Serial Starters



  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    edited November 2018
    Good morning, all!

    Boot Camp Challenge is a miserable thing. Only two more weeks of this torture. This experience has cemented my belief that yoga is the only way for me.

    I have hit a stall. I've kept the Keto Lifestyle as best I can. Even turned down lots of treats at our Halloween Snack Day yesterday. Today, I will likely have issues with my lunch. An old friend is taking me to a buffet, but I will watch my portions and not sweat the carbs. Sometimes it's about enjoying the company.

    Edit to add: I came to tell you my NSV! I have one more notch on my FitBit Band before I will have to get a medium instead of the large that is on it now.

    SW 222
    CW 200
    GW 190 by Thanksgiving
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Happy November! Wow...November. Part of me would like to beat myself up for another November and still up and down with weight. But I am done beating myself up. Learning and trying to respect myself, my body and the food I put in it. Trying not to deprive and binge later. One day, one meal at a time. Evaluate why I am eating, am I hungry and will the food in my hand satisfy me. So with that said I am up this week in my weigh in. Not unexpected. I fluctuate every month 1-5 pounds based on cycle. Also made some bad choices in the past week. So moving forward and not looking back. That is all we can do right?
    Twiley - great NSV!
    Sara - enjoy the fall weather. Ours got colder, but it is sunny out. Most of the leaves are down around here.
    To all that come by later - Hello!
    HW - 209
    Up 1.6 from last week.
    39 weeks to wedding!
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    Happy November all - it's definitely weird to say that!

    Twiley - That is a GREAT NSV! Congrats!

    Lynn - I am trying to learn to stop beating myself up too. It's not good or fair to me, but it's also counterproductive in that it does nothing to truly motivate me to be better. It just makes me feel worse. I like your attitude.

    Ended up working late yesterday because my boss asked me to do something an hour before I left that had to be done for today - ugh! Didn't get my walk in. Went a bit over my calories, but not too bad. I'm just not doing as well as I'd like. It's like as soon as I go home from work, I forget about my goals and do the opposite of what I want to do!

    Going to make a healthy dinner and try to get that freaking walk in tonight!

    Hello to all! :)
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    total steps 10658 feet soaked in epsom salt/lavender and bedding in dryer. Going for comforts

    Wishing all a good night.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    broke a tooth, had it fixed today. jaw really hurting tonight. stayed under calorie count but didn't get my walk/run in. hopefully tomorrow I will feel better and get exercise.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member

    Good morning, TGIF

    Twiley - yes it does and double the NSV as you were under extreme stress. Hope he shows up today....Doing happy dance for your onederland weigh in.

    Now to get my scale to behave. Have Epsom salts with lavender to soak feet, may get into that habit more often.

    Chatterbox at work has nobody across from her to aim her endless opinions to - lady went on vacation. Amazing what more quiet will do for production.

    Baked potato with chili/cheese at work. Tried pickled radish yesterday - will have that again (Thai salad at work was the special).

    Kathryn, short term loss but so glad you got your tooth fixed some people dont and boy does it get worse.

    QOTD: How can we treat ourselves today?

    AOTD: Usually for me it is sweets but too much this week, so maybe a cup of chai tea? Or maybe a longer walk? Hmmm we shall see.

    Wave to all who follow. TGIF.
  • misaq611
    misaq611 Posts: 22 Member
    Few years ago I made the ultimate change in my life by losing 50lbs in 2 years
    But after a collapse in my life I started to gain that annoying fats around my belly
    I am in another journey to get fit again
    All hail to your support
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    Happy Friday Everyone!

    Tracy - Congratulations on Onederland!!!!!!! That is SO great.

    I am trying to find a way out of my deep funk of late. Maybe walking in the rain? Sara, I wish I could walk with you. 😰



    no scale check today Boo hoo
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    TGIF, Indeed!

    enterdanger - CONGRATS! Fantastic job. I bet you do feel better!
    Kathryn - Hope you feel better soon! Glad you got the tooth taken care of though!
    Twiley - Congrats on entering Onederland! You should be proud.
    Tilliesmommy - Great job on your steps!
    misaq611 - WELCOME to the group! We've all been there - currently in a similar situation. I had previously lost about 25 lbs, and then regained 30...

    Happy, Happy Friday to all!

