November 2018 Monthly Running Challenge



  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,013 Member
    zeesparrow wrote: »
    Since you're a self-professed bunch of enablers, I'm not sure you're the right group to ask. But I'd love to know your thoughts on how realistic (or not) my current plan might be?

    Bit of history... I didn't run until 2010 when I finished C25K, then built up to a max of 15-20 mpw. I apparently run for 6 months or so? Then stop... and start over again 2 years later. I've done this program 3 or 4 times now.

    So. Now at almost 48 years old, I'm in the middle of C25K yet again. Trying to keep this brief... here's the plan:

    Nov, virtual 5k
    Mar, 5 mile race
    Apr 7, 10k

    May 5, 12k
    May 12, 5k?
    June 9, 10k?
    July 4, ... half?

    Bold I want to do for sure. Italicized are questionable. Training would be C25K, followed by 30-40 minutes twice a week with a long run increasing by half a mile every week or two until Feb. Then an actual 10k plan, with longer runs in April. And then, jump in the middle of a 12-week HM plan finishing with the half in July.

    Ummmmm. That sounds crazy to me now. I've never even considered running 10 miles before. But... it almost looks doable. Maybe. What do you guys think?

    Sounds reasonable to me (and not in an "enabling" way). With anything, monitor how you're feeling as you go through it and be ready to rework your goals if you need/want to.
  • zeesparrow
    zeesparrow Posts: 348 Member
    @midwesterner85, @sarahthes, thank you.
    Sounds reasonable to me (and not in an "enabling" way). With anything, monitor how you're feeling as you go through it and be ready to rework your goals if you need/want to.

    That's a good point. It will depend on how my body reacts to the added stress, and whatever else "life" throws my way in the meantime. I'll keep flexibility in mind. Thanks.
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    @zeesparrow your age is not an issue. I started running at 48 years old having NEVER run before and was 50 pounds overweight. Less than 6 months after I started running, I ran my first half marathon. A year after I started running I ran my first full marathon. Less than 2 years after I started I ran my first ultra.

    You CAN do it! Week to week consistency is key.

    Yeah, consistency has been my struggle in the past. Checking in here has been helpful with that, so far. :smile:

    I mentioned my age cause I've read that I might need to increase mileage slower than someone in, say, their 20's. Increased possibility of injury by doing too much, too fast, or without enough rest time to recover. I do have an addictive personality to the point of obsessing about "the next new thing"... running is that thing right now. So bouncing my ideas off others with more experience can sometimes help me keep myself in check.
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    Of course right after I posted this ^^^ I found the discussion!

    Thank you!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,012 Member
    November goal: 75 miles

    11/1: 4.1 miles

    4.1/75 miles completed

    I had a really nice 4.1 mile run this morning. It was 46F feels like 43F which I thought might be a little too cold for me, but ended up being really nice. I'm not usually much of a cold weather person. But I was dressed properly and I felt really good. I think it helped that it was clear. It rained all day yesterday and I think the cold would have been worse if it had been wet. I debated running at lunch, but since I have a 5K coming up next weekend I figured I should practice running in the cold some just in case. I don't really mind running at lunch when it is cool and I enjoy the sunshine, but I do have to cut my runs short at lunch and then there are the logistics of changing/showering and getting something to eat and getting back to work on time. I'm trying to be flexible about my runs this winter and yesterday was a tough day and I did not sleep well on Tuesday night, so I told myself that if I slept poorly again I would just run at lunch. It was nice to have the option, but I got up pretty easy this morning, and it was also nice to get the run done before work. I'm actually looking forward to switching back to standard time so it won't be quite so dark in the morning. It is beautiful out there right now and I am stuck at my desk.


    2018 races:
    5/19/18: Run for 57th AHC Half Marathon - 2:43:59.7. - 2nd place AG
    10/6/18: Old Rip 5K Run - PR 29:43.5, 2nd place AG
    11/10/18: Wags & Whiskers 5K
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I keep failing to meet my goal, so I'm cutting it back to 186 miles this month. Even then, that might not happen.

