JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    Hi Sisters... I wasn't on here today I was just being... Lol…. I ran across some songs on YouTube... OMGOODNESS!!! ANDREA BOCELLI and MATTEO BOCELLI'S "FALL ON ME",.... and Ed Sheeran - PERFECT SYMPHONY (with Andrea Bocelli)...Brandi Carlisle
    Needless to say, I'm totally in my feelings and being a woman. I had forgotten
    how much I love certain things. Just felt like sharing that.
    Anyway, I'm going to continue this reintroduction of things I love this weekend.
    I had let so much of myself get buried under "LIFE STUFF". And I would totally love to be able to go to the hair salon and get my natural hair done, eyebrows arched, and a Mani/pedi... I wouldn't know how to act if I had those things done... I'd probably have to be hog tied and put in the south end of the pasture just to keep me tame... LMBO😂😂

    I have found that finding me and just being has helped me out tremendously. I have a funny story to share about finding old music you once loved.

    I was raised on country, Johnny, Waylon, Loretta, Dolly, some even older. When my eldest was born I didn’t know lullabies so sang The Gambler to her. Last year at Christmas I watched an infomercial for a Time Life DVD collection of CMA performances spanning from 1969 to 2016. I asked for it for Christmas and never got it. My eldest who shares my love of old country has ordered it for me for my birthday. It should be here this week!

    The day she sent me money to order it I was getting ready to go to bed and another infomercial came on, this one is called 70’s country. It’s cd’s though, I recorded it and had my daughter watch it with me. We have decided that I could probably build this collection on my own using iTunes cheaper than buying the set.

    Moral of the story,I love going back to my childhood through music, but it’s going to be pricy if I’m not careful!

    Yes's! I love Country music all the way up to Keith Urban, and Florida Georgia Line... I worked at what was a Truck Stop called Bacon n Eggs... And Conway Twitty, Loretta Lynn, Patsy Cline, Dolly Parton, George Strait, Oak Ridge Boys,
    Johnny Cash, and many others played day and night on the juke box... Loved those memories.

    That's awesome! I have visited many American truck stops when my husband used to drive truck, I love the atmosphere in them.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Hi all Thanks for the words of encouragement and support.

    I did it! I told him how I felt and said I didn’t feel I could continue. And what then was revealed was really surprising. A whole lot of thoughts he has been having recently and determination to try and better himself and make things work. He said he didn’t want to try and talk his way out of anything but he needed me to know he does think about us and he knows he hasn’t been a good partner recently. And the things he said did make a difference. Maybe not enough to rescue things but definitely enough to make me press pause.

    And I feel like something has shifted in me. Before I spoke to him yesterday I went out in the most gorgeous autumn sunshine intending to have a long walk. And then I decided to try running it. I’m quite fit but have never seen myself as a runner. But I ran the whole two miles and actually enjoyed it! I felt so strong when I got back. It made me realise how far I’ve come. And I still feel strong, and I know I will be ok whether I’m with him or not. I didn’t have this kind of self-reliance or strength when my marriage ended.

    I haven’t left him with an ultimatum or anything dramatic. I think we both need to think about what’s been said. But now he knows exactly how I feel and if I don’t see any improvement I know I can walk away without any ‘what-ifs’.

    So a new week and a new sense of motivation for me.

    Sunday goals recap
    - get some activity ✅ two mile run!
    - Have the conversation ✅
    - Can’t remember if I had another one and I’ve lost my post!

    Monday goals
    - morning workout
    - Meet friend for coffee at 1:30pm
    - Post and paperwork
    - Put away laundry
    - Hot yoga?
    - Early night

    Oh I'm so proud of you! I struggle tremendously taking my own advice and being honest with my husband. I usually end up holding it all in for so long that I explode and then I just sound like a lunatic!

    I think you did the right thing and you'll at least know you were heard if it moves forward or ends.

    RUNNING - I hate running, have since I developed in the chest at 12... boys don't know how to treat young girls and I was so embarrassed, I skipped gym class for the next 3-4 years! I can't bring myself yet to do anything that will bring attention to myself that way. I bet it felt really good to run though!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    edited October 2018
    Weigh-in time... :s

    Goal weight: 154
    October 15th: 164.25
    October 22nd: 167.25

    Not exactly what I was aiming for!!!

    It's also not a surprise. I have been eating way too much, exercising too little and even on the day I exercised I ate back all the calories.

    Need to do some serious evaluation of my habits as clearly I am slipping!