    Have leftovers from my dinner last night for lunch today - made a garlic and white wine pasta with brussel sprouts and chicken last night. It was basically a lighter fettucini, with the sauce made from almond milk, nutritional yeast, some parmesan, and some white wine. It was SO good. Brought a small serving today along with some fresh bell peppers and carrots.

    AOTD: How can I treat myself? This morning I allowed myself to get an Iced "Buzz" coffee from our local coffee shop. I also get to leave work early today, so I think I might treat myself to a nap before a nice, relaxing evening.

    Hope everyone has a fabulous day!
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    Hi! I'm new :) I restart every so often because I fall off the sugar wagon BIG TIME. Some people say sugar can't be a true addiction, but I promise you it is. I'm always thinking about it. When I start eating it I can't stop. I hide the amount I eat from people around me. I let it affect my health and wellbeing. But it's going to end. I've recently decided instead of doing an overall weight loss, I'm going to increase exercise and decrease refined sugars. Ideally, I'll be off refined sugars for several months, but in reality there are a bunch of holidays coming up and I still want to live my life!

    Because of my slip-ups, I had lost 15 pounds, gained back 5, lost 4, gained back 2. Overall I've now lost a total of 12 pounds, almost back to where I was in March of this year. My goal is to lose 8-13 pounds starting today.

    AOTD: Instead of sugary drinks or candy, I can have tea with local honey or spend time reading (or both!) to treat myself.

    ErynVee - Napping sounds amazing! Good for you!
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited November 2018
    Jaw still achy but better than last night, however did find out that chewing is not painless this morning. That changed up breakfast & lunch plans for sure!

    AOTD: I plan to get some walking and/or running in today as a "treat". The office is practically empty so the gym should be as well.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Twiley510 wrote: »
    Happy Friday!!

    It really is! I found onederland. Not by much, but I'll take it.

    My lunch date stood me up. Wednesday night, he said lunch tomorrow, but meant Friday (today). So, instead of breaking my diet, I had a low carb burger. Does that make it a NSV? 🍔

    Wishing everyone a fantastic day and a safe, relaxing weekend!

    SW 222
    CW 199.8
    GW 190 by Thanksgiving

    Congrats on making it to Onederland!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Steps 10515- may get a stationary bike to work out in bad weather.

    Wishing all a good night. My treat includes cuddling up with dog sooner.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    SATURDAY Good morning All~~

    Heavens to Betsy - Where is Sara??? Sara, maybe all of those steps are giving you good sleep? Please don't tell us of a computer malfunction.

    *tossing sunglasses and steamy novel onto lounge chair for later*


    242.4 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Sara was sleeping in and forgot until she almost left to start her errand list.

    Extra trip this afternoon to pharmacy. Lady I know is expecting and wants neutral colors so I will do a little yarn "shopping online" just to see which company has what.

    Miss T is looking so sweet - she wants me to go away on my errands. BBL.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    edited November 2018
    Hate it when all ready for nap and then cant sleep. See a stationary bike from Target online - cannot just buy as I need to move/donate furniture first but something on the to do list. Add that to my walking and I will not recognize myself - scary.

    Missy!! Just nice to see you check in - it is supposed to be 81 and not feeling anything like November. We may be having that Christmas under that Palm Tree of Lana's yet. Your stats look good.

    Know the mgmt where I eat Saturdays. I have been going for more than a decade.... asked about Thanksgiving meals and they do not list a dinner for 4 for 35.00. I need to order early and I will the weekend before and pick up Wednesday of that week -that takes care of that part of the puzzle, now what food do I want this week? Chicken fried rice is a contender.

    Someone I know made me a Cheddar/jalapeno/thyme/dried tomato bread. I will share some as it is monstrous, but wowie good stuff. He also gave me a woman's bicycle seat in the movement towards a stationary bicycle - he ordered one for his father and he flat out refused to use it. So it is an early birthday present.

    Need to run recycles out before I plop myself in front of TV and knit more.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    total steps 7996 early bedtime means with daylight savings I get an extra hour!!! Bring it on

    Wishing all a good night.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog fussing most of night, so hoping for more sleep today. We have an apt this morning, so with any luck Vet can help.

    Chicken fried rice is the dinner to make. Just couldnt think of anything else.

    Wave to all who follow.