directions for weigh ins each week.

Good luck everyone! (LET'S GO BLUE BERRIES!!!) hehehe you'll get it when you visit the spreadsheet.



  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    Yeah! The doc looks great!! LOVE the group names. Neat little fact, blue is my favorite color and I just happen to be a Blue Berry! How exciting!

    Thanks again for getting us started! This will be loads of fun!

    Good luck everyone!
  • Yay Im soooo excited this is my first challenge good luck to everyone..... Lets go TEAM GREEN APPLES!!!!!
    I am so motivated
  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    Woo! Come on RED APPLES!! This is exciting!

    Good luck everyone!!
  • MrsPhan11
    MrsPhan11 Posts: 2,502 Member
    Woohoo! Go Green Apples!
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    That spreadsheet looks AWESOME! Let's go Peaches! :D
  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    GO BLUE BERRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT!

    And the spreadsheet looks INCREDIBLE! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mummyv811
    mummyv811 Posts: 237
    Cheering on some YELLOW BANANAS!!!!! :D
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Hehehehh yayyyy yellow bananas!!
  • Nikki881
    Nikki881 Posts: 203
    Wooooooooo! Go Red Apples!!!! =D
  • Glad you guys like the spreadsheet. I'm somewhat of a computer dork...can you tell? haha

    I'm so excited too! I've never done a challenge before and I really think it will help motivate me to stay on track. Thanks in advance for everyone's support, I think we've got a great group of people here! Oh and don't forget to have fun along the way!

    Let's go BERRIES!
  • It looks great Ross!
    I'm sure this will help with my motivation!

  • EmilioA
    EmilioA Posts: 18 Member
    I'm a Green Grape!! How exciting!! :happy:
  • Nhendrickson86
    Nhendrickson86 Posts: 33 Member
    I am so PUMPED for this challenge! :explode: (Exploding with excitement) This should definitely give me the swift kick in the butt that I need. :smile:

    YELLOW BANANAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • MMmMMmMm PEACHES! :love:
  • Rioschica
    Rioschica Posts: 30 Member
    Bananas bananas!!! Woot woot!!! I never thought I would be chanting bananas, LOL!
  • cmiles23
    cmiles23 Posts: 234 Member
    yay blueberries!!!!!!!
  • paulahhhh
    paulahhhh Posts: 283
    I love me some PEACHES!! <3

    Some reason, I can't view it on my mini laptop.. But good thing I have my desktop! HAHA

    Good luck loves!
  • lambchop1042
    lambchop1042 Posts: 102 Member
    Alright red apples! Hoping my team mates (and this competitive challenge) will hold me accountable!
  • WAHOOOO team red apples!!!!!
  • Green Grapes! Kinda like my shape right now lol. Lets get this done grapes :)