    This week should be easier than the last week as I don't have any socialising booked in, however last week I overate on the days I didn't socialise too (albeit less) so I can't be complacent.

    I'm struggling too, doing the exact same thing overeating and under exercising. I am blaming it on the dark coming early, cool evenings and I just want carbs!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    So it's now 8:30am, got a lot of washing to do today which I'm starting shortly and alot of cleaning. I want everything to get everything neat ready for the next week.

    I managed to have a good think yesterday of what I actually wanted from this journey and how I could achieve this. My motivation is the scale, I'm sick of being stuck where I am now. I need to see the numbers coming down and staying down.

    So I feel like I've reset.

    So today:
    - 8 glasses of water ❎
    - Be in the green✔️
    - Exercise❎
    - Take video of the car❎
    - Update diary with important dates for this week.❎

    Drink 4 glasses of water by lunch✔️
    Log whilst I'm eating to keep up to date✔️
    Charge the pad, select a video before I intend to work out✔️

    Okay so yesterday wasn't perfect but it was a start!
    I was in the green, I did alot of cleaning although didn't manage to finish it all. I only managed 5 glasses of water, but that's still a big improvement! And I followed my tip to drink 4 by lunch time.

    I logged as I ate and I did charge the pad. However I got very tired, I've caught my foot on something and there's a tiny cut but it hurts to put weight on. You wouldn't think it looking at it but it hurts a bit lol.

    I think overall I did well, I wasn't expecting perfection!

    So, onto today..

    - 8 glasses of water
    - Be in the green
    - Exercise
    - Take video of the car
    - Update diary!! Need to do this because I know there's lots of school things coming up like walks, disco, parents evening and school photo!

    That's awesome that you made an improvement it means you were consciously thinking about it!
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member

    I don’t know why but I just haven’t been spending much time on here. Actually I think I do know why. I haven’t been getting up as earlier so I don’t post in the mornings and I haven’t been using my phone as much at work so I don’t have a chance to update at work. I need to make much more of an effort to get back on here and actually participate!

    Things went so much better this past week! The DH is making much more of an effort last week and has been talking to me more. We have been sharing much more then we were the previous few weeks. The beginning of the week was rough at work. It felt like a lets all pile on Hannah week, but the Thursday and Friday were much better. The weekend was really nice as well. Saturday was a Harvest Arts Festival downtown. I worked it for the bank but walked around a lot. Definitely got my steps in. Lol. I closed the bank account that my gym membership was attached to and cant decided if I want to move it to my other account or just let it lapse. My one year contract was up a while ago so I can terminate it any time I want but I was thinking of really starting to go again. I can’t decided. I think that will be something to think about for a few days.

    This week is going to be weird I think. LM is in the Dominican Republic for the week so it’s just me and MG. It’ll be fine because I have a feeling it’s going to be a slow week…all though this day is mindnumbingly slow! It’s only 10:10. I feel like we’ve been here half the day already! I have a few personal things I have to do but I really don’t feel like doing them. Lol.

    Okay. Enough chatter! Onto goals for the day!

    JFT, 10-22-18

    1. Log all food
    2. Eat the lunch I brought! DO NOT ORDER OUT!
    3. Call Dr. D re appointment
    4. Call DH benefits
    5. Look over benefits for next year
    6. Work 8:15-5:15
    8. Dishes right after dinner
    9. Come back here
    10. Bed prep @930
    11. Lights out by @1030
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    JFT - Sunday October 21
    2L of Water - >:) Only 1.5
    Calories in green by 150 - >:)>:)>:) - In red by 600+
    5 fruits and veggies - 1/5
    Walk 1 mile - >:)
    Craft!!! - :) I drew the designs on 4 sets of Harry Potter ornaments, 8 reindeer, and something new we are trying this year 8 sets of 5 Christmas tags.
    Write in Journal - :)
    Stay Focused - :/ I thought about my goals every time before I ate something and ate it anyway... I'm not sure if that is considered focused or not!

    JFT - Monday October 22
    2L of Water
    Calories in Green by 150
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Move hourly at work
    Walk 1 Mile
    Write in Journal

    Yesterday was a great day, I woke up way too early, when back to bed for a nap got up again and then the kids came. We have a good system going now, Lauryn texts me when they are on the way so I put the bacon in the oven. It is pretty much done when they get there and I just have toast and eggs to make. The kids call this second breakfast, we have been having it every Sunday for going on 7 years now. Lauryn's husbands schedule is changing as of next week and he will have Sunday's off. I am hoping this doesn't ruin our Sunday's I will miss it terribly.

