How do I stop post dinner snacking???



  • madambra01
    madambra01 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you everyone, I am trying the idea of saving calories for night snacking and I really love the idea of portioning out snacks in baggies and having them ready !!! Wish me luck!!!
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    Other than some of the previous suggestions, I keep my hands busy - I do a few different handcrafts, and wouldn't want to get food on my projects. (makes me feel like my TV time is semi-productive too)
    Or sometimes I paint my nails - nail polish and food don't go so well together.
  • erjones11
    erjones11 Posts: 422 Member
    My night time snacks are my most important meal. I always save calories for it and usually too many. I usually eat a very low calorie breakfast and lunch. Then a bigger dinner and snacks throughout the night. My way works for me.
    madambra01 wrote: »
    Thank you everyone, I am trying the idea of saving calories for night snacking and I really love the idea of portioning out snacks in baggies and having them ready !!! Wish me luck!!!

  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I think that’s a problem a lot of us have. There’s no magic solution. I save calories for the evening snack or two. Always half cup ice cream for calcium and either popcorn or cheese and crackers. Hot chocolate is good and few calorie.
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    countcurt wrote: »
    madambra01 wrote: »
    I cannot seem to get out of this habit and it screws up all the good eating I did during the day!!! Help!!!

    1. Stop labeling eating 'good'. Because then there must be 'bad' eating. So, on top of making choices that aren't beneficial to your weight loss, you then have to beat yourself up for being naughty.
    2. Take a good look at your daytime eating. Are you eating too much at night because you're not eating enough during the day? Or you're eating enough but not of things that keep you satisfied? Or are you eating too much and not leaving yourself enough calories to satisfy evening hunger? Or none of the above?
    3. If you find yourself much more able to attend to your tracking and keep eating in check earlier in the day, you may want to consider changing your 'tracking' day to start at 6 pm. This may be particularly helpful if you tend to hoard calories early in the day because you're worried about running out. I know that it is much easier for me to hold firm on a decision not to eat something earlier in my tracking day.
    4. As has been pointed out by at least one other poster, it's possible to make things worse by not having a snack and then trying to sleep while hungry. This never ends well. I have this particular trait which only means I know I need to have a snack before going to bed unless I had a late dinner. So you'll need to figure out if this applies to you.

    I’m intrigued by this idea. Have you done this yourself and found it helpful? I’m trying to wrap my head around how that would work.
  • _aenyeweddien_
    _aenyeweddien_ Posts: 102 Member
    the only thing that works for me is keeping myself busy lol....

    If I feel like I'm going to give in, I usually have some vanilla coke zero, I know it's not healthy but if it's gonna stop me from munching extra 500kcal, then it's a lesser of two evils ;)
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    I plan for an after dinner snack. It's part of my daily overall calories, I ensure to leave 100 calories at least for a snack before bed.
  • MDProctor
    MDProctor Posts: 10 Member
    I've started having a protein shake and going to bed shortly after. Does a great job stabilizing BS overnight and I wake up earlier. Sort of a win-win for me.
  • countcurt
    countcurt Posts: 593 Member
    edited October 2018
    I’m intrigued by this idea. Have you done this yourself and found it helpful? I’m trying to wrap my head around how that would work.

    Back when tracking was all done on paper, this was a little easier. I did WW and was a 'points hoarder'. So whatever the end of my day was found me with lots of points. Which I sometimes would use recklessly. The difference for me in reframing the day being that I had much more structured activity in the afternoon (read: fewer opportunities for mindless overeating), so I could wind down before the next 'day' started.

    On MFP, all you would need to do is set an 'artificial' time after which everything gets tracked on the following day's log. I would advise only that one pick a consistent time so that there are fewer opportunities for gaming.

    I would also add that I'm Jewish and it's also possible that because many of our observances and celebrations begin and end at sundown this paradigm was very easy for me to internalize.
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 822 Member
    You’ve gotten some good ideas here. mine are: eat later, eat more at dinner, plan to have a little snack, go and do something else, water! More water! Tea or other hot beverage to help you feel full.
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    I almost always have a snack at night. Just make sure it's within your limits. If you can't do that, either don't buy snacks or chew gum. It helps me because I know it's more of the chewing sensation that I want rather than being hungry or actually "snack-y." I like the cinnamon ones but there's now birthday cake, sweedish fish, etc flavors of gym and they really help cut down the extra eating. Or try some hard candy, like Werthers if youre looking for something sweet. Savory rice cakes if you're into salty snacks.
  • DeniseWilson43
    DeniseWilson43 Posts: 87 Member
    It is so hard for sure, I keep sugar free hard candy next to bed side, if salty u want half palm size salted peanuts , apple sauce a cup or yogurt, or grapes next bed side. All these things wil help going over bored as trying prevent night snacking not realistic but doing healthy delft portion control is ps I put a friend request in for ya have a Great Night Denise
  • RealWorldStrengthLLC
    I have a huge problem with being hungry later in the day - I combat this by shifting calories around and having nothing but 2 protien shakes (one breakfast, one post gym) and a few levies of fruit between waking up and 4pm. At 4 I have lunch, around 8 I have dinner, and around 11 I have my bedtime snack.