    My plan is to run the Route 66 Marathon (Tulsa) as my last race this year. Then I'm going to switch to losing body fat / trying to lean out before next year. I'll probably run during the last half of the month after switching, but will be slower and might even end up cutting back.

    This year??? 2018? Tulsa has a great running community. If you do it next year, we may put that on on the books and catch up with you. We did Jenks a few years back. I was 4-5 months post Nerve impingment surgery. That was dumb. But great course and folks.
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    Looks like today will be a rest day, thanks to the rain and cold.
    Intervals tomorrow.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Has anyone ever used/ played in the RunBet app? My daughter did it while training for the Big Sur Marathon but then got hurt and had to drop out at like 14 weeks -with just a few weeks to go. She paid $60 and if she did the required # of runs each week, she would get to split the pot at the end.

    I just emailed them to ask if they are going to have a Holiday Streak RunBet.
    Sorry if this has been discussed... even though I'm on here I just don't have time to read everything. You guys are all just too amazing!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    Has anyone ever used/ played in the RunBet app? My daughter did it while training for the Big Sur Marathon but then got hurt and had to drop out at like 14 weeks -with just a few weeks to go. She paid $60 and if she did the required # of runs each week, she would get to split the pot at the end.

    I just emailed them to ask if they are going to have a Holiday Streak RunBet.
    Sorry if this has been discussed... even though I'm on here I just don't have time to read everything. You guys are all just too amazing!

    I did the Run with Meb challenge this summer. It was $40 and I "won" less than $2. I haven't cashed out yet in case I decide to do another one but I'm not 100% sure it's worth it for such little return. Based on the number of people that played vs completed I think it should have been more but apparently their fees are super high.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I keep failing to meet my goal, so I'm cutting it back to 186 miles this month. Even then, that might not happen.

    My plan is to run the Route 66 Marathon (Tulsa) as my last race this year. Then I'm going to switch to losing body fat / trying to lean out before next year. I'll probably run during the last half of the month after switching, but will be slower and might even end up cutting back.

    This year??? 2018? Tulsa has a great running community. If you do it next year, we may put that on on the books and catch up with you. We did Jenks a few years back. I was 4-5 months post Nerve impingment surgery. That was dumb. But great course and folks.

    @Elise4270 Yes, 2018. It's coming up Nov. 18 if my calendar is correct. After that, I'll still run, but going to probably have to slow down and/or cut back as I try to lose body fat.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    AprilRN10 wrote: »
    I am in the 100 mile club again for November. I ran 120 miles in October and would have run more if not for temporary sidelining.

    What have I done for my future self?

    I became a healthy weight from morbidly obese.

    I started running and lifting weights.

    I am furthering my education.

    @hanlonsk Thank you for the recommendation and for tagging me here as I had not seen this thread yet.

    @Avidkeo I hear you. I used to wear a 44F. I lost 115 pounds (found 15 of them again) and now wear a 38C.

    Oh I wish I was a C! 32f is frustrating cause apparently you aren't supposed to have big boobs if you are a size 10/12. Grrr. I started as a G at my heaviest so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. If I had a spare 15k, I'd get a reduction. Fortunately I don't get any medical problems from them - or unfortunately cause if I did then I'd be covered.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hi all, 10k this morning and it felt great after the tightness and pain the last couple of days. So far my back is feeling a lot better - I got a yoga session in last night and it definitely seemed to help. I'm a little tight still in my hip flexors but nothing serious whew. So lesson is it will probably take a week to recover from the HM, so go easy on your self.

    With 2 weeks to go, im wondering what do I do after it. I want to keep up my ability to run as I have a run mapped out every 3 months. What do you all do? Just run what you feel like with a long run on the weekend? I assume long runs of around 15-16ks are good to keep HM conditioning? I could jump into an intermediate plan, cause I like having a plan to follow, and I feel like im moving up now (though that will depend how the HM actually goes).