    We got a lot going yesterday for the craft fair, but I still feel so far behind! I brought some to work today to work on and I have taken Thursday off. Hopefully I don't run out of stock at the craft fair. I was contacted last night from a lady to do a paint night in her house on November 17th. I have to paint a couple of designs for her to choose from next week. I was hoping to do some of these in the summer to pay for a trip home but it didn't work out. Now I'll have it to add it to the Christmas fund.

    I have a funny Michaela story to share for you Monday morning.

    Last night I made homemade pizza for supper, this is something they eat without a battle and it's healthier and cheaper than ordering in. The Grands have gotten used to having a treat/dessert after supper at my house so when Michaela and I went to the grocery store to get the stuff we needed she asked me if we had a treat. I didn't so I bought a package of bakery cookies, (I should have bought a kind I don't like). When we got up to the cash to pay she picked up two kinder surprise eggs and put them on the belt too. I figured whatever and got them.

    After supper they had their kinder eggs and Rodger helped them put the toy together then he went outside for a minute. While he was outside Michaela "reminds" me of the cookies, (I was actually hoping she had forgotten), I get one for each of them but because they have sprinkles on them I tell her and Jonah they have to sit at the table to have them. Rodger comes back in from outside and notices the cookies so goes to grab one for himself. Michaela pipes up, "you sit, table". Rodger sits at the table and tells her that she is the little girl and he is an adult and she shouldn't tell adults what to do. She looks down at her cookie and says "I love you gampie" in a very soft voice. That was the end of that little lecture!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    I don’t know why but I just haven’t been spending much time on here. Actually I think I do know why. I haven’t been getting up as earlier so I don’t post in the mornings and I haven’t been using my phone as much at work so I don’t have a chance to update at work. I need to make much more of an effort to get back on here and actually participate!

    Things went so much better this past week! The DH is making much more of an effort last week and has been talking to me more. We have been sharing much more then we were the previous few weeks. The beginning of the week was rough at work. It felt like a lets all pile on Hannah week, but the Thursday and Friday were much better. The weekend was really nice as well. Saturday was a Harvest Arts Festival downtown. I worked it for the bank but walked around a lot. Definitely got my steps in. Lol. I closed the bank account that my gym membership was attached to and cant decided if I want to move it to my other account or just let it lapse. My one year contract was up a while ago so I can terminate it any time I want but I was thinking of really starting to go again. I can’t decided. I think that will be something to think about for a few days.

    This week is going to be weird I think. LM is in the Dominican Republic for the week so it’s just me and MG. It’ll be fine because I have a feeling it’s going to be a slow week…all though this day is mindnumbingly slow! It’s only 10:10. I feel like we’ve been here half the day already! I have a few personal things I have to do but I really don’t feel like doing them. Lol.

    Okay. Enough chatter! Onto goals for the day!

    JFT, 10-22-18

    1. Log all food
    2. Eat the lunch I brought! DO NOT ORDER OUT!
    3. Call Dr. D re appointment
    4. Call DH benefits
    5. Look over benefits for next year
    6. Work 8:15-5:15
    8. Dishes right after dinner
    9. Come back here
    10. Bed prep @930
    11. Lights out by @1030

    I'm happy to see you posting, I missed you! Glad to see you and Matt had a better week last week. I understand about slow work days. They seem to last forever! I would much rather be busy.
  • lydiarichards123
    lydiarichards123 Posts: 1 Member
    Just for today:

    Today 145.7
    1400 calories
    Work out

    Start weight on 11/22, 145.7 pounds
    Goal weight by 11/26, 135 pounds

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    Didn't get in here this weekend ... this time of year, life gets so crazy busy. I am trying to finish up a quilt to send my cousin who has stage 3 cancer - it is turning out so pretty, so I am very pleased with it. But I need to get it finished this week, so I can get it sent to her, along with 6 chemo hats and a seatbelt pillow port.
    But ... I've been trying to have salads more for my meals... but too much junk food. Chips, candy, etc. So time to buckle down, and remember what I need to do to lose weight.

