Not exercising worse for your health than smoking, diabetes and heart disease, study reveals



  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    I think I'm probably not being clear. All I'm saying is that correlation studies usually get translated incorrectly to the public who often take away the wrong message.

    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Zedeff wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    My point is that not everyone can exercise enough to get the correlated benefits, and not everyone can exercise enough, or hard enough, to get the best correlated benefits. Some are exercising less because of their health issues.

    Well your point represents a fundamental misunderstanding of the research.

    As has been pointed out, this demonstrates correlation and not causation. This paper does not say that if you "exercise enough" you can achieve the better outcomes. Those who are exercising less due to their health issues are more likely to die sooner/younger, period. There is nothing in this paper that says exercising more will save your life, it says that people who are more fit live longer. Fitness has many attributes, a large one (but not the only one) of which is aerobic exercise.

    I also pointed out that it was a correlation not a causation. Wrinkles and grey hair also correlate with greater mortality. So does age.

    Well, wrinkles and grey hair aren't really confounders, they are co-linear with age. They also aren't a great examples of a flawed independent variable because they are in fact dependent on health; wrinkles and loss of pigment represent the lack of health of some body tissues, and unhealthy tissues should of course not thrive as well as healthy ones.
  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member
    Gawanne32 wrote: »
    "Get up off your butt?" Well m'dear I DID. I went on a 40 minute walk instead and have just come back in here to take a peep. By the way, my hair is still mainly naturally brown at 83, the wrinkles aren't bad, and most folk think I'm in my sixties. This will all change soon - the march of time being what it is. I'm having chicken pot pie and veggies for supper and I've got a murder mystery to read. So I'll away before I completely lose the old grey matter, I.e. marbles.


    just sent you a friend request.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    Zedeff wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    It did largely eliminate confounding factors. That's the entire purpose of doing a study where n=122,000. To account for confounding by equally distributing the confounders.

    It eliminated many confounding factors through statistical analysis of the data. Big numbers don't ensure that confounding factors are equally distributed, because confounding factors may not in fact be equally distributed across people who, for example, have a high CRF level and those that don't. The point I am making is not specific to this study. It's a point about how data and statistical analysis works.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    The article:

    I believe the data was collected from 1991 to 2014 with the average length of time a patient was tracked being about 8 years.

    It was interesting. I think they are right in saying fitness helps improve how long you will live, especially in the elderly. For younger people, I'm not sure how much it helps.

    Well, to make an old person you start with a young person and add time, so I don't think this distinction is as important as it might sound at first glance.

    I knew a lady who threw her back out in her 20s. The doctor said her weight and lack of exercise (leading to poor core muscle strength - not enough to protect her spine) were the causes.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    edited October 2018
    kimny72 wrote: »
    I think I'm probably not being clear. All I'm saying is that correlation studies usually get translated incorrectly to the public who often take away the wrong message. I'm not really taking issue with the study, more with the article and the title in addition to theorizing about the underlying why but I seem to be posting faster than my brain can keep up so I'm just going to stop :lol: I don't disagree with anything you guys are saying, if my posts didn't convey that, my bad.

    Are you saying that "exercise is good for you" is the wrong message?
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    edited October 2018
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    The article:

    I believe the data was collected from 1991 to 2014 with the average length of time a patient was tracked being about 8 years.

    It was interesting. I think they are right in saying fitness helps improve how long you will live, especially in the elderly. For younger people, I'm not sure how much it helps.

    Well, to make an old person you start with a young person and add time, so I don't think this distinction is as important as it might sound at first glance.

    I knew a lady who threw her back out in her 20s. The doctor said her weight and lack of exercise (leading to poor core muscle strength - not enough to protect her spine) were the causes.

    I have only recently gotten in really good shape for the first time in decades and I am nearly 60. I do expect to reap the benefits from here on out, though they might not be statistically as good as for someone who has been fit longer. In either case it is just increased odds of living a longer healthier life, not a guarantee. Anyway, to get to near 60, I have "dodged some bullets". For example, I did not die of a heart attack. I was at a greater risk because I was overweight and out of shape. A lower risk means less bullets to dodge to get here (lower risk of being hit). So I agree with you - the sooner someone gets in shape the better and then they should strive to stay fit.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    OldAssDude wrote: »
    Instead of sitting here over analyzing something that i already know to be true, i decided to do something much more important.

    I got up off my lazy butt and did a 5.56 mile power walk.

    And (not to my surprise), upon my return i can see folks still sitting here over analyzing this.

    Now, i'm going to go to the super market, pick up some fresh salmon, shrimp, and scallops, and cook it for dinner with some rice and vegetables. And yes, i'm gonna drink a can of pineapple soda (because i friggin love that stuff).

    After i eat, i'm going to check this thread again, and i'm pretty sure people will still be over analyzing this.

    Then, i'm going to find a good horror movie on NetFlix, and watch it (because i love friggin horror movies). And maybe have some chips and dip or something.

    After that, i'm going to check this thread again.

    And guess what?

    I bet people will still be over analyzing this.

    My point is this...






  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    rsclause wrote: »
    It stands to reason that a smoker is also not likely to get on a treadmill.

    I know quite a few who smoke and get on a treadmill and workout and as for my mom she was active even though she smoked and my dad and granparents didnt smoke.

    I do too.