    JFT, MONDAY -- another fresh start
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on 8+ cups water
    3. October challenge -- go out for a LONG walk tonite since I skipped the gym
    4. take daughter to doctors appt so I can be present to talk to the doctor
    5. work on quilt tonite
    6. vacuum house
    7. mindful eating!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Saturday
    1. Feed cats. Park run: 2 miles, <30 min. Morning meds. Tea! Log 1 item. Leave for library/Y by 8:30.
    2. Shower. Paint nails? Draft essay.
    3. Check grocery list with D; shopping tomorrow. No burgers unless we already have buns. Find alternate.
    4. Lunch with B. Add Dass 9:20 and McC 10:15 to Monday JFT.
    5. Choose meals. Continue essay. Leave for park by 4:45. Take 4th research essays. Steps to 10k.
    6. Prep Sun meals. Chop celery. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. In bed by 11:45; devices off by 12:00.

    JFT Monday
    1. Rest day - no run. Feed cats. Morning meds. Tea! Log 1 item.
    2. Take books to library. Discussion post.
    3. Dass 9:20. McC 10:15. Are Xrays really helpful? Take How We Learn. Draft essay.
    4. Text parents - lunch? Aldi: cave cheese! Check on how/where to get protein bars.
    5. Input research grades. Brainstorm Malala. Brainstorm Machiavelli.
    6. Change research lessons to unit format.
    7. Strength 4:30. Zumba 5:30. Put laundry away.
    8. Prep Tue lunch - beef stew. Chop celery. Prep cheese. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00; alarm set for 4:50.

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    February 2018: 173.6
    March 2018: 179.6
    July 2018: 189.6
    August 2018: 187.4
    September: 186.4
    Today: 189.2

    Upcoming to-do:
    1. Develop 5PE mini-unit. Use after JC as a sponge; combine with challenge books. Maybe a comparison with another required text? Have students ask a parent or teacher what the most significant text they studied was, and then create a comparison between their challenge book and that text - which has more value and why? Possibly do the one-sheet as an assessment.
    2. Write next blog post. Comment on 3 posts each week -Tu Th Sun?
    3. Keep track of medical stuffs. Dentist? Appt w D 10/22 9:20; McC 10/22 10:15. Also Feb 7 9:30 w Ac Int. Sub already set up.
    4. Convert lesson plans to unit format. Create rubric for one-pager. Revise research checklists!
    5. Check on conference; follow up on seminar proposal. Do research on characteristics: curiosity, persistence, resilience, creativity, responsibility, optimism, courage, integrity, authenticity, leadership, self-awareness, humility, compassion - others? Can poetry unit be condensed?
    6. Go to used bookstore and look for Beauty (McKinley), Design for How People Learn (Julie Dirksen), Dying for a Paycheck (Robin Hardman) and The Prince (tr. Tim Parks).
    7. Put jewelry away. Yikes! Reinforce patches on old pants.
    8. Go to Mac store and see if they can retrieve the files off the iMac.
    9. Make plan for classroom observations; ask other teachers about projects or lessons they feel confident about.
    10. Create vocabulary lists for each unit that come from the texts used. Find a way to incorporate changing words from one part of speech to another.
    11. Design minibuttons with school logo, mascot, crest. Minibuttons that say THIS IS WHAT ANTIFASCISM LOOKS LIKE. White text on black bars on red background.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Weigh-in time... :s

    Goal weight: 154
    October 15th: 164.25
    October 22nd: 167.25

    Not exactly what I was aiming for!!!

    It's also not a surprise. I have been eating way too much, exercising too little and even on the day I exercised I ate back all the calories.

    Need to do some serious evaluation of my habits as clearly I am slipping!

    This week should be easier than the last week as I don't have any socialising booked in, however last week I overate on the days I didn't socialise too (albeit less) so I can't be complacent.

    I'm struggling too, doing the exact same thing overeating and under exercising. I am blaming it on the dark coming early, cool evenings and I just want carbs!

    It's hard isn't it? This week I should be able to fit in more exercise as I am doing 'normal' hours (5 days work in 5 rather than 4).

    Aiming to run to work twice this week, then exercise on both weekend days. It's the first weekend in a while that we're not doing anything - lack of down time has messed with my exercise and energy levels!

    I think I am just going to have to start being stricter with food. Essentially my daily calories are at a level where I easily eat them and can't really say much less. So any 'treats' above that can only really be allowed if I've done (or will shortly do) the exercise to allow them. I think I'm going to have to start thinking about it this way - I've been fooling myself that I have more spare calories than I really have!

    Maybe the same applies to you? Given you've lost quite a bit, you will almost certainly have fewer calories to play with also.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    Weigh-in time... :s

    Goal weight: 154
    October 15th: 164.25
    October 22nd: 167.25

    Not exactly what I was aiming for!!!

    It's also not a surprise. I have been eating way too much, exercising too little and even on the day I exercised I ate back all the calories.

    Need to do some serious evaluation of my habits as clearly I am slipping!

    This week should be easier than the last week as I don't have any socialising booked in, however last week I overate on the days I didn't socialise too (albeit less) so I can't be complacent.

    I'm struggling too, doing the exact same thing overeating and under exercising. I am blaming it on the dark coming early, cool evenings and I just want carbs!

    It's hard isn't it? This week I should be able to fit in more exercise as I am doing 'normal' hours (5 days work in 5 rather than 4).

    Aiming to run to work twice this week, then exercise on both weekend days. It's the first weekend in a while that we're not doing anything - lack of down time has messed with my exercise and energy levels!

    I think I am just going to have to start being stricter with food. Essentially my daily calories are at a level where I easily eat them and can't really say much less. So any 'treats' above that can only really be allowed if I've done (or will shortly do) the exercise to allow them. I think I'm going to have to start thinking about it this way - I've been fooling myself that I have more spare calories than I really have!

    Maybe the same applies to you? Given you've lost quite a bit, you will almost certainly have fewer calories to play with also.

    Exactly what I am going through ... :/
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    Weigh-in time... :s

    Goal weight: 154
    October 15th: 164.25
    October 22nd: 167.25

    Not exactly what I was aiming for!!!

    It's also not a surprise. I have been eating way too much, exercising too little and even on the day I exercised I ate back all the calories.

    Need to do some serious evaluation of my habits as clearly I am slipping!

    This week should be easier than the last week as I don't have any socialising booked in, however last week I overate on the days I didn't socialise too (albeit less) so I can't be complacent.

    I'm struggling too, doing the exact same thing overeating and under exercising. I am blaming it on the dark coming early, cool evenings and I just want carbs!

    It's hard isn't it? This week I should be able to fit in more exercise as I am doing 'normal' hours (5 days work in 5 rather than 4).

    Aiming to run to work twice this week, then exercise on both weekend days. It's the first weekend in a while that we're not doing anything - lack of down time has messed with my exercise and energy levels!

    I think I am just going to have to start being stricter with food. Essentially my daily calories are at a level where I easily eat them and can't really say much less. So any 'treats' above that can only really be allowed if I've done (or will shortly do) the exercise to allow them. I think I'm going to have to start thinking about it this way - I've been fooling myself that I have more spare calories than I really have!

    Maybe the same applies to you? Given you've lost quite a bit, you will almost certainly have fewer calories to play with also.

    I have been struggling with everything it seems. No energy for exercise, not hungry but eating anyway and eating way too much when I am eating. I was doing really well at keeping it all together for a while, but since the weather turned crappy in August I have been struggling. I know I don't have the calories and decide to eat anyway.
    My goal was to be 170 by September, here it is almost November and I'm still hovering around the 180 mark some days under most days over. My next goal was 160 by February, I need to get at this seriously and I'm not sure where to find the energy for the exercise that will allow me to eat to contentment.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    October Challenge - Daily Mile

    Oct 1: N/A
    Oct 2: N/A
    Oct 3:✔️
    Oct 4:✔️
    Oct 5:✔️
    Oct 6:❎
    Oct 7:❎
    Oct 8:❎
    Oct 9:✔️
    Oct 10:❎
    Oct 11:✔️
    Oct 12:✔️
    Oct 13:❎
    Oct 14:❎
    Oct 15:✔️
    Oct 16:❎
    Oct 17:✔️
    Oct 18: ✔️
    Oct 19:✔️
    Oct 20:✔️
    Oct 21:❎
    Oct 22:✔️
    Oct 23:
    Oct 24:
    Oct 25:
    Oct 26:
    Oct 27:
    Oct 28:
    Oct 29:
    Oct 30:
    Oct 31:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Weekly weigh-ins

    Oct 8: 180
    Oct 16: 181
    Oct 23:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    You ever have one of those days where everything just piles up on something else?!
    Today is that day.
    Well from 3pm it has been. I did my Daily Mile (actually 2 miles) it's a 1 mile walk to the school and 1 mile back. It took me 10 minutes to walk to the school, moderate pace but not exactly rushing.
    Left the school gates at around 20 past 3. Got home at 10 past 4.
    Yep, that long. And I know they're just kids but Marley moaned all the way home and when we walked passed the park she screamed continually until we got back. If I knew how to post videos on here you'd understand that after listening to that scream why I would have a headache.
    No problem, go get a ibuprofen, non left, okay cup of tea, no milk. House is a tip. The screaming from the girls fighting continued from 4pm til 7pm.
    I could feel myself about to blow up at everyone, literally everyone. I felt like a raging bull lol! So I went in the garden for a vape.
    And then
    The cherry on top.. . Flo.
    Well maybe flo, I have a coil so don't really get them but it seems to be and I atleast have the cramps.

    Casey is so wriggly now. She's so so close to crawling, she gets in the crawl position now and then sits back on her knees but she just won't move lol! But she can push herself up with her legs when trying to clamber up me!
    Either way I need more than just eyes in the back of my head! Bar strapping her down I don't know how else to keep her still for just a moment!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,500 Member
    Busy weekend & work day, now time for JFT & lots of new posts! Will read later, for now recapping the weekend and posting JFT for my own accountability:

    Recap F 10/19
    1) Yay! Alarm annoyed me properly at 5:30 this morning & walked dog before appt./work / 3.69 mi 1:06:11 / stretched = happy dog :smiley: & happy me :smiley: Got confirmation this week from two other early a.m. walkers that dog & I are very visible in the dark (one person even referred to me as a Xmas tree LOL) with all our LED & high vis gear on. Glad to hear! :D
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work (forgot to put on Fitbit :# for dog walk so will use MapMyWalk step count for that part of day) = total steps 16,441 & 250+ steps 14/14 boom! :smiley:
    3) Meals & snacks prelogged w/ wiggle room (yay) / stick w/ plan & net calories green / 12c water = Net calories -26 :| , sodium -891 :s , sugar -2 :neutral: , fiber good :smiley: , protein excellent :smiley: & 12c water :smiley:
    4) To-do's: balance bank accounts :smiley: / update budget s/s :smiley: / write check for Honda pymt. :smiley: / wash load of whites :smiley: / wash dishes :s / fill food drive bag for Sat. a.m. :smiley: / Go Brewers! :smiley: / anything else? :smiley: yes, a few
    5) Unplug 9:00 :smiley: / floss ??? / retainers ??? / bed & TV off 30 min. after game ends :smiley: (Sat. a.m. walk dog & leave for mom & dad's 10:00 ~ decided I have enough produce for now & will skip farmers market ~ next week's is last one! :'( )

    Recap Sat. ~ hubby worked 12 hours overtime :( so I was on my own ~ car time 3 hrs & visit mom & dad & aunt <3:smiley:
    1) Walked dog 3.72 mi 1:05:10 & saw 11 turkeys crossing road = happy dog :smiley: & happy me :smiley: Fitbit 12,114 steps, 250+ steps 5/14 & 39 floors :smile:
    2) Ate lunch out (ok) and leftovers for supper. Then emotional/stress snacked while Brewers lost game 7 :'( of NLCS & I did not log >:)

    Recap Sun. ~ hubby still working OT all day and no Packers game so I went to see First Man
    1) Bible class & church :smiley:
    2) Washed dishes / rinsed & refilled birdbaths / picked up sticks from last wind :smiley: all before movie
    3) Walked dog after movie / 4.3 mi 1:16:22 = happy dog :smiley: & happy me :smiley: Fitbit 15,867 steps, 250+ steps 9/14 & 30 floors :smiley:
    4) Hubby finally home :smiley: so washed load of darks :smiley: then after supper I went to special movie at church where they had snacks... I ate small bowl of popcorn & 1 small cookie = Net calories -113 :( , sodium -1,329 (ack!) :s , sugar -15, fiber & protein low-ish :( & 10c water :|

    JFT M 10/22
    1) Walked dog before work / 3.49 mi 1:02:19 / stretched = happy dog :smiley: & happy me :smiley:
    2) Maintained composure o:) & L&C meeting went very well ~ helped immensely by fact that my asst. manager showed up about 30 minutes late :mrgreen:
    3) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    4) Meals & snacks sort of planned / prelog as much as possible / net calories green / 12c water
    5) Evening to-do's
    6) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / verify/set alarm, bed & TV off 10:20 (walk dog T a.m. before work)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Last post I swear LOL

    Marley has a "unicorn wand" and basically it's just a ball on a stick and there's lights inside that spin around.
    Casey likes